Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jun 1921, p. 2

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County pail, are in the custody of the ”uncut and will stand trial for m the mails.1‘he maximum m they can receive in twenty mm in lava-worth. It 1: expected that the two notice-3 m wfl receive, if not the (all 11-] “at a! the reward. at least a sub] “it! cash prize for the capture. It developed at the grilling given due men by Chief Matthews, that they had broken into a U. ‘8. mail car on These, mnn captuml at midnight on Friday. May 27th two train mhhv‘rs, Pnul Speckman. 29 years: old and dend O'Leary. 22 years aid. as they me breaking into cars on the side track it the Fifth avenun station. the C. Q N. W. near Beloit. Wis., on May 20. Both have police re. Oflicer= \"ifliam “drum and Win. mm F3. Grimsman ,nf the Laflmngo policn we in lino for "wards of $5,!!!) each. accowling to a statomont by Postoflice lmpértor Fnhfly of the Chintz) Division. Olin" William I‘mlmm and Wm. B. Griesman in line for . 3.... Cash Path Thir hmting all “fink-it. With “I" heart I glam! my rye Mon: their turn" spurs Until my 151.» mu fin-vi on "v0? Mv ('mmtu',‘ "a: to! Stan. As thy stripe and «at smiled MM Bmh on my 93"? sight. I} heart hat strung. my bum Tin-iii"! with delight. l haunt tho-:- :9 a slmtim- As I true Columbi- tar's. The banner of tho Maw an" (m My Cmmtry'vx Plan a! Stara' Where is the Matt warning but Om- .«park of fmwiom's zral. That duo‘s not gazing on thy faith A patriotic spirit fowl. The veteran too as ho locks down Upon his doarâ€"hmught scars. 8e hails thee with delight LaGRA NGE POLICE CAPTURE THIEVES â€"â€"TO GET REWARD Infil‘n ny m of [arm-oo- cl)". AM tho humor on! old 89am. Evm (mu-'- hflinx u "try M‘ "are I" he" dimml by Main. 1119" PM"! how in“ mun! on. M km by «badly jun. But thy bright uum rout. an pun My Country'i Flag a! Sun. In a (mu-in pad I hau- mm TM ship‘ a! h." “:0 In“, Tn «khan- m Kala tiny Th! lull" In (3nd Brflain'u prick. 1'"- but at Racial!“- Ian. not 0011' m can“ my Mn Ike you My Country'- Hag of Sun. Imu‘n ny m of [urn-oo- clan, 17m Ibo nanny on». I have we. unu- tum-1y lunarn- flout “you“ 0! the flu- dlnmr which you India a! the Inhom- haw so My pmvwl for In. would lave ”(Island our bnnbhip-s a! war on the much. In any un-l am the hula-- I have mum-cl may a legion mile Inn of the war may our Ital! a nanny but clap-sod. l um um: the Wu ended and we n-tnmwl to our ham“. the Grand Amw of tho- Re- public Would be organizml and "w 30 day of lsy MI apart as Memorluli Day in whkh today millions who a‘ put, Ind that In Dow-lots vae n caddy o! Indies known no; the Ladies a! the Inc-been, would hr omnlml .d entertaining than surviving mem- When we receive your imitation to be your guests on Munmn’al Day, we re" know what that. means. As: we how from past (-xpvrivm-v- 0! many years, what flue t-nu-nuiument is a- wning us hem and l Mum think. Ind we known that win-n the Civil1 They have been taken to the Cook Another year hue. passed. Another llamorial Day has arrived and we. the surviving members of Naper Post Grand Army of the Republic. greet you and I wish to again tender youn as I have done on many like «me - dons, the heartfelt thanks for your hind invitation to again meet you here today. We take pleasulv however, In urc- senting them this week. The fu’st is the talk by Frank A. Rogers. Com- mander 0f Naper Post. in thanking the ladies for their efl'orts in behalf of the veterans. The second is a poem and by John Mohr or Hinsdale. n] was applauded and the sentiments expressed are the sentiments of ev- ery true American. ' At the annual «iinnci given Decor- ation Day to the \vux'ans uf the Civil War, there are always sewml talks by members of Natpvr Punt intuwst- in; to everyone. Wu mdoavorml to have them for publicauun last week, but this was impossible. Talk of Cummundx-t Frank A. Rogers and Poem Read 513' Julm Mohr of Himdult‘. ECHOES OF THE ’ G. A. R. DINNER MEMORIAL DAY My Country's Flag of Stars. Hy (‘oI-Iry'n Flu The World \\'ar~~.-\ Douqbboy, Theodore Dmlflel; A Cob. Rah"! .‘olacDmgnH; A Devil Dog, Harry Case. “Pack l'p Your TrouMos." ”Ox-or Then." The Home Cuarvlâ€"Hmrgn Mar Dmmall: Thomas Tizzard. “limp the Spanish Amvrmm Wan-A "alum Mr. M. J. I'M; A Rough Rider. Carl J. Stain”. "Just as the 81m Wm Down.“ "Them’ll he a Hot Time in the OM Town Tonight." Rowlutimry {Wop-Minn Hun. 100m Gray; Colonial Soldier, Walt" l‘hmsmnn. "Yank" ”tulle.“ (‘iril War~The film. L. A. \‘em- van; The Guy. Alex flodjcska. "Inst lbfnn‘ tlw Battle Mothtr." "John Bmwn‘< Body" and "Dixie.” I. mean!" of "wit ammon- up! the songs m-n IM- follutll. They cum marching In at the m" of the laugh after being nuanced by n. It. Rainymti. chairman of the en. lnflainmnt commune for the own- mg. sun». had MI a pan. With each of "w chm-(on were lawn-mu pd- mim which had been so" an h!- uu lk-M Inc! in camp by than m who had I‘flfl the ulc‘fnm II the avnicr of their mun. UNIQUE PROGRAM sATURDAY AT BE} CEP‘I'ION 1'0 6. A. R. In the I»: faur work;- m- have MM- wl foamy-Me III'I‘ mum to our who «Myth-n It»! and lo“ In". This h- a "ray good «can! on top 0! our "A! of or" um and minus“)- y-Mml that The Downers Onw- lla- gmru-r h- “A Newpnpr (or the Com- munity." ‘ mm. on. wax lat-ulna tlw other I Immu- Julian- um “Carp” could hit haul" (Mn “Jack.“ The much killed 0! fight Int-tum Carpet-tier and Dempsey on July 24! Im- even flu- lddn going. We over- heard two am your old: «a the mm the nth-r clay arguing m to the nu- prcuw mum ability of then- {We We see that Fords have taken an. other dnop. If they will get down to when- one is gin-n away with I but of pom-nu. oven \n- will lune I chum to join the. mpidiy gaming Henry pug. lncidently. the Sen-ms home and grounds on Benton avenue are one of the show places of tho village. He has a mgular small farm with all kinds of (wit. vegetables and flowers. The shop has all 'the latest much- Jncry for the manufactuu- of these ‘inxzrumt-Ms hm! everything is handy to facilitate the work. Besides his rr-gular line he is doing repair Work a! various kinds . He has n plating ouifii and with this is equipped to turn out work in short order. The Amp is the best outside of Chicago. He has convened a burn on Biod- igctt avenue into as mat a little shop as une can imagine. Here with three employees, he is turning out thous- ands of veterinary instruments and other .-~'urg'eona~~ supplies. Furnishing manufacturing supply houses in Chij cago and Brooklyn. N. Y., be and his; fun-0 ure kept. busy on orders. He saw: that if conditions nuukl settle it noulcl justifi him in adding to his force. Jufius Severus is doing a big busâ€" iness. in a small shop. This was dis- cioml in n visit to his manufacturing piant Monday. That there is another manufacturing plant in the vmagu will come as a surprise to many peo- ph-, but Mr. Sworn.» is certainly «hr ing the work. JULIUS SEVERUS IS DOING A BIG BUSINESS HERE Phone 22 Downers Grove Garage, Inc. Manufacturing Vetetiuary Instru- mum in Convetted Bum on Bladm-ll Ave. F. 0. B. Factories, effective June 1st. 1921 TOURING CARS AND ROADSTERS LIGHT-SIX 2-Pass. Roadster. .-.-.81300 LIGHT-SIX Touring Car ........ $1335 SPECIALSIX 2-Pass. Roadster, 81585 SPECAL-SIX Touring Car ...... $1635 SPECIALâ€"SIX 4~Pass. Roadster, $1635 BIG-SIX Touring Car .......... 81985 COUPES AND SEDANS light-Six. 2-Pass. Coupe R’dst'r, 3 LIGHT-SIX 5-Pass. Sedan ...... 3 SPECIALSIX 4-Pass. Coupe. . . .8": SPECIAL-SIX 5-Pas's. Sedan. .. .s BIG-SIX 4-Pass. Coupe ......... 8: BIG-SIX 7-Pass. Sedan ......... 37 ALL STUDEBAKER CARE ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER CARS JUST PARAGRAPHS I. (Cauumnd from Page I) 90mm (mom REPORTER DOWNERSGROYE. W253 As a fitting and to the evening. lunch was served in the dining room to the G. A. R. the Masons and vis- itors. Dr. F. H. Konison presided over the tables as he has dune for so many years. George Homtt talked about the dwindling numbers in the ranks of the men who wore the blue. calling attention m thaw who have made their last march over the great divâ€" ide. \ John Mohr told his personal 0" variances. how he happened to jail: the army although pretty young to shoulder a gun and haw hp spent hm months in Andersom‘illu prison. reciting a poem about that Southern pen. Following the program uf wh vwn- ing. impromptu talk: we": made h) the veterans. 1!. W. Burnt upheld the honor and glory of the oavalry and was ably answered by “L'uc'h- Him" Btzidclman, who more than Saw-M u;- the (beds of the infant-'3'. ~11”; is an old battle and is fuught awry year at these meetings. Tl we .I’ Home Fires Burning." Ensemble, “My Cu Office: 81 Benton Ave. Downers Grove; Ill. Factory: 110 Blmlgett Ave. Phone 2484 Repairing, Plating and Sharpening Dies and Tools Experimental Work Manufadunr of SURGICAL and \ ETERINARY SPEC] \LTIES SCREW MACHINE and PUNCH PRESS “ ORK Como in and la! me to Sm Cody. Wyoming. “Bull’nlo Bill’s” homo. Mu'n; «um.» «Imus Shaman:- Canyon and "w . iMic Gm-vmmm! dam. ‘1‘.sz- l'l‘ than "ye SNI' York Hakim“ Innings: MM!" «'1'» Huh "Rh-t Them to Cohrmlu: Damn - the gatrway h ("vlnrmiufi ”Land Am» the Plumb.“ when: numerous aml varied zi-Iv hint awaig t “Akin; (Roflxy Magnesia _.\_’Vati?nal-VI'Z«Qe< Park Non-Into flu- in a" (M In“! hu‘drs no rm: find Nat-1m m «reticular. (Ivyurs ‘p'mlnm gun-muted MI ‘ men bu!!- Hin‘, "mavkrin munch. the minarflhlw (Mn a 1hr «mm (Inflow! th «omkm Ihrm pm a humlml mm- a vim m BurVinmm Hannml Vacations nfl'et‘ ynu tit", reg-41¢? h; Yellowflm plus all ”IL-Tan .uow trip. Eoi‘c'irriil " 96 mlhu in' Lr‘rrfu'gvflorf Min! {rahqnih'ty and ”un20 beauty. an u side trip.) Cu '0‘! Fl Yd «mm. The \tof‘d'n [mud I‘ll-l an‘mul "luau: \‘vll-m-mmr Put. Than the rum! and mum! at Arm-rim" but gaw- Nws m om MM Mfr. You whu km- llw MM. aw I:,â€" vu- turm In their natural tummy. Infill] «It mm the mnlun- lomln: Mum AU" arr:- "n 9.96m;1)n~ vulnhlqkhjc hum pg“- min}: ""1”“ u"- 3m.- ., The Wild Animal Republic ’MMI I‘fl mm; "W \InlsMu hit hum pum- mind the ah . m» (m.- ‘ II ugly-Dupe mg) n _lhr , hrsc-‘onuflm. slimy-«y; I!» whof houn- Julius Severus Eff“! gin-0M II‘II'I‘: "w I»; and mm bun}; dawn and huh-v --A Real Democracy in Yellowstone Park To Wild Animal-land Out, Cody Road â€"'l'hmgll Gardiner Gateway Cuunwy "he 01' Downers Grove, Ill. Amefira"~â€"wii \ur: 'mvn' about it an! he'p ;.w J. L. Remmers. Ticket Agent Mrs. M. E. Lubcck, president of the Him-dale Committee. wax: present at the last. meeting at Mrs. Bz-yco's. She gave a vefi' innervating m”: on what 1hr mmzthiy mm.- but there areé plans fnr a Baby “'vok later which H. is hoped will sv;-!l't!m interest and ‘l'umls mater-{ail}; 01‘ that you will; hear later. Fu‘.‘ the pit-sent wur m-mllc at the bi-monthh mt‘utingfi on yourImu' doflar memlerhip (which is puynblr- in M)». W. (. Ember. that Secretary) or both, will be wolcmne‘ aid in the cause of Infant \Veifare. JUNIOR INFANT WELFARE PLANS BIG BABY WEEK Pass. Coupe. . . .8245!) Pas's. Sedan. .. 52550 Coupe ......... 82850 Sedan ......... $2950 C V ( «Hume. f‘ru'“ A. P. MEHREN Electrician sink: trip 'or (“VJ Phone 385 31695 31995 Page !-) l-lin.«iale has accompfished and what she hopes the Duwv'ezs Grove group tun do. “III I“ Curl!" 8mm Let the children eat all of car ice cream they want. It is healthful. Ymi do not need the heavy fonds in summer that run "quire, in winter time. Let us tempt your Jaded amnnte with our delicious ice cream. Our ire cream is made of the purest cream- blended with pure flavoring fitmentâ€"carefully fro- zen-mud served to you in the cleanest. most uppe- tizing manner. Take home a quart of our ice cream today-â€" Drugs and drug store things. also. [’1 Y FFER I’ll A RSI AC" Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. LUMBER Shingles Lumber Doors Windmvs- Sereens Millwm‘k Flooririg Roofing Siding Moulding Lath Nails Eta, Etc. When in Need The Ford car can well he called .. "people: car,” lvccause there are more than 3,070.00) nf thcm in daily operation. That is about four to one of the nearest follower in the motor car industry. This would not be so if the Ford car had not for sixteen years prover: its superiority in service. in durability, and in the low Cost for operation and maintenance; this Would not be so ifthe Ford car was not so easy to un erstaml, so simple in construction that anybody and everybody can safely drive it. Le: us have your order for one now to avoid delay in delivery. Fleck G Buchholz Manufacturers 8; Dealem : ‘ COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of All Kinds DOWNl-IRS 680 V3 SALE-28800.“ 19 WEST BAIL ROAD STREET THE UNIVERSAL CAR of LUMBER or Building Materiak of any kind do not hesitate to call on us At Your Service Phone One Five The next meeting Is to be with Miss Alice ‘Gourley; North Foxest avenue. the afternoon of June 16th. Friday, June 10, 1921' Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravel Cinders Plaster Coal

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