Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Jun 1921, p. 6

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Now is the time to decorate your law with a nice Cemem Flower deelivaedandpul upforfl. Huh Em! lwm (1"!!! Ann: {mm “I? “:91 fmfim an and in the ”(31 film humt‘orc In Ht» infield was :9" 01mm (‘4' tin visitor} ofiorta Mn. ch01 Maxim! tho homr l2“! by loaf- Sug MA a hit to Mower on a close phy. .‘ninnm- wont to mini on Herb'- aim}: to Ian and scnrrd on King-w ”’9 long fly to KiMufl in «may M be hmugm hm. n vu one. "0.1M" far but): “do: in Ihe eighth anal ninlh. Tho Orioln not a mu m 'n the Huh and Thcrflrn whifln? Kinrslry. Jum- nmi Clim- in the fin" tenth. Jnknmn dump"! the third dr-kr on CNN who was mini John-1m t .‘lolrar. Vim" team fluid :‘a anything h: 91': 11th uhkoj the Orlflre had (“0 mt". nn afier twni were (.2. Hvrh hit Turban: and Johnson was safe on Mochel’s encr{ ht Jnhmy fhmw on: Matt!" In an find out. 3 From me am. on the gum war (I'M. both mm (hm-(ruins to put the winning marker across. Binder and Kings-Icy (at on ‘n the «walk and mm a doub'o Moll but (maid pm we run- nam- Ifler two W“! out. June and CNN "ruck out. Kan-h M! u- muor {or flu» Mun: Bram doublrd (0 Id! cumin: Knrflh: 0mm." mu Infl- when Hikinfl dropped hi: fly. llnmu proving; Mo- d!!! flier! to Kilt'ufl. Twn nun. The Oriole: scored «no In the Hxfll tad Dowmn Grove two, tying up the “on. Kinpky now catching for the Gm. and Juno Bhutan" In right in vim «! Klein. Kelly M! for two “ch Io «mu, Kllclufl out Binder to 8mm. KOlly [06" to thinl: Barium; hit' to Content". who fumbled m-1 ling Nrny «on. Bath“: «ole «4 m! and third. Johmon New! to Kur- «h who male I gnu catch. Warn. Downers mud one in die Mlh n!- a: two were gone. Carpenter flied to Kfldufl; Hochel flied to Hester-n. Beth in safe on Mama's error. Binder bit to right and Herb noted on an overthrow to third. Brick go- b: to thin! on the play. Kinpky tuned for Sub and "ruck out. On: Downers came right back in their hdf of the third. Rams}: was hit by a pitchal ball and took first. Brunt chuck out and meh stole second. Carpenter hit to left moving Karen: and wen: to second on the throw. Me» the] beat out a hunt. Molcar dropping the throw and Carpenter scored. Herb singled to winter; ”othe'l hing ill-M at second: Binder flied to Kildufl and Null flied to flown. The locais could do nothing in the first two innings but scored two in their half of the third. Kelly was out on a bunt, Nash to Bruus. KS:- dufl was safe on Carpenter‘s ermr. Barbang was safe on Mochol's error. Kildufi going to second. Johnson hit to center scoring Kildufi and Bar- !ung went to third. Mettler hit thm third scoring Barhaug and Johnson. Therrien flied out to Rama}: and Smith was out on a foul to Macho}; Three was. ‘ Kelly got a life at first when Klein dropped his fly and stole second on Nash’s low throw which went through Binder )etting him to third. Kildufi was out 'at first, Kelly scoring. Bar~ hug struck out. Johnson was safe It first on a low throw by Mot-he] and stole second and third. Meztler struck out. One run. to look ndiculous, being caught. ten fact from the bag. “King" also put the winning marker across when he poled a long fly in the twelfth, scor- illi' Mochel. mews WIN A . CLOSE 1 2 INNING GAMEâ€" scam: 6-5 H. McPherson Phone 131-1! (Continued Iwm Page 1) f'Ea‘r’l/Fodn ' ‘ MIA???“ ‘ A' Al-.â€"u n:$-.._o_1:.. YOUZ! BE SURPHSEB' , WHEMYOU Fl . [-0617 ‘EU’LAUGHS. A TN.“ .00"; A woman sum-1| m \VNlenstM the MM day that her hum-"ml Myiu ho Ifl‘ gm;- m ban- a stunt. left we hmm- d: mnmm r't-xaml thm: ru- lIInw! â€"l.nmhm lh-lh- “nil. Th.- vam n-Iu-rv-wn 01 mo I'IHM mm: a npnvnmm ft-r ham-ctr. Thu ImurinMr my all ohplr Mn- Iu-run umlnc M a 6mm: um-wmlnn. hwy "mm! II n- le mvk m lmw My; um- mhl Ian-mm!- Dmhlml. TIIM mm do I"! ‘H-E'; {I r \'ll.'l'*. Tin-y my all 93- cu-u t-«r nozr «mm-mm and (he. ”mn- Ih' [n-Iv-Nla n? "00 "1|! 'MacWhom'r of S. Ania-I": Chum-h. TM! in the amt-tin pmnm In nuuinéd for tho evening. It nhouhl pron on o! the mm uniqw and In- Hemtiu of the my which Grove Lodge no! MM In the wt for the true men at 'll-‘Ofi. who" rank“ mo {binning out year by war u “my nvmwr Hm I”! en" lo Hand gourd An Invitation to IM mm Mn been mu out Io every rev-Mn! Manon Ind it is ”pedal that the hall will he tnxnl lo M! calm-My. 1 9:. Media! region. A New. Christi! . n2 Reelsf at the Worm War-A' Doufll Boy; I Devil Dog: I Gob; Smfleu; M Up You Troubku: the Home Guanh; Keep the Home Fir" Burning. fiupemhltâ€"My Country Th of The. nonunionâ€"The Rn. Hugh 3!. ANNE“. RECEPTION 1‘0 6. A. I. Thme bare hits. Kamsh; two base hitsâ€"Jlolear: Bruns. Struck out. by Ehninctrâ€"lzl; by 'l'herrleuâ€"ll. ls! baa-e on balls. of! Ehningerâ€"A. First base on crrvr, ommqi; Downers Graveâ€"4. Left on linen. Orioles-m l2: Down" Grove 9. ‘ Totals Orioles: Kelly 3!) Kildufl' d .. Barhaug 2b Johnson c Metfler ss Thern‘tn p Smith r! Molar lb . . Heggem If . Totals ‘Mnchel 3b . Ehningor. H Binder 2b . Nash :- . Kingsley c . Klein rf Ehuingcr, J Cline cf Kart-sh If . Bruns lb .. Rehuhmrme- will be wn‘M. The box score and summary: Downers Grove ..AB R SBH POE Cameuter ss ...... 6 l l l 0 4 Lafayette: Nut Sanity Next Sunday, June 5th, the locals will play the LaFayettes of Chicago. This should be nearly as good a game as last Sundays. The LaFaycttes played in Downers last year on Aug- ust 29 and the locals won 4 to 1 in an exciting game. In the game both yides scored one mm in the second in- ining and no more untll the Legion‘ put mm across in the 6th and one in} the seventh. ending the scoring. ' i ending the game. DICKE THEATRE Saturday, June 4th Umpireâ€"Wm. Dexter. (Continual {mm Pix:- 1) AB R 513 61035 8 SBH POE DOWNERSGROVEREPO 1' DOWNERSGIOJ IIJJNOIS 835 Lekachas Orfanos 25 YeargMgkilpg Delightful You will find on our menu all the old stand-‘bys in the wa of Sodas, Sundaes, etc, tan many new ones. For instance, our Sher- bets are a delight to the palâ€" ate~they satisfy that long-4 ing on hot days for some- thing to quench the thirst, and - at _the same time are confections of pleasing taste 21 3. Form Am Tm 105-" F. W. .KE’I’I‘ENRING Contractor 8: Builder Mum [uni-Dd on m or old . Prompt Attention Ladies Especially Invited Mr. and Mn. 1.. A. Sabin. Mr. and Mn. W. I. Solar I'M thiwmz. mo- lcm-ul from "cl-Mon! Ian Saturday tn May m" Drmrnuon Day with "re. \‘nM’alvn nml hur molht'h L. A. R. Ran. the baker in now driv- lnp a Dodge- touflng cur punks-«l from tho scum" gar-no. KMmIl'o haw MM quite a numb" of thru- [N'pull' car.- thh rpm»; and will rm- Imu-e a larger territory in the near fumnr. Frank Wnplu. who h making hi. home in Wlu'omin, \‘Mled Mn ['1‘ on”. Mr. and Mn. Ballard \leIm at Prim Ivonne, In: week and It- “Mn! Ibo (.‘ommmomo-m exam-o- Io m M- Mnen "was" from the local high «Moi. Mr. and in. Lowe and «laughter, Dumb)“, of Him-dale. Mn. Schiller and undue". bun-m and Dorothy In! Chicago. um! Decoration Day at (he Emu llm-hn home on South Main Itn‘fl. Art. Schlauck-r and Emmott! Mochel we"! Decoration Day fishing at Lake Zurirh. Phantom my: the his war- so cmwdecl wnh boat! that it was nlmon Impossible to get another om- in the water. Delight Vonlcnius “"4! a Visitor id the Grove last wet-k. She has been attending Knox college at Galesburg and after a short visit will join her parents Mr. and Mrs} Tum Venk-nius in their harm in Portland. Oregon. Fred Wois suffered a fractum of his right arm!!! yesterday, while at work in the baggage car a ruse of semen; fell over striking him in the am: and [musing the injury. Saim Mary’s church of East Grove will hold the first picnic of the year next Sunday at the corner 0! Prairie and Fairview avenues. There will [)0 dancing and other amusements. The Memorial Day programs issued by The Reporter made a decided hit Monday. Many people have informed us that they appreciated having the words of tho sunga‘ before them. A happy bunch of young fnlks sur- prised Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grotefeld 1m Fnidnywvening {he occasion'be- ing his twenty-first birthday. Arthur Kidwell with several friend from Chicago was an interéfletl spec- tator at the lndianuppolis automobile race on Decoration Day. The James Chilven: home on Sara: toga avenue is completed and is‘one of the most charming houses on‘ the North Side. Next Sunday‘s American Legion game with the La Fayettt's promises to be a good one. Phone Personals to 188-1]. PERSONALS Retailer: of High Grade Merci-lulu 01 s. Illi- St. Tale-Ion fl There are may women in this community who Mess the THOR EL- ECTRIC WASHING MACHINE at least once a week -â€" rhat‘s the day they do the family wajhing. Most of these women. before “we purchase of this modern device, dread. led wash (lay worse than sickness - Talk to them now, they are all of the opinion that their THOR is the best‘ buy every made. 1 Somewhere in your neighborhood them- is a woman who saws herself many weary hours a year just by the use of this wonderful machin, it mayI be your next-dom- noighborâ€"ask her what she thinks of the THOR then come in and order one. LEWEO. Dun-urn Grow. "L. May :‘21. 192-. Regular met-ting o! the Comic” of the Village of {human “reveal". Pvt-mm at roll call Mayor W. C. flar- ber and Commimmrr Bender. Hub lrr. man and Hum. ‘ linum of Ilk- mung of Mn, 23. ‘1er I. “we read and (‘ommiuiomn Helm mowed to Ipprow «me. Ou‘ roll all (‘ammimmm-p Hunt. "ll- lor. Mm. Bryn-c and Mayor flur- j-or voted Aye. Nays MM. Mellon run-50d. Commiulomr "NIH! moved um "w report of ‘MQ And“ of the VII- luv book: 5) R.. .Buchlu'n 5. Co» (or on am) your hummus MA, I. "'20 and ending Arm! NI. 192:. hr (‘ai OFFICIAL PRO~ CEEDI‘NGS OF THE VILLAGE B 0 A R D An event of interest to Downers vae people will be the marriage of ”ii-‘3 Marion Monti-use Green of Oak Cottage. Naperville. and Dr. Charles Robert Deindort‘er of Galena. on Sat- urday evening, June t'mmh. at the residence of the bride‘: parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer Greene. Thel groom will be attended by his bro. ther, Mr. Aibert Deimlcri'vr. Mrs. Wheeler of Cleveland, Ohio, a sister of the bride, will be matron of honor. and the Mines Grace Greene and Miriam Sampson. will be bridesmaids. Bobbie and Max Greene will act as ribbon stretcher» aml Betty Wheeler as flower girl. The Rev. Hugh M. .‘Iku'Whonor of S. Anolrnr's Epinw pol Church will adminirtcr the sac- rament of Hniy Matrimony. l A 1' T E N 1' I 0 .V AUTO OWNERS a very talented young woman whose home is on Fairview avenue, south of the East Grave stali'm. The “May Moon” the dancing and singing» show for the benefit of the fire truck fund. will be repeated at the‘ matinee atjhe Dicke Theatre on tomorrow ‘afternoon. Those taking pan are pupils of MISS Ruth Edison I A jury before Judge Blakey found a Hinsdale man not guilty of speeding here Tuesday night. Numerous com- plaints have been lodged with the Village Councilmen about the actions -of Callahan, our night policeman. His iactics in enforcing the law are, at times, rather crude, to say the least.‘ Wad. You- I‘m “‘iziozn “a!" 1" I. F? .V .‘L-Z 2. Miss Sally Smith leaves tomorrow night. for a two week visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Burkhan in Bun'alo. A. Noble is manager of the Moneys weight Scales Co., and his son sens cars {or Ira Bell of Rockford. Miss Teloir Hendrcn 1’me 0! DRAMATIC ART AND EXPRESSION an! .13 Gun film! DO" "3 g" a -:I'1‘t"‘ .‘rtflo m Commissioner Bender moved to ad- journ to the next negular meeting date. June 61h, 1921. On roll call Commissioners Bender, Bryce, Hal- k-r. Heanr and Mayor Barber voted Ayp. Nays none. Motion carried. Mr. G. A. Bungc. counsel for Arâ€" thur '1‘. McIntosh (30., withdrew pe- tition to annex Westmont territory to the Village of Downer! Grove, Ill. 0!: roll call Commissioners Bryce, Bend". Haller. Beam and Mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Mo- tion carried. Resolved. That the Mayor of the Village of Downers Grove. Illinois be and is hereby authorized by {he Vil- lage Councilor said Village to sign agieement No. 30511 with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, pertaing to and agreeing upon the purchase,. maintenance, operation and use of certain electric light and telephonei poles jointl}, as prmided in said m} greement. 1 Commissioner Bryce presented the foliowing resolution and moved for its passage: placed on the records. On roll call Commissioners Heir". Haunt. Ben- der, Bryce and mayor Barber voted Aye. Nays none. Motion carried. 19 W. Railroad st. FIVE ROOM MODERN HOME Lord Lumber company ‘ Thi< «haw :Zno decline in hzmhr-r prices. Retail dealers hep grace ”with mil! mien. Remember, that {night on a thou- sand feet of southern iambei is five donafl more now than before the war. . :"mal first (f thi: 5.1”"de home is now 35.04160 which is S. $5.00 less than last summer. or this decrease “81.25 is rn Eumhcr and mill work and $193.75 on all other items. Study {hos-"e fimzreeâ€"Thcy are correfl. Talk to us sham prices. We will give yen full information. in iner cost {or Ihh urn story. fiw mom home has doâ€" .roased $494.25. thirty-four prr (MI. and mill 1:07.: "87.00, :xvemv-sm-m (K? (9:1,! The total «hcrmw in (ml of him. he: and mid “02k 36“.: 'v. or Ihirh pcr «m. 3?.434fifl. New. at r--1.~r-M "tail 53mm. the lnmhrr far this house will . Hccnr- HCCK'HII‘ 2?" Mn ‘zfiry. 5w nrm nhmhzuh'n («km Mme m» bum Aumm .lz': Ennis. «arm 1:: (he «onsru nf ""20. “hm lumhfl 0 km 3: :‘nc wak. The ium‘m' for this iwmv m4 91.43993 mi" tnrk $0176.00. tau: inmkr and min Work $2.!lfuk3. Chas. .‘l. Hitch. Village Clerk. Resident Member of the Lumberman’l Publicity sumo ., Buschmagm Bros. GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MOVING AND STORAGE RESOLUTION 3.60 It.” work $489.1”, tum! Lather and mm work ‘(rl STI'CCO "NEILâ€"SHE 2. X 29 Downers Grove, Illinois Phone after 6 r. M. 142 J Send in the “Pemnals” you how to The Reporter -â€" Phone 188-1. LAGRANGE STEAM DYE WORKS Two reasons why you should have your Cleaning. Dyeing and Press- ing‘done by us. There are other reasons and we‘ll tell you about them from week to week. MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE Moderate Charges Phone I3I~W 92 E. Curtill 81. . s-ur Hoax-hu- TWO DAY SERVICE Of PRE-WAR PRICES \ AND PHONE 90-R My.,1mi5,_ljfl For Our Driver n'lll Telephone 11 13¢

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