Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Mudocplmhfiebomud to hold [Ml place In the mm of km- and Mad-ship that rm make us a" “.fl It W. A very pretty ham wedding um 10an In! Saturday «mm. Jan: «I: at (be home 0! Mr. IM Mn. Georg! Binder. 6! W"! Cum» nu when their «higher. flunk. Frau- nl. home the Mk «I! Ir. Edwin About «army-aw «MM- And friend- vnro pmnt and tit-cued the mummy which wan wmmrnl h‘ the fin. “my"! H. thml. pun tot M‘ We Methodist Church. TM but» rm- nwnfll in wNu» mmdk. tfimml «an. Gummy he! and mm". a veil at no! will: on"! Naming and carried a Hum-- or hum“ of “him “new. Site «at alum-«I by Mm: Mary Leno“. of Ham-y. Ohio. a: "an? of ham» and regard what has been for centuries a biasing for homes and nations. Love, honor, trust, obedience, service, pn- fience, sacrifice, an all factors that have their place in homelife and the R}‘}:ol£n-. m of fit. and ”n. Md Golhy of (hum, lm. in” fame» mu» "1 on Put, :- brido's maid. Miss Lela“ "on pink min :vsmmod with net fink m... Then- is a difference between u home and a home. It all depends up- on the people that are in the home. Romania of why is quite different from that of yestenla), in most cas- tes, but ‘he principles and ideals of home must eternally remain the .. _____ um" They are expressed in the words: “Honor thy father and thy mother,” and “Love thy neighbor as thyself" This is nothing new, R is- Mn by all young and old, but we are hard at it to forget, and to dis- White W95 auxin-M in orchid "or rm trimmnl with :ilrer Mid and ribbon; Both tunic-cl pink to: mus. more we have of that kind of llfe the happier our homes will be. Speaking about obedience, what does the Bible say about it? Prov. 1:8 we mad: “My son. hear the in- struction of thy father. and forsake no! the law of thy mother.” Paul ndmonishes, “Children obey your par- ents in the Lord: for this is right.” But_what then, if a parent ask something lhnt is unwasonnble on- www? Those are exceptions. In that (31‘? be": to be excused politely, ask permisu’on to (lifler, obey God uther than man. Then- in another , a mammal quesdon. concerning til. ill obedience. is it lnfimled to extend life, will xheue not be a time when the duty of obedience town? In- deed. but not the duty of respect and honor. thoy should intense and In them a noun-n! child grows Inorr Iflecuonate as age and ”patience help to n better understanding of punt. and M. a such. How bean“- ful when a natural man or woman communal»: with the aged puma still observes in Min! rupee! honor and piety! Can you think 0! uythlng own? When u mun's respomibfllty mm then Mr libom' ought Co begin. But on: m - summ- by the pawn! will he nun-ml by I who no. or butter. cu»- in can when they mm «mm with the punt. It in Now is the time fo decorate your km: with 1} nice Cement Flower Vase, claimed and put up for $7. BINDERâ€"GOLTBY H. McPherson Phone 131.]: The Rev. Win. Gulch” Vases AT HOME II! as the bride came down the stairway Both Lohengrin’s and Mendclmhn's to the bower of greenery and flowers wedding marches was used. arranged for the wimp Following the ceremony a reception - . . __,1._-..I._.A..h. nnnmd h. Little Gladys Leflott. daughter-m of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwaul “510mm me flower girl; scattering mne petals in the path of the bridal party. She wore pale green ongandie. Fred 7?. brissler, ibrother-iu-law of the bride acted as masterrof cere- monies. ' A very beautiful formal wedding was that of Miss Marion Montrose Greene. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer Greene and Dr. Chas. Robert Diemlorfer performed last Saturday evening. June 4th.. on the lawn of the beautiful Greene country home, Oak Cottage. south of Lisle. The Rev. Hugh M. Mchhorter, pas- tor of Saint Andrew's Episcopal church, Downers Grove, road the ser» I! I. I“ An.- Tm I‘W Following the ceremony the Misses Betty Mahaney. Lucile Haintz and Mac Binder. served dainty refresh- ments to the guests. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Goltry left after the reception for a honoymwn in Den- ver. and Estes Park, Colorado. They will make their home in the village. GREENE - DEINDORFER u long tulle veil caught with orange blossom: was given away by her father. She carried a shower boquet of brides roses and Iillies of the val- ley She wax attended by her Miter, Mrs. Willunl Wheeler, of Cleveland, Ohio, ax Matron o! honor. Mm. Whee- ler wore pale blue organdie over lavendar “ilk. The brldosmahb' wort Him (2m Greene. sit-tar o! the bride, who won flame colored or- .uulie and lint Mariam Simpson. the brides «all-in, of Galen, who \' ice. Lmlc My Wheeler. niece a! the mac. [mauled the bridal part'y nu!- ("log me petals: in their path. The ribbo- stretcher: won It: Inc! [lob- bie (Fm-no. 0! Mann. nephew: of the brick. The bride, gowned in ombroideml Georgette over white sa‘in weaving way ”8mm! In 13d: ommfle. The bride’s aumhnw ended bonnet- of The music wu (untamed by In. I. manner at. the pine: flu. Laura Mum-r. voke and Ir. Theodore Mr. violin. an n! Nap-milk. 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. , Littlct‘ord Nurseries Plum 312-1 Landscape Gardening our (”all and r»! a sample bottle at Downers Grove Gum! ATTENTION ‘U'I‘O OWNERS Ilka ‘l‘eloh‘ Kendra! Teach! 0t DRAMATIC ART AND EXPIBSSION Your Cu Without "at" K I. E .‘ 3â€"2 0 I. ”cum 350m SIM nowNEn's anon “Pom mm GROVE rumors TEN T0 GRADUATE MONDAY FROM ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL Following the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments served to the more than one hundred guests from Chicago, Napcn-ille. Downers Grove, Glen Ellyn and Aurora and other parts of the county. Dr. and Mrs. Deindorfer are spend. ing their honeymoon motoring thru the east and on their return will make their home in Galena, Illinois, where the groom will practice his profession. Exorcism Will be Held at chlw Theatre â€"- A. C. Mink-Hy Is Speaker A class of ten wiil graduate from St. Joseph's Parish school this week. -Appmpriate exercises will be held at the Dicke Theatre, next Monday evening“ June 131}: with a fine pro- gram. Opening the program will be the Salutntory addreys by James Two- hcy. Then will follow an Operetta in which the entire school will take part. They have been rehearsing: this for several weeks and i: is ex- pected that it will be on the same high plane which everything has been that has been done by (his school. Anomey Arthur Chicago, win doliy‘f: J. D.GillespieCo. Agents 6: Distributors The Bell long-distance (elephant: lines enable alert business men to bridge time and space and clear obsta- cles which would daunt their less ener- getic competitors. . In the battle for commercial supremo acy victory lies with‘ the man who makes the best use of his resources. Bell lines reach almost everywhere and the cost of the service is small. See this wonderful- new- all metal THOR Getacquainted with the 1310ny 3an time The Ever-Ready Telephone SERVICE DAYS é. iluebfich of:F‘ir:~:t Evango‘dcal the Baccalaur- S. Andrew's flaw-c Washiuguadzme I s ' mum to cation" TELEPHONE COMPANY em address. He is a mu' who stands high in the Chicago Bar A:- sociation and should give to the grad- uates advice which will stand them in good stead. VT‘I’xe Graduation address will be made by Alex C. Miskoliy. President of the Board of Educatioh of this dis- trict. Those who will graduate are: Genevieve Drella Catherine Bar- Anm Bahre nickel Leona Rimly Waller Ciha Margaret Vega} Evelyn Baron Rose Canty James Twohey OFFICIAL REPORT OF FINANCES 0F MUSICAL SERIES Leona Riedy will five the Vale- ulictorv and the awning wfil close with the class sang. The Community Council of Down~ as Grove submit herewith. report of receipts and disbursomcms. ccvcn'ng Entertainment course: $153.73 From After All Exmm Paidâ€"5pm Between Library and Fire Truck. Receipts . Methodist Churvh. ticket 5339 5157.25 Cunnggnticnal ............ . 126.25 St. Joseph‘s ............ . .. . 70.60 Baptist 61.25 F' n- 3! \‘mionul Bank ....... 29.00 TEL. 30â€"DAYS BL. 217~NIGIITS. FIRST nickel Walter Ciha Ewlyn Baron James Twohe." John Man-hand American Legion St. Pnul's Evangelical Farmers Merchants Rev. Nansen ........ Receipts at door Total Receipts . . . Dishimmenh Musical Extension Series. Talent ............... Mills Printing 60., Printing 1. T. Hooker. tuning piano Dicks Theatre, renal Profit on Course ....... Paid to Fire Truck “and Paid to Library Fund ‘ Tom} Disbursements 19 W. Railroad st. mmmmr. mmmmm IIL'RING :rnzo THEM? WERE [N TM}: t'NlTfifl MATE.“ a mum. worming". hut wr mm only NTC'HU' "town” ms mm». A gun-«l man) dnorm granted. M!" In may rn'rn mama"- :- mm». and "to was. numb-w at mam. flu! um: Wilma; war ’r-v than «me-wrath M "w marrinnp. T‘m Ju-ngr n )wmn (mm It In nIurmmv vale. ~4le an.) a "nun hows. To buy mn- wuh «Min-v3- ‘rmm‘m m- onyht to build chm bun-hp! thousand hum" .A 3n". -« mu war II‘ M! mum mun than hm humlml muun-I 13' 1|"? R‘NITIII' STATE! “1’: AR}: S0“ SHORT A ,4 3?, ms famit‘w-fw her m with the waning". ‘u- mud 'v :M flu humima "urn-MM M909 unnm’.y fir [Mr 31"". "'7‘" n m 192m t. .‘Mw: mv'gvnm \u m" It 1410" of Mm" MTORBING TO THE VIEWS 0? WELL iNFORHED men it will not be rise to Iran for prr-war prices. It is the general Mid that we won‘t got back mm prion. Hun- demand in tin banding line, financiers when). will prrvem a mum to low prices. RIGHT NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO FIGURE: 0)! YOK'R 311mb" bill. Prices of lumber are do“. Your lumber bill for that new homo, the addition, or repair.‘ is new thirty to forty per «at less than 11% summer. Better talk tn us about it. “‘9 know and win ten you, If you exmt to build within the next three or four years it's now time tn make plans and do some figuring. especially on lumber. “mm M‘Th‘lTlfiS um rxnsn mm noon 1mm. nay then um sun-0y hr 3 Mary «iv-man? fur mm am! ma- minls. Bwrylndy who msibly cu um "M to huh! a 3mm, 50 gm]! till he the dormant. Rl'ILDING ACTIVITIES WILL SILREIA‘ COME Jl'ST AS «um as donation takes place all aim [ht buihlivm “no. PM who want homes of (In-iv awn. and m people do. ought to keep in time incl- vritll building "dieing: and just 15 min as prices we righ‘ should In his, with (hair building. LI'MBER TODAY IS THE LOWEST PRICED CONSTRI‘C- TION MATERIAL IS THE WORLD \\ IT" THESE FACTS PH‘ORIZ ['5 n 35 EAh'Y TO SEE Lord Lumber company Buschmunn Bros. 4.: «r h‘wt. .n mm: “any. mix-r inulumg nprmlinm. Th c raw! ‘2« Navy and “in cmflmw .N‘ N Mu}: Wt dud 's-v innit-ms: during the «qt am; rm ‘r‘.rh mow nun-t ¢ HEMP]: at m Awistm. ' GENERAL TEAMING AND TRUCKING MOVING AND STORAGE Resident Member of the Lumbemn’s Publicity Bureau Phone Phone after 6 1'. EL Dav 20 142 J CATV" IT IN Hfll‘SH fll'llJ‘lei. T" TAKE VAR}? Damn-rs Grove, Illinois . 3480.00 . 1.25 3365.25 . 8158.76 64.37 719.00 he executed tram - variety of u- ceptable design: find every detail it looked after by experts. That is why our monuments :lwaya nppul to and? taste. If you plan I memorial in: your plot We will show you o M» vnriety or designs to choose from. ARTHUR R- BEIDELMAN Total Our Monuments Send in the airman” you know to The'fieporter -- Phone 1884. Phone 35. R NAPERVILLE. JOHN S. LOZIER MUNICIPAL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 88 Santos: Ave. "lone 8.2-8 Downers Gnu. Ill. ADVERTISE; yr P4131 0. B. PLUMLEY. Tmawnr. Telephone 11 $153.75

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