Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Feb 1921, p. 5

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A “thudhcdanw INDU; R‘s-Ida for sale at Indus Donna”;- MI“ M on door m 0! (b m Baler). adv. I; Mr. I.. it. 14mm: and Wham! [Joycl un- in St. Anmllno. Florida. and w ill vilu other mlhem point- bnl'orr m- mnu-x to their Mm how Yew-Spring in how. The" is no mat-mo» about at. buy»! have barn phymg maer- simv llw first a! f‘vbmry Winner: M the Cum». Throm- tkhul “Hill: mom-«t ml! work-o "um «want June In. mlv. Dr (3. [3. Top:- hu been mlrawd (mm quart-amu- and is "-me to am- wur all enlist {or his mn‘icwt. St. Josephs Church 80:00! CMMu-n â€" EARN ONE HUNHRED DOLLARSâ€"410w? Buy -u¢r pum- 4 Ior paniculam adv. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hdtlaury o! Clrpflller ulrcet. have ”tum-d from a unit to Film, Albanian. Ticket: for the Annual Washing- ton Banquet at the II. E. Church are on sale at l’ufl'er'u Drug Store, aalv. Billie Burke a! the Cum.“ Then- m-. Sunday afternoon and evening, in “The Frisky Mrs. Johnson." adv. Hts». Lorraine 'l‘opo is i" with: diphtheria at her home on Highland avenue. Mrs. H. l). Pulsifer entertained the club of which who is a member at "500" last. Tuesday afternoon. Bom Friday, Febmnry llth, to Mr. am! Mrs. Patrick Venard, a daugh- Mn): Wm. ‘Hiuz is able to be uut again after a long illness of which rheumatism was the chief complaint. In response to the many inquiries we have received in the last fi-w days ~â€"-Y0s. We believe in signs. Mr. and Mm. W. W. Smith and family hau- movud flom than home in East Grow to Lou-land, Ohio I Harry Walker I’honv l9l-R M r. John W ednvsday gone nbuut Ladies Aid of First Evangelical Church met yesterday with Mrs. C. A. Durkee of East (Tuniss streeL. Mm. B. J. Stevenson spent the week end with relatives in Bushnell. Comingâ€"~Willinm S. Hart in “The Toll Gate." adv. ’ PERSONALS limbo-dulmlm. Sunday, Februar y 20th 11:00 A. M. SeImon: “ ’ecognition In the LIft. HereafteI. " The Rex. H. M MacW.horteI 5: 00 P. M. Sermon by the Rm. Dr. F M. WI] son, All Saints Church Western Springs S. Andrew’s Church Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished BY THE REV. ENEAS B. GOODWIN Wednesday. February 23d :OOHP. M. Sermon by the Rev. 111: Ignatius of Antioch Waters, Grace Chu'i'cli, Ch‘iéidéo: WALKER G: DICKE PAINTING Decorating The Catacombs Riel left fur Miami, Fla.I on busing» and will be ten days. The REV. S. McDOUNELL WEDNESDAY. 8:00 P. M. St. Demonic SUNDAY. 10:00 A. M. SUNDAY. 8:00 P. M. (Continued) Paper Hanging I Mn. Wm. H. Blodmt gave an In- Wormul at boom on Thumlay of la»! wall in honur of Mrs. Thom- Var- .deniu. who u lad-l man {or their lnrw bomc- at Portland. Orv-go». ‘l'ho girl-t u! the low The“ H 80- mmy «debuted their founevmh u- niwrury Saturday, vamry mu. with n lunchmn n I’M-Wat ml mau- Oflicc Belmont 8; Forest Tel. 3694 Downerq Grove We sell wall paper at factory prices. W. J. O'Neil. 123 Summit nnnt. Luncheon at 12.1» an" the program will commence promptly at 2:00 pum. Himdnle Upholstering Ind Furni- ture Repair Shop. All work may done at mum-able prices. Phone 635 or send madam. Will all and de- liver [tee of dune. ll-ZG-tf. MARTIN F. POZDOL Painter. l’upcrhnnur Decorator Now in the time to do in- terior work. The Nature Study Clam will mH-l February em. a! the home of Mn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hofl'man from Chicago. were in the Grove last 'l‘ui-sday and made a call at St. Paul's Parsonage. The Hoffmunn's intend to buy as home new . 'l‘lm (‘utholic Womuns League will hold their next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Edward Bradley in Saintoga avenue, Thursday after. noon, Fr-bruary 24th, at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Rllssoll waumbe, uf Prince svcnuo, are entertaining Mr. vacmnbc’s parents {mm the East. ‘ "So Long Letty," .-\l (‘hristiv's (mucus six reel comedy drama is 1}“- prim-ipul part of the mum-am at tho Curtis’s ’l'heatrc‘ Saturday. adv. Mrs. Mary Hummer of Wheatun, spent. Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Rogers of East Maple avenue. Imam! In. Readinymthomnmm parents of an eleven pound boy born ‘ , February 8th. lit. and Mrs. Edward "'- “d ‘1'“ L L- “mm“ “d I Mr. E. W. King spent last Sunday Yackley am the proud s patents. in Aurora. Mrs. King, who has been Misa Dorothy Bordwell attended staying with her sister there since the Nee Signa Nu dancing party at hnr illnesa, value back with them. we Blad‘st‘m" m“ "' “mg" °" Wm. R. Wells has purchased um ‘ r: . . lnday night. Batterhum property, 59 South Wash- Frunk A. Rogers, George B. Hourtt ington strovt. whom Mr. and Mrs. and John Daily attended the funeral John Wells are now living, for a of Mrs. Ellen Fuller at Fullerslmrg homo fur thvm. on Tuesday. 1. . _ . l ,, . Hem-y Dicko I’honv l'fl-R grun had been nrnml by film Ruth Dimer. chairman of the social committee of the Y. I'. A. Rafa-uh- Nmrl)‘ {any young people of Find. Ewan-lieu! Chum): enjoyed a Vale-n- tine Social at. the l'enur home on Wont Maple ueluw. A lively pro< Do you attend the local schools? If you do. can you wll for 25 cents. something "In! is worth from DOC to a dollar? If you can, enter tlw ticket selling vol-nest of tlu- Corliss 'l‘healre. My. NORTH SIDE (EMMY MARKET 'l‘lw nvxl regular nun-ling ul‘ ‘hc Wumaus (Build M' S, Androw" church Will he an all «lay lm‘etim’ in the church bass-men! on next Thursday, Ft-brumy 24th. A pot-luck dinm-r is on thv program to be son'ml at l2 A Valuntnm party was lwld after UN‘ regular "muting hf flu“ Woman’s Bent-fit Assucintimn of tho Mnccahuvs on last. Friday evening. February 1!. by its tm-mbeh' and friends. A very ('ujoyablv time was had by all. Mrs. H. E. Tank was (-lmirumn. M). W. H. Brink-Imam. who umlvr~ wunt a \my u‘fiulh operatinn at the I'xmhyuxriam Imwital, Chicagm lust wu-k, was bruughl home ‘l‘umduy owning mu? :5 doing nicely. _Who wunh the $100.00“? That and other big prizes will he gin-n by the (Iurtiss ’fluruu'e to flu\ who"! chil- dren ui' Downura Gruve. l-‘ur details of mutt-4L sou szm' J. a'h'. M). W. H. Brink-hum). who umler String Beans. New Carrots, New Beets. Radishes. Green Onions and Spinach Boned and Skinned Morning, pm- pound l . . . Salt Mackeral. weight about 1'. "m, per ll» Domestic Sardines in Uliw- ()ll, 2 cans for . Mustard Sardines. per um ................. Bethol Heights Stringless lit-nus. 2 runs for Sweet Potatoes. lllll. Can .................. Cooking Figs. per pound . . . . . . , V . . . , . ‘‘‘‘‘ Fancy Head Rice. per polmd ............. Bulk Rolled Oats. per pound ..... . Monsoon Apple Butter. laryn- glass .‘ .. Nix-Rub Soap Chips, pm- pnckam- .......... Superior Family Soap. per bar ..... Lenox Soap, 10 bars for .......... As this is the Lenten Season we have a few fish specials leading our grocery list this week. Each is a good buy at the price and the quality is use snred. SPECIALS Noflh Side (imam Market ARMOUR’S and SWIFT’S BOX BACON PER POUNDâ€"$50 SPARE RIBS. per pound PLATE BEEF, per noun FRA 1‘ STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor ' Telephone 2 POT ROAST, per pound ........... PORK LOINS, per pound ......... PORK BUTTS, perpound .. BONELESS SMOKED BUTTS, per SMOKED SHOULDER. per pound . HAMBURG STEAK. per pound , . . LEG 0’ LAMB. per pound ........ NKFUR’I‘ERS, 2 pounds for FRESH VEGETABLES Groceries Meats via- in .‘L Andrew's Church at“ Wmlncxday waning It right o'duell. Dr. Wald-n- impinul «wanton: pm»! 'l‘lw Rm: Dr. Wm 0. Walt-ha, llu- eloquent menu of (in-aw (Than-h. (3M- cm, will preach M. "w Lona-u scr- [Hm-bin! Rel» kuh Lmlur hvhl n ‘Vah-ntim- patty lay-t Tuesday wur ‘ing in the loam: hull after tlw mun- lar meeting. (Sauna-s and n‘fm-hâ€" Incnts wu-rt- indulged in and urea-VF in: to n-po'rtx "u- evening was Mr!» ly enjoyed in the good uld-lxuhimml way. Mr. l-lmrry "rumor was in rhuruc and intmluu-d mum- hirhlyi amusing stunt». School (‘lu'ldrvn l‘uu make prnfib able usv of tlwir .~p:u‘r (iuw by I‘ll- ll'liHK Um tickvl M'lling contest M Kim l'uniss flhvutm. 'l'ha- numlu-r of prim-s is limited «mly by the numbvr of those whu o‘nlm'. adv. .\lr.<. \\'m. l'. Ruhnu-r mu ImppL I); ~un'p!‘i.~ml nu. Salunlay m-rnmg. February 12th, when a number of [rim-h. n-mimlcd her of lu-r hirlh» day. 'l‘hu owning was t-ujuyml by nkn‘iug bum'o and games, lutvr in lhv- (-wning rcl'rv.~lunvnt.< wrm wrvâ€"j ml. All n-pnrlml a good rim» and whhwl Mn. Rnhmm‘ wuuhl haw u birthday «very erk. At the February mh humming uf :he Art lh-purtnwnt or tlw Woman's Ciub. thv following (”Yin-rs \wn- clov- tod fur the canning your: Mrs. M K. Buach, Chairman; Mrs. H. l’. .lnm-s.‘ First Vicv-l‘r-sidvnt; Mrs. W. J. 0‘ Neil. Stu-om! Vil‘\“l'l"'>ilh'l|t: Mrs H. (L Lvmuu. 501111;“) and Mrs. J. H. Frunkrnliuhl, 'l‘l‘mburm‘. “On With the Dance" is the pic- ture which made Mae Murray and David Powell famous as screen stuns. It i.» a Paramount Super-Special pro- duction. Sew it at the Curliss Thvuv Irv nvxt ’l‘m‘sday and Wednesday. ml. manta were served after a mole en- Joyahle evening. ..l!k ..24c 19c 33c 18c 12c 42c 38¢ We 2!: 1r MaryMilfsMimer _ “All Soul’s Eve ” The Dicke Theatrefi LEWIS STONE “Milestones” g Adapted from thc Famous Stage my with an All Stu Baum.“ AND 1‘1”!le Avenues ”OWNERS anon. Hum SHOW NIGHTSâ€"THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY EVENING. 7:30 8; 9:00â€"AI)MISSION. 15 25c The Dicke Theatre pol in“ rum, Firmm-n Sum-(hug in firm, parking cm: in Mark that firr x~ m or within utw hundred {1-1-1 at any fn'v hydrant, driving (m-r haw. nut gutting lu um- Hidu of fill”?! when firr (ruck i,~ :uh pmzu‘lnnu, :1 (‘uuuw for arr-mt. WA RN IN Gâ€"~1\' EW FIRE RULES TO B E EN FORCED [0r M r. E The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Forks! of Chicago, was held at her home on Ruscmunt avenue. on Wednesday, February {uh and interment 'm in “It“ family hit in the th Side cemeâ€" tery. Mrs. Fork-l was ruisml lul womanhood in this viliugv and W!" \wll known by many 01‘ UN older rmu'dvnls. film was Uu' daughtvr n!“ [at a service two years ago by his ‘mlsberly sermon upon the subject: r'“Prayer.” and it is expected that a large congregation will [not him up« on My second visit to Downers Grove. 'l‘hu- lin-mvn :u‘v mum: in 11.x "mm Adapted From the Play “Little White Bud” A L S 0 BRAY PICTOGRAPH ROLIN COMEDY-“QUEEN’S UP” Thursday, February 24th Today, Friday, February 1811: -n «\‘m-ywiwrr (-nfmm' ”WM! >4: hmkuul fur Uw [in-mun- Bobby Vernon and Dorothy Devon in “SEVEN BALI) PATHS" Stangrr, nur l'ornwr ymsmms- A Furious Farce That Never Fulters And Many Other Well Known Stan: A L S 0 FORD EDUCATIONAL WEEKLY AND A COMEDY PATHE NEWS av by. w-mzv. A Min-fling: sun-)- of two mm am! one Woman -â€" of two men u ho lived one life and one man who lived two lives. Tm: Yum-rim! .w (-imu-LV Haw-mm”! the liar! uf Ro‘ c'hu‘tl-l (ha; nut (Vt-n his wife mum iv” them apart. 'l‘|w ufl‘ivm's of the Brotherhood, ulm :m- putting on tho banquet. an Fwd Himk‘r, l'nwich-nt; Huny Selig, 'l'n-usuwr and Philip Wander, 80c- n-tu ry. j Next 'l‘u‘qduy cven‘ing, February ‘221' at 6: 30 will be hold the annual “Kunlxingtun Birthday banquet at 81“ ‘:'qu :4 [hangollvul Church, (move 3". Iumlor the- auspices of the Church I Uroflu-rhmnl. 3 ’l‘lnr supper will [)0 pryparcd by ilnv‘tlllh'l's of tlw Ladies: Aid Society and m'rw-d by the “T K- T". the or )gunizml young ladies class of the ichum-h, umlm- tlw lmdt‘rship of the Mime.»- (70m and Millil- Busehmann. Mr. (I. H. Bungee will avt as tom- nwhu-r. Uur "('V. Paul N. Crusiua. of Elmhumt Cum-go and a former pas- lm- 0r thl' church. lwing_tlw speaker of [he vu-m'mr. A fuw musical numv hrrs and u wading will add color and interest to the program . Washington's Birlulu Celebration: llk' Church Una" Aunt ' can of Brothefllood. EV. PAUL cum SPEAKER AT mm GELICAL BAN¢ 7" u--â€"-vâ€"v mEm-a 11d WW nit-l

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