Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Feb 1921, p. 1

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DOWNERS GROVE R‘EPO RTER cult'om and a very nnjnyahlo ovnn- ing was spent. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snow r~ntrr~ tainted a large- party of frionils at a Japanese party Saturday nvoning. This is-tho third of a sories: of parties given the first being at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Huntington and the second at the homn 0" Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Maison. Evn‘ything from the invitations to the mfroshmrnts was in keeping with the Japanesc‘ Wv Mllow- u tk‘scriphnn u! the truck will hr of intorovt In many people who hnw- helm! and :Il'r‘ http- ing pay for it. It is a Whitr 5w lrm‘k. with :1 45 h. p. angina vquippul will: Pin-ch fin‘ apparatus, which is may popular on tho Chicapm ulopanment whm-n they haw triad out all kinds. l‘irq-h‘ equipment was used wry mm-h by :lw government in the army mmps and in all government p0<s02<§50n.<. The White truck was the slanvlml I‘m-«ding the nhxmonsmuicm “:w :u parade of "In new truck. Hw «M :m- paratns and a numb-w "f auhnmuhilm around Nw stmk. Irmlim: "In “no was aw horse drawn hosv mid and the 0H. antiquated hunt: and inch!" truck. This {mt-k mac purrhasml fmvn Hiustlalr (\wntsutlurvw _\'I'.'II'< ago after that \‘illagr had mnmwvu'n the «mm. So am! wan 0w pvt-unn- mm M H four lumen lo huh! Hu- hm .ud rm "um "my mm- Ion-«I In mow Inch-III with it. TM mod I'm-mun; part at 1th vim-mural“ cum. bum-mm. u'wn -t um sham that mm hr Ilmw h3- Iullu Inlrr {mm a nut-nun. ML‘I'. 4mm. and m on. A how Mu pul‘ Mn III:- lair. RM pump «and ml‘ in In lime um strum.- nf unto-r mm- hhg Hay"! om M‘or "w “in It ml In if "It- Ion-r n! tlw WPH‘r‘ as mater when During pumpml I‘mm' the him than it “as when IIILNI. out of the mim. The fnmors pun-rm and Inn-u In- III‘ at "It «in of town hm nut 01" M of the Imwr maim. “I"? m:- nrhily inn-mated in Ilw Iaum- .Iv, Incubation. T101“ \wn' 4mm" I'm” ill mo of (I Mr. it “ould hr WuiMn, In (0 In their nssisklm \thh .1 [Im- I may 0! bring of km. Thh am” Junk! firing mam nmrv l‘""'..l1«' in!" "lo fund nhirh “i" go tn pm far :hv "net and "N Imprurvvmanb . hell-atlas of Wonder and Admin- " (ion Hun! :3 Pump Incl-cues the Water Pres-an. u if I‘m a "It char Lu'vmu llw Ilh h "u- Iialru‘alk m "u- ler MR. AND MRS. A. B. 3N0“ HOSTS AT CAR" PARTY to him (mm "or main. nm Um: ch pump on tho truck AM in nu; m the pmun haunt-cl. TM flm aim {mm ”m MIMI much- It up- uml that the pun-Mu appamhu n Ibo (Mk "mid do an than final in: prominent TM mu" nun that .Iaoy. He also told of the Ford with; car which is being rifled in :- clout m nlu- the additional my to pay (or "to equipment. 'l‘l'o leads of hose won- than I!- ‘Ithed. one to a fin hydrant on the can “do of the lukv and use other to a hydrant on the rut nick and than to the truck. Wntrr mm Mat tut-ml Into the hm on flu- m-nt «Mr. tho “mm burly WWII "w m- m of flu Ink. It nu then «x- phi-«I that the nth" durum would Fife Chief Henry Diclw acted an master of ceremonies and explained "It the truck hm! been purchased by private subscription. aw mvmhers o! the volunteer company making a Marta-hm mnvmu to rake the Xny were the expressions or won. dot and admiration heard as the mo- tor increased the water pressure at the male over that of the pumps at aye light plant. new automobile fine apparatus which has been purchased by the the de- purulent. Humlreds of local people gathered at the lake last Synday afternoon for the first public demonstration of the HUNDREDS Sfl DIMONSIRAIION 0f flRE "WK VOL. XXXVIH, NO. 4 (Continued on page R) "'5 300"- Tl'lltl ' Plans fur ”‘0' .411” ml" far .‘I um- {Am-y building 28360 I'm-t in 914-. in'hfih WM" rnmph‘h‘d will hr a mle :u-m gmrvn with leEo- plah- glass lfrom and mmvrnivncrs ~'m-lu :as pm- ?wnl «hu :I-hxilmyz m" far. It ":iH 'h-- ,-n rmwtrurtovl that an :ulvlilin'm? :flor)’ can b" nmch‘ll in ”w fi"'lV‘" )wlu‘n "w was! u" huiMinn ha~ Iona E l‘ff‘ll. l l l‘roposterous! ()l' com-w it 1.4. but suppose) mmoono from far a- way came hero and nftm- a little discovery found :1 gold minr- thr‘rv. what would Downers Grove poo ll‘ think who have lived horn or years? That idea applies to ad- vertising. Pebplo from far away flood this village with advnrtising mutter thru the mail army 1113;. taking thousands of dollars wry month which rightfully helofis in tho tills of local store-s. Thr-sc firms do not sell cheaper, they do not give more for the money. they simply tell folks what thoy have to sell in a way which makes pmâ€" plc- buy. Storekeepors. there i: a gold mine at your door. Don't M 1 the profits slip away to firms not of Downers Grove. Meet them at their own gamew-ADVERTISE! Mr. Nash hn.‘ bro-n m ”w gummy business horn for nearly thirty warn darting with hi> brother. Par must of that firm hn hm: been in his [111‘- St‘nl location and will now mnu- mw door snuth. Tho huiMiny: hc- nm'u- pit-4 as a hnmv and :1 skim has lw-n sold and tho new nwno‘rr: take pmâ€" H‘sxinn April first 0" :14 >00" ”mu-- aftvr as lhc- new building will h:- warly fur m‘rupam‘y Mr. Nash armpit-ml Hn' viral his! wwk win-why 1w buys (ho vacant ~‘trip (mm “4-0er VMrkmnn nf ”15- «also: who purrhufifil it «'n-ml \mnru mm for :m invm-1vmmt GOLD IN ST. JOE CREEK? lhmmd urn hruh-n lem‘yday "waning {m (lw mt ‘um. builviinx‘ which will hu- I'fi'flml h)‘ .I. “'. Nufih' on the \araM lot mu to his pwsrm lormimx on Main <lvw-l ju<t «mu. M" Railmad. Mr. Nash nomplolrd Hw viral his! wwk win-why 1w buys (ha vacant ~‘trip {mm 'iq-mqv VMrkmnn nf ('hi- 1.11:0: who nurrhayovl il «Hum! \‘nurw Wmlmwhy mw-nihc‘ a! ought u’ dork (hr Faun-kn uf lh-Iigirm: (fum- munilis-s will I" (hr «1'09". "1 In?» mm M mr-mhu-w n! the Variant» cum- munnio-s. St. ”O‘MHI‘L hy Rm. I". Mrwinm‘r. 0. S. R; 8:. Dominic. by RP“. W. Shomu: 1hr Srrvilcw, II)- Rm. W. Millvr. 0. S. 31.: SL Vimnt. lay Rm. F. Hrlhmm-I: SI. lmtim. by Hm. I' .Mullu-ns. S. J.: and The Pan!- istx. In New. F. Mullah .l', S. l'. Grand naiv- I’M-y I. but Sun In 0’me [At-Ilka 4'quan k IA. r *HHIINI’I mull and all Ina-mum. untlllr' to! n, ”ml wk and holvl ofllfl'. mm a: mm‘ M .9. law and help can for and pnpflnnlr 1, M u... "w plank and fimwm ant ooh m hm...” l umr Fonul l‘rwmnr Ml "W WM “‘0 "ml la on «ml field as “ll. 51mm An NASH TO BUILD MODERN S T 0 R [-2 ON MAIN STREET TM public m» be mum to tho Nuns. “MN“ and “Min." All now Mr welmm In mmhrddp Mm will kin in "w mnvvmrnl m aw- IM "M’l'hh TM due: ‘6" hr 3. To Induce .uch funk-r lugtdu Hon tu my mum Mable. A funk" 08534:! In to inn-out ll»- u-Ichrn: in "w nhoolx Io htlp in all way: to 5M0" in "w mints of tho chilaln‘n and" their chum a low of phat» Mn; and to inluvvm‘ m to hum «new groin-ton of flu! flora". 2. To mum the better unforce- monl of climax law» governing and! mud-nation. 'l‘ln- object or the Society i» I. To commun- by every ”(Isai- hlc menu the pn-ucrvation and pro- u-dlon of native plants. Eight ladies, members of the Chi- cago Clupter. met at the home of Mrs. Paine. Maple avenue, Tuesday, February 8, and elected the following officers: Mm. Franklin Cleveland â€"â€" Presl- A Downers vae Chapter of “The Wild Flower Preservation Society of America" has been organized in our village. ORGAN IZE TUES- DAY TO PRESERVE W I L D FLOWERS Eight Women Form [meal Chapter of “Wild Flower Preservation Society of America.” dent Mrs. W. I". James-Vice President Miss Elizabeth Stmngâ€"Slvcmtary In. W. H. Bakerâ€"Treasumr Clair-man Memhcmhip (‘mmmittoc -Hrs. W. J. O'Neill Logixlativaâ€"Ilrs. H. S. Paine- l'wsx and l'ubllcitywurs. l-Idwanl Lemon I-‘iclol Mnnhalâ€"Mn. A. R. White- DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921 It pays to 11:20 Reportmr Classified Ads. Try one. J. l‘. Wyllil‘. “"103: plarr‘ Ml“ ("mlb inghnm is taking. has horn promntnrl fas- head of the Tramc Doparfmt-nt nf (hr Oak Park and Laflmngt- :lis- trim-.- with nfl'icos in Oak Park. This is mnsidnrml quiu‘ a boost for Mr. WyHin. H» has givr'n thr pfiapln of this district thv wary fairest treat- mrnt while head of the System how and wo are mrry to see him laaw» A II. thinking-hum ha: hi-vn :mfl 'l‘ha-thn-v [minll'd by Ibr- lllinois no” Tvlr-pham- lN-symrmlo." 130. to Um managr-rship ut' tlw I.“ "f Dmvn0r~ lirango District of ”1" company that h." '3“ T inchldos tho filing: of Dmvnm‘s Grum- ; r-vonings. m within its limits. Hv will take chargy Ilonstrr (-0" next Tum-clay and is spending tlwiponmh. “.3 timfl in trawling nruuml tho ("shift The may ‘ getting acquaintml with thv company‘- fit-ginning tn employox and tho businflsx pvoplu "Hiram-d for t the town.» and \‘illam‘a~ in his ”Llama-ll by ar tm‘y. - and “numb“. "M wont. nr our "mi-db.” ' M Mr (m o‘clork “one! during In“ the I‘wtor will :mk on flu- Iradu-m «f ”w AMv Nkmw Chunh. "ml h on "v- mn who In! the chunk 5 0mm Apostnlic Unm- to tho run 325. In Un- awning um mm" will 40::- cribr (”Mir-165ml!) we it mu lira! Mr- ;Ma the am lhm' a‘ntmh‘n. This fuill inn-lupin Mun-s on I!» Ame {in anv. M! the (‘aummhs on nape (ism and u... "mum-nu. 0": "no "uh I ,Fm-han‘at. (hr (‘rmmom‘cs or W pnmiuw «,‘hun'h. and an un- cum.‘ ‘momion at Saint» ' .I. (. Wyflic- I» "all; Park llfl'irr Head of Trafl'ir at That and flu» Lafinmgo- le’lrl'rls. A. I). (‘OOKINGHAM TAKES CHARGE OF PHONE DISTRIFT ,. In New. F. Mullah .l', S. l'. Prick!) :Ifh-rnmms a! thun- u‘rlan llu-n- “i” hr llu- Way 0" NW ('rw.» and "main in "w ~~uminu at eight 0' clock. 0n Flil'u)‘ m‘rnim: nflnr Hu- Smlionx 00' lb: ‘Il‘flrr‘ nml h-fnro [Yr-n» «fiction lhv‘ Lm- M St. Paul M?! In- H'u-l from llw Ant‘ of ”11- Apnx-Hm, iI-mw sum “ Loam 5 mm by (h Put-r ad Vii-“lug Clergy. UM". mum m" hr In new that an “Comp! Iv. undo In (In citrus! what "w Apmlk my: mom ha “our. "Tln-w'ow.” '0» my» “bmbm, mm (Id '90“ hold "w Indium: whit!» yo hmu- hum taught. “MUM-r TN- oM-m uf flu- nah-u of lemma Incl lmurra lu br- dam/end in 9!. Jowph'n Church [Mu )rur during "a: SERMONS IN LENT AT SAINT JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ENDING AN EIGHT-YEAR CRUISE IN”- Whill- no doubt. it would haw hat-n muw intt-wsling In luml pvoplv if homv talent had boon used thn ro- :ung \w-rn zra’ifying to the Commit- lm‘. Thir: is the first time in :1 [mm] many years that the local Odd F‘r-lâ€" lnw< “iv" pmsontml any kind of an nnfortainmvnt or play to ”owners firm-n, but they pmmm- m come" 3-1 gain boron- tho public possibly with somo sort: nl":m affair made up of home talent bv-ginninx tn MI! and tho players \u-H ; tram-d (or thvir' park. It wa< m‘r'w admit-d by amatnurs from (Hon l-f'lyn and Whoaton and billed 21:4 Much, dw-w quitn lurgr audit-net‘s hath night 'l‘hx- thn-v m" runwvh “An lnnm-u-m lN-spr-rmlo." prv‘svntml to the pv-nplt" hf Dmvnor~ “row at thtv’Dirkt- Thu-:1- trr last Tuvsday and Wmlm'stlay‘ r-Vonings, umlr-I' tho AuspiN-s of the Ronstrr (‘ommittm' of thv Local Oddl- Fl‘HmL». was wry highly onjoynrl. The play Wu: a hug» scmam from” him Ellyn Mayo-rs Enlrrlaim-d Tum Lnrgv ludit-nn-s “'6”. :1 Throw .\r1 ('omMy. ODD FELLOW v PIA Y WAS A BIG SIHT‘ESS and Krllogg. u. U!) Dunn-“TIM Mimwt HI- and RN) (Smolr CHI: and "0}. A 4mm by pupil: at m Nmth' Mala «haul. pom-xi. variation» and drill». a Minot-t and north“: char-l "Scum make- no mo woman. MN pow-um Intomw In the um: um! mun-fly invited In hr vim-I'M. I Tho pron-m. in MI. ram-z ' I summawuagh 31-wa any»? H») Sungâ€" Tha- )lmurt tr) Son: "our Hols) "u: Mmk' Un- Halt. ."rln pm‘t“ h)‘ Virgrku Lam-3 :uwl {uh-r1 NrViH; 1w" v :Imrg Rpm-ch. An Eighth (hill'l‘ l‘umi Sum:- 7“! and Mb lirmln In! 0 Mighty Land. 1b] SIN-ml Om' :l'puh'u' ll'l . Th" M;Ir-t~N;ni.~v Hymn MI "11- Star Humid-1' "mu «1- ('hildn'n of the «ppm grade», un- dI'r "w climb. of “hu- l‘nfl. Ind tun-6.4m! by um high when. tin-Mata. will xiv: the prom-um int-fan am I'm-- m-‘l‘mdwr Auorhmm. TM arm will hr hold on! Thumhy. Prima- ury I‘MI. in lbw high «boo! auditing lam. Mowing W"! to lch Next “up day flush; to It.» High M N... SCHOOL CHILDREN T0 FURNISH NEXT l’-T ASSN. PROGRAM 7th and 81h “mar flirt "Your Flag and My Hag” ARM. Stud» Voflh SM:- lflu. Mb. and 8”! Cracks. "Hut- 0N!" Jun“ Maxim“ I.) Luv! of My fliflh. Hi} My Own “MIN, Baum Sol" part by Clam WK If) Flax lln'". Iluu «Ins. H. kWh-H. ~IH’\I\'I . Intm'mc-nt \\ llitl ymI I-w'r atop to think about llw mythology of allII-niqng" In .-\H"\' day wowls it i~ nothing mm-n .nor lws than rnmrn-In wnsw rar- riml nut to tho minutI-st vlvtail. Stan and think of tho artirlru mat arr nationally udmrtixwl, lln _\'fll| not think moi-r of thorn than If ll" unmlu Itiml artirln whr-n ll" \' art laitl ‘ill«- by siclo" lu<t l‘m .i V“! takc- the Paris ganor. You haw hwn mailing about thi. gen-â€" tr-r for ynars, you go into a smrn and a pair of the Paris and a D'Ilr of an unknnwn (to you) malu» are laid side by sidr. They may be similar in appearancn the sump in pria- and yet you buy the Paris. WHY? Simply becaust- Nu ail- vortisn of it has causal you to entertain a favorable impmssion of the article. MI Viola 4’. S. IIIHvH. \nl'r u’ HI “In H ,Kllrtt of Fairvit-u', Flu! rln tin-cl Tun-day. thrumy 8th. :1! H1: homu- nf hv-r rluughtt-r. “1‘, F" 8 1X11- i:|l':vrrn, 117.343 Hui- :n't-nur, lThanIL Hv-r Midland. tlli‘l'l‘ «laughu r , “r4. 1". S. TuHuh-rm of Chit-.12", .\Ir«, .Lnlr inn |' NH.» of “(mu-r, and My . J. l'. Mlk‘hv-H of ”(mm-‘1- firm-r, 'Im' i TM Phil-CM clan:- M‘ "w l'mmw- ‘xflw (Thanh Isa-M Uwir n'muar [monthly bosom-M mung hm! O'ré‘ “by link! in IN- hom- «f In. Frank | ‘m’. Afll'r UM bus-loom «Onion 1: wr)‘ ' inhuman; program my [bra hy up Int-Ink" of (to chm. Mrs. A 'l'. Inn-y and Ilrx. H. I. (‘aHu-ud «no-h mic-r"! rural mic-x winch m n- mmh «why-d. A van! dart by the Mi m f‘lma-m :m-l Clam Law). and ,- a an!" hy Nwz Harm-(v lac-0y was u phadng pan of ”In pm‘mm. 0n- elnmwnlnl sales-{ions by Mn Jnlm 250!" am. Mrs. firm»! Find“); mm": lo (M v-njoymvnl (I! did nL’u "w n-mfinm by Mis~ Elimiwm 31mm and MI: I'. II. eri. Um- uf Hn- qu'v'FHI THIIIH‘P n! l?" a-uvning “as "w migi'ml pnvm I-u HUN. "1"!" I'hl'lflf’uu "hr ." Haul In Mr V "lvmlox R. MP. ‘l'lur nth-"dimer :mvl mun-l at “m gnu-hm! “how: an inn-hum»: mt: nut and .1 urnmiyr nf m'rn vru-utm- rvv nlk in ”1!- Il:1_\'â€"' lo rum:- "an a! fin. l’rnt lmy Wu 4hr Pl".- 0‘ I to", flu. In! $ ’ D'May tivnmrnn. BUILDING FOR REPUTATIONS CONG'I. PHILA'I’HI'IAS HELD INTERESTING MONTHLY MEETING ohm in MM. ' M the unnu- Mlag will hr M'wr vacuum": and 0m Imp-Ir \nll hr funk-Ml by home «Int. [ Being connected with an! [maul he ‘Iuwwu wmht of the inner want in: of that body and hi3 ml: shank! he inwmting, not duly w the farmer whom: put-Outta it hwlleu. but to M'- cryon- who buys bread or balm it. Then- ls 3 mm“ 0. loot u. «N»- rndi! the China) "can! own; a.» pooh: of the country ml Ilr. men will mph!- Iny some of tlw ".5in “out! tho «mum: find I» lulgv r Mr. Jones. who is editor of “Th1.- Board” omcinl monthly magazine of the Chicago Boanl of Trade. will speak on the activities of that body. He will explain “Hedging, Cumerlnx and Fixing" in the handling of grain, and will MI 0! the many and varied. nelivilim of l. . Chicago Board. llv will cxpltln w y the llounl is u help inxu-ml of a detriment in llu- market- ing of tlw grain (mu 0" the United Staten. Howard P. Jones, well known to Down'ers Grove audiences where he has lived all his life, will be the speaker this evening at the February meeting of the Lisle Community Club at the Lisle church on the Plan]: HOWARD P. JONES 7 TO ADDRESS LISLE COMMUNITY CLUB Speaks This Evening on Activities of Chicago Board of Trade â€"â€"«Bditn it's Monthly. MRS. E. H. ELLET'I‘ .l'-l‘ .. a! Hnlmhm‘m HI (mm-'1- firm-r, 1m I‘Zlel :mvl Thunm- ways human nf the FL Wtyne, ha. Clumber of Commerce. " Hnuurvl - I-J Van-\xv-alhvr visited ‘with hnmu- Talk: how this woek. H0 ‘had barn in ath’mlancn at the con- iferenco 0r Chairmu'n of the Water- ways committee with the Council of the Tidewater Association which met in Chicago. Friday. February 4 Mr. Fairwathcr is chairman of Ihf‘ traffic. tnnspomfian. and W 'l'hn r- uh” hml rharw- m [’10- av 'nmgrmrm- u!" Nn- rut-M's! am mow-v lhun pit-.1 4m! with ”w :Ittvnl'am‘n “Rh Hm good work uf' thr' Alright 41ml MU. rwrythimg mmm‘tvd with H. h hvimz .1 m-w thing in Down mu firm»: :1 hlflv- hositation as to it umcrt-u “1» natural bofon' the even imp Hmw'vnr lht‘ way in which i‘ “:14 rum-iv”! 410‘? that the at!) ' or Downnls‘ “row hm-a- a real in 1* wt in their who"! and ”10 things i' i. urmmplishing. aml [Hm-v. noun." "ungu- Julm l:..M.- ”w Smut; and ”Io ”an inn! .U""K|" Th» Mud:- Master l'na-lnn Svm- ’Hu- Mun 0' HM" Plush-r Mimi-nth l'lmulv Tam 8"!!!“ Law A-Fail "all! Wank-a lrr Wmlm ”my “M! In"? "0-star Moor-u A [mt of Ion-it Mary Curtis“ Ta]! 0‘ 0H ”d!” «ma-n nn'mtm Imhmr ficthfly Mam”- Mull-r "dawn and "a 'Nn‘w' h) "Min-r Hum K:vlb'~ Shry nf Palsy flu m-ll union. urn- W them and m [and mu mu Mr ulna Hm u m aim "INN. to ‘Mgr who .00” it (h! UM". To WM mum. not having in no» um... 0' [Mn MM MM .0 m. in mm! 8W6.“ In M I wharf m at U» Cali-0L ' 1'».- high rm «mun Ant «and»! out-mind Hm a“: bum am an pvt-[run in Mr mu! mm... w". notably fair and Ingram. I..." a! ”mu Ion: who 00m can" an m admin-“yacht“. Tho-y wan «H In cuter-gt pm of (M “mun rub mn- (Ink. nut- ing only an" lb. nlnir fill our to rum- M Thn Jada" awn: Ir. Wuhan. Of New 'l’rler TownuNp High 8M at Kenflwunh. Ir. Hon-I ol the Us!»- \'rmlly of "“00“ III! “but W a! flu: Humble Tor-Mp Nick 8“ Tu mah- (M "it o! the 1m “- Mm. James l’richnrd of Princeton. "L, Mm bu had much undone. in uthim of ‘h‘r kind, coached (In con hath-IA for 0". “air. Th! Ibo M her work well Cu in “MN u by nll who were at tho Mn. the Curtis.“ Theatre last Friday light students of the high school Inhaled old fashioned oratory in the hut de- ‘clamatory contest. There were thm events. girls draw matic. humorous and boys drill-tic. The winner: wem: Girl» Dannie- Elma Kelly, first; l-ry Curtis. ‘0‘ com]; Humomoklhmthy Tow-Icy, 'nm; Kliubuh Plumly. Second, 8qu Drumatk~John Babbage. “lit; “rm-go Bung», second. HHWARII FAIR“ FAT" ER \TTENIDEID WATER (‘ONPBRRVFH P'ollmvinx in I'v- mmm M Elm Kelly, Dorothy Towsley and John Babbage Wilma of Fin! Content. WORD-BREAKING (ROWMIEARDIIIGII 8(ll001 0RMORS Before a moon! bra-king crowd it flaw lira-nut Nu Sung am] up Ip1x WHOLE N 0. 1929 Mummy! 1hr lush"!

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