Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 6 May 1921, p. 16

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Domlniean Republic. The Dominic-an RupuMic Is 1mm In the eastern portion M the Island of Ram. one of un- lam-rs. cf the We“ lndlps, lying honuwnn u Mfllude nf 17:36:40 and 19:28:20 nm‘vi. and 3 Maxim“ of (53:18 and 74.3! West of Greenwich. In hnundm'ies are the Atlantic man on the north. the Mann rhonnel on ”I? east. the Carib- henn mm on the south and the Re- ”er 01 "am on me west. I want so much to at least glance It the periodicals. which number thirty-five and are of every type, but the tall dock warns me musically a! the passage of time. As I bid goodm bye to the capabk, consecrated libnr-i fan, the sun is manning the colorful picture of lav-hunts on the opposite fnély looked at as at home. They consult in whispers as to “win! is The children are flocking in from our school. Some begin to come up from the weekly Story-Hour heir] downstairs. I watch them at the «helm, which are most fortunately mumswhenboohmybeas devoted to the work. rrco'gniu it: value. and serve an hithfuliy. cheer- fullyâ€"Ind generously. How has the Library Bonn! mn- nged to collect such a wealth of maâ€" ter-bl? I simply know that they are new mu volume: unrated my eye. and pmvod tn ho Thor-«11‘s rim-paliâ€" in' nth"? journal. of Swring. Surn- iner, Autumn. Winter. The out In" u: entinly “In" fiction. (2: recent acquisition to which is the Gathwill Edition of Dickens with the original kakshank illusâ€" trations) making-n grand total of volumes at our duly ditposal ofl Them ulna we" on this north wall. near tho drama. which Inn"; included Mn Drunk-tern Lined.” nod lack-yo?- Washington Fom‘ the Puritan New“. but WM We on the Mm in has Inl‘n ”fly. visit the 7mm under John Muir‘s {Murat nhhm. not!" in V0»- kn w hn’s win: Lucas. or mum fin’t Chicago or our m unique lmknfidblimmrm hob-rmvfludmmuflohdo- dd. whom-r tag. with NM ‘0 'dly-oé' MWK‘AokM. I vu- (id to and am the No- tad“. H. 6. Wall's Nov Outline m:- low of the War”, which dul- with Waddwfldhlmflnmol my. not ho «hailed. uh. an up Huh. IL. (on. ad]. dictâ€"and cm tho mu. Bun-Hy our the I}!!! Ctuuuhip. punk-«lady In mm with man'n new when. Dachau-thud! van-henna! My In- l’luunh‘l Liven tn Mk, Ind-ding lim a! CM wall. 61.4mm. “do. mm. Prim‘ a. mum. and Mice 7mm Pu- expound" of Mini-m." M Wum'mlknhiminthe domain! tour. I {and practically the entire mt id] devoted to children’s Indus. u mmprhu Woman! 15, the li- bru'hn and me. from sixty to may Cy per «at of tho llbruy patrons In“ the children. 0: the top did! of this Inll were Adult boob. on Edu- ctio- und Child Study. (Including the banking boot for pm!- of boys. What In it to In Fad-bated) lbllgiou. American Encyclopedi; in the oppo- site corner and, ‘Schopenbtuer, chic! Ky eyes wandered to the border a! pictu'ms Rembnndt's portrait 0! than", the seven-3| dignified glimp- se: 0! old Rome. the Ipproprhte‘ Reading: of Homer by Alan Tndelu. thence to the bust of Schopenhauer. Before stifling on the “gallery tour," however, I dropped down at one of the reading tables by a friend who lad just discovered the highly colored magazine of the Orient. Asia -â€"â€"n.nd had no interest in me. 1 Ianâ€" od lunch gave myself up to enjoying the spacious. plenum room'und lost an interest in her. This “appreciation" was read by line Krum at the meeting of the “Home and Education Department" of the Woman's Club, on Library Day April 6th. , Somewhere Emerson has said in suhotauee that whatsoever we appre« date and enjoy we possess. l have enjoyed the library privileges many times requesting and receiving some desired book but never have I up‘ wished the wealth of its stores till1 a week or so ago. At that time I visited it for the express purpose of going over the shelves somewhat sys- tematically to discern what our liteh’ try resources ore. in order to make such u report at the Woman's Club. m: nowmms GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY AN APPRECIATION Quaiity o! Foodl. Bard fonds :u-v n mwwsury part of a [1aner dim, Tlm torn) need 9x"- dso. H mun ho rmnvarvd. There- fore, mw wny of ken-ping cw-Ih In good mmfim I! to Put hard foods. such I: hrs-adorns". Ina-t1. hard fruits, nnt!I and fibrous vogvmhlvs. Hard food causes the saliva and gamrr juice to flow. If in adddillon m helm: hard the food Is dry, the grpmvr who now of the saliva and gush-it- julml. In the lower-Ham's. Tim-om an}: Prat. Parsons. an nhnomial amount of red hair among the beauties of the Ioumwest of Ireland. In. at an...“ The pea-mm: of ted-ham people being ”I mute nee“ was mm m I went meeting of the Royal An- thmpoio'lnl hesitate In London. A0 cording to l'. 0. hm me awn-ago number of too-MM people Is. mun- ly. four In oath mo. and It In an". Ill aristocratic rotor. In 1mm 5.1 m rout of the upper clam have red Mir, no mmnd mm 4.3 per cent The flu Pagan: which ms to have been held Thursdty of this week w» postponed in the hope that summer wouId eventually come. High School '11! not be in scum Friday of this week. The teachers will stand the Conference at Almat- rd High Schools at the Unimity 0f Principal Vernon “W a meet- in: of the County Prindpds‘ Am tinting, in the city, flour!” owning. ltmdeddaltolhmw‘allaf Hu- upen recently entered in the h- Ier‘sdnool County Content. This a Wm wu ('8le by confining from; some schools that «hers: had not giv m the examiâ€"tiom in a uniform fa>hion. l The when a! the You Book .431! an very busy than days hm;- iulpmwflafedfllngmwl. Mum c! the um um tuna "d than own-inflow urn taken this week. Thane i. charm of the "Rel-prise I"! very unions to mic the book of am your the but not "II the prospects are emnxing in» NO’I'ES OF THE LOCAL SCHOOLS A («an o! the mm by magnum Width whkh 20M W num- In unkno- lag 1m ‘5 an: thou uldhr [annual-hounds harming" yam-Iflblhomfldndnu on In, mu. TN- Iuiumu'd by It. Foley through In John-on of umman-mmm Ha aim to all the 00m in" 0n Ame-dun [nun who we. only llr. Foley is menacing editor of Hospital lemme-t. a leading pub- lication dealing with the edrainistm-‘ tin problem. of beepitals, end is the originator of Nltiold Hospital Day which is (or the pupae a! ranking the public better mud-ted with the nope of hospital service. Hospitals in every state and every Candi-n province In to participate in the first “day" on '37 12th, the ulirerury o! the birth of Florence Nightingale. pioneer in modern hee- pitel and eril. methods. lmti- iutiem conducted by religion denom- imtieu. state. city. county Ind («L ere! heapitein.'il feet. ell kind- and all lieu will Mitigate in the Out may intelligently support their rep. resentatlves in Congress. Very sincerely yours, I hope that many of our citizens will avail themselves of the oppor- tunity on May 12th to visit the hon- pitals throughout the country and; learn for themselves how the disabled‘ veterans of the World War are be- ing cared for. Much has been snid regarding the hospital service offered these men; Congnssionll action of some sort concerning this service is expected shortly: and National Hos- pital buy is the time for the citizens, generally, to inform themselves an to the actunl feet: in the case. that they During the past Week newspapers throughout the United States carried the news of the endorsement. of Na« tional Hospital Day, May 12th, by General John J. Pershing, in the form of the following letter to Matthew 0. Foley, a‘ resident of Downers Grove and executive secretary of the National Hospital Day Committee; which is directing the general obser~ vance of the day by the 8,000 hospi- tals of North America: My dear Mr. Foley: Anny Leader 0. K's. Idea Originated By Mathew 0. Foley. of Downers (have. HOSPITAL DAY ENDORSED BY GEN. PERSHING John J. Pershing. DOWGROVEREPO' :4: W630“ ILLINOIS the complaint. nnvl “rm-m- m‘ our clergy In Shaw»: and L'nludha-u. [Ynlw’r- all, scholars mnlnlnin Hm fashion like. wise. A"nrn0y<. l:|\\')'0r\‘. rlnrkt eorv- In: mm! n" dull-ht in [his wasteful Iflntnmm-ss." The modem gnlmzlu is but the mad- dfld of a long line of "mu. sturdy Investor: from ":0 boots of Captain Kidd down. The hunt wmflng fever got so had In England once that pur- liamem had '0' ho nanny-nod to ”strict the making of boots. "The merchant and mvflmnic wnlk In boots." so mad something in common to discuss. crit- Seine, admire or reject. And, perhaps if the book be rightly chosen, there may come from it an idea that will be like a ray‘ of warm sunshine in the grams: of the office and in the tired heart. This will bring mother and daugh- ter dour together. It is the mat Book that has brought all men toge- ther in one mighty family and cer- tainly a little book, littte because the human is no man in comparison with thedivine,nlitt)ebookrendsideby side will bring mother and (bum:- have «Engineers and they will pledge themsekes to amour-:3: the girls in their radium. They need the revivifyieg that comes from mental change. The Cathefic Women's [acne will out- line a program for home reading. A book a week will be «Rooted. And a book inventive of (taught Near- ly all the members of the beam View, ”It! tom were ended for the hard. drab mum of «ice on factory vork. But they are doing "no work and In wondering whv they In minnfle, nervous “4 some fines are“. There is nothing so good for the lam! body and disco-tented mind as mental than. It is dill-alt to br- In mom mink-d In 1M: «Mary of (Mr civic (dumping than "at Mon. Pound: mu though! it I duty In «not! Ilia-m. Nov women In It“ lo IN“ (or Wm. "W by them-aim on the morning lain any no rm ham to wart. and but (key 0" come together in the m- in. find. parish. m": downing nth-ugh run amen. inflow. (hor- muMy feminine and therefore din-l satisfied with it w. . hm condom of Mn WW. AII'RLMddMW'M" my hon notional. Pm on “no when Adm pun-donut though 0» rim of Eden [0 0» pm than boy «can panda «I “do “not. I... with u “flu! I, but he. an- pmquflh-Mhuhnnry condom at Ma supremacy. Paup- he MM hr Catholic Want-'- 1mm. 0! which In. 114‘. Brldky In 9mm. will inn-(unto a mat {or ham Mu am an [Mn and mu; Indie: o! the villa“. Banyan-[llamlndddmtom an Wag ovary 609': nut-aflo- m. Ouvouldlhllklhyhdbmnr ‘ Then is only one mom week in which to get chances on the Ford. If the boys don‘t see you send your money for chm: to H. C. blokeâ€"- ticket: will be sent you. Miss Ruth Edison has penonnlly tninod fifty little tots who wish to do their hit towatd the fire truck. They will enlartain at the Dicke “matte. Tuesday and Wednesday,‘ May 17th and 18th. The children wished to do their hit toward the truck dud through the kindness and ‘troinlng of Ilsa Edison will be able to do more than the average. She hos spent 1 mt deal of time with them during the past few months and its you: turn to help the children now-no, its not 1 cheap sort a! on- tenainment, but will be the but show you ever saw for fifty com. Two other benefits are to be open to the public during the coming few days. The Ladies Aid of (he Metho- dist Church will serve supper on Thursday evening, May 12th, at the church. Let everyone in town eat at the M. E. Church next Thursday; all the firemen will be there. ‘ The amounts realized will he pub- lished in next week's; Reporter with other private contributions. The Firemen wish to thank the Community Committee for the musi- cal series; Mrs. C. H. Stunts and Mrs. C. H. Dicke for the bakery sale; the Vesta Juniors {or the play. This vote of thanks in extended to all who helped in any way to make these events successes and to all who pat- rqnized them. They have all worked for a cause which will put Downers vae on the map. CITIZENS INTERESTED IN DRIVE FOR Who'n next with some NIPâ€"p1“ it GIRIS AND THE DAY By'l'bclu.b¢ul.60dfln lather: Day. lay uh, 0n TEL. 217â€"NIGHTS TEL. 30â€"DAYS They are attending the service in response to the invitation of the Rev. Gilbert H. Newland, pastor of the church, who will speak on “The On~ It is. expected that the capacity of the Methodist-Eplscopal Church will be taxed next Sunday afternoon when members of three Masonic Lodges and their families meet there for di- vine worship. The three bodies are Trinity Commandry, of LaGmnge,; and Grove Lodge, A. F. A. M., and Grove Chapter, R. A. M., of the vii-1‘ 711me Community of Lacuna; and Local Lodges to Observe As- cension Sunday. May 81h. MASONS MEET AT HALL SUNDAY T0 ’ ATTEND CHURCH “BU "Ll” DURHAM bbacoomaknso mummy Distributors of High Grade Merchandise GENUINE The Finishing Touch to the Home J. D.IGILLESPIE 8: CO. I01: 61 S. Main St. Subscribe for The Renderâ€"Only $2.00 per year. Members of the local Iodgns will meet at the lodge mm at three o’ clock and will march to the church in 3 body. ward Match of Brotherhood." The Methodist choir will render lppropl'i- ate music. When needing any of the following, come in. Aluminum Ware Baskets Garden Tools Granite Ware Brushes Cutlery Pyrex Ware Woodenwere Flash Lights 'We want your trade and your friendship so give us a chance to get both and we will both be better off. Our stock is large and shows you many lines not usually carried in Hardware storm We handle only high grade, first class mer- chandise that you can depend on at all times. When arranging for your plans come in and talk over the finishing of your home. We may be able to make some valuable suggestions and if we can help you we will be delighted to have been of service. If you are contemplating building a home this year you should be satisfied with nothing but the best of Building Hardware. It is the little finish- ing touches which make :1 “HOME" out of 3 “HOUSE." We have a complete stock of Locks, Window Catches, Hinges. Door Sets, Door Knobs. in fact everything in the Hardware line to complete that home. Illustrated on this page are just a few of the many things we carry in stock. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY The service is good, the lines are adequate to handle your calls, and the charges are reasonable. Just Call “Long Distance” from your own telephone. Our operator does the rest. Do you realize how easy and simple it is to make a long-distance telephone call? Long-Distance Telephoning Is Easy Hardware and Kindred Lines Getmhudwiththemoncyudtimo caving “station to station” service. SERVICE Woodenware Flash Lights Curtain Rods Washers Mich Lulu-ac Wino. To the observing student of tho limes. one o! the wonder. of this an II the spmd of the English tango-u At the present time it in spoken by nearly 200.000.1100 people. Each you was a long list to the Englishapenk- lug world. Not many know that in tho Philippines today more people spent the English language than spoke Spun- lsii after 300 years under Spanish dominion. .. 217'â€"NIGHTS. TEL. 30~DAYS FIRST M51193!

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