Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Jul 1921, p. 1

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F. *‘DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. The Noble Grand for the torm just ended, Mrs. Henrietta Winter, with the assistance of her officers, has done some fine work in the past six months. She will be escorted to her station as Junior Past Grand and is the second one to fill that chair. Mrs? Madge Eager was the first Noble‘ Grand and Mrs. Winter. her senior officer. They have helped to bring the lodge to its present flourishing condition by their untiring efforts and it is certain the new oflicers will keep up the good work. Bluebird Lodge has made 3 won- derful record since its institution just a year ago this. month and has been grnwing rapidly. It will continue tn grow under the new regime as it has in the past for the fine spirit of fra- temalism is an outstanding featurn of the individuals. Bluebird Robcltuh Lodge, No. 147, I. 0. 0. l-‘.. will have their semianâ€" nual installation of ofl'icors on next Tuesday (waning. July 5th. Lmlgn Deputy E. M. Brunson. with his stafi' will have charm- of the cvrvmnny. Mrs. Mao Ostewiz is the newly ol- ccted Noble Grand. Mrs. Hannah Hoe- gren. Vice Grand and Miss Elsie Ben- son, Racorulim: Secretary and will take their rospoctiro Nations on that evening. The appoinliw officers will also be installed in their stations and will be named by the Noble Grand. Those Elected on June 2. and Ap- pninlive (Mints to Tnke Sta- (ions for New Tenn. REBEKAHS T0 INSTALL OFFICERS TUESDAY, JULY 5'”! "rim-tier Rohm' Adllrvn. Congregational Song. fiendictzon. ”in Mariana Rot- Im- brvn luv pointed organist (or (he. writs nf town-n. Tho you: MM" in unclor the duration of the RM. Kehrl. pastor of “re Baptist (‘hurrhz the Rev. NM. new. pustnr of First Evanplml. win real the scrimun’: the Rm'. valaml. ”not of Hm Memo-list Chan-II. will say "I! pray" and the Rev. Grok-- feld. pastor of St. Pauly.- Emumlical,‘ will pronoum the hemlidion. lollavsz Son. Son'lm. Ruffian Reading. Count-(afloat! Song. (Sundial). Prayer. (flaming). Special Anthem by Cmmmntmnl Hans are complete for the open air services of the cooperating chur- ches of Downers Grove for the year 1921. They will open next Sunday, July 3, at 7:30 p. m. on the Metho- dist-Episcopal Church lawn and it is expected that the largest audience ever assembled at one of them popu: hr Union Church Services will be uni hand the opening night. i The wn‘ia‘s this owning are ini charge 0! the Congregational Church Ind they have obtained for tho spen- kcr of the evening, Dr. I'M'r Rubens of New York. who is Allwricunizntiou' Secretary of the Y. .\I. C. A. llr.‘ Roll-rd whim-t will be. "lmmigru-t tion and the Amvricunizntiun l’mn blcms.” It. will be a putriour mi- drcnu and is a timely tupiv, coming a“ it ulow jufit hri’orv Imlept-ndi-nn- Day. Dr. Robert» has written .‘t‘\'t,'l'fl'l book» on lhii subjc-rt and is consul-E eml nu upon all immigmtiun. "N ha! jun recently n-tumni from! Europe where M lun hem ‘tuuiyimzf immixmtiun. 'l'lw ('unuru-gulionul} (hard! is tn hr rongmlulnu-oi on" having strut-ml I'm-h n [wrmnmn- to deliver thi< mo‘ww‘ tn llw pvoplc- of! Down (how. '4 Mutations Being Made to Seat 1 Large Congregation on M. E. Chunk Lawn. DR. Pflfll MENUS "RSI SPEAKER M Mil-AIR SIRVKES Anmmmm 0mm... Confirmation-l 8mg. , A VOL. XXXVI”. N0. 23 order of .‘rnk‘w will Ir vituuluan .u- .u - ““50"“ Church I! has been fuuml that the original I... for a“. spea- lnx rule of our-third of unv per cent r. l'vlcr "one.“ will hr inmflicivnt to pay fur thu nec- Anwriculiizutiuuiflwn' I’WHMiMW “Wk. “"0""??? 3|. C. A. Dr. rum, lcgul publication; nml the many he, “lmmigru- ollwr "amp. 0! oxpmm- which mun‘l icuniznliun pm.,lu- mot. Tlu- [loam dvrislwl, thew: a “mom. ml- (arr. to ask lln- valor» fur the flavor mp5“ coming a“ to nuke lhi: rau- Iwuâ€"thirdu of one lcponclvmv "80‘- pcr rent. Spn'ml on! over Un- lam writlcn ,c‘«‘,.-upitcrrituiry. this will br fol! hot little anal is ("Midgliy 1hr imliviilunl pmprrty mun-i. Imixmlimi. up! 'l'iw Villam‘ Hull will hr Ilw poll- ".mflml (mm! ing plucv nml llw polls will lw «mm :1! howl undying?" m-lork u. m. (Hlnmlnul (.‘rntml (‘unxru-gulionul:Timfl and rlnw at 7 01"ka p. m. mgmluinh-il 0,,.’((.‘viuml Slumlanl Tim. The lol- u pcnnnnm- mlluwinu huw Inn nppoinlnl Juclm o! ,, u". proplv "(H-2mm»: (T. Foul Davin. M. K. "ti-h [and W. ll. llloulm'u. 'l‘lw ('lnlu nu» Hurry lllmlnu. n. ll. Schnahvlr nml rm «ill b0 in W. D. llrrrirk, W. H. Ra)‘ F. N. Davis H. S. Paine W. W. Heintz Maj. \Vilidsh .l. S. firming C. 1-7. Palmer T. J. Savage W. J. O‘Neill 1.. Burn V. Fuller R. F. Carpenter SPEND THE FOI‘RTH AT HOME (imv ACt‘MS right up slat! mmeum vlcfiniu‘ in this direction. W. H. Ray F. N. Davis H. S. Paine W. W. Heintz Maj. \Vilidsh .l, S, firming C. E. Palmet T. J. Savage W. J. O'Neill 1.. Burn V. Fuller R. F. Carpenter Yours truly, I). VanValen R. McClure J. \\'. Stoops I). W. Datis F. H. Riehlo H. A. Hnfl'crt (T. \V. \Vest R. Kollngg H. S. Dum, Jr. G. R. Hensley George Ray John A. Dawson $3.00 Per Year. In Adv-nee. ln wl’ervm to your remarks rela- tive to a swimming place for Dorm ms Grow, the Boy Scout tum-omen! nf this rnmmunity. including Scout ()fl‘icials. Scwut Masters and Stunts will heartily end-"w- um work and hr glad to load all possible support tn 9"“! in pushin It. A plan for pro- wling a suitahk- plan! for swimming in summvt’ and stating "I wintrr mph! to meet. the apprvwal of all the rvsiclonh of the community and "to time sot-ms right. to start snmething In order to he of benefit to the advertiser. his or her bid for busi- ness must be read. Right there is the entire reason for the sucâ€" cess of Reporter classifieds ads. THEY‘RE READ! It has been demonstrated over and over that a Reporter classified ad will pull, that no matter what is being ad- vertised someone will answer. If you have anything to sell; cash in with a. classified. If you are look- ing for male or female heir; let a classified find it for you. f you are after a situation; classifieds have been known to get them. The uses of classified ads are so num- erous that to tell all of them in this limited space would be im- possible. There is another feature which should appealâ€"Abe cost is smallâ€"thirty-flve cents for five lines or less if paid cash fifty if charged, for one week. . cost of more than one week lowers in proportion. Cash in with a clasw allied. Editor ”rpm-1w, Faun-5n; (‘onnnklth Raul"! PM Nettl- Who In Lauri-g BOY SCOU’I‘S EN- DORSE SWIMMING POOL FOR GROVE CASH IN ON A CLASSIFIED ISANITARY ms- TRICT ELECTION 0N JULY NINTH The $75,000 in bonds is to be mud {or the installation of sewage dispo- sal works and a connecting sewer to connect the present sun-r sysu-m of the village to the Ilixpm'al Works, the acquiring of suflicient laml and the right of way. It was for this pur- pose that the district was cmatwl. tion. On Saturday, July 9th, an Ckflion will be held in the newly created Sanitary District for the purpose of deciding whether or not bonds in the amount of $75.00 shall be issued and the tax rate be raised one-thin! of one per cent on the mafia] valua- Voters Will Register Opinion on 3 375.000 Bond Issue and a Raise in Tax Rale. DOWNERS GROVE, DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY. JULY 1. 1921 NEWSPAPER FOR THE COMMUNITY With the approach of summer evnry chiid shouid have an abundance of fresh air. pure milk. pure when pro- tection from flies and should be taught habits of cleanliness. Them requisites are equafly good for the B. E. Balrzynski i: captain of the Chapter team and Raymond Schultz :of the Blue Lodge. The umpire has not as yet hon decided on. Our good Brother John Bolsby, whn umpircrl the last game refuses to ofl‘iciate again as he claims the boys take too many liberties with him. However, it will‘ be some game and will furnish a] great deal of amusemdht to start olfl‘ the day. 1 ! Thmv two 608mg played on Dom- ‘ration Day and the Blue Lodge worn the victors. They also boat thr‘ Chaptrr in a bowling match last win‘ tor and the two defeats have left an unpleasant taste in thoir mhulh'»: Since May 30th tho Chant" has, hr-on planning on a rvtum game in an or. fort tn nvnn this up in baseball at least and the game on the Fourth i~ tho culmination. ‘ Tho Blue Lodz» aml Cbaptt‘r haw ball teams will star!» another film of indoor-outdoor ball on the mnrninz of July Fourth. Memory Drill. Habit Talk. Music Prriod. Causthonirs. WM Sim)". Hand Work. Ro-asnombk. Amorinn and Chris- tian flags tn tho Matron». The ”Star Spangled Banner,” Salulo the Amn- ican flag. “America." Salute "or Christian flax. MASONS WILL PLAY BASEBALL ON THE FOURTH [Mr-Midst" Game Nth-(lulu! For Ten ()‘Cloct on Monday Morning. TM pm"! is him (m the wort outlined by the Chit-1p Fuhr- nmm of Vacation “6W Ethan's. a {filer-firm of «Intent-t church sic-um- imam-nu. TM following i. the tenu- tim program: [Mammal l‘tl’ifll. Singing Chilcln‘n of every denomination um walcmm' and wanted m it in not n ”moth-t nfl'uir and It has Im'n N- oun-aunt that ”w chihln-n mm" hr- :foro the «was»; day if ponibk». This In our of (M 6m! thin” for Dawn- ru Gmw Ind in worthy of tbr IP‘ [naval and Mutton of the parrots. It in bowl that n goodly numb" Mil avail mama-1w» of this rxmlmt op- portunity for the chum“. Get In touch with Mrs. Til-ply, pm 32!- !l. and she will [in you further in- Immtkm. The idea is not new to Dun-non: Grow us il was tried out under the law. Slmurt [mt year proving wry .«uccesaful there being «over 100 chil- (In-n enrolled. 1'0 limp the chihlmu 0“ Un- ntrmvlu and leaching tht-m in‘ Bible work. haiku wvl\1lm,.<cmll‘ and nflmr handy work. Idling them .wrm. elm. iu the aim and obja-ct of um nummm' mhool. Tm; Mum M'- rry ")0"!th in NW timr n'quin'll and (M program in plumml MCIIMUIK to am»: of the chiltlmu and what ix good for lhvm m do in the hot wonlbrr. The Rm‘. Arnéhl H. Kt-hrl, pastor u! the Dumb-l. Church hem, will be in charge and will haw as his as- mum as many of the Woman as will be rmluired by the enrollment and who will \‘ulunleolr to help. 0n nex! Tue-"lay morning. July 5. the second annual Bible Vacation School will be opened at the Bupti»! Church. All childmn of the commun- ity between the ages of 4 and 14, W’IUM: part-ms wish them to attend will be welcome. Bible School for (Taiwan to be Held at the Bamisl Church-â€" Ru. Rel!!! in Charge. SECOND VMA- I|0N S(IIO0HO OPEN IIJESDAY Quito a numb" of perfect babies were reported frnm recent baby con- ferences held throughout_ the State. Illinois is proud of its perfect babies. but the greatest benefits arising from the conferences are the detection of defects which can be removed. The committt-r‘ haw arranzwl an Pr; i«wk-m prnm‘am and all momht-ra aw gim'itorl and urgwl to be prevent a:- ilhi; will hr! lkr’ banm-r trw-nl (if the ‘iyear. Thorv- \"l" he an ontmrtainmt-nmz [lots of mu~ir and gmul Speakers and} ~tory tailor. There i< to be sumo». lhing doing! PYI-ry minute of tho, naming and to top tho,- whole affair thew will in: "rats." Don't min-s thom‘ for you an- to b0 (mod 51 complete, menu as follmw': ma t beef, mashul potatops, rtring beans, combination salad, Frmch pirkles ice ell-warn,1 home made cake and lemonade fruit; cocktails. ll Fun. frolic and a general good time is the order of 'the evening. I‘lam um cnmpk-tp and annmmrrv mnnt maulv- of "Ir Annual Banquet givrn hy Alexander Bratllt-y Hum“~ Post, .\'n. 8'0. Amr-riran Lotion, to its member-z It will b0 in Un- naturu of a stag and MM Summer Fr-stival. TM banquet will he held in Maronir ”all on Thurulny (wt-wing. July 7th, and will commoner at 7 o'clovk. Contributions may to mm tn Mrs. (harm Kolm, Trusmnr or flu- (70m. mince, m to Mrs. L. (I. Mahnnoy, Tum-urn of "It Club. Th9 not}: wiIl he vlmm under clinfl .rupvn-ision of "van. Pram-m Ward. Chairman of (be ('nmmiuw, and Mr. W. I). Norrirlr. Chairman of "w Building “munch! (Inmmium M the School Board. ANNUAL LEGION BANQUET JULY 7th AT MASONIC HALL Evening of Entertainmont manned and Gent-rat (in-Together for a Jnlly Time. § “mamm‘ to IM: um um ho ‘mpw from “my 0w main to lvmtrfiw dull-r.- Tm: nah-(rip- imm- ol’ (wonty- Jhw- dollar! Mn Alma the nth. an! tho work will palms u the hum of "w my‘ cum in. The mmhors of the local duh aw mriy all intruded in ‘M sehmh‘ {rum tho standpoint of 1mm", and for that mum every should" will be plum! in Ibo who“. Through rumination wllh «mm- of our local lmnlnmu mnl. llw fumi- ltm- And equipment! can lu- mid-and at wholoulv prlnn. no that omry‘ «loll-r will be mack- lo do the work of hm, ll‘ pussihlv. ’l'lur "(her ”flow that it i: nug- xcnu-d la 0ch dept-ml on Ik-wlopmvuln. If nfllfi‘ can ht- {mum nut mom» {or "w lvm‘her.‘ will In‘ luminhnl in both Un- nunh Alll' mulh xi-h- “shank. Al- lw ”minim-M in llw Physic“ and ‘Clwmitul thmnlurir» m" bo- r-wnir- HI and warm-d fur uw. Srwrul hun- clml dolls" mu ups-M fur muipmrul In 1hr Inhommm In! "or, nod nplvmlm mull unv- «Itmo. but mm» in ulwnyn In-nr and Mar cm nae-h r- quipmmt and Hr. Rm" has n h-w umums that he «nu to main bar (0 pay for. Tim will beautify tho entrance lu lhv hunlclinu and give a good impnsricm [u \i:<itnrn. 'I‘hr firm pan of tlu- work will be done {his \urvk. when a lww "out M" be laid in the vestibule u! the math side school house. Mr. W. ll. Fun.â€" lcr and Mr. W. J. O'Neill n! the V9!- velilr (30.. lane kindly mnwmml to (amid: the- mutt-rial for llw job, wj that “w Indie,- will haw unh’ 1hr lu- The Hum and Education Commit- tee of flu Woman" (V‘lub hm plauv ned lo dv romc wry constructive work during the :Jmmrr vm'mion. for the local whuulfi. The conM-nl of the School Board ha.- bu-n obtained to takmg up a $ub.~cription for link par» Constructive Work Planned During \‘acalion-â€"â€"Will In Started This Week at 50th School. WOMAN’S (lllB WRKING NR [0011 S(I|00[S {(irm'o 1'h'~ lit-an! nf l'loiurmion ha: hr-v'n lurking art-mu! {up a ~urrr-..-nr In Mr. Knapp but :h y-t hznv madc- no uk~~ rhino. Thu} ham 3 numbv-r nf np~ pliralmn‘ on hand but am taking thrir “WW and making mr-ry nfl’mt m pit-k a man uhn i» rapahln of halvi- ling lhtr local rh'mL :r rmriv-nlty a~ i< pmdhlm 'I'hc-y am working ya ”‘51- basi~ in making: thvh rhnifl- thnf ”10 by.“ i‘ firm: It"; gnml fnr Dawn”- SPERM THIJ [’00 RT" .\T "0"le Former Sum. at Dawn": “my Sch-oh Krmlh M. Supp, has in" "l: Museum-ll MM. IF fur a.- Iridi- in and .«npvriMeinlinl 5'ch ix» mn- rv‘nml. Hc- ha» morph-0| n "MUM with "IP W. M. “'0'”. ('o.. of ("Mrs- gn. selling Stirntifir $0.000 HupMn-r. aml Ii" ham the State of “Wu-Mum as his u-rritury. | Mr. Knapp has nnly brfll wiih u: a year and in Nut limo has madv many rfkmlr but. Hc- ynuixnI-vl from tho Tamil} ho-n- ~mm- wow-I:- zugu and ha: mulvmlnrvlh lumn "Ht-rm. a Wu 10ml chum-w in Ihc- hibinvrs “ml-l. Mr “6" («mlinur tn mulu- bi,» home In Downers Hmu- hr (hr pvt-50M. Tiv~ “Haul nf l'loiurmion ha: him» hurling arr-mu} (In a ~url-r--_-nr In Mr. Knapp hm a~ 5v-t hm: mack no uh. risinn. Th0} ham 3 numln-r nf :ur Miratmn‘ on hand but arm taking What. makvu an :Iriw-rti.~iug ml-tl- mm a. quad mm? First and flu!» mnkt r-omv: (-Irr-ulatitin. TM» is tht- paramount r'nn‘irh-ralirm whrrn mnâ€"itiminz avlvm'ti-‘ing, rrIIuIit-«I of rmn- n, with ”In kind of rirrula- [Inn and 1h:- Imality nf tho publi- ratimi. Taking our home torri» tory a a spacifir‘ in~tancn, we find that Thr' Pr-pnrter ha. a largo cir- culatinn, mow than 1100“ awry woek. As for ”In kind, our paprrr enters into the best horn! of the community; into thn home" of poo- le who do their buying in the vil- agn. The pawn itself is the best Community owxpa per in the County. publishing pathe news of Downers Grove and vicinity in a madame st'le. stressing accurac nnd tmt Illness always. Wit these facts in mind. the local mer- chant who does not use Report}! columns to boost his businem is losing out on In opportunity in in- crease his tnde. Think it over. Advertise. IT PAYS! m [Ind 61- .! Wei Inching 0'" It: HIM Fe! m. and um July IND». Mum llu- nmuwl [wriml h'Kom, Mb. “Int J. (D'NMII IN N»- tram mil Iran. lk-wnms fut "or camp. FORMER SUI’I‘. SNAPI’ ENTERS BUSINESS WORLD CIRCULATION IS PARAMOUNT 'I'Wu “1‘ka M (Ma rump will In- 001' It! the hflflhl w'nnl.‘ in "an ""1“. mg of u buy in an" “In TM- ”! I M'novl rml‘ Ml July '0‘”. l‘umplug luh amwul lu c-u-ry 'II)’. In lhir «aw, umh-I organized Irwin-r- .~Mp, they m1 Uu- rum-l out "I "w gn-nt uulolmr». I-Lu-vpfluina (M their suit-1y, Iu-ullh and “1-" Iwinx is pm- \'|olmL 'l'lm gumm, Um numb. lbw awn-ml nnlcr of "w clu). all an w- gululml fur (Mir hm'l')‘ and mum“ xmeh. The camp site is lucatml on the nonlnwu rorvwr 0f Lah- Iklrmn. ‘lhu-u and 'om-Juurlh miles from I'M- ‘cvnn and nix milus from Walworth and in run by Nu- Smul.‘ us much nu pmnbka lieu-h tout Inn :1 leader 11 ha Is 11 vambm n! llw ('umu ('uunml that lllfl‘h :11 112:1“! own clay .uul‘ flu w Un- mu: of UN- .lulf “Mix! and um'du tln- Sruulx in their work of on u-mtiux llw man's. Next Tuesday will wilnoxs the drâ€" panun- of a happy bunch of Boy ‘Scouts who leave for a two wvoks uuting in their camp at Lake Gem-m. \\'i>con.«in. 'l‘ht- Scouts who are Irm- ing {or this n-lrcat will be under the mm of their leader, Mujur l-‘rrd N. Wildish and int-Rules all of llowm-m~ Grou- 'l‘roup No. ’l'hrw. Happy Crowd at Boys to Taste Life- in the Open in First Period â€"-â€"ollwm 60 Later. DOWN ERS SCOUTS OFF MON DAY FOR (‘AMP AT DELEVAN Sinllo Cabin. Five Cenu. fit from ms to a.» World War ml the Rev. Phelps- will carry the sub- ject on from the World War to the presPnt am! tnuch on the future. You are requested to fill up your lunch baskets and come to the £10â€" serve, bring the whole family. III! linen to the speaking Ind m (Continue‘d on pm font) ' Mr. Jonm will syn-alt on the Forest Pmsmvn; tho Rev. Goodwin on the subject of lmlnpomlencv Day bringing > lk-diration a: 6:00 p. m. Thv' nfiirfia? rlr-tliration 0f the Forest H'errw- xvi” lakt‘ plarr‘ at six o’clock and the norm” will be short and open with rummunity singing by the unit- Nl church rhnirc, INI by the Rev. Kehrl, pa~tnr of the Baptist Church. Thl- picnicknn an r-xpected to join in th(- .vinginz. Thi: will I» followed by short talks by thp Rev. linens B. (:nmlwm, [Ia-Mr nf St. Joxeph'q CI- tholic Church, the Rev. A. S. Pheips, pastor of thr Cnnzrl‘gltional Chard! and Mr. Howard P. Jones. [munch Al 2:30 p m., thaw will he I snappy garnr of hasrball for lovers nl' thi‘ pmhmr, at fill-maria! Park hvlwmvn tho Ayah)‘ Athlv‘tic Club Of Chicago aml Hw- lm-al Legion nine. Terl (JurH-u vnll pitrh far the locals. 'l‘l'wrt- will lu- an automobile parade from ”w park afltr "W game, to “I? Partial l‘rr-r-rw- and all those who hau- lirkrl‘ l'nr tlu- game will be en- 'itlml M a fw-r- ritlv- to the picnic [1. lmwum. "mum. who-e am ‘IM Fur-mt l'n-snrr vb «Hal-all for "um-H Urmr. ln WHO. I. w Bupnimn m the Miami-e In ll. l'. Jam-s. ll. (2. Ditto, Mayor RAM. ”'0 Rm: [‘lwlpx‘. the "5". Goal“ aml Jay Allimn. Thon- will hr something doing In day long lav-running at nine o'dnti in W mum-1m. le Rifle Club will MM :1 nvmw'lilhr shim! I! IN- gravel pit at 9:01) a. m. lmq range rifle u wc-ll as ulmrl will luv maul. No mm 3« harrul. Al 2:30 llw ladle! we im-ilml M [anticipate in rompâ€"Allin. l'n'u-:- will hr given In [In- than". (lallrry ‘hlwlllfl' will him be loud with .xuilahlv- n-wnrvl for hitting the hull! tvyn. 1'th onlry in will he nominal and the pmrmls null be split evenly bv‘hwv-n tho Fur Truth and the Rifle Club. I “or "me-ml opt-max 1:! IM- I'm-IQ". ‘i- to uh 0w pin“: 0! 0M rum-‘- pimir which has but Mkl ht so many nun in Ur Nani! Sid- weak. Th. Mon o! «lulu-um. mu rm l‘vmnv cm lM-r clay 'Ifl pill-d h . mmmn "mm-flan on H" Dry-71mm. 0w Amrku m. ('Dwrrhrn, l’w Villa“! and our I” Aflprhnrl, “1 H. mm! I“ P. “Sq-rm! ll» Fuurth of July It he“ and Mum-r [M «Milt-Hun n! “to For- Int I'H'M'IW' m ”00!va- “MO. I. w mum: urn out by "w comm. in that” M Dawn": “mum «h ‘ July rrlo-hnlmn "m mt. Community Picnic Ind Dedication d Forest Prmrve to be Nut Hominyâ€"All Day. Mayo! of tho Villa“: 0! Downers Lime. «In lwn-by "an“ request all mirrors of um Vil “It“. and limit (flinch. to honor the ocu- sicm by their prom-Ma be! "A one um! all show uur «I011: up inflation of Uu- tum mu! luhur l -8uper- \iuns uf Hul'axv (Y'uunl) no um Mll'ln’ll) clo-uvu-d luwnnl muting llw Dul'um- ('u-«nly Fun‘nt I’ve- N'n't' [unalbla I am xun that m- nn- nll mulrful l0 lhvm fur the linw :mol a-flun qu-nl. and I "wro- lur. in llw mmw 4:! 0w riHuM of "awn-n firmr, do hero-by thunk "it Uul'um- ('mml‘ Nup'rvluunt. um» muck il munch o for [M d“- It". M "n anlugc- m ruby “My mhm-quu-n M u mel l‘rwwrve ~u Mflr hnmr. Gum umk'r mv Mud and ad: ”In 2m. claw n! Jam. A. D. ”2|. WMJ‘F?“ if, IIAleR. ”AVG“. SPEND TOUR"! M HOME SIOGAN - 0f (MIMIUH WHEREAS “July 4th, 1921, h" boon ’4'! mm" for "w formal op- vmux of the Dul'auo County For- c_-._-t l’n-wny, I. W. (_i»lhrber, PRUCLAMATION Ban-hall It 2 WHOLE N0. 1949

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