Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 27 May 1921, p. 8

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W" .,_,, , HANY Vlsrrons WEST CHICAGO AT GROVE LODGE ws'r T0 LOCALS LA s'r SATURDAY 6~2 WEDNESDAY fine the fly matter. A swat now um ave untold swats at a Pater - The Sixth Annual Better Rabies Conferonm will be held at the Illinâ€" ois State Fair, August 19-27, under the diroction of the State Depart- mpnt of Public Health. Hundreds of babies from past conferences will he rte-entered to ascertain their ratio of Improvement. The newspapers of Illinois hay» done their full share 20 spread the doctrine of good hoahh to the most romnha portions of the State. Fresh air and sunlight arn frw. Get your share. five mike 21 day is none too much. More than five th'umanll visitor; from other towns are r-Vpoctml. The program will start at 1!) o‘clock in the mornivq with a parade. in which 500 \‘eioran; of the warm war will act as nscort of honor Im- the (‘ivil War vetPrans. A full military hand, With a community chorus will share the program with Senator Lewis. To twp t‘nnm tnflthnr â€"â€" to ‘hmr them that thv youngnr genrrahnns will carry an the work that thny started when Mrmorial Day was mu tahliahcdâ€"the Community (Hub. (0‘ operating with the American Legion and civic organizatinnc. has made the program (m thie year one of sur- pusingly high standanl. H :15 Duran mm mm mom mm to the (‘itil War than any MM:- couuty in ”w state Yet. within the year. H. 8. Kelly l'u-t. with howl. quarfors at Whoaum, has Mon form! to lbamlmv its thartrr bt‘caucp er‘v‘ did no( wmain sufficient memhms to Ml the raster of nmfi're. With ‘he passing of Roll}: Pad a few of Mr: \Morans aw indium to feel that their snIMalily as an or- gallium»: ha: been bmken. A" of Dul'ngp ('wllj‘ has In“ in- vited In nuuul 0n lunar“! Day «Hanoi at (”on ”lyn m“ Now day. It which fnrm'r Realtor Jim Hamilton Loni: will he Ike chief nmkcr. TM immninn In a" towns in "w county has bot-u ixuml by "w newly organiu-rl ("on 1"."le Community Chub. whirh plam tn maki- (M..- un «~- cuvkm wh'wh >913" :how (he fflm‘ans of 0x- (‘iul War "Ia! Du’f‘axo County "has not fnrgnupn." Mata-3‘ so! :-I. .211 Zia-r- : in. =I1-zc3tou t. 30 In??? DU PAGE COUNTY INVITED 1‘0 GLEN ELLYN MAY 30'"! Tl'k out!" day in one of tho but h the unal- o! flaw. Indra mt rule of Spain. Wllh Mm \uu NI ”mm. Mauricio Pu“. Mb of tho nu undying in Cur-go «Mu. .- uhiu up musk-II raglan- In and m- oflur. luv. gnu-ca! o! "If-rule {or his propIo, h told a! mute- flwy had mule an. do! (In wing of Undo 8am. man-wt- h‘ Wu! thy progmu with "to luck of it under (N thm hundmi on the l'niwrmlity of Masonry tell- in. of the fins: Doug‘â€" orgnniml in Mask: during the gold rush in '98. Riganlo. n unfin- I'hillpino and o- ' o! Mallnaw Inlan- No. 25. 8M! Pablo. l'. l.. was Um: inho- duccd. He told of the iulm|udtou of Inonry into NM- Manchu. of "w 6pm Lodge»- under which flu- loul bodies wori and I little. at the do [no Work as exonoplmcd there. An As the mvmbvrs uf tht- lodge \n-rn- called to (mlvr uflvr the Honing meal. John Jenkins, W. 31.. wulcmm-d the visiting brethren and inumlucml Deputy Gra’nd Mash-r Hulk-r. of the 17th Masonic District. Brother Hal- ler made a short hm intormting talk RIPPLES WITHOI'T RHYMES Supper, FORTE“ by thv Lzulics' AM of the Congregational Church, was enjoyed by more than .125, tlw lurc- est number at any Iikr gathering in the history of the lm‘ul hulltl'. Eml- ing up with strmvbvny rhnrtruko. it was a meal to be romomlwn-«l. IVVII nun-u.- «V .«q morning and a regular so followed :hmughout the hvduk- wait The locals scored twin- in the first day \vithfinning; once in the second and than recesses for meals. fcluubiml their score by counting three Representatives frmu fortyvsx \‘vn' in the lhind. TheJa>t two rum com» different lmlgOs \wro present, durinfling in by (:l'i‘ur's of the West Chicago the ceremonies, the Visiting: cu-ufis-lpluycu. men exemplifying the dvgrm- work.’ “'05! Chicago talFt‘s rume in the In th\ evening the Trmwl Club, 311- 4X”) and M‘u-mh, Ono each. A! no membenie m‘ the l'niun Trust ('n.’tinw “11> thv game wry much in Bank, of Chicago, took ('haruo11r 1-h.,-;«iouht. although .-«-\'01':1) times in the work um! put through one of their-Hui ft-w innings um visitors throat- number Whuu' home is in tho (hm'uilnml lo. pm men on base and tic- thg It may b0 interesting: to know thmftm‘h ‘ twelve amployns nf that in.~\itutioni now make Downers Grove tlmir hmm':“’HAT LA‘VS DO 4 Grove Lodge No. 824, A. I". A. ll., held a long session last Saturday What the Master Mam" Degree was conferred on a class 01' seven candiâ€" dates, the 'limit under Masonic law. Work starter at tvn n‘cinck in m:- morning and a regular schedule \\‘a'~ followed throughout the day with recesses for meals. llama- l-‘rom Fouy~Seven Dim-rem Lodges Amend Long Session With Mud: Work. 3 I'm-w ('Mngo Sow-Mar \otnl :- 'uuimt Up um Only mm clown- .dlll? Sonata" mm! ugh-Luna: "rim. of Murphy-sham: "irks, nf Rnckfiml: and Dnihvp- of Penis. mom! om! Hails-3 had Mn for the gum! the final min. Thrw down 'slnh' Senator: won- nhcm': Swift. .“ho‘e whim «as «load: Tnmhaugh " “ho was in Springfield. hm did no? pot»; Carlson. who WIN fluid to be ill ‘ a! nu (anon-n to Spflndk-M rem-ml Irwin an: in sum“ cf the Last: hm! lo «with the (‘Ma'o Board of Truth "aim! won! Int week that "to final and Inc-t import-M of ”If No um- Ml pun-d a» firm" 2! to 22.11.61- H". H pan-ml by the "now and amped by "u- Cavernou- wm pm [min ext-Mans “MI-r fair and open mutton of the public all I"! Illa“ {armor- lo haw - win in lbw modding of "wit own pro- dud. ‘TWHAT LAWS DO ] DU PAGE COUNTY i FARMERS FAVOR i Fun-mom of the Dul'ugv County *l‘urm Bureau and the other 1,600 loounty farm bureaus in the United 'Stuu-s ml‘ to [x- aalu-«l within the m-xt l'mv week» their opinion on six- lu-n questions of nulional ngricul~ luml loginlation. The nnswou from :1: million and a lull! farmers are to {be axe-d as is basis !or the national ‘ugrirulluiul lt-glulutiw pmbli-m of Ill" Amerivun Farm lluu-au Fulcru- tion a! Washington. Tin- Illinois A:- rirulturul Ausocialion will help out-h lllinoi» county (um! buivau In K“ the opinion 0! iii month-n. ’l'ho rixlmm one-lions com'm mum" of {night run-s. {mm loam, waterways, farm uxw. farm ammo, rountry Mtlfl, and ullu-r mourn! of inn-rut to (It‘- mn. It in the find time in axrltul- (unl hiatoty that an alumni ”I! been mule to learn lla- vrialmi of nth imlixiclonl in an organisation com- prluinu u may .1 o millloo anal I lull hm". ”when of the Dol'uv County Finn Bun-nu. who not a d-Muuon Sixteen Questions on X'Ililmal Auri- cultumi Legislation to he Sun! Out. TALK NO. 11 That moansâ€"«At least TWICE A YEAR tlw l'. S. Govm-nnwnt sends a Bank Examiner to look at all the collateral accepted a! loans, count the mnnvy mquirml to he kept in ms‘orw and look into awry transacâ€" tion. Thus lfnclc Sam is looking after your money that is tlopositml \“ifl‘l us for safekeeping to see that no impropl‘r loans are made. Victory again Wednesday at Mem- orial Park, the local High Srhool baseball team has mmkg quite a le- wrd fur ltsvlf this scam". Wednes- day victims Wore the nine frum West Chicago and the score was 6 to 2. min School Team Beats Visitors at Memorial Park in a Very Close Game. This explains why FIRST NATIONAL BANK National Bank Downers Grove, Illinois. so many people l‘Rl-lF‘l-IR a National Bank. This is a .‘lrmoflnl Day will hr 9 big Jay M "I0 Dirlm Thonhr. A continuous m- loflainmflfl commuting at 3:00 p. "1.. showing .“IIT 3mm Minter in ”TM Liukv Flown." and a “Noâ€"Ml ”new Kmkm mmly. “Ono Work." adv, Tho cirru- in coming to km»! (1va null bombed Halon, humu- rm“. Monk-uh and nonthin.1‘nke your fnmily to "w Dirk: Thain an Memorial Day -In use Mary Mikrs filial" in “TM Lmlv flown." nth. Jun an «M and “mt-Ml pllver whim! that a thumb! of inlfi‘ur mmum». ulvontun- nml mom it pron-cl. ('omdllfl' Rina-y 6n "Tho Magic Cup." at tho Dirh Thain. Snumhy. Hay 2m. ulr.‘ i A bt-Iulilul young lady Will uh‘t “Len-am in Love" to bet-Mu] unfilt- men at the Didn- ‘I’Mnm- Julw 2nd and Mâ€"leuw Tllmmlm- ip the bauuful Indy. Slop lirfly! ulv. The Dick 'I‘Maln Ms women-d {or a an am" of two-nil comedies. the am one. "0m Wuvlz." will he mum Hemotbnl buy. fluslrr Kn- hm In IM flu and M would mnh “instill: Upholltcrinc and Paral- lun Repair Shop. All work may done at rmoublo prim. ”one 635 or and variant Will all and do liver In. of dune. "-2641. “l Imu- U'iml 21“ kinds of (NIH and' "flirt my since 1 him! your dining car bkml it i> ju~t “Man I haw been; looking for." 'I‘ntimnny of another customer. Lullmunn «- 3141M. udvfi L ; Have you tried Klon-zul i‘m- wash- iing your automobile? Du“ new Garâ€" ; age. adv. A Bakery 5MP Will be yin-u luv the‘ ladit'I' Md of the Urun- am-u Evan, m-mul «bun-h on Saturday unv-rnuou.l Mn" 23!]: from I In 5 u‘rlork u! Klt‘ln'u Sanllury Market. Laud: Goraniums. I‘un.~i(.~ am! a \ar'ietyg nf Bedding "Hunts. axéw \‘(umubk' plants of \‘uriuus kinfi at Hulllln's: (hecnhotm-s. l'hum- L’WJ. :;-‘.\'. tr." A full line of (hr ccflobratrd lNDL‘! cosmctics for :«uh at Manon Dexter‘s APT KRA A‘F’l SHOP, m 6 door soufil. of the Ross Bakezy. mlx. t1. Don't Eat your kidslit-s n‘i«< the cir« cup at {he Hickx: 'Humn- Memoriill Day. A” comimum: .~i'm\\' mmmoncâ€" int.r at I} p. m. zuh'. 28. A‘ private line telephone has, been instant-(l in the office of Edward G. Lemon (‘11., No. 227.111!“ mummy grin. :23, immc-chumui PM homechurned butter Phoue_ Local Puma; and Wives Also in. mlv \ited to Pariah- of Mac- GROVE BEN? W DOWNERS GROW ILLINOIS Advertisements I‘hom- ad\‘. Hvsin‘os the 0M n-Nrams them- who»; the wives and widows of old mMim‘s and local pastors and their \\i\‘(*.~ are invited (0 pmtukv of Mac- ('abue hospitality. Dinner win he served as nearly at noun as the return of the \013 from ”inalalc will leow. After the G. A. R. men return from the Memorial Day ceremonies ut Hinsdalc next Monday morning. they win proceed to the Congregational Church. Here the. Luca} Review, Woman’s Bum-fit Association of the Maccabees will have waiting for ”It'll! iheir annual dinner. 222 [‘11:ka Arcâ€""none ISL DINNER MONDAY FOR G. A. R. MEN; -- W I V E S; WIDOWS Hinsdale BRUNET 8; DON KIN Fanm lnmmtml 'Ihm Skin Strmim: Pumas No. ’ Nnnrsmh Own Balm! Beans > ran.» Larg'r‘ Cans Ki porod Hmring ............. I.ihhy,12 m ,an (‘m-nml Roof ........... 5n) Can Pure Strainml Honm ............ F l‘carl 0m! Bath Soap pm bar ............. MIMI lmpmt-‘vl "Ihm Skin stoning l’I‘IInr‘s. ‘.‘0t \'n. ’ NUHPHH'II Own Rakml Bonus 3 ram Mir Laurv (Jan. Kippmvml Hmrinxx ................ w Lihhy 12 07,. Can (“mnml Bvof .........30(‘ am. Can l’IIIo Stminml Hnnm ............ 3:1. 50 l‘eaII Oull Bath Snap. pm hm .............. 3c Marshmallow ("rnyno, for Cakv Filling, jar ..25c ngv Can Royal Anne Chorrim ............ 35c Large- Can Cal. Apricots .................. 25c Strawberrios, prr rat. ...................... 25c l'r-ns. Corn and Tomatoos, pvr can ........ 10¢ Large Can Boots .......................... 15c Lehmann 6' Michels Store Just Right Hair Nets. cap styles 10c 3 for 25¢ 3x5 Size Large Lonse Flags 4x6 Size Large Loo‘se Flags Carpenters A N D BROWN . WILL MAKE YOUR PORCH AND HOUSE (‘OOL- ER DURING HOT DAYS. WE CARRY ALL SIZ- C. E. BROWE R Painting-«Decorating JOB!“ .\'G ATTENTI’ZD 1'0 EthllATRS FITRNISII I'll) 26 Main Street Downers Grove, II}. Phone 82-R whee Hospimlity. I. 5%. Special Price “AEROLUX” Porch Shades 6. 7H. 8. 9 1-! AND 10 FEET. GREENS 8: Builders Phone 818 White Middics to fit voung ladies and mis- 30s “ore m. 1:19 to sell at ST‘JN) and more. §The Reporter, $2 a Year Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank \"0l .â€"\1 such a time :I {(-w Immhml ‘Iullms in a S: u .‘: i. In! imirchi. \Vhy no! [K'p'ifl m urn-am! mg a Sminga ALTON“: in (hi.d bunk 'l'mluy’.’ ‘(Ol' M U' YOl’ MAY "01' MAY YOU MAY A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 ' M U' \‘.'.\\"I‘ TO GET HARRIH‘D _ ' MAY “ANT To U\\‘.\' YOUR U“ \' HUME ' MAY Nl‘i'lD ASSISTANFE 0.‘.' :\ HUN it-‘Y. ' .‘l ‘.\' \\ 1?."1' TO SEND YOUR CHZLV‘IH'TV 'I'O COLLEGE“â€" .‘l.\\ \\ ANT [‘0 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0!“ SOME OI'I'OR- l l N” Y. ' $1.89 SOME DAY--- 4x8 Size Large Loose Flags Smaller Muslin and Silk Flags $6.00 Men's Brown Shoes. Goodyear welt, natural finished oak sole, add‘ ing more wear to the shoe. You will hardly believe such a fine shoe can he offered at $6.00 “Selz Six” Pair, 25 to 65¢ CHILDREN’S Half Socks Plain and Fancy Tops. All Sizes - 5 I09 Smil'g- Au'mm! \HH prove uhzlv much a fund by open- 27. 192!

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