Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Feb 1921, p. 4

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Being the most democratic bunch of men ever afiiliating themselves for one cause. representing every shade )f religious opinion. nvery stmta of the towns social structure. and having a morale which would have been the‘ wonder of an ofl'icer of the regular army, it was natural that they be called on for many duties aside from their original one. They were often walled on and never found wanting. (I: was their cheerful carrying out of the tub assigned them which devel- cped into what is known as “the Co. B. Spirit." It is a spirit of unsel- fish work for the common good, a spirit of self-sacrifice. of devotion in During [ho war tivr-I'r- “'8‘ our or- ;ranization in the villam‘ lT‘HpOflaib'P note than any other for Downers ~1rove's record in every drive, whe- ther for Liberty Bonds. for soldier :ervice or for some local project and this organization was Company H of the. 2d Regiment, Illinois Reserve‘ Militia. I a power for good m in tho [Initwl States and the principlv mason for their grvamoss is the fart that “my are not dominah‘d and will nut hv iominatnd either by their ndwnisora .r any on» else. A wal newspaper man would rathrr logo hiw I'HUH‘ bus- nois than give up in this on» parti-i ular. J angler the Md for the organiza- tion lad panned fur-seeing men who The pronto.“ thing in Ur' l’nih-«l ital»: today is tho fH-o "rt-M. In no 1th" country aro thr- m-Wspflpelx‘ as :nteresting, as unbiased. and as gmal ‘rie: to FORCE us In do ("nothing hy holding a club nf unmo kind at nher over our hu-ml. uu- n-fmo to be forced. 'rie: to FORCE Th“ 5.- nut llu- I‘nJ lims' in "w I'M-wry of am nmnvcuun \HUI ‘l‘lw 'loportcr that m' Imrn zum- Hun an «Infinite ~imflm‘ tu lhi‘. l'rnph- nh‘ ”"1“!!er In Wop (ho-u "apt-r ! up clicl not print '1 (‘vrhnm (hing 1nd tn stop it if “1' did. So “0 u.~< II") fallow Hu- lliflnl“: Inf um um; mic-mm and "ir'e‘flfl‘l' l-Htin‘h nul- -Mr intcrfiu-nrv, myrrh"; ~u of in .hr form of an (hm-at. This Ila-u "M Man that “0 mt rm! «inc-n in «up restion fur Un- houwmnm of tho ‘ommnniu‘s pawn. 0: Hunt m- Imu- wvr-r follow-NI mm. of our :n-auk‘r'x' «Ions; simply ”mt “ht-n mmwmn How long would woplo in m-noral “elbow anything printed in m-wapn- new M‘ the polity of tlw puNlcatlnn .r what was pdntgvd tlwmin um dic- Ialnl hr any man ur any group "I “On? That h Nu» nvuum fur am or he first mum in uqumw: making â€"â€""thl‘ editor 5.- flu' final n-url un what she” and what .«lmll nu! hr ,rinlwl‘” l We have received not I va hoqum .ul, Incidently. a few brick baht, for publishing last week the nmunl of QM laid on Um pm» of “African toll.” and this naturally brim up 'he "nation of flu- right» a! “w on”. no mun In wMt humbli- wny I mix to aliawmumu- mu printrd rord. ”ted at the Downers Grove Post Ofleo .- second class mail matter. Advertising rates made known upon application. Sumptlon rates 32.00 per year. Single copies 6c. Dinner- Gme. Illinois. 3â€"7 w- vâ€"â€"'â€"â€" w- u â€" â€"vv . t """ tion laud panned {amazing men who and ovary hid-y mania: from tin had semd in the tanks being loath .50- of I19 Burners Glove Publish to see that spirit pass away. con- 3 COMEDY. 37__ 5401:“! lain mpeived the idea of preserving it for AN l’STRAMMElfiD PRESS Till-I (‘0. H SPIRIT C. II. STAATI. EDITOR MICKIE SAYS: the future good of the community. --" This was aocomplhdned last Friday ‘cvening at the first annual meeting H of the Veterans Association of Co. H. pom.Wlth this association as a nucleus, tn" having cenain unforgotable memories “9°” to hold them together, and gathering 32.00 around them those in the vlllqge who are striving for better things for "“ Downers Grove, we should have am organization which can carry thru‘ anything they start. _ We tum no way of knowing nud.rapml and injuml by lnuuflich-nt! torohubly ncwr will tnaw. that eI-'fumt.<. TM rt-mlutlom- nn- u- 'ul-,‘ ‘ fart thin gem-unity luau upon the w-‘lom: ' ‘ thumb. Thin much «a do know. H "“v Uh' editor» WM! wvw -u HmH tlu- rMMN-n who mviw tho (and llfl“.)' imitnl by Dr. Kinky to mw-t In. low that Mmflmm turninlml Uw (‘Immpuizn um Friday. January 2“,, Mum-Wuhan to put-clumsy It withwtrniuh tn utrnd om "and“ for flu" 'xmy thought a! a "turn. that mm- .nlvumw a! Irma prrmittml m mo} ‘u ulhm run have mum: but (lunt'lhv splrmlkl wmk bring olnur by nur' Au their mild: for w. jgrmt Stntl- Mutational ituntitutlvms.§ IMI‘MM (hm-o pmplr «lid nublg in.“ i.» u womlmrul innpbntinm In hum 3‘ IM~ drive. No quat'oo of it. Wn nn'iul' tlu- mummmitk- mar )‘nung failu- mow than prowl than \w can hr of air ulwn to obtain an «Int-Minn II-, WM‘ ‘0 wam‘atulatv "1“" {0" “‘0 "r'. Hilton.- 0! Illinois ncuupupm.» “ho ficlcnt “’8" "I “Nth they gnlhcrwl 1" U. "ml Um lnhcrniu of llllm-lu to, h“ "M."- fxct hnt lmml information mum-rm Mou- Mpecinll) do \n- tlmnk Hum 'ing the condition to! the University” who gave, no math-r how lam m was“! rvmlutiom mmmemlinx tlu- ltow «mall the amount. to this worth) [lmtitutimu for the work bring «low -'1 cause. It nhous that Downer» (now almuz Mutational nml unearth linu.‘ mlo haw that sum! of dut) to} anal w-ltml tlwir fullou editor» to um their followmen, mun tho mung thou- .llllnul- people. tlnmuxh the voltmm»l Hutch! of mile» mu). “Mt-h 'u (Elwin-jot thelr hem-pawn. of Mn! the 1 nl tinnity. mom and uimylv. ‘uwlty by doing and lurk lt I» humu- Wc law no way «If knowing owl’s-amml nml injuml by lm-uflirk-ntl pmlmbly ncwr will hum. that e!-’fuml-. Tlu- romlutlom- urr u- lul-, fut-t CM: uvm-nuity lmu upon the w- ‘lmw: ‘ The solicitors did their part won- derfully. working until Ilwir allow-l torriwty hm! Mu covered uml w.- wish to congratulate them for the n-f~ “dent way in which they Ramon-d in the fund». In the drive which has just rinsed hour for the 1100er fund, mun.- lhan‘ 92,000 was subscribed. In the words of Mrs. M. H. Prim-o. chairman of. [the Inca] mmmittw. “I'L-oplo met us, more than half way in trying to do; their share for the unfortunate W! plea of Europe." I More than 200 children in Central Europe, through the gn-nomsiu' of Downers Grove people, will know tha- Ilifl'creuco this winter and next sum- mm- between slowly starring tn «lvulh and having (enough food to koe-p lhviu littlv bodies strong. WE CONGRATULATE YOl' PEOPLE OF "OWNERS GROVE The Co. H Spirit can take an al- ready good town and make a we" nigh perfect one out of it. The or- ganization, we understand. is open to anyone who supported it, either by ‘money. contributions (it grow! wiil, (luring “It? days when they wow tho khaki. If you have been contemplating building anything? and have held off because of the hight cost of lum- berâ€"do not defer your plansâ€"- Other items entering: in the cost of home-huildim are labor, plumbing. rennent. plaster. and man) other things. The cast of lumber has been generally referred to as the principle roam" fur putting all building It is true that lumber during the war and immod- lutely after was high in price and hard to yet. HUT-â€" and the Cost of Building COME IN AND LET US TALK IT OVER Lord Lumber company IN NORMAL TIMES ONLY ABOUT 30 PER CENT OF THE COST OF HOUSES WAS INFLFDED UNDER “LUMBER." THE PRICE 0!" LUMBER HAS BEEN MATERIALLY REDUCED -â€" IN ALL KINDS â€"â€" ON AN AVERAGE 0!" AP- PROXIMATELY 10 PER CENT. Lumber is Not High Lumber DOWNERS GROVE “P0 " Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J 2 In both talks last Saturday ('01. '(L'opk-y came out flat-fooled (or the :udjustml mmpnnsuliun for ex-servico 'mm'l, known as tho “soldier Donut?" 'uml gave his r-asons for his stand 20“ the matter. They are excellont mum and we [mph to have space next 2wmzk {or their publication. I'm-:- anoint-lam A! Media: Culling Mlution (o Fin-Mill Need: 0! "Ir Ins-mutton. Mr. Copley emphasized the new! at thi~' limc- of n cmnpmhcnsive program uf wmk, not only for the individual. but .ur all business. H0 (014! of what (‘ullgl‘l‘h's plum (0 do in Hu- \\'1;;' nl' umnlizinu taxes and how tlli.~ is to he ucwuuplishml. ILLINOIS EDITORS APPEAL T0 PEOPLE TO HELP UNIV’RSI'I'Y Those who heard Congressman I. C. Copley's hits last Saturday a! the Farmers’ Institute and later at the banquet at the Whenton Cafe. hive been congratulating themselves and the 11th district on having a man of his caliber rcpxeseuting us in these iroubuious times. The accumulated years of business experience and his long service in the House, make the 1Congressman one of the moat valu- able of men on the Ways and Means! Committee of which he is the Senior member. it is this committee which is now working on the new tarifi‘ schedules and which has charge of most of the important legislation which comes before Congress. this drive. OUR CONGRESSMAN widen has been made inimnomymdvaflodlimoluâ€" (louver, of the mu. line- of research work being arr-ind on for CONGRESSMAN the upbuilding of not only our own State but our country and humanity‘ 10 heanl Congressman I. fin general. We who visited our Uni- talks last Saturday at thelversity for the first time, while we wtitute and later‘ at the had some idea of the varied lines of the Whenton Cafe. h-ve technical and scientific education he- ltulating themselves and in; imparted ,had our eyes opened as trict on having a man of {never before to what has and is ha rcpxeseuting us in these'ing accomplishal by our University times. The accumulated for the good, of the whole people of siness experience and his our eomonwcalth. , “\"u, {Is («film‘s ul' lllinuis, flwh'v fuw, appeal to the people of our State to bark thn-ir n-pn-senmtivos 'in the Slate legislatun‘ mu! see that ;fzu'r and adequate appmprinlious are l’madv. I! one our of corn out of ten lbu>lwls grown in 1hr Suite wcn' ap- xpmpl'iatcd. the needs of the Unircr» (my would be fully satihfled. We be- iIic-u' we owa this to our young poo-‘ :pk- We mwnmmnl that this brief] [rum-men! of fact» be um! out to all) ’the editors of mu Stah‘. “'0 hopc‘, 'lht-y Mi” [mm Hli- appeal on m Uwir; ‘l-eophn" I These gloves are of excellent quality in the popular grey and mastic shades as well as white. Some are of the sixteen button length with attractively em- broidered backs. Their popularity for spring is assured. Silk Gloves -â€" for Now ahd Spring Now is the time m have this work done. To have it done right “The growth of our University has been phenominal, doubling in atten- dance during the past few years,‘so that it will have a total enrollment for the year of over 10,000. This means that this State school is ful- filling its mission. It means that it deserves and should have our support. We, as editors. who haw been shown. stand ready to send out an ax‘neal} in our people that the needs of the-1 University an- now at a critical stage. Zoning to the doubling of the attcn‘ fdanw and the additional coxts of lnmintenance, valuable departments [are being curtailed . This is «special- jly noticoablq in “in agricultural and tnginevring departments. Unless the! h-gislalurc come» to their aid and; nmkm adequate anal ritumnnhle ap-' pripriutimis. our gn-at scluml will bL-l lvatlly tripphxl.. I Catchbasins CLEANED You will appreciate having one of them because first of all the} are so new. They represent an advance shipment of Spring styles. Beautifully embroider- ed and trimmed in many attractive colorings. A new blouse or two is always refreshing and everybody will recognize any one of these as belonging to the new fashion season. Many will welcome this opportunity for it not only brings new and interesting styles but new prices that are interestingly low. Crepe deChines and Ceorgettes at . $5 to 11.50 Cisterns and TELEPHONE Nil-E2 Every Woman will want one of these fresh, new, Spring Blouses H. E. McAllister Co. Priced at $1.00 to $2.00 HARDWARE 36 S. Mala Street Telephone No. 29 Washburn Crosby’s GOLD MEDAL FLOUR MERTZ «‘3 MOCHEL Perfection (‘3 Revonoc OIL COOK STOVES Hardware Coal and feed “[8 Masonry 3 Religion?” Reporter Want Ads Pay Big Dividends! Try One! “Is Masonry 3 Religion?” REV. ARTHUR SPENCER PHELPS CON GREGATIONAL CHURCH The Men’s Club Invites Sunday at 7:30 P. M. YOU to Hear

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