Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Jun 1921, p. 7

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O Graded lessons and separate order of service for Primary and Beginners Departments. Our schml is stamina dined and has an efl‘icient group ofi trained teachers. Visitors welcomed firmly and new scholars desired. Homing Worship at 11:00 a. m. Sommeâ€"~“Home Literature." 3rd in series on "The Responsibilities and Possibilities of the Christian Family.” Children’s Hour at 2:30 p. m. Kiss Martha Penner. Supt. Senior Alliance Service at 6:45 p. a... still be in charge of the Christin Citizenship Department. Sunday. June 5th, 192:. Bible Schml at 9:45 a. m. Organized Adult Department in charge of A. P. Tholin. Young men and women in one large class taught by the pastor. Sdmday Eveningsâ€"8:00 p. m. Bene- HIST EYANGELICAI. CHURCH Week Daysâ€"â€" 8:” a. In. M“: and Sermon. Player Meeting every \Yminmday evening at 8 o‘clock. “I am not aghaml of thv Cmpel of Christ. for it is the power of God alto salvation to ewry one that be. lievuh.” Rom. I. 16. TM public is mnflany Invited to Ital-I (he north-N and to fish and II. the reading mom. The Rn. "no” ll. Krhtl. \Huklrf 3:00 a. m. Mass. 8:00 p. m. Complim, Benediction. im a. m. Bible Study. mm a. In. High Ilass and Ser- 3:30 p. m. Bit-maria! Sun'im for 1h!“ Odd FNIHW llllol “Mu-L191 bulge.- of ”(IWMH Gmw. June Mh. W21. Second Sunday Trinity, 7:30 a. m. Holy (‘omm-zminu 9:45 a. m. Clum'h Svh-I-l. ":00 a. m. Morning I‘Vuyv Sermon. Service. Sermon by the minister. Subject: “The Question of a Frightened Jaller." , During the summer months it will he the endeavor to plan {or services lasting just one hour. Good music by the choir and by the congregation. Wednesday, June 8th. 8:00 p. m. Midweek Prowl: Ser- vice. Then.- will be a good program uo~ der the auspices of the men of the church. Short mldrema by the min- later. I. ANDREWS EPISCOPAI. CHURCH ‘l'h Rev. But Bl. Mquum-t Plinth-Churn . Juno Mil. lfVJl. Soc-mt! Sunday urn-r Trinity, 7:30 :3. m. Holy (‘ommminw 0-15. n m ("hum-h Sulmnl ‘ Sunday, June 5th. 19:21. Sunday School 9:45 a. on. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Organ Prelude. Hymn. The Apostles Owed. Pm) er. Anthem. Psalterâ€"‘l‘w enty 3mm reading. Gloria Patti. Scripture. Oflmory. Hymn. Sermon-“Christian Perfection.“ Hymn. Benediction. Postltule. Rpm-r111 League Installation of non- ofliwn-‘a :30 in th; Honing Sen-loo. honing Sci-flee" .30 p. :11. Song 81m Ice Installation of League Oil’icers. Sermon: "Not Anhamnl of the Go« pol of Clm'it." .‘NVOKTNCEMEN’I’Sâ€" i In. 1. Alfred Nam. PM. Then.- will be a good program unâ€" der the auspices of the men of the church. Short mldren b3 the min- in". 7:!!! p. m. Etc-nine “or-Mp. Theme. "Thv \‘nice from ”I" Drad‘" The film‘s "5M0 Ch.“ Ir!!! meet a: During the summer months it will he the endeavor to plan for services lasting just one hour. Good music by the choir and by the congregation. Wednesday, June 81h. ( of ”w l.""!.." F‘JPF‘Y', 0:30 3!. m. ll. Y. I'. l'. ".0" a. rn Hunting \\u.£::i;~. 1100mm ".rm 0M Tcdnnn-M .‘lea- 9:4... 5|. m. [Mn'v SI 11:00 a. 1151. Morning Devotional Service. Subject: “As Jesus Passed By." 0:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. All young people invited. 7:30 p .m. Song and Preaching‘ Service. Sermon by the minister. Subject: “The Question of a Sunday, June 5, !921. 9:45 a. m. Bible Schoot. Special adult classes. Sunday. June“ 5th, 1921. invites a 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. where. There will be no church.sen'ices the com qn account of the Golden Jubilee at to come. Elmhurst. ‘ all. ll. PAUH “ANGELICAL 030W STREET CHURCH 81'. IOSEPI'S CATHOLIC HIST CNl'RCN OF CHRIST. Kill-:87”? FIRST IMI'THT Clll'RCll Arthu- Spencer Phelps, Minister CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH UNITED BRETIIRBN .._._. - causes or EAST «nova The In. WI. Gutefeld, Punt p. :21. Evening I‘rasrr and “bury III" “As Jesus Pagsed By." I'MEOUIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH! If his business does not soon 1m 3. 1021 r57" "w“ .“i-uw N":z 'moi Jvlmfiv Clixhom, Mn'h'; 'I'uuw't. Nut K‘mt aml "Vi-W‘- H. (I and “With-m. ('Miwru. :13; M ('hirnru. mu: 3:“ unid)’ and Sunday :1: "w “. N. hawk k"! 924M". \\'.n~:.wr (‘hunhifh nw- r-T Ibo rio- "m... «hi-km“ or Dul‘nru- (‘amm' din-d :A hid hnmo at Ih-Iimnd and Wash- TWENTY-TWO YEARS AGO I.\' THE REPORT}?! The regular mming of the Phila- Ihvu (Tim-s will In MM at tho horn» of Mrs. Slough on Curtlss «two: a! 8:00 p. m.. (m “W 6th of June. Twining (‘lnu M" be hchl Sunday m-onl'nz at 0:330. Brim.- your nudy Micki. \\'.-.ln~uln,v,- II From I’ First Evangelical Church cordially thn M. Mikoleit. invites all' who do not_ worship else- -â€"â€" where. New msidents and visitors in Mrs. J. A. Nash of Richmond. vis- the communlty are especially urged lted with the family of J. ‘W. Nash l'rnyrr )lw-zinu ’ i Evening Worship at 7:30 p. in. Service closes at 8:15 giving tinie for that evening uroll or nutomobilej spin afterward. Ladies’ chorus, con- gregational singing and short mes-j sages on practical Christianity. Fans‘ have been provided 1): courtesy of Lehman“ Michel for all. I ~51. ar e.\ u. mg. cahcti 6 win gig. wi‘hou: obligafian. Your cht‘ms will 5: better, am! you «in alWaYi be com- Miss Anna Meyers (I so South mm mm Sunday School 10.00 a. at. Church Services 11:00 a. In. All are welcome. 1f- I»: u you wk}: 1 f: PI: ‘3 2) § (”unis Gilbert K. Nevhml. Pu“: WI.‘ ”11.1.11: Rev. J. C. Nasal. Punt. ll mm: I) "‘"EI! more A warm wélcume awhitslthe past week. ' in joint tennnt with and husband of ‘ Neale O. flcLenn; Neale 0. McLer- an, individually, and as joint te- nant with and wife of said George R. McLean; Lawrence P.‘ Conoi'er, trustee; and the unknown; owner 1nd holder of one certain promissory note for the principle. sum‘ of m, dated August 21, 1920, and‘ payable live ears after its date to- ther with interest at the rate of per cent per annum: also the un- known owners and holders of ten in-i ten-st notes dated August 21, 1920, for the sum of $180 each, said notes being numbered ONE to TEN, both inclusive. No. l of said notes being. payable On February 2l. 1921, and, one of the remaining interest notes in their numerical order being pey- able every six months thereafter; all of said notes were made by George iMcLeran and Neale O. M0118?!“ and ‘by them endorsed and delivered and are secured by a trust deed to Low-I rence P. Conover, trustee. upon pro- perty described as follows. to-wit: The west one hundred and twenty feet in width of the northeast arter of Black Five in William ins’ first Addition to Hines dale. in Section 12 Townshin 38.! North. Run 11, has: of the 3d Preps. “mm *3 am?“ 0 n e. age 1 and Stove of Illinois: ‘ said trust deed being recorded in the ‘ State of Illinois. County of DuPage 53, in the Circuit Court of DuPage County to the June Term, A. D. 192], in Chant-ea". Chris Schmidt Vs. George R. clenn individually, and an joint. tgnuynt witfiuamj hgsbgng of hmmm of said «locale»! «m pn- ‘wnt to the County Court of Dul'ngr County. at “Tn-atom lll.. his final I"h port of his acts and doings as such executor. and ask the Court to ho «lisclmmevl from any and all further duties and namslbilities mmtrd with said 6548.3 Incl u executor (how of; at which time and place you may be pm"! and resist such application if yml than): sq to do. .- n an” ._- . .'"- -.. "Chum“ “filler. Executor. Bum. Harbour Schmidt, Atty-2:. In th- Mall" at "\r NA‘HII‘ a! Rn- hm 0. \"rmlmm. firmly-ed. ['0 ”90 r'ir‘. hung-"UM (flemrh u!’ ”H“ M‘ti LIMP. “'1in “E‘N'w M. Hunk-HI \‘ a; hat". A'irfl Klingl .. ('lu a “pm! mg. lrvim‘. Hub». .\.‘fi)nl “110111. J. "rum". “'1'" ”5-2 lm’i “’c-nvllinq. “imam “undiimr. Azfllm “'n-nilimt. Orszm \Vommn-z. YOl' Al". HEREBY NOTIFIED that an Month". the lllh th' of July. A. I). W21, at thw- hour In orlork A. M” or (I4 soon Mere-fun o?'|'§.Â¥b£'hi"1\l‘f. ‘6;- 3} km thereafter as the [imam-u of the Court will pow suit. the met-mot pfAthc-‘lnsrt Will am! Mule u! “‘innl‘. ('muvly m‘ lml'n-n. $5. In "w l'uunu' (".31 n5 linl‘axv (3». Ju!) ‘nwm. A. II. um Claimwl Nu- Fu-nvh 'm' xnInu tn mrmnm'nll' annex "Iv. Ruhr. but um i‘ pm‘ruhly cal} 13 German rum- I-nck. con-mm “as! I. rm. ('Dmmm-r mm "and behind and back up rfmllmm-dm mum. om- pmv I. lit" ptflnrv. "If I'll]. Nomv .4 flow. 0- "HIV!" n um“ "NM"! ll [Muir told that the only mmmly for unr prom-n! tmublw h “‘nrk. a la! n! pmmh- «x out In wail: [he public. Sumo of tho nwn deny that they many r‘rh QM: for money. as Hwy an mvroly marrying for nupport. Although 16,140,585 mom» (mm for President "mu-m. he has so far bwn so ungratoful as to pmvicle jobs (m- but few thousumlu of them. _ Many of the older gent-ration met their 9’": by: Lhur'n-z nut Hu- was. but the pn-M-nl clny rmwvl an- more likely ta div by stvmflng on it. The meanest man yet was reported the other day. consisting of a fellow who wouldn't let hi: boy mow the lawn. because it gnu: him such an awful appetite. Among the people whu have their backs to the wall, are the wall flow- ers at the dances. Being requested to recognize our rights in the island of Yap. Japan pertinaciously refusese to say Yip. duce prices, the people win be. calling it pig business. Any one who doubts the revival of the automobile industry. should be reminded of the necessity of replac- ing those that getamashed up in acâ€" cidents every day. Marriedâ€"March l9. l899. at Mil~ wankee. Wis., F. L. Rude“ and Mar- tha M. Mikoleit. [um streets. Sunday. mum, in Ma 87th year. Funeral services were held Tuesday. the Rev. A. E. Saun- ders of Chicago. officiating and but- ial made in the West Side cemetery. JUST PARAGRAPHS CHANCERY NOTICE Ii}. Ht‘l Tl )II'S NOTICE Mastscme Wang“: SEND IN YOUR 01.0 mm AND CLEAN BAGS WE WILL MAKE 1113' om IN- TO BEAUTIFUL 3068 MRS EDW. EMRICK 75 mine-[Ava 01M John "a". annr fin“. "inslhlv. Illinois. hut-Sim for Steal Ladies Jersey Suits, Knitted Capes with Angora collars, Skirts and Gear gene Waists. Lowest Mewâ€"Puffin Fit Gnnnteod Order a Barclay Corset. with one year mnntee. If you dislike dinning» war Malloch’s Hosiery L’mjgrwearâ€"for Men, Woman and Children. I!" ORDER OF TIIE IIIGIIWAY POMMISRIONEII' 0F TI"? TOW”- SIIII‘ OIv' "OWNERS GROVE. DI! PAGE (TOI'N‘I‘V‘. ILLINOIS. I‘. K. Rm. CommissIMK-r. DQFVIE'TF Grave. III Commas will Dr M In Hw- lawn! "'3vade HM". (In "fig Imay (‘om miudom-r nwrrvivm "I! right (n "- int-t nm- qr a" kids. Call and see the beautiful sum mer dresses in Tafletas. Voile; .Hlufl' Rum! fmm Uh mull" \w-vlvrn |;. In t‘w Tmsm-hm 1.5m. Dav. m-r- firm:- nml Irma»! Rum! “â€"nm lkmmu hrmr tn |.-.,rnnll fi‘nnk- "and. I'vmlrv "and. flvflmwl "nu". Frtyulm Run-L 2-" n‘ J. mum. in ".0 rmmwls'nw nr :1 .IW'W' 0""1150'0 ‘m M in I‘I‘l' Thwn 'Ii‘v "I! U)" “h clay ”I .‘h‘Mvmhflr. A. H. “'20. Soak” bid: will Ir mwéwwl fur saw! L-u'lr and MI mnfunnil} «5th "m -'-"~ and Hmiflmfinm Pp tn 2 0' r_’nr'r. II u. 00 "w in: "'1’ ‘nf‘almn- \. ll. "71!. M H‘r- «Mr» "f "w Turn ! 30“. and will luv tmhlich' "mm-vi at mid “no in Hw- Tmrn l'lnrk‘a «Men 4 Man-l nlwvw 0w- fin- «0.1km in "D0 firm“ nf "ilwlalv. [Ml‘nn' Cmmly. :mk. G. H. BUNGE Lawyer om. rennet- O Men-huh Bank Building, Tupi-n. Thy-Ian LADIES-â€" “ml llirhwny ('munluhmrr at "u- me- ‘hlp a! "on new “raw. lml‘nxvv Cmmv. lllmoh. plum am! I «am. Mom fur lbw IMprnu-nmml uf mum Stu-M {mm I‘lainflvlnl Mum-l womb tn fly} mvlljr. l'uMie noun- l.~ lwrrhy given that Ilw ('mmu Sun-rialv-mlom of m h- wmw n! lml’ma- (‘u-mly. "Nun‘s .5 mm M w- mm M w Tow- innit ‘0 "Socials. ln Section l2, Town- , ship 38. North, Ruin ll. East of "no" ‘l‘blul Prlndm Inllorivlian. In the vlllm of Hiflflhlé. County of Dar-[cm and State of Illinois: and that trunnion: (hon-upon Island out of "ill Court Inlmt the Inbou- nunml clefmulanlu. nvtumhlv- on the; first «lav of a town of tho Clmhi ('mm of Mill Duran County. to he hnlclv-n at the oounhouso ln tho Cllv of Winston. County of Duran and Slate of llllmln. on tho mull Mon- «In ' in Juno. A. 0. L92]. u k hy lou- mmlvwl. nml wblrh null ln xllll poul- Rune». "arbour 804mm". Snlirflnn for Cur-Malnum. wu- VI: VA uvri‘u‘ca III" 600 in: document 143979 on ,Au st 26: 1920; defendlnts, General 0. 8790. The requisite ufl'idavlt for publica- '- tion havin been tiled in the otl'ice of the ole! of the Circuit Court of said DuPage County. notice is here by iven to the said cargo R. McLeran individually, and as joint tenant with and hue: band of Neale 0. McLemn; Neolo‘ 0. MeLeran individually and as joint tenant with and wife of said George R. McLeran; Lawrence P. Conover, as trustee; the unknown owner and holder of one rennin promissor' note for the principal sum of 6000, dated August 2!. 1920. and hayable five years after its date together with interest at the rate of 6% per annum; also the unknown owners and holders of ten interest notes dated Augfist 2]. 1920. for theisum of $180 each. said. notes being numbered ONE to TEN, both inclusive. No. l of said notes being payable on Feb. 2!, 1921. and one of the remaining "interest notes In their numerical order being payable every. 8N ‘ months thereafter: all of said notes’weie mode by George R. Me Let-an and Neale 0. McLeran and ' by them endorsed and delivemd and are secured by a trust deed to Lawrence P. Conover. trustee, upon property described as follows: The west 120 feet in width of the . northeast quarter of Block Pix-o l in William Robbins' First Addi- l tion to Hinsdalo, in Section 12, u Township 38. North, Range ll.( East of the Third Prinei l Meri- t dian, in the village of insdalo, - County of DuPage and State of l lllinois: that the above. named complainant I tiled his petition to {on-close u mech- l unit-«Jim in said mmplninant'to the following described nmim: n The west l20 fee in width of the nonhnnst quarter of Block Five in “ Willinmr Robhlne' First Addition “ HIGHLAND NEAR ”NCO“ no». 82-) 3063 FOR SAL! mowers out“ of Dunn Conga? if lapel: 66 pt Mortgageshpogq . .n.._.. A‘ pengdgr’Loflieo o! Dunn Comm Not u home on fluidiys RUGS Algvmrrwmumr lam-h ”lgnfih. 5-184 union... ”03mm. Arman... PIANO TUNING nml REPAIRING. L. Evflmker, 435 NarKo-mingl‘gl awn, ram, phone mange . See mm; in Classified list of phone 'irectory. Gardens plowed, genera! taming. if, C. Rein", phone Ian-L2. 4-14! o } 02 var urn-mun, ugh" xnrvicr. vml'tem. we". ham and our. 0 n in fur» mum. no! in . work, Inwv-<t primâ€"s. l-‘ilmx "FYI ‘oF-fthi «I "no of charge. Edam-r11». H "gunman can In M. lot lflxlfl. Warren aw. 527-3 3 Much to stain. Price 83.”. -- “W __ "HT . . 1"! A wt ‘ A. .‘oiflNl'IIL‘lnmenrher of rin- yarngx,’ neglgrnntrerflfl lin Ind harmony. Print:- lawn: given to all 'm For inrmmmtron SALEâ€"Cosy rebuilt call It Dick the mar 7:!5 p.l Muse with I" living M: m.. That-Nun; Fridays and Saar-{huh donwsuir. 1M 2 mm rm days. sen-flap. a!_! modem mwpignecn._gpall’ ir, "trim“. \Ev-KI: n'i" venumwr'ia’. Plum» I074 fut appoi-v-nont. I‘iréth- n: 10!: n-nuleurg, . ‘ fan-icy. . ml . Mu. l"_lIH<')S I'ur am . ymrtmi! fit- '5", If !-'r 9"" ("A-I’ll: Quest "II'-. high " Pl '1‘. Mamba» :nl I II‘I'II: I}: z. . "0|. ' -m '.i F'lmry I‘v' "w .. ... I wâ€" -"". Ann'. "2‘ 3. F1 7011M. mm. [uh/ml! 21"-\"- l. 6 3‘3 Enameling T. H. W H I T T E N Miscellhheons I'm: rim-um: I n... v LOP“ .,\: hull minor ”urn-mum IN}. lull {HM (“Miami-m Ipunv- :v mm m“ "mm-:5. Inirml n-uunf a.” iur mm in? n-lmn In H. N. ‘Innl. nun" "T lawful! and anldin ~‘ . ”ml - ' '» H)" "I'ZN'I'1F-Imidml "w mom! mmlmn ”mun. Influx". mmkn. which-m. Mn. {mm .lum- 2" m Aug- uJ 20, PH” 8505.“! n :w-mh. N“ fun-mu rmmiml. "vim Sit-W. ‘ll I" 6 Cu: Gu- " I WANTED A mil 'nr warm! Mun-I'- rorl and Ironing. N:- uu-Mlm. Illum- nl ram-.4. phat-r Ito-W. If WORK WANTED- léiwm mmr-vl I ran min-cl. 8m '3. Barr or W. Jvnnrnn, [than 2410-W. $.14 WAN'I‘I'llI-vauc unmun o~ rink unity main More, ll. 8. lit-Allu- iniukvrfi mnfi'nic-m-w :m-l cm-r an' new of lawn. {mil and "om-0:0,!" ward dons. mar ntnflam, 3'30"" «In-\- n. hub, ww- vunu- in NM. Ellw. (3. Irma: ‘ ('0. ‘ fr-Zfl-Sr I’M" SA: 1'. Twin cylimlvr Indian" momm- adv ”and condition. vat' WM. I7 "mm" M. 3.30.3. all modern convenient-0's. lmnlwmul flours, llll MW of gmuml. has or fruit .nml m-nr Nation. $2000 down. hal- mm‘ sumo as my“. Edward I}. Inm- ou ; Cm. 5-2133 FOR SM. .EvSinglr n-giulm' In! ui" fun-um. in [and mmIiIinn. [Lo-4| :wn wink-r». ('uil phnnv INK-l3. Of. 170% sun-.7 mom h...“- with «it in soon. Lincoln. meMReidr-m: '5 Wind Ave. TEH" '35 POI; SALE¢~IIoamifM homu With em. Carl F." Sci-Mail’LihE-Qn' 7:: Chicago. Home evenings and Sun- days. 5-27-3 F0" SALEâ€"â€"-0n¢- c-r N094“ "In"! In .I. 'l. ”w icMMwl Aw. “xv n-nzm rabbits.” Ajsonabgu} 7_5_ _Cu_r{linal> fig} G-A 3-1013}; M- D- FOR SALl-inevc-n Flemish" mm Ht-R. including two fine wing chairs. Ii- bmry table and two liumldm's with equipment, one copper lined. Also window «ll-apex. 142 Oakwood Ava. Phone 58-J. 6-3-3 FOR SALEâ€"Barn, vet; reasonable Call at I90 East Maple Aw. Phone hatched. extra choice Rhodc Islam] Red and White Leghom pullots. bred {mm our selected Hogan tested heavy winter layers. Mnyslakc Farm. Hills- dale. I". I". F. Conway. Manager, Poultry Dept. Phone 640. (NFL FOR SALEâ€"Living room furnitum, FOR SALE-March. April and May 6|o¢mmv 3h59m‘ ‘ 1éflo.n. 57th! Painting Vamishing lion. If chargedâ€"50c for m week East Gravi- or $1.00 for three. FOR SALE-Large fumed oak libra- ry table, good as new. phone 3381317. RATES: me am or In: .â€" 85c ‘ v. “gamma“ 3 m- an week or 15c for three weeks 22 So. Main St. Phat w it paid on or beforg‘du‘e of Dublin: Residence 27 S. Fainriew Am “to a! Reidence - Me 283 N. Fm Ave. and ankfin St. OFFICE HOURS-A Classified AM! -mӤr"fi°§u“mv DR. W. W. 600':le Physician Simeon m Grove. n.-. He'lpiwran'tflcd .--_il,. 5', For Rent Wanted vi. ' r.| ; .u tl run r" ya! ’31-" 1... 4;. For qale Lost guml mw, mminl Kioilon-I‘. Ling-0t! N If. ‘I '1‘. WI 6-3-1 «my terms. or m an yuan. FOR SALEâ€"Motions may new 7 room 1 sun;- bungalow, has con. fi ter eat . largefl'iving rm wk. re place. very ue fining um ' hill: in Met. gnaw; 1'1" in” mi inf. corner it . a m. don and windwed in porch; and other modern conveniences, with lot'laax 30'). and yea: A N! station, on FOR SALEâ€"Won bum hum-«a of 7 , nouns. I" light and w" rmgfl tn armmlat- I lam famih ., p at closet mm, mrm MM hitch faith“ In, pantry. ml (altar. d9: tern. .bam and par. awry. Mimi Danni : snafu Mat. ”ski arm‘s! the mat all win'flu'ed . b lot'is «mm; fruit; rlnw- ’n. IM'IIN. very good Imam-n, m- :2 n. In. Semnsofmit and mi! :hlde. Prim a, . I'OR SALE-Ver} ' a'trahti“! 5M I": {9.017 hung, ha: :2” om M Hm SALEâ€"A wry 04min- 1 mm Int on a knoll. Mn!- and u-n” Maud nmrrnirnt In Bad Crave «union with mun-v, gas, rlortriefly. prir- way dawn fut quick 98!". want an OR“. <hmm any lime. with I" arr-Milan "mi-um Inf!!!- inr. um.- m"- nrrhar-L "'4 and. "W4. and 3- on u have! mac! Marl, M nza'im. «uh Un- fin“! of '13:)- Qirm. prirv- 821W. {rt-m.- In m’t. "0': 1" kWh 'v ’0!“ h: pi! wag!“ rnr. Manic “wish. i .31., "rm. and ‘UHM my}! .0300" Wlifl' ” 'V' WWI" "\O‘ .Vflgfl.‘ “Inf". why". m ‘."';""" rhvlrl‘h. 4'I5N' "KW. p... mirth!" lam». rm: SAL}? NM: firm "'"M'fl‘C" W I'M: 53“]? ~\ '2 maul. flu- Inn. :10 your oh! "no. Im- on (In- M" marluulhm Hui VII- Iv). a mud rah-draw. locum-n. n0- pony Joining ha. cluublvd In what II a yunr. all "m wt. has watt. MI) nut *l’ll‘flllllo and live be" too. (um. an“. [aim the chum. pd. 0"" mm a lot. mm; to «M. run mu: Vin lov- qn lbafiill. my mm: the fmnt a" win".‘.'€d h. I we in and mat to star) n 1‘ h “hm! a very neat 3‘“ ‘ mm are at only 85. 300. Terms can h lhw or «manna. the) nw roll; “mu-"l. and 1‘0!me by fl mini-0mm. pr'm- 5300. [am urv. ma 0-“ liw In (Thu-nua- «ml wall. II II matte nth-r. Hm 3“,?an m.“ Hui-1‘ _ WW- land am a good sum- who? hue mad. unmoved flmnn all umuu 11$ lmwly In Iowa. all black mil an: UllaMo. would b:- luv»! for truck or .~Ira\rhrrri«r.-. pl’u‘v 5:500. pct ten. lmm» easy. F03 SAL?» Two 5 per. Into, to... FOR SALEâ€"90 feet. [32 deep. Ion]! from, one block to station, 2 to slow and market. have very all awh- mm. and am- sure to mm in price right won. I ml speedu- uou at 57. a foot. any term-z l-‘Ol! SALEâ€"~10 tun-x of VMIII’. (Inn 1: Well located close in sm' 1 lat, around 40 feet. 132 deep. very cheap may talu- payments, wants n 0801‘, would suit [or a nun employed to hu- prove it odd times. come m and fl- ‘fire this out with me. .34 mt. or. vety good In: {of immédiiievviisa joins good place and would suit most anyone. pn’ce $20. per foot, {emu to sun. FOR S,-)LEâ€"-.\'on-resident will you. proveménts in and pail) for llama! timber for shade and is near Oah- wood nun. price $700. any terms. FOR SALE-«:50 {get 9n Main It. I so n. with fine mum! timber, m3 street pared. all improvements in and paid for neighbors on either side. de- sirable location sun, price $25. per it. FQR SQLEu-Dngrable 50 ft. youth front lot on Belmont ave" suit for one wanting to be near the 8.8: 8:.Q Ragnar House._ has all In; ‘FOR SALEâ€"Choice vacant. two '0 (t. Iota; they oin, street vod, In improvements n and paid or migh- borhood built up and character “'4 tablished, all good houses location l! and price right, 320. a foot, would all separate. F0}; _SAL_F._â€"â€"_South from; vacant lot. '9? Huh, '1: n, we. ‘ Phi!” 1019' “M"

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