Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Mar 1921, p. 7

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We have a long letter me. Mr. Daniela on the subject of Sunday movies which was crowded and this week. Watch for it next week. Because of the remn-ertivm we be- lievn in the -urvi\-al 0f poryonality after clnath. All arnnml us are evi- dences of immorality. Refow the re- surrection thr- difl'iculty “'35 in be- lieving in the immortality of the in- dividual. (‘hrkt in His infinite good- ness has rnmowd that tlfliculty. We shall live, not as {armless beings but as ourselves. The kind of future life we shall live fundamentally depends, on whether as reasonable men we ac- cept the testimony of those who saw the risen Christ. or irrationally re- ject it. Either way [hi-re is the fact. Christ has indeed risen, and Easter; is the symbol of our hope. ‘ Safely. Hum. may “'1‘ wk on tho testimony of St. Paul and of St. lg- Mtius. and of Polycalp “1") mid when he was urged by the Roman magistrate to (ls-ny Chn‘d. ”Four. score aml <ix ,waw ham 1 hm" 50"“- ing Him, and ”? hath dam? me no wrong; how then can I hlmpheme my King who ~avmi me.“ Belief in the resurrvctimi is ground for believing in the divinity of Christ. As Im- tius said, we may holimv‘ “Our God is Jesus Christ been. nim‘h-NI humiml yum nflvr 0m historical fact know mow than they who <aw it. Thtq- :nrv ~onw of ”w I‘i':l.~nn- M our helirf. H’ ”w twmmum' he rah:- tben m-or} narrafiw- of u-w-ry Mom of which “1- haw no pen-anal nx- periennn i< mm. The twtimnm‘ i.‘ from m‘tirn. ‘imre, tvutM’nl men Who knew when-of NW." I'MP. Art- we justified in doubting them? [her ‘ the wieoet man who liwwl Mum", >1! What is the testimony? The tour Evangelistn nnrmte the moumction of Christ, His appearances .and agree with regard to the empty tomb. St. Paul says: “I hand down to you what I have no ivul." thnt is. the death of ChriM. Hln burial. His Resurrec- tion. and His appearing to many. It should be remembered that he wrott‘ out spoke to men who could t‘luily have (“apron-«l what he said it thot which he wrote and woke were {ll-o. He won not uttering theological truth: but nmvly- utottnu hiutorical tat-tn, prov-lilo by Material and avail-htt- ovitknn‘. l mentiorml St. I’m! not because he alone of tho Apoatolir write" wrote of the n-nurrectlon hut haunt: hi: letter» happen to follow the M‘nn‘olhtlr tritium; All the Nov Tmt letter:- contaln evl- atom at tho fact of the nuurnotton. The bodily nnurmtlon of Jun: um- I fut of which tho Aportlm tron oh-i uolutely certain. About the your Ml. that in thirtyl (out your: at!" tho «lath of St. PF- tcf Mill St. Paul and whlle St. John W ll\'lng,-lomrnt of "1an wrote htt- letter to tho Curinthium. We how it I! he wrou- IL In that lottrr he wrott- of th- (wutmtmn of “Jim-u.- Christ, tho Lor-l. from tlw dead." and no nm‘ runtmclictnl him. Mumt l0? Ignitiuz. hidmn of Antioch! lmkr‘ of ('htisst n-t "our tlmt. Jm-n- thr t’hri-t who wan rum-hut h_\' Mury of HM "My Spirit.“ and \\ luv "mu truly mien! from "W clan-L" Amt Pol) rarp. hhhnp nf Smymn, \\ tin died in If»? Wrote: "whmov-u-r pub! V011: ttw «nat’t‘N of tho hurl for hit mm lu~ta and my Ilml thrn- is no murrwtmn.â€" this man v~ tlu- first born of Satan." After I'Iityrmp ram!" Justin Martyr and lrrnm-IN mu! m! thflr writimb. “liirlu “'0 may war” today, aw rlrnr mnmmm Hwtimmvj if! of Hm fart of “iv ruutwr-tiuni of alt-an» from It"- vtuul. 5 As the Scriptural “films and A- postolic Fathers were certainly men of intelligence and of absolutely hon- esty it is sheer arrogance to Assume that they may have been mistaken and that we are able to judge more accurately than they of the facts they relate.- No one today who has any know- ledge of the transmission of the Scriptures and the writings of the Apostolic Fathers hesitates to admit that we have those writings in their integrity as they came from their authors. We have cortitude with re~ gard to them similar to that which we have of the writings of Cicero, or of a deed the original of which has been destroyed but which exist in an au- thentic copy. [The Ministei’s Comerl Page S}; Why do Christians bI-iievo that Jesus, in Hi:l own body, glorified and incorruplibio, mm: from the dead? We believe because it is 5m histori- cal fact proved by the testimony of those who saw Hi’m after His Resur- radian. That testimony is contained in the Scripmrcs and in the Writings of the men who conversml with the Apostles and with others who saw Christ after the resurrection. BY THE RE". E. B. GOOIDWIN WHY WE BELIEVE LETTER LEFT OUT ”M" Mr“ Stunts: >tury of what undoubtedly is tho As a uzrtain l’nmnus Roman Sona- mnet ambitinm t‘ntlL‘flV'ol to utilizv tor «If old is reputed alums to lmIc this mmt efl'iI-icnt agency for the din- begun lIi< (-I'ciy speech \Iilh "Carâ€" “MI-Mug" IIl knowledge whore fin. l hauv must be doxtroyed," “'hll‘h fl'IuIIcial gain is not obtrusivoly to the nully. sinking deeply into the national' ““1"" but. on the contrary, altruism :ennsciousnch, resulted in the ulti- I, rampant The general tenor of the mate destruction of Rome’s mortal I'lctteIs III last “ct-k» i<>\Ie of 1m: Inch, "“3“ S”! 'f “c “0“"! “"39““ lie I")0IteI. I thought, were rather pus- "1 “eran home 10 0“" P9091“ the simistic of the possibilities of \lotion vital importance of our having in'l’ictums for good. I shall go fur- Downers Grore a Genuine ComInuni-{Ihor’ ”gaming that a great deal of W C“"'“‘" building, 1 :mi “W9 that;'l‘hesIItI'ienl film is exercising a tI'c- in due time “'9' ‘00! Show" be nbleI mendously disastrous influenceâ€"duo to “3'3"”? 3 defimte realization of thill‘:to the unfortunate situation that the much to-be-desned 303' “‘ ‘0 0‘" heads of the producing companies ap- Ereat” adIantage 9"e""'a."v indu‘l' pear totally unconcc-Ined IIith moral "'8 "“3 "0 ""9“" one Of a Mean: 0‘ considerations, being of a truth those BetteI Understanding of “The Other'who could better qualify {OIâ€"“ell, Fellow. " In otheI \Iouls, it is to be Ford is "hitting the nail prett) hoped that those who eIidently felt squar‘el; on the head" in his “Dear- that the Sunady movie, as pretenlli' born Independent," and in the same conducted at '93-“ is "0‘ "'9 be-‘t breath would like to add that “hilc thing {0' “3 ‘0 have, “"1 "0W 9'0“” :1 rule IIe should deplore such eon- ceed to Take Some Positive Steps in troversics, 3‘0! the power of the the Right Direction of 3 non-com- Movies are used so fenrfully to our mercialized. innocent and uplflinz vn- hurt these d238, that I am satisfied tertninment. For “h‘le 1‘ *5 alright,I results worth-while will follow the and sometimes a necessary process. “jarring” he is dishing out to 50mg) '0 ‘0“ down. yet it renders buildinglfolks who need it badly, not. becaum‘ up all the more imperativeâ€"a fact} (Continued on page 7) “MOVIES” BOTH 0N SUNDAYS AND OTHER WEEK DAY S Main Writes About What is "one With the Silent Drama by Government. 32 S. Mela Street Downers Grove. Ill. MORRIS SHOE STORE The guarantee we have from the Manufzw' turers from whom we buy our shoes is that prices will go higher. With that guarantee “e are buy- lng freely to supply your u ants and “e have put in a huge stock of the latest styles and will sell them at a very close margin of piofit. The price of the Shoes you are buying now is as low as you will get in the next six to eight months. We handle several different makes 0! Gas Ranges. A Poor Stove Has Ruined Many a Women's Cooking. Equip your kitchen with a Modern Cnlr inet Gas Range, so on may he sure your efforts and food wil not be wasted. You can regulate the heat as you wish, the ma ens are insulated and ventilated so the heat is retained, and the enamel finish makes it. easy to keep the range clean with the min- imum of time and labor. Insure Your Cooking {‘3 WesternUnifed Gas ‘ ‘ .5... and ElectricCompan)’ {9} Back to Normal The Ford car can well be called the ”peoples car," because there are more than 3411)!!!) of them in daily operation. That is about {our to one of the nearest follower in the motor car industry. This would not be so if the Ford car had not for sixteen years proven its superiority in service, in durability, and in the low cost for operation and maintenance; this would not be so if the Ford car was not soeasy to understand, so simple in constmction that anybody and everybody can safely drive it. Let us have your order for one now to avoid delay in delivery. Fleck 6 Buchholz "OWNERS GROVE SALESROOM 19 WEST RAILROAD STREET TIIE UNIVERSAL CA9 DOWEERS GROVE REPORTEEz DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS In View of the intorefit extraordi- nary that seems to be amused in our normally quiet village, on this sub- ject of Motion Pictures iii-relation to our community well-being, it «recurs to mo, tho‘rofnm, that probably your reaulors will be pleased to hear th'.‘ >tury of what undoubtedly is tho must ambitious endeavor to utilizv this mm! efl'iricnt agency for the din- sem’inalion of knowledge. whore fin- ancial gain is not obtrusivoly to the from, but. on the contrary, altruism is rampant. The general tenor of the letters in last weeks' issue of The Reporter. I thought, were rather-pos- simistic of the possibilities of Motion l’ictums for good. I shall go fur~ thor, asserting that a great deal of Theatrical film is exercising a tre- in the spiritual order as well in the material world. Hmewivu: Examine these high-grade limo U I O I seelng '8 Believing. pica LIFETIME am no the new." clove find below; (hon you will omui-lo Ilia money-caving val-e. THE LlFl-ZTINE QUALITY TRADE MARK STAMPED RIGHT "I THE BOTTOM OFIEACH PAN GUARANTEES PERMANENT SATISFACTION OR A NEW PAN FREE Do not coda“ "me «Maul: vi“ “to H151â€" ‘ weight “In” .31. hnnil «cant yeah. The three pun in this 9e! are made strictly sen-flea from heavy weight LIFETIME PURE ALUMINUM Three pun, full I, 2 3nd 3 qua-t ca- pacity. End! cleaned, because of the hard brilliant outside polish. Sun Ray finial! infidc. PRICE CUT IN HALF THE LARCE PAN ALONE [S WORTH THE SPECIAL PRICE WE ASK FOR THE COMPLETE SET, DON'T FORGET THE DATE SATURDAY, MARCH 26“: ONLY This Complete Set of three most useful Lifetime Pure Aluminum Lipped Sauce or Stew Pans Remember SATURDAY $1.89 One Day Offer no! cod-to "use “no“: rich the H'M weigh mull sin burni- ¢o¢dn goods. J. D. GILLESPIE CO. J. D. Gillespie Co. Phone. :30 Days 217 Nights Can vou afford to he “ithout one on these terms? Samples on our flour for your inspectinn at all times. ln bu ing an art1c1e OI tnls Klnfl It Is necessary Luau yvu get somet ing that will last a great number of years and that will notcause you a great deal of trouble. In selecting either of the above pieces you are sure of complete satisfaction and can have the same confidence that you would have in an El in or a Waltham watch, knowing that behind these articles is t e guar- antee of the best concerns in their line. The THOR Washer is made by the Hurle Machine Co., the largest factory of the kind in the world an has proven for many years just what it will do and has never failed to satisfy each customer. Either of these machines will he delivered at your home up. on a first payment of ten dollars; the balance to be divided into twelve equal payments, which will not cost you any more than having your washing done and will save you 50 percent on the wear clone in washing. Knowing as we do that whatever we sell to our trade in this line must be the very best, we have carefully selected the two electric washers above as being the best made in this country. There are a number of good washers on the market, we know, but we believe these two to be the best of the lot for several reaâ€" SONS. The UNIVERSAL Washer made by Landers, Frary and Clark, one of America’s largest manufacturers, is a wonder. Like all of their “Universal" products, it is the best of its kind. In buying an artjglg of this kind it‘is negessary that you , _._ -...l AJ...‘ Phone. 30 Days " 3" my" 6| South Mnin Street 217 NEW 'ights RETAILERS OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE THE MAPLE AVE. STORE REGULAR ...... :3. 78 Saturday $1.89 YOU SAVE.-. 3 1 .8 9 at the following atom: Iii-on. in am no Only one act to a customer at this one day upcdal "In. Friday, March 2_5, 1921

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