Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Feb 1921, p. 6

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will not pay. We need a group of lending men in every community whu do not believe that laying up money in mom important than building up‘ chm, um! until we get just than fling.wewfllgotofiellbothhem ”It is a small thing to set apart each Sunday morning to give our ex- Imple that we believe there is a God in Heaven. It" is not a great price to pay for imparting revemnco and fighteonsness to the young. hut is just the price which the selfish man pricetbeyammtfittobrmqtml with the rearing of childnon. It is not merely a question of whether the minister is able, or the musk heaven- ly. or the society agreeable; it is ra- ther the question of whether any boy or girl am be properly reared if the fathers and mothers do not stand for the things that pmtectod them from the pitfalls of an evil worm. My firm that “1‘ have hordes of godless, youths in this fair land use their fathers have he": spiri- tull ciphers. The temptations which young folks mt today are double vhttheyverv mnlwunboy Ali the spiritual influences an not “Then is just one mm for the m- midis!!! Ind Godleysnesa which is ruining the spiritual fibrr of the ris- ing guardian. and that one thing in for panama to m Spartan like in performing their wligwons duties, and to insist that childmn shat! be train- d to serve the God who mad» them. This will take courage and means a certain amonnt of self sacrifice, but unless the coup!“ between twenty-1 five and forty are wifling to pay this} Int mm "mm! M- ymv'euial an huh and look um his wort u ruin" oflimimuv. rhorflu he is try- “ to mmplish the one thing mod- fd u make untidy donut. II in only I fob! fin muld any "at it i.- nth». W whom" [M an! newer-flan d m is virtuous and ther "w text (Quantum of young men is n:- pflflfl b authority. Yet that o'h" Winn mm (hr Chm-h is: summâ€" fin; to do those thingy. The fnflwnr of Almeria must Ian-Ho (he job no" I‘ll" (hair «on: to the wouhin of God or snflw- the musnuwnre of lhrir ”glut. It is a hypocritical {am to encourage your rhihlmu to do that 'Mch ynu your-‘0" 111'sz It is a flnlly Anode-n clue: and the riots. wan lashed by youth- bvouc‘hl up in Marina homes. Youth in natur- ally 31m to Home; exec“. Cullen MI have been Modoudy rough at “Muhnflw youth-niche Ian. It in portly calm! uplm acting mum. and who» mm- d by m dumm- of mack-m, I. m nth" than cdmlml.‘ Durham-‘mxmuphn‘ Mn in width was who am! Md for than» hos-6m: mu. am God. ovulc wonMp and utmo- ht vim». n in M lawful-g nut Cb nun-s Incl 0w emu of rev- m for authority nod "up": for luv. “it yam; mm of many an hvbu beau-n choir hm:- ln God- |â€". and (boat- aural: who mt 1h mice of God aunt command 0- merma- of (hr um “mun. "k in one u! on man! humfliuing Man: of a minim" that pumi- n.- and boyl. Neither of them c“.- !- in a large (only: element. nor a. any inland by lam group; of 1M sod-lino. They nu ma, all-try. sad the malt of Mn con- ” {or authority is just as dam ' “It in . signifies” mt mm the m in 0min Ind Denver, 3 your or no .30 wen the fiou of young against the commuted authority of tb classes. I! is just as much the nhllion of the classes against the constituted sovereignity of Almighty God. The man who refuses to wor- ‘lp God all goes forth on u Sunday morning to enjoy himself is flouting the omnignity of God just as much I the can disobeyx the laws of his‘ “Experience (teaches us that unlens society recognizes the sovereignity of God, it lacks principle of stability. The conscience is as much a part of social life as is the reason and when men ignore the demands of conscience they destmy the sanctity of the social order. The wildly destructive ele-‘ menu in the disoonwnt and unrest; dint threaten our peace and prosperi-i q no godless elements. They rccogX Ibo no God whose soven‘ign justice they must respect. Bolb'hevism is not merely the rebelUOn of the masses In opening this spaoe to the min- Mn of this community, I believe it is the intention of the publishers that the articles should provoke “nought, discussion, and action, in the sphere of religion. To best express the thoughts I wish to convoy at, this time I take the liberty of quoting an editorial by Bishop Johnson of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado. upon the subject "The 0m- Tlling Needful." oâ€"Hugh M. MacWhortvr. The One Thing Needful Those desiring to join can' attend apncticeattheschoolotgetword to G. S. Hubcap“. club president The club membership is limited to tho-re who desire to join. Operat- ing as they are under the auspices of the National Rifle Association. the rifle fans of the village will have lots of chance to enter into compe- tition with other teams. They will also be entitled to attend the nation- al meets and to receive a certain a» mount of ammunition from the (gov-3 ernment for practice shooting. .‘Inny Loni Crack Shots Joiningâ€" Pndicr Scull." Morning; at the Gym. That the newly organized Down- ers Grove Rifle Club will have a great team for competition shoot! is assured. This was demonstrated on last Sunday morning when good scores were. registered on the tar- gets in the min-inn: at the south side school where practice is held every Sunday morning. A] Gardiner totaled 190 out of a possible 200, R. C. Briggs being a close second with 189. A. W. Lon- gosch made several good scores as did Frank Rogers, C. C. Parks and several others. We understand ”at this is the first of a series of entertainments of various kinds which the "Blue [Mn wi" give. RIFLE CLUB TO HAVE FINE TEAM FOR COMPETITION ngnssiro five hundred will hr played and suitable prim-s will he a! wnnleul tn threw turning in the high- est and the low”: scoow. The entire library building Mr bun resorted for the "mug. TIM- upstairs rooms will be final up for "w- playing rank and the bang-morn! wi" be mad for dancing. Both will be in pmnss at tho samo time and in "He way it is "much! that pknly of room wi" Ir availalc for "IO lam munh-r piped"! tn attend. "w teal Mtge and all mick-0. mom- hpn of the raft and their “din. inc. I’d-man inst TM aura-inn um be a mood. ran! pflfly and dance. than by (inn-e lain, No. 824. A. I". A A. I. for mmlnn of TM- flnt Mannh- mrinI aflnir i. mrn. not tutti“!!! calmly to the members of an order. rm he xiv-n at ”to Library nut Hominy rwn. “bury "a" Round hr the Hm Man-II: Roda! Aluir "I“ h lb: Villa“ hr Venn. The GM: Contra-nee will follow the m 9mm Ind [moral Nun ol mum with Hr. Schloorb. Mn W. ll .Btough of Wheaton Ind Mn. Bishop 8"." o! anrfillr. Rte-ro- nuoo in pmided for but (boron-n- m a! the What”. Coll-ma Gym and in "to Y. I .C. A. nmmlum and xvi-Inning pool It len'élle. “BLUE" [0068 10 GIVE (YARD PARTY AND DANCE FEB. 2| be an hour (or (nah and open din. «union of [how uldrcmou in groups. The ape-hers engaged for the Boys Conference an W. l. Molderby. of Chicago; Mr. R. W. Schloerb of High land Park, Illinois; and Major C. R. Wehu-r, a Y. II. C. A. Secretary. connected {or several yenns with m- ral and um work in India. These men will 3in addresses on the Christian From in the Home. in the Community. Ind the .World. A!“ tor the first two address“, then will} l 'l‘mnspurtation has been arranged for by auto truck which will leave Wheaton on the arrival of the 8:26 .eloctric from Elmhurst and other ‘poiuts, for Naperville. The truck will lreturn from Napervillc station about 9:00 a. m. on the arrival of the train form Hiusdnlo and Downers Gum-e to bring girls over to the Girls Confer- mm in Wheaton. In the evening af- ter the Conference ,the girls will' be taken back to Napervillo, and the boys will be brought back from Ni»1 perville to Wheaton. The cost will probably not exceed 15c a trip. Fur- ther information concerning transpor- tation may be had from Mr. 1-; L. Rice of the Transportation Commit- tee or Lowrance Henry. Chairman of the Publicity Committee. CONFERENCES FOR COUNTY BOYS AND GIRLS ON MARCH 5 The Fourth Annual Dul’ag‘lCoun- ty Older Boys (.Ionfm‘oncc a (l the Second Annual Older Girls Confer- ence will be held on Saturday, March 5. at Napervillc, and thaton, res- pectivvly. ’l‘hc delegates. are to be aunt from High Schools, Sunday Schmls, Clubs, and Young I'mmln’s Sorictics thmughout the County. Boys Meet at Naperville and Girls at Wheaton in Annual Get- Together». Sammie pinnflngs are nowssnry to Unite "10 pans of a farmstead into I pleat-mg. homelike whole. Trees are “and for windbreaks. as frames for the buildings or a hat-knound for thum. and to give. shade. Shrubs are medal In nhnndnnce to hide mrthlly the foundation "nos of buildings. sup- port "Mr corners. glvo reasons for mrns In drivos or walks, and to urn-on unsightly objects. Native trees and shrubs and those known by Mal to thrive In tho locality are the has: to than natura ”format! a mummy low tampartllure. the mat or banan- III: and staring Ira is low than mm- pnrad with tha saving affactad. 0rd!- mrlly, It In safa to harvest 2 3mm of Ira for anrh mm In tha herd. TM. will allow for waiting and Ian. enough for famny marl: Wham mam only In sold. about mthlrrl at that quantlty n! lea will ha nearlarl Two farmerx’ bulletins. No. 623. Ice Hanna: and the Una of lea rm tho Farm, and No. 1m, Harvesting and Storm: lr-a on the Farm. may ha had by npplyln; to the Dlvhllon of Public muons, United States Inmrtmant of Anknlmra. ADDS BEAUTY TO FARM HOME Pam whn have m first]: aim manhould prep". ft- in by I Mare «1 Im- nmr fnr mung mill and fur Whom us» next numtmr. In plum Fm: Shh-Id Lay In Anglo my tor Coon». um: and In Hono- no“ Us: In W. The mun-n M [mm-M h "w hut “man and mm! nus-minty 1m" Mwmlma mm» In "w Hmnm muec. In“ 01 run in mum pmmahly tum-h {anhrr norm. Although u «w- m-ds mm" a 1mm ammo, n! Nimnflr. soil. and mltml "Indium "can must mlmr ”mum. Ibo luv-fl "- mm am- «Om-mod nu rm”. :0" In- prnwmom. and now! pmhafllam by a mart-MI "mum-mun: of at» "- wirrmrmn nM n» hm "fir-Nu u! tho rm. ICE-HARVEST TIME IT "AND Win-«m tlouM. mo mm In the I'M-mm- Mutant-d by "u- am No- uun urmn In mu m- Nurtu- ml-u'n In um walk-d by the I." unm- u "no Ham Mn. numb. "tum...” which In tho null-n vault.- Ir!" a! Mum-own. In Eu: lurk-u hath "to NM IM Hannah-«l ”up". an mum ‘Iumk.’ while In lmfln. nhorr nw mum; In mam ouo-nsln-Iy calm-tut "w num- "lum-f' I'Nh many "Horn. ls mnl. In Amrlm nu- mwn my. flr-o Luann an "mm. "mm" mm In" n- "In-Hun .m.‘ "mmhrm pm." 'unmlwm tin-M gum" um "c-nranvl luv-n." Tln- nrd Imb- H-Ml n-nml nf Ibo mum nun-n In In 17!” and nmdlml nmmrvm'y In I duck tnflru. mu In Numb (‘Iroflnn In "H. paw-ably romln. "on "w Wm l.- a»: In ruins" In Virtual. I‘ll n- noun! than! I175 and no doubt "I gum- ml In Ilw Unlml umu any tn the 81mm": mlury‘ Am and mo adj-ml Mun)- “ Inn on the anvmmn "gum o! Inn-pr Mk1!" that line mug-n u at suck-m mun-Um for human food. It was any Inlrodou'd II the "unlit uuk'nmun In the W»! 1mm Ind «u (Pruumd by 1hr l‘nnul Slates Depart- ment of Agrirulturc.) The mnvpc-u is umlnulnmlly a native n! (‘vlllrul At‘rim. A wild plum (Hf- forlng mm- from the cullimu-d mm» m-u mourn lhruuuhnut muvh o! Ilmt u-mimem. llylorl-ls "I’tllisi wild plum am] (he summit-d «mun-1| are readily obtained. The ruluvuu-d «(mm-u cun- slsls of three main groups-«the us- [ummus Man. the musing. and me mwpea. 01""! of which rum-arms a fifl'llp o! vnrh-tlo-s huvlm: much in cm!!- Imm but «mun-vied llmnmh Intermedi- ue- varlvtlea. The cuwpvu in the most Important n! the three groups. The large number Ind grval diversi- ty ut cultivated vurleuea throughout Afrit-a nml m‘vr ‘he southern half of Earliest Published Record In America Was in 1798. Plan! It Pnunt I- Best Known and Extensively Grown Legumlnoul Crop 6» Southern States-Can Be Grown in Norm. GOWPEAS mm ussn As FOOD run HUMANS rub: HM. Foumnflon Lima 0! Building- and “mu Many 0w AMMOOW «may Ban Objects. 84 per cent of the BusinessConcerns which failed in 1920 IAIGRANGE, ILLINOIS WHEN Imr'mn .\l"l‘u.\l0Bl um um lil'l l.'l‘, urntxiwlm.’ mu.“ 1ij Phone 30, Day or Night NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY PAINT FOR THIS SPRING’S USE. IT WILL NOT BE ANY CHEAPER FOR SOME TIME TO COME. In the last few weeks there has been hum-d on the street the annual complaint of “high taxes" with which to run the government. of the village, WE HAVE JUST FILLED OUR STOCK WITH THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND OF PAINT AND HAVE ALL COIDRS IN SEVERAL SIZES. ANNUAL PLAINT OF “HIGH TAXES” HEARD ON STREET Everybne Has Some Kick to Regis- u-r Regarding Assessment to Run Government. were N0n=Advertisers “LOOKINTOIT” Lat-1:4.- (o mu “mm J. D. GILLESPIE 8: CO. Retailers of High Grade Merchandise WEST SUBURBAN MOTOR CO. Buying an nutnmohile tmlny is wholly dependent on whether such an investment will bring definite returns. bl! ('nrd Tires Regular EquipMenl tron January I. 1921 PAINT 3"”? 25 W cent less in price Some people do not know. or have forgotten, that taxes we pay hem are divided among many din'srent parts of our local government. 'uor instance, when you pay taxes you are helping to get together monies to town. county uni state. 0! mm, taxes are high, that is comparatively. But We must all take into commem- tion the fact that other things are high also and that in the general raise, taxes have not kept up. but are lower, again comparatively. than in past years. ‘ 61 South Main Street § an the “11:30 cl Dmen the Township of Downers Grove, County of DuPIae and the Sub Ins-«31s, Midas the running of high and made schools. and the gin? The entire tax paid by people liv- ing within the village limits is $8.71 on every $100 of assessed valuation. This is divided up as follows: for the state. 40c; county, 52c; village and library, $1.71; township, road and bridge and hard road, $1.40; Forest Preserve, 7c; and School District 58. $2.67. lie Libraljy. “LOOK INTOIT" TELEPHONE 538 1"“ mun-m

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