Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jun 1921, p. 3

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‘ebrnary I921 ' Marti! "'2! April I92! (law of Apr'n":m; mo Warrants Paid ................................ he'duot warrants paid whirl: wen“ issufll last war: No. I969 .............................. yang-ts lssug-ul 1133.319. fugthqm-fl i‘nr ‘l;|;éaVs‘\n'rVo-In:-V Book undw Total as per statvmont at. Trev.â€" Gen. Disbursements. moat wcornlé 11-54:: error . .. Total issuml m; January Hm Novomhor I920 May Isl-2" ....... June 1920 ....... July 1920 ........ August "720 ..... .‘k‘ptombm' "120 Ovtoht-r 1920 Toial Dixbursc-monts Library lntrrps! Spatial Artst'szsmm.‘ Sinking Fund ..... Health and Safrly ...... Sin-Ha and lmprm-vmvm: Acrumm and Huang Public l'mynrh ..... Public Afllim ....... Huh-mu- ............... II Pint Nul'mnal Hunk .......... anmrs a Merchant»: Rank Fin! Nulkmai flank CertiMlt.. Vanni-n5 Normal“: Ball .. 'l'nlah ”hm-mu. May I!!!" .. V JuM' I572” ..... July ltd” .. Aunt-1 term ., ."n-Mrmh-r I!!!" lit-Mm mm ., anmln-v "7:" lhf'mln'r Ht!" Jam-an Hm l-olmruy W.” "uni! "1'." April I!r..'| I'nu'anfl' Ho '1 un hmul. Na, May ”’30 . ‘ ‘ 4. ...... Jlmr I'VN ....... . h. Jul)“ "hf” ‘... ......... ‘ Mum-I "rm .. ......... 2‘09!th W2" mm“ mm .., Nun-IMAM ISM". .. "1'" mlu'r "U" M, ...A., January :2er . .. ....... l‘vbmmg um Nurvh "'2! gym! um . ‘3': Oak 1ulul “rt-Np! . 0'0”;qu In S¢hmlulr (' [Manny - . Satin“ ’- ulul . . . 3’.“- 4.0! A ~' "WM (‘nlifwah- ....... V . .i. .v.. Sprial A- -w~ nn-M Vmuho-rs Nun-I ...................... “(Mull 'l'usnm .... lame] and lhiolrv lax: ‘ ”a: I, i925 to A]: l'ollw-Iur's um um u» pr auto-mm! (353mm Lin-um- Dog License ........ Elwtrivinn Lit-cw .. Lumh-r Yard Lia-ma» l'rddler» Lin-mu- . .. Plumbers Lit-em l‘ool'lioom License .. 'I'Mtw License Manor Lit-«m ..... In- Wugun Lin-un- . Automobilv Finn: l‘ol'w Fines . . . . . Building l'ermih. Sewer Permits Sewer Building: Supplies suM . . . . "kit FI‘PH ....... 2% lnsurume Tux Human. lbirr’mr-ul Sidewalk Judgment Special Asmeanem a Water Rules . Meters ....... Meter Repairs Commerviai Lighting Meter Inspection and Light Meters .. ..... Lump Sales Sale at Poles ....... Rents .............. Labor ............ The acébuhts mid Monk} flag-{633M in good order and the Mice routine Cash on hand has been well cared for. Received 01' C Yours may twig, ‘ tor for Two . S. UCflAhlAN Q CO. We are in possession or letters of commotion from First National Bank and hum Farmers Membants Bank of Downers Grove can.“ in w cash balances held by them on April 30, I921, amounting to 829.1 .79. as shown on Schedule C. We also inspected the murltlea and cash held by the Village Treason-r and found them in due order. » 'l he accounts and molds were found in good order and the Mice root w-uyâ€"‘w, "u, -" nu. I'D-0 Hr. l. 6. Beam, Comma-toner, Department Accounts a: Flum- saw“. of Downers Grove, Illinois. We have audited the General Accounts 0! the Village 0! Down Grove for the fiscalnyeur emlliag April 30. 1921 as shown on the account books of the Village C lector a b the records of the Village Treasurerâ€"and aub- mit lwmwith statements w ich have been nude u by an dined {mm said books and molds. and are in accordance tlwrewflh and to the t or our knovgl‘gdge angl belief my conyqtlx 8mm}. »_ - __ _ -_ _ -‘ Wayward In M'Nbilll‘lM (I ungu- ”4 [Mg-{- Qaym‘l’nuvyr'p w pm- ulisbuwo- f IZ-m Ha?) .‘K‘HBDI‘ LE 0 flute-WM '0‘ Warrant: Ila-ed and P“ May I, "'20 to April 30, “RI lncIusive Issued Plid by VII-LAG! 0!” ”m0 mum w AUDIT 011953 “Ala A um L l 3.. ”heap, Ill, lay 26. u Schwluk a ................. s «I. m 14 NF}; m " aummu: In Auto rwm'f.‘ ('uh M by Truman’s m Judgmtwsklmuli May I, l _ to April 30. Hr." lwlmdw 7 7 ,, ~ County Conn-tor. (:e May I, _l‘P"0 to 11y R. S. Buchanan. . Certified Public Accountant. SCHEDULE A 5m. “fissim perpeuecsyzts pagers! ' am rind emu-i Ram-Nu! by Tmnr Dim $ 57, 465 46 RECONCILIATION ....... 3 57340.71 3 57,840.?! ACflll’N’l‘S t FINA Nona WATER 3,509.07 5,159. m 8.431.843 4593.53 £400.60 5.468.591 4,599.43 6.3381!) 5,175.19 5,355.4 l 5,932.90 1920 to A r" 30. I921 LIGHT DEPARTMENT .................. 8min! (bunch-n . ”7.". Him IoL' Ainl'mi, Germ! ‘GENERAL I “hf-5AM, .IJOIUM 5,10%." 3,467.53 4.52”» 481'“ I Infill! 4.5M . m 01,572.57 4.90".“ V ”MK! ZNZIM £197.“! mm 'lJ'N .38 71.”! 7M haul-4 3.582.“ 4290.22 6.2! ”It! HAWAII 3.6M?!) 517.4013.“ DEPARTMENT ' ........... . . . JG 8 .7232! ............ . . . 571 00, ..... ........... “9.25 1,335.00 :mnsl 3.2.? 13237.06 50,. , $ 57,465.56 .10 {ril Treasurer 8 3.109.“ 5,915.17 ffiz‘ifi 4.337.“ 5388.“ 4,581.10 6.57257 4,961.81 5273.25 5,937.06 3,801.7! fllflljiéiuéfive "Hi Iowluiiw 3 law.“ I hill?! 2.5mm 3 SUN.” 3 "IMNJIO Map, Ill. lay 26, 1921. 8 13385.08 1M2! 8 2.275.“ 3.080.311 um”? I .637 :13 m“. .8 33,471.49 , 162.30 . 1,137.16 , 411.551 2‘ 295.00 16.00 2.432;!!! 275.7! I nu «um um “HUI.“ 4.5.“ m...» 575.5! mm mm "7.5“ D, G flange; services . . .. No. Outstanding G. Hyde, services ....... April 30. '21 N. Y. Belting Ca, swrficc.c 903 8 2.00 Buschman 31115.. teaming 924 “IMO Centn!_City Chmnical Co., 1.“- . .- 924 79% 43.: n 225.75 299.92 38.25 .2" 824 724.99 M725 $ 67,465.46 . . Damley, taker ...... ,, H. Shannon 1 Co., sup. .. . Ditto. fire ......... C H H. , 3 57.465.“ g. Erickson. Me .......... H D . C. ' e, mpfliw ...... . G. Pub. Co.. supplies .. . . J. Chflvers labor .......... s 9,114.10 w. a Bid-Lone, labor ...... -â€"----â€"~ A. Metson, labor ......... 3 “.579.“ C. :finmh Coflector. petty c .................... W. Ell flan, services ...... D G _ mum. mun-fem: ,,,,,, 3 34.72439“: s «.5793ng 1 ml mu.» s usual mar Aims}; zyg- 9: .W. I! n «slur "mm v. “ggua'khryfii: " ‘ nun t . = “M!" u. w. “comma-15¢ and". uh lw. (5. Hunt. minty. .. '.I Much. navy. Total C. D". Duh. ulnry. $205.0"!!! Julia umh. filmy ”mm, Ml’vy mh ‘L‘h-‘MQJ‘L z «5.0724120 4 supplm ................. 4 Lehman l: Michel supplies 4 C. Haller. Insurance H. Venarvl salary ..... . 4.1 D. W. Kearney. salary .. ‘1 Peter Pinch C0. supplies .. M W. W. Gourlm. 'senim â€"-â€"-â€" B. Cassd, supgyes ........ 13! 15 Loni Lumber supplies. . Kitluoll Gav-ago supplws Total ..................... 1 Cash balance .............. 1 I l 1 ;::.80 0-K) . D. Herrick. election . A. Cox, election ........ . J. Dewey, election ...... . (i. Venanl. election ...... W. Tucker, election ..... . . C. Dicks, election ....... . Bradley. election l4. .1. Faster, election ....... ll. H. Clarke ...... . ....... J. (:ulian, election ......... S. Bmlzlk, salary .......... I). ll. Pub. Co., 'ripling . « J. Banks. stalar' .......... “. J. I). Gillespie i Cw, supplies- lllunfid :lfNullry, su ivs .. ‘. ) lees 99-142 lf. higlsuu, labqr PP ........ E 5 "4178.47 5 l .0901!) 433.48 =51??? 1': $ 35,293.52 4-16 Tot-l 873.75 arad Bridgp Tax M. Hitoh: Sewer Permits ..... Auto fines ......... Sale of labor ....... DEPARTMENT OF STREETS Pl‘BlJC IMPROVEMENTS Cash on hand ............. $3172.17 Receipts County Collector. tax-vs 1226. 51 Road Bridge Tax ...... 3585.02 hcxczrxo; >£ . G. Pub. Co.. supplies H. Shannon 1 Co., sup. .. . Ditto. fin ......... . Wolf, fire .............. . Erickson. Me .. Sh fire ...... C. ' e, mpfliw .. Chflvers labor .fifi'lch’vonhlalmr ...... . Peterson, labor ......... 8. Biqlflk. salary ........ J. M. Zia-II. suw'ies Pufler Mummy. supplies {1. yugmt gupplks . ..... (3. fiieiéffi‘r; TI: MUM Cit. - 1 my. Ch». I. much: (3: Oman! Pm mun-u Tu roomy I‘Mledor, In”: TI“, ................ Total .................... 3 6700.1 (‘uh humor ........ . . . . .3 500.! DRI'AI‘I'MKN‘I‘ of HIM)?" O SAFETY th on hand ............. um: huh} linen; Tutu! To“! ..................... 3 "144.79 Cull balance ........... ‘. . .3 937. 85 DEPARTMENT or ACCOUNTS t "mucus CauhonhanudL..t.. ...... s 2374.691 S. Budzll D. I}. I’ll J. Dunks J. l). Gill m. Municipiii" ungae' ‘L mama; 7.1.}, "CI-Q "II! n 0 Cult. fire Sufi-MN, fire l‘cminshl. fin Ma. Me Wander, fin- . may! fire 1- . . Tolal .............. ....... Disbursements CM Hitch, Petty cash. L. P. Conover services . . . Le a Pub. do..Mv ..... lv.1.‘liclrm'axm, election . . . FDavis. election ...... . F. Legenhausen, election A. Dexter, election ..... B. Bl tt. election . .. 1;. Bl t,_ elgaction F. c. H s. c. *1- Report of the VILLAGE TREASURER Mly I, 1920 to April 30. 1921 IIEPAR'I‘MENT 0F PUBLIC AFFAIRS Cash on hand .............. $ 980.17 Received of County Collec-.. tor for Taxes ........ . . . . 1002.47 Add Warrants Outstanding Totals igflié'i.’ 'éléc'liib'h' 7.7 . odgen, e action Fiqstexjheleqtim; . :; fire )uw' . m} 2356i] Tutal ................. 2300 Cam Balance ......... LIBRARY H3299” Cash on ”ad .......... JIM!“ 9229433 310801.93 70.72 57.50 57.50 8 ad. I.” no 3135‘ M734 l9.” 4|.” Cl“) noel .$l982.84 100. 00 36.14 53.30 "3.00 10.00 “.50 Bufl‘alo Meter Co., supplios Hennion Home, supplies Oxveld Co., supplies ....... Kennedy Voier (30., supplies Chicago Gear Mfg. Co., splx. Victor Mfg. Co., sup iest. .. Electric Worm, supp ism... Anna Mnyers', kupplim‘ ..... 18.00 Undstrom Mfg. Co. supplies: l”. 8. Machine 00., supplies lrbmnn Michel, su lies ,w. J. Darley Cm, sup its. . ‘valum Mater (20., supplies K. G. anl, dnyage ..... .‘4. Hofi‘nrt, supplies ........ Dicke Tool (70., supplies... M. W. Mills Prtg. (10., spls City of Chicago, su‘pplies. .. Wnstinglmuse El. ,0.. spls. Ergopl £10., supplies. . $.23: 23388: ' 83533323“ ”a 'N . â€"-â€" u... â€"-§â€"oâ€"n 's#95#-m 18.00 H. J. Hawnkins, suppliea.... Gt-nol'll Electric Co. sup'I'n-s Monarch Hoe. Co, supplies kin! Ben 00.. syppfies.... Ten.- Oil Co so ppl c...“ Boll mom-’05., aiémieslfi F. Heinke supplies ....... . fin!t_¢r_}lfg.»Cn.. supplies. . . Noble Carbon (30., so fies. W. D. Allen Cm, nu in... w. B. Er!) C0,, supp fies. . .. Warthfingtnn Pum Cm, s s Pithbnrx Meter 0.. s’ i's yen: gnaw. syppliesu Co., “1»th ........ Bush PM” (‘53.. suppligs. {Kaholl Gav-am, supplies... M’. H. Mod 4:, lusunmr” 19!. Cum” Mun-am ....... W. H. Ea‘wnnlc Insurance. Department of binge W's; ML Wmm' rte 5 Lord Lumber a” supplies. . F. Newton, supplies ........ [hymn Grove Publishing J. 3. Cl" I Sons. nu in "em I! . Co», so in” Hawk l- . Co. «infirm. "elm-tor (an Co., supplies flinch" Renting (70., up" ll. Hut-"er Mfg. 00.. mp... Western Electric (30.. gar. . ‘1. D. Giflmpio a (10., up !.. . Damn: Grow: “Ir-[0. sph- V. thnn, rut; ..... Lw. Nash‘s: pair": ....... W . nu 81mm! Oil Co. 30 m” 5.... :5 g... .3»! .5... ........ 1.. Ir. .5 1: flaunt an: 13:... ESE: I: a: 6.9355,.â€" .= i Tom .... o . M C. M. Hitch. Celina: Commercial lighting .‘ Egg: mum ME... 3 erupt” . Wm"- rates Water motors Water meter rennin .. Tapping {m lamp was ..... .. %|; all law?“ ...... . mu on up w Sale of labor ......... Run 0! Hall . . . ....... County Collrdur, tum Total ................ . . . . 55666.“ (3.4. Balm)“: . . . . . . . . . . . . 32733.06 DEPARTMENT 0|? I’llllLlC PIOI’BR’I‘Y Cash uu hand _. . .1. _. ...... 8 2746.82 R. C. Eniou, supplies ...... Bum-hum" Bron. teaming .. .l. \V. Nash, mpplieu P. Nahum. labor ..... ..... P. )- Mdiuiw, Mrviwu I). G. l'Ilrrtric- (30., xupplim Potter M! . (70., supplies .. Keri: achel. supplies .. C. E .Baker. teaming ...... J. Banks, solely .. ........ F. Heinke. supplies . ...... . Dicks Tool (‘41.. supplies . .. . S. Budzik. salary ......... J. V. Dieter. teaming ...... S. Hotlert, supplies“ ...... .. J. Reha suppics ....... C. Slim a, labor ...... W. J. Hogan. labor . ....... J. Kmpp. labor ..... EAm. l-‘ounglry 00., supplies .. J. S. Lozwr, services ...... Art. C. Rehm, services . . Gillvspie 00.. supplies . .. . L. E. Jones, services ...... A. Jacoby, services ..... J. B. Sherman, services, . P. N. Davis, services ...... W. ll. Kuegeman, services .. :2 . C. Chambers. services .. Burr. serwces. . .. . . . . . . ll. Woelft-r» 3. serum-s 5:: n. 4 '4 .. .- o . > 125.73 J. M: H. "comm, «applies... 10.82 J. Dieter, supplies .......... 482.18 H. J. Hawkins. supplies..... 50200 W. H. Blod ett, insumm... 10.30 J. Flslwr, ahor...... ...... 9,20 Miss Piper. xalary ..... . . .. . 806.00 Comm. Pine, Scott 6’: Co.,.. 914,00 sup lies .............. . 820 Mrs. ('Clum, supplies ...... 133,30 A. C. McClain-g Co..suppll1~s.. 39.00 Busch-"am: Bum... u-amimr” 00,00 Downers Grove Publishing "4,00 00.. printing .. .......... 188.10 Mrs. Sweeney .aervicos ...... 100.00 S. J. Brown, supplies ....... 5.00 gt. éhym labor. . . . . .1. ..... 1.10 u er rmacy. sup ies... P. Hnlkior, “born”? ...... Style Hut Shop. supplies.... J. D. Gillesrie Co. supplit-s H. E. McAl inter 1 Co. spls.. M. Lower, services. . . ...... Grace McKee. snrviws...... B. 'l'lmlin, services .......... Imbmunn (1 Michel, hupplles 822 8888 ~â€" €1°~ nightwear-m Lon! Lumber (70., suppliea . C. M. Hitch. pet! cash J. H. ,l-‘mnkenfleh , supplies. Champlin Ptg. Co.. suprliw. Appsllago‘ Comm supp fies . HI 'OQ‘s‘IméI-f 1311627":le fiat-gr Mfg. 90:, suppyes I all [I'llllllg ...... meter» ............. met min: ..... .. rues .... ......... . melon ... ......... meter repairs ...... [foe-c ..... sales ..... mum‘s“ ......... . camp at ........ labor ............ . Hall ........... Colt-«1w, tum . . . .3 57,531.96 3 57,531.96 (2. E. nakérTz'ékin' ”.".’."."."'T W Lu“! Lumber C0,, infppiiesf'. ' ' ~ "'"‘7""" W '4 " ' J9me Bryce. salary ........ Di-bumnonc- 3: Snyder. salary. .. ........ .umber (70., suppfiea .. 434.56 “1‘pr 01' ‘93“?!er Grove. IIEA ,L A A. n .n. i... so inn-1.96 nu in. . . 179.62 supp fies. . . . 355.10 3.4” mag; DIIFPIIUB - a cash . . . . supplfes. . sup lies. . app fies . . applies . . applies . . ng . . . . . . .......... I ....... tplies ng >........ applies .. es ices plies I!!! ...... ices, es Bax-ices .. ~rviees .. ....--... 343855.!!! . 47004.35 104.64 1520.6!) 13”” 40.50 52511) 331 . l 8 lit.” MCI.” 8".” man “.45 241. 03 1mm MOM I? W "I'm.“ 106.32 176."! 1.25 3 $7,400.81”! Phone ....... 131.151.}! ankalfleld. supplies” 8. 8. Peel. salary l aupplica'i 9 K7 5!!! M l" l.‘ I.-. inst. “a.“ The MUNNIDUWI 9! our undo-x duh mo.» in: ml? in! mm cloudy clan-nou- “13:3 mum-d that Allrhu walk in M 32”” phynéally what it mould. ho In. 2|“... W0 wu- all M mmv m In. mm fumilim at 0»- Hum will. ”It flunk-3r M06 obhfl- «lo-dime we“ I: luv». pm.- “I: up of audit-Mn I.» pun-"ml Ih‘m' ‘m nrlvu hr uni". Mac only an m IWMI mull-l though to Inn-l ”w why- mom “(fl mammal.- urn m-m may '31.: um: that wont" n-hhl. “1:” TM gun-"um! Of “mat- rhythm")! 22M climmflM run m Mn. that ll new ”fl an all an «WI! tannin far it :3)” ma "qr [00‘ n! h-lin-f M Amman 3.1. mm: Mm manually mm», Ill. man up M I “MM I! ”yak-I M33 833 much hymn-l un- urn-av. m” No out in nun- fuuflht vi!“ 0" “a mums-an than (In America I’m. IO.” and no so but had nom- cl‘n-d owi- NN than of 00' MN rim: ”sum. :33 "an [AIM aunt-vim». IM n-gu- , Our new din "co nun, who ”7" ”1”!“ lb:- finite. IILIC Ankle W. Explanatory Noteâ€"In connection ‘ 27‘5” with Articles so!!!" . for“! certain fundamental principles which the 33471.49 Arm-dean Legion in supporting and: £081.73 In those that have nlludy appeared 211-73 on Eduaflol and an» um will fol- ”gag: tow. I! L: ahinfile to mm for than “915 who may not gm» (In-Ir gram! Im- |4°09 you that their objmivr in not (nor “'3“ find to any ”Mn-lit local mum.- 'fgfi nymthoy apply to (In- cw-try u a 30.02 whole ml Mon-mt the «warmth.- 30.00 thought «I IN» crawl-tia- In “a 3"“ Mavmf u. use its [Mun-In- in awry mu 9.". mm. 93 l .00 “5,3,0 M3,. Wank.» ..... 131...; ..... . 3 .. c , , sup N ...... 133,30 A. C. McClain-g Co..supplk~s.. 39.00 Busch-"am: Bms., training” 60.00 Downers Grove Publishing "4,00 00.. printing .. .......... 188.10 Mrs. Sweeney ,ewrvicos ...... 100.00 S. J. Brown, supplies ....... 5,00 G. Rayner. labor. . .. ........ 1.10 Puller Ifhnrmacy. supplies... P. Hnlkmr, labor..... ...... §tyle Hut Shop: flappliesmu n IVSII - :22 6.96 water and light .......... 9,90 Marshall Field Co.. splat... 65.05 Mm: ‘ Muchel, supplies... 10.00 Mrs. In. Perm», salary spls 40,10 J. H. North, ”plies. . . . . . . . 125.73 J. M: H. Ben . 1, «applies: . 10.82 J. Dieter, supplies. . . . 482.18 H. J. Hawkins, supplie .. . 552,00 W. H. Blvd ett, lnsumm. 1030 J. Flslwr, allot. . .. . . . . . . . 9,20 Miss Piper. xalary ..... . . .. . 806.00 Carson. Pine, Scott 6’: Co.,.. 914,00 "suppliqg . .‘ .............. . -.__l_.â€"u-, I'DV'I.’ I'll. 22.00 Stanley Brown. at: Rome: ‘lm -7-' THE LEGION RELATION mu m COMMUNITY LIFE I! pint-v only marital a» clone whim existing Hm hmy has!“ and min! and non! vim, 1hr tannin fur physical «In-ruin. of all Rind child"): would have in.» w: 3.. as County Oollutor, 4.10 My Brown, :3 nil-n n.“- n It is fwhmnhlly a man! im cmnddwlmm napalm!» [an on film!»- lo mum-Io Ibu- iiMc-ml «f puma. for up malty of amnimry physical Roi-ulna. community fur gov-l. “LINOIS BELL TELEPHONE comm Long-distance telephone service has been greatly improved. Lines from Chicago are not over- crowded, service is rapid and tram- mission is good. Business men using this service obtain personal. communi- cation with distant customers without leaving their desks. Pu \NNYAI. RIM M'A‘I‘NDN Try it. It may solve your problem. Improved Long-Di Gangqmmmmdh caviar magmatic-"mica. SERVICE Telephone Service (Mlézi'nmfi'liiiiiiiiiiifi ‘fl-fl WJMI. .1“ l 6811 ‘ “item: on bonds” ....... 92. 91 Central Trust 00.. inlenaton 85.29 bonds 70.86. . 9:33 5:3: 13TH .............. . all!“ ............. 41.57 SINKING FUN” 20.45 Cawh on Hand BI .52 ‘ MD“! 10.00 County Collector, taxes. 35-59 T ta! . ................ . : 7.30 o Disbursement- 24310 Central 'l‘myt 00.. water and -.-â€".â€" u. .‘U 42.50 cm on hand..'.'...... 234a . Mu- 279407 County Collector, but 10.75 Pint National Bank. In! 187.3] Farmers Manhunt- 1 71!.00 interest ........ 195.00 Total . . . 14.24 243.10 3.75 4 I .55 96.25 78.37 43.70 18.25 1.10 .44 vanitinnunumnfi. vigor or the nation, will and. I “8"" ma! chem Ill la! b than Hm mull} Id agnhly. ‘mim can! It. ha“ I. d flu- mlfluuno. “in Gulch H b SHIN "In "n m M“ rank-d m lbw IN I!“ I“. “41»:me fmowmbsthmly dro- prfly-HMM “wry M in lbw-n (8m Manflmwm (wufimwmmm (uh! "min In It! m of «mm at Maw. Vim, d136- iugu. «willy and. 1h yum-at “It In M 0! lb M um ummlly mu» pru- do not mm“ aim Mullah-mk- lamb-n! In .1ka m PO! ‘5- hlkubnmullhrgmtm um «I "In u“ no. I Iii-t can- when “th for .n by: v.“ a» mm It... tb Polk. Pom h pn- mflnx "Inn. Tb “mm" of who rise-Mfg" with would.“ pbynhl MM of I” My. and ail-Mk xpflln Mac HID.” mama! today he mind 3:. w moon-m. hm. Interim to M ll'fupfflliflfil In den-lap?“ ”lbâ€"mm I have no. Wr- nbla tuna vuiuh. to to upload by W Maw ones." “I‘M diment beau lam-fly ”no" mutw. th- um Mole. loll Qmfldem. dads-b. and Nun.” “flu-m. phyxlcl m M have an mum plat In th- eu- rkulum of only It“. m I.- olml in loans. with“ my All In a mat amid. by H. A. BM umu- firing in the Chicago ”City Natl. Doctor Hadley A. 8am“ Jot 40 yearin dimlnr 0! 0n Hen-ulna! (.ymuuiuln 3! Hum"! Unholdty. swat-incl tonne of the health] ll‘ nut-mm chh Ilc found Mk III! uniform phyuienl instruction Iud I'- D. the mild and character. Among them. 'lxomiu Ila-0.4! properly carried on. llu [Mould 0!- ham {or M o- tbe ”My.” sun-esurully was-luau! lung baton ":53. (infillh BaLance .1!” lbw . . . ””7054 19 ere y cert y for! tube correct to the best 0%“ nowledue and belief. C.FORD DAVIS. Vin-go Tun-nut Subscribed sud sworn to Info" In. this Isl: day of June.1921. CHAS. M: _HI'I‘CH. M ) volumissluu expire; immfiwfi ӣ52. V filth? Edaâ€"J; .v.‘ Total ........ Cay}! Balance .. ............ y...“ lit-unencu- l-‘armern 1 Moichlntu Bonk. - interest on bonds. . ....... s 800.00 Central Trust 00.. interest on bonds ....... 299.60 FIRST ooooooooooo 3.4.7 ,3. . ;. .mooac -¢u(..y.. . . . . .ng90 . . . . £81800.“ . M1437 1090.50 .377“

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