Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 11 Feb 1921, p. 3

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I. The Mr, Hoyt-r and l’rmn‘ families “win-d a party puma by Wt- an glad to have than .m» In In» flurry PM" and «hadn'- npult Baud-y «M! In. (Mar Pot- ter of Dawn"- Gm“. III”! um Yulky. ‘hlldu, I no. In. Loy w (or- M Hi- ,Im u the uncanny is huh; the. by Mr. Ed. Schwartz. law We a! Chink". span baby with Mr. ml In, Stephen Ir. Ill Mrs. Frank "rim 0! Bin-dale vixited at the home of Mr. and In .W. 0. Briggs Sundny. In. F. Schultz has been qunte ill recently with pneumonia. She is im- mung somewhat. Ir. and Mrs. Otto Peter of Chica- go, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mrawk o! Cicero, spenc'Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Kmis- Rosella Porter entertained the Misses Sarah Honk. Lorraine and Lela Shock and Dorothy Dnnmcier of Northwestern College at dinner Saturday evening. The Rev. Anderson has been ill for the past seven! days. Mr. W. H. Richie “Y” Secretary, of Wheaten, filled the pulpit Sunday. The Community Club win meet on Friday evening at me fiumh. Mr. Howard P. Jones of Downers Grove will be the speaker. The Ladies Aid met. at the home of the Pmsident, Mrs. Chas. Lacey, and elected the following officers: Presi- dent. Hrs. Thos. Stank»); Vice Pms' ident, Mrs. Brokmeyer; Secretary, Mrs .J. Barnacle; Treasurer, Mrs. C. IEWSY I015 f R 0 I USE AID BELMIT .1. Albert Diem-r Ind 'nmuly an n living on tho E. FL than flan. 1‘hc Home of None-Such Brands Pure Food Pm- ducts and Ross' Bakery Goods Try OUR SPECIAL Blend Coffee at ........ . .35r And OUR SPECIAL Blend of TEA Attention - The Maple Avenue Stu: I"! to It. And In. Raul Loy. Ir. Vu Den Bum u. on the sick I!) W. Railroad st. Steam Heating - Sewer Building Gas Fitting Buschmann Bros. GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MRS. EMMA FORSTER MOVING AND STORAGE Maple Ave. and Main St. Fred D. Heinhe/ PLU M DING llmvners Grove. Illinois You Will Like Them 1mg...» ass NAPEBWLLI. ILL ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN taste. If you man a memorial in your plot, we will show you a grew variety nf designs to choose from. are executed from a variety of ac- cpptabkv designs and ever); detail is imknd after by experts. That is why our monuments always upped to good Our Monuments Him lurk And Italic Don and hmhfl'. John. can out hon Chla- go Sun-by II. out the day m ”in M0“! Maul“. Karma of Naparvlllo u Inn-hm. and null “lodged-y. It" Mub- Gm ha:- ha. mend- lu mull fin in Waco Will ‘laichn.mtlunl~hbgufihm rum-mummy“ IDQi-Mac ”Muulumdm. Thy-“1 mthm’nmmflh“ Win-u. muddhlkfiJll‘. Huiâ€"nun”, It"! A "MEL “muffins-Q. Ir. Edmond Dick-r attend!!! the Automobika Show Saturday. Min; Mabrl Polling and brother, Clan-nu: took part in the rnwrtaim men! given by the Dramatic Club of St. Jowph'u chum-h Monday even- ing. From all accounts we have two very talented young folks in our midst and understand the afair was Mr and Mrs. Albert Straulcy and daughters spent Sunday with Mrs. Josvphine Strnuley o! Lemout. Mr. Bichelhergvr of Chncago cal- led on Mr. George Felling Monday evening. Miss Agatha Faulhabcr has been home for a few days nursing a vaci- nation which has been painfu}. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leverenz en- tertained the Lutheran League of Lace Church Sunday evening. Mr. Arthur Greene has been quite ill the past few days. Mr. Clare Goodwin of Evansmn. spent Sunday with Mr. Algernon Barnard. Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Miller were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lev- erenz Sunday. Mr. Algernon Bamrd has been having a very much enjoyed van- tion with the home folks. Ho ne- tumed to Illinois Monday. 1““ Mr. and lira. Albert Stanley and ohildmn spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. GeoiStrauley of Downers. Kr. and In. Ml Riedy‘sm» (by evening. Mn. Cairn Ml. Ibo Nu: m Mn. Adam Dieter and Wm. Telephnm l] of nownmcnovn mum nanny Gwyn. 11mm II a sink "Mr and but! - vldou any. first Immum-d mammo- In Autumn-n uni India in I!!!) A. [L any: a cm" h Aida. Here't I FMI Bury. Tron! vary art-ally within flu- 1AM chm, according In the nature of the Mum's wry iuhulzn, (In: variations ‘beinu Immih-aml In their mlur. size. form and tin dew-lawman, sans the Amon‘nm Fun-«Iry' Mummiuo. As to (heir m-ighl. Mr. llullm'k. u tumult“ Alum-lam "slut-mm“. «'lnlms lu have Inn-w" u! mw Ihut m-Ighwl syn-Mew: (wands, I’M!» us a rulv. Ills-y «In mat run uu-r lhrm- nr [our pounds. lu'ud. the manhunt ruler o! Gianni uua the plains of the Punjab. . grog-mun patron of Mum an able "datum Ind - tumor 0! on man sin-oath. Ibo would tell no cit-plum LUMBER Potter Mfg. 8 Lumber Co. Church' Bellu. The Angflus lu-ll, alquys rung little. I day. takes Its name from the first words of llu- [mu-or. In Tum-any I bell ls rung an hour before me eve nlng Align-ms. or Aw- lel. and is in- tended to remind its bran-rs to may the «Tm-d. ’l‘lm lk- l'rol‘undl bell sounds nm- lmur after the Aw. In Italy 0n Friday um-rmmn at 3 o'clock tinny-flurry snakes are sounded in uumy rlmrrlu-s and convent): in Int‘m- 01’)! U! l'ln'ml‘s “will! u! llw ugv 0f 33. The custom pmlmhly is followed else- Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding Lath Nails Em, Etc. Miss Carrie Foster of Dovmers has been spending several days with Mrs. Harry Foster. Misses Tess and Anna Fitzgerald spent Sunday with the home folks. was Luci": Schultz has returned to her school very much impnwo'd in lotion-Ix, ill is slowly impwving. Windows Shinglw Lumber SALESROOM Come in and let us sbnw’ yuu Uw FURDSUN TRACTOR. See how it will «In UH- Wurk 01 many horses at a cheaper cost. Fordson Tractors We are now prepamd to fill your orders for any part you may need {or ypur FORD car, any model. We havv on hand every part of the FORD and they'are all the genuine FORD parts built for the FORD and for no other car. Hinsdale Ford Agency Fleck 8 Buchholz, Proprietors When in Need uu. lull-”“00." A Full Line of The Genuine Ford Parts 19 W. Railroad St. Manufacturers Dealers : » COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of All Kinds Downers Grove of LUMBER or Building Materials of any kind do not hesitate to call on us At Your Service Phone One Five talk on Scout oath. Troop 13 in ohm-un- of $14 nut Masu-r O'Neill gnvc- Scout games and algâ€" nals ul‘trr which Scout Mun-r Gee!- inx of Tmop l‘ stag“! a fifteen min~ ute What ball game between mem- bers of the diflennt troops. The Rev. A. S. l'hrlpu mm the boyn a story axing Abruham Lincoln an the dander but not revealing his: identity until he had finished. WM (loo-I ro-u-unm must. of 1m, nu plunv I» l-‘lh-r Victim-tuna m am “On With the Dance” with Mac Murray “80 Long Letty” with an all star east “The Toll Gate” with William Hart “The Staten)" with an all star cast “The Prince Chap” with Thomas Meighan - “The Right of Way” with Bert Lytell “Shore Acres” with Alice lake “Lying Lips" with House Peters and Flo Vida “Idols oi Clay” with Mae Murray “Something to Think About” a Dollie picture This is only a partial listof the big super- productions that are booked for the Curtiaa Troop 13 in rlmrw- ul Smut Marita-r O'Neil! gaw- Scout mum-s and «up nah: uftrr which Smut Mum-r G1»?!- ing of ’l'mop r slug“! :3 fiflfl‘n minâ€" ute but“ ha" game! between mem- bers of the diflemnt tmph'. Smut Maraurr Wildlbh of Twop 3 gnw the boys military «hill and at the hour of 8:171 all remnu-d Smut oa‘h and law. The National Consti- tltiun of Boy 51:0qu htatrz; a)! troups in Amvn'ca should. at, ”w hour of 8:15 on F-bruury 51h of oath year. assemble at thru plan of meeting and n‘pval. tmszu-r {hr Scout oath and law Mr. F. N. Davu: lhrf‘v yaw n short talk on Scout oath. The Deputy Commissioner then gavo a hricf nuflim‘ of the history of Boy Scouting. The meeting: was opened with roll (all and flag ceremony after which thl’ pmsident of thv local Council ad. dressed the bays on Local Work. All lbw-e tmups of Boy Scouts met at the High School gymnasium on Tuesday evening and participated in the Eleventh Bmhday Anniverâ€" sary of the ilwm'puranion of Boy Scouts. of America. IDCAL SCOUTS T R 0 0 P S C E L E- BRATE BIRTHDAY Met Tuesday Evening in Gym to Corinne-morale Incorporation of American Stunting. Lime Plaster Tile Coal Coke Wood Etc, Etc. Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravel Cinders Under Direction of Elmer Uhlhom Curtiss Theatre LIONEL BARRYMORE “Burning Daylight” A Jack London story with a cast including Mitchell Lewis, Helen Ferguson, Gertrude Astor and others. Our program» for the mming week-*typical of what is to comeâ€"â€" In short. theatre goers of Downers Grove are to have a far greater selection of the really worth while pictures at the Curtim 'l‘htmtre alone than is the privilege of any of our neighboring towns to enjoy. There have also been booked pictures of the more famous stars in pictures of lesser Iengfll. Among these are pktures starring Walton lid. Bile Burke. Dorothy Dalton. Bide Fen-In. Pauline Frederick and others. MUT'I" AND JEFF ANIMATED CARTOONS Among these already shown at the Curtiss Theatre since January-lat, are such successes as “The Right to Lave,” “The Round~Up,” “Held by the Enemy,” “The Restless Sex,” “Why Change Your Wife," “The Heart of a Child." that although by far the majority of motion pic; tures produced are the so-called program pic- tures of 5 reel length, the CURTISS THEATRE has been showing and will continue to show most- ly big special productions, the finest work of our most famous producers? These pictures are us- ually of seven ieel length and have taken months to produce They are brought to Downers Grove at a cost of from thi cc to ten times the cost of the ordinary program pictures. “The Copperhead” alsn FIRE BUGSâ€"A two red (Tomlin i’mmdy and Marjorie Rambeau Till-2 FORTUNE TEILERS A special acvcn reel production nhvn’ng Tuesday and Wednesday February 15th and 16th Coming Soon are- Saturday, February 12th Sunday, February 13th THIRD EPISODEâ€"“BRIDE l3" INTERNATIONAL N EWS INTERNATIONAL NEWS and also in

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