Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Mrs. Kretainger and daughter of Columbus, Ohio, were guests of Mrs. C. H. Dicke on Decoration Day. Mrs. Kretziuger is Mrs. Dicke's aunt and in on her way to visit with her bro- ther, Mrs. Dick’s father, in Ogalal- lah, Nebraska. The new drinking fountain instal- kd last Friday in the park on the norm side of the truth on Main 31.. fins 3 long (en want. The one which served cold drinks to the with: for so many years there nnd which was frown last ft", was sorely missed. The May puny given by the Catho- lic Woman: League :2 Library Hall a. Sammy evening Vac a soda! means. The peopk present enjoyed the good music and the dancing, the refreshments and the special decor- afio‘s in place for the occasion. In J \V.illlams )lr‘. Martha Thomas? “in Iran William and ”is: Munro! Bray. an of Hamish, W Memfial Day with the W. H. Thoma‘s family of Wart": avenue. In. Hank: Thomas romailml to Emu“ A. WM“. who farmer); made Damn Grave M: home. 3‘ spending pan of hi; vat-min» at th A. 8. Ohm» home on Olin-owl Ive. Ir. “we is! a tnwlinr Auditor for the "Q" with boutiquartew at Shri- dan. Wynn-wing. nation out in What!» and uh" California pol-u. Among other falls than: they timed while they: 0», mm I MW“! {our day: with Ir. nu! In. Forrest Nay-h. I... Tim. of Chm. It. and In. seam" a! CM“..- Ild Ir. and I”. run. Want!" and child". a! "'0 6m. "N M 0' ”7. II. II". “can! harlot! on Decoration W‘- Ir. and Ink PM mick-n n“ tum-I Tm: mu 7"" '5‘"! l n. J A Chic-l0. W rid (by N. val-(o. Ir. an! In. Chan. Willard and W..- Chh in Chicago In! week and mu awn! «by, with the M- an H. 850M.» bully. It. and In. C. W. and!” and m Willard drove to Ul)‘ Lilo, "L. mlv.ndlnA.A.L-wh Mimi-y. mmdthtm non-d: In. in who”. all M In V Mis.» Ruth Briggs and Mr. Senior Robimon motored to Milwaukee on Saudi)- making the round trip in out any wixhou! any kind of trouble. They report the roads fair in Illinois am good in Winch-sin. . In. B. R. Graham 0! Prophet:- ‘ov'l. minds. for-Orly o! the Grove. In and Mrs. A. P. Nelson {gal Mr. Ind In. C. C. Pub! rpcnt 1M holi- day «lupin: on the bank:- of the Fox my Plano. The gun Mb wane not striking but they caught plenty of the other kind. Miss Irene Bryan spent the Week end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Godfrey Blackburn at Detroit, Mich. Hrsfllackburn returned with Miss hem- for an extended \‘iu‘t with the home mike. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mochel enterâ€" tained at their farm home south of the village last Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Rahmanop and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lehmann, of Oak Park, and Phil Rohmer u! the Grove. . Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox of “est Curtiss street left on Mondm ewnw ing for Milwaukee on a fixe day auto1 am. They will fish at Fox: du Lac and Oakfiekl, Wis, the latter place being the home of Mrs. Cox‘s father. I The Woman: Missionary Society of the Congregational Chum!) will meet in the church parlors on Friday, June 10th at 2:30 p. m. A" mem» bers and friends are comiany invited a» be present. ‘ Kr. and Mrs. Roy Chilvers emer- hincd III. and Mrs. Arthur Vanderâ€" pool and family, of Chicago, over the met end and Memorial Day. Phone Personals to 188-1. Wlll mum. lwy VIIII' with "HIV 0‘ Wk“ h M. w “chat ‘0 a". ”’ um “mm" m“ "'° "' mud n. a. fin: mm... In an I» “7:113:53. ('07.: mn school work comm Day ”a“. I- Ch ".9 1 "'9‘ flock-w "mind 10 mm- ‘ 0- 11mm!” «out. Ray 20:». “‘"fl' 0" ”HHS!- Iflmfl dufill the m" ”ltd-bl pm", n", A. J_ "a much of «Mr comm-ls. The In» J. V. W. «unkind about fofly""“-‘- "'0 m! Mum”. were up. "ham ”.1 mm, at . m ”unfounded from one part 0! 0w Hm In at up pm" of 9.. hn"_ 5. xoflmfln «Hm. and It In new has" that ”.3. almt. in M”... of m” Reaffirv Indians. lhmgh "I! down at cm. Schmm. . June bride. Rv- CI". Park" have I mim- m: is} .‘mhmms were penal an" which?‘ and“ ‘0 "‘1‘" ram. 0‘" m"?! the happy (-0qu ‘PH‘. pngpn‘ed “of”!!! ":0 W N! W?" "‘1' film" "fl 9 MMnuno p" MM. Efl' INF‘ 8 Pa" 0‘ "1:“ *hll‘" his! hum, ‘r'n'rn to our {am-in: Mm Memhrrs PM!" Fermat's to l‘flJ. in! MM» sorirtios. Ir. all In. Chat. Ice u-l nu. Vanilla. Mend to 0th County ad at M Ilia country on Sand-y. ‘1- “hello and Fulfill: Gm, nut-sung and” and Occur-1M Day‘ um. nluum. They won not than by am «ulnar. Thelma. who u- Mum" from Mr mu school wait! Tho Nam" Study Clan will haw a prim part: out Fuchs. June 10. ll Ibo home a! In. Mun! 6. 1.2- ‘m in Highland am. A Bohem- ian hind-ton rm to and It In. alimmubhfldthtlhm- UR‘M" a! this human clan will to pm and "by the Mutual lawn. That means-At least TWICE A YEAR the II. S. Government sends a Bank Examiner to look at all the collateral accepted on loans, count the money required to be kept in ms we and look into every transac- tion. Thus Uncle Sam is looking after your money that is deposited with us fior safekeeping to see that no improper loans are made. ! Mrs. H. D. runner and mum» ‘htw- left for Cleveland. Ohio. and will spend the Hummer mention thou- .ad in l’mnrylvanin and New York Stale. visiting with mlathvu and old (HOW. The l’uhifor home on Sal-turn new Im- lu-m rental {or the moon to Ir. and In. Emil Marchaml, C. H. Slams and Elna, and Mart-0y Hull fished the Fox river near Geneva all day Monday without getting anything in the way of bass. The boys hold the record for hauling mm" months out of that part of the river and failed to up hold their reputation u go-gettus in the fishing lint. ‘ The Japanese party given at Li- brary Hall last Friday ewning by the Vesta Juniors in honor of the cast of “The Cheerful Liar," was a very pretty affair. The hall mu.- artistic cany decorated in keeping with the mic of the party and those pxwent thoroughly enjoyed the dancing and the minrshments. ? ‘ The Al. Mudjeska family. accom- 1panied by Miss Addams Walterumo- rated to Peoria Saturday, May 28111, spending Sunday with Mr. Modjes- Ra‘s brother who is a' resident of that city. They made the trip home Deâ€" coration Day, enjoying - beautiful scenery ,and what is of more impor-; tance, good roads. 1 come fight Whoever was responsible for the American flag flying at Main and Curtis: streets over nighyMonday has drawn a large amont of criticism. More comment was heard on the great about this in the last few days than speculation remmling the out- Ilia Hue! Hermann at Chm entrained former eluli mmben It Bum Tuned-y in honor of In. J. A. Widler, of Whichih Falls, Texas; who is visiting her parents. Mr. and‘ Mn. Grant. 0! 125 Carpenter street. Mrs. “Heller and her brother. Eugene Gmte, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Good in Wilmette. This explains why so many people PREFER a National Bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK National Bank of the Dempsey-Carpentier Bowman-ova, Illinois. Thisisa DOWNEISGIOVI, 'M I .~. W'- m Capt. R. D. rah" My lulu poi Dunn-I (how on the map. The Indian Fellmmlp Lune. l'. 8. A» )ln. Funk Dunn and In. J. H. Bums. nvo I mower In! Thors- dly evening. My 2». II ban" of In» Duane Blush-r. u the bean o! In. Dum- 00 SW! um Thou pm“ wen the Ilka: Hok- Ind Bernice Thurber. Ruth Na". Glam Flmr. mum: Potter. Lu- dk Schultz. Hob. at! an» M... Adda”: Wan". Bunk-c mum"! and Ind-m- A. Itch). A. KM. came out to me ”out installing a chapter in Dowmn (Stove. as Gamma Kappa Delta ha: been; mo»: Novena-ml at S. Lulu? Chunh. Hannah. and other parinhu in the Dina-u- of Chimp tad Mr. Babcock M r. Fred Babcock of Evamtun. who fotmérly lived her». ma; :1 \‘Mtor at 8. Andrea": Church last Sunday af~ u‘muon and woke before a meeting of lhl- Young People's Club. An or~ nuiulioa {or young proplv known A wcitul will be given by the Dra- matic pupils of Miss Hortense E. (20::- und mu.~ic pupils of Natalie Hand of the Anne Tomlinson School of Mn. ic. affiliated with the Shem-cod .‘IUrlC' School of Chicago. :11 Mar- quette Hall. So. Fifth avenue. La Grange. “L, on June 10th. at S p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are ism-renal. 1 Miss Elsie Pischel returned Sunday night from LcmAngoles, Calif., where she attended the funeral of her sis- mr, Mrs. Luster Gehrig, Monday. The Rev. Frank Huling, a former Downers Grove boy, preached the service and there were many fm'mcr Downers Grove residents prtscnt at Inglewood cemetery where the bur- ial took place. Mr. and Mrs.' Claus Peterson cele- brated their fourth wedding anniver- sary last Thursday night. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stafi‘cldt and family. Mr .and Mrs. Alvin“ Peterson and family, Mr. Chas.‘ Peterson and family and Miss Anna] Tack. The evening was pleasantly spent ending with the fierving of light refiwshmems. Miss Cora Mochel entertained last Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Glen Timke, nee Grace HaunIesser. Twelve young ladies made up the party and many and useful were the gifts showered on this young bride. Tehphqlc the nationals that YOU konw to 1884. We’ll be pleased and so will you. Don't miss reeing' Helen Darling and Eddie Harry in that two-reel 1(‘hrizzty Comedy, “Mr. Fatima." at gthe Dicks Theatre. Saturday. June 4. You win find Mr. Fatima to be a mighty nice guy. 6-34 500 Custer's Last Standâ€"rheum- tml by hundreds of Indians and fnmtierxmen with every moment of ,~plomlid heroism and faithful to mu‘ cry memoryâ€"{n “Bob Hampton of‘ Placer." at the Dicke Theatre. June 9th and 10th. 6-3-1 212 mm A'Crâ€"M IN-Jol Rinaldo Upholstering and Furnio tun Replir Shop. All work neatly done It reasonable prices. Phone 835 or send postcard. Will call and de~ live: free of charge. 11-26-tf. 20 07.. Jar Peanut Butter .............. ll 02. Bottle Pure Lemon Juice ........ Sugar Wafers. pet I: ............ Crispo Soda kaegfégemhge Lily Flakes, per h .............. 15 Oz. Jar Pure . gees. 40b; 3 for .. Lehmann 6' Michels Store cosmetics for sale 3‘: Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP, one door south of the Ross Bakery. adv. tt. Geraniums, Pansies and a variety of Balding Plants. also Vegetable plants of various kinds at Gollan‘s Greenhouses. Phone 210-.1. adv. tf. About 30 pairs white leather soled high shoes to close out at . . . 53.50 Hm Phone 848 BRUNEI l: DONKIN Women: White Canvass Lace Shoes 6-3-1 Scissors and knives sharpened. Fin- 191. P. 0. Box No. 426, Downers Grove. 6-3-1 The Dicke Theatlwe will show ano- ther Mary Miles Minter picture. “Dnn't Call Me Little Girl." in the1 near future. Watch the ads. 6-3-1 Saws sharpened; clocks flawed and repaired. Finite), P. 0. Box No. ‘26. 6-8-1 Lawn mowers sharpened. Finzel. P. O. Box No. 426, Dovmers Grove. price each .......... Light and dark Bungalow Aprons made of fine percale, special sale You will find many of your suminmwweds he‘rc for Vacation Days. You can equip yourself from sowâ€" ing needles to trunks. and here's where you'll save money on Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks. Etc. Ask to show you what we have and when you see the pri- ces you’ll be well pleased. Carpenter: A full line of the celebrated INDU VacationNeedS wrn'rrabrics mm KG AMSTED 1‘0 C. E. B R 0 W E R Painting-Decorating ESTIMATES H'INISIIED 26 Main Street Downers Grove. Ill. Phone 82-R SPECIAL APRON SALE Adverulcmontl A little mum: is I dangerous thing when wife Ms In inclination towards incidence, luxury and jut. I! you don't think this is true see Wanda Hawkey in "The Home That Jazz Built." at the Dick: Theatre. Saturday, June «1:. 6-3-1] Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank I! you like On motto mmy and friendly imam. you till be happy in having a: account with u. Why not own on TODAY? Thr mule ‘ch lhc man behind "It “tart" iv fin buildup! 58' I'm-u a but and n- dope-dun. You will and "III hunk-luv nhvlp-o "any for yam hm RF.- (‘AL'FI'I um bani Ill In"! on the polid loumhlm o! SERVICE! Manufacturer of SURGICAL and VETERINARY SPECIALTIES SCREW MACHINE and PUNCH PRESS WORK Repairing, Plating and Sharpening Dies and Tools Office: 81 Benton Ave. Downers Grove, Ill. Factor : 110 Blodgett Ave. Phone 248.] A State Institution under State Supervision ‘ Established 1892 Julius Severus IRON BARS CAN’T CAGE 20 57.. Jar Strawberry Apple Preserves 6m .New Potatoes ..................... Marshmailow Cream for cake filling, jar .. Jelke Buttefine Butteflne,dper pound ..... Sunbeam Mayonnaise Sula Dressing ..... Largo Qan gal. Peaches- ..... White and tan canvass summer com- fortable Oxfords, Special ..... $3.25 $1.00 values in light ground voiles, at per yard .................... 69c ed Voiles, $1.75 valueâ€"Special safe, per yam ............... .. . . . $1.25 $1.25, only ........ In Summer Dress Goods. Fine stri' Ladies‘ Fine Knit l’nionsuits, 10059 knee and tight knee, worth $1.00 to WOMESS UNION SUIT SALE MESS CANVASS OXFORDS Experimental Work ASMILE Glacier mum Park has m at the moat balm! mm a it found inthe United States. Rial: this part when the pictures for “Bob Hampto- of Placer” were him. See it at the Dick. Theatre June 9th and 10th. M1 Friday, June Q, 181 32:

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