Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Aug 1921, p. 7

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9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship, German). The Rev. Fr. Werning of Norwood Park, Illinois, will conduct the morn- ing service. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship, Un~ in Service at the First M. E. Church, laple ave., near Main street. Catechetial Instructions will be given at St. Paul’s Evangelicali Church every Monday and Thursday, 4:00 p. m., beginning September 1. Sunday, August 28th. 1921. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Homing Worship 11:00 a. m. Speaker: The Rev. E. T. Knew, Dean of Polytechnic Institute, Bill- lags, Montana. 81'. PA ULS EVA NGEIJCAI. GROVE Sunday. August 23171. 1921. Sunday Srhnol 9:15 a. m. Homing Worship “:00 a. m. Sermon Subject: "Thv Balance of the Bible.” Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Loader: James Milms. Syhject: “My Favorite Saying of Christ and Why." 7:30 p .m. Vesper Serviw. Mary McDowell. Social Worker of Chicago. speaker. nmomsr EPISCOPA l. CHURCH Arthur CONGBEGA‘I'IONAL CHURCH UNITED limit” CHURCH OF EAST GROVE MM Work Srnin' \anmsalay nl 8:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Ln-I \‘murm l'niun an‘h‘l's fnr "w 90mm. of 1921. 7:00 a. m. Monthly Min-immu- Sonin‘ M “w Young Peoples MIL The Rev. Wu. Crucial. PM Sunday. August 215m. 192]. 9:83. a. m. llihh~ Wheat. “:00 a. m. Mum“ War-hip. Sumo». "('hrinlinn I'prt'l'ivnvo Ihm lhv Awmw of Prayer." LIL-n! in nor- Sm nu (’Ivrinlizm l'Zurrk-m. anarchy Eveningsâ€"8:00 p. In. Bone- dldlon. . HIST EVANOBLICAI. CHURCH 8:00 p. m. Compllu. Mullah»), Sermon. Week Days- 8:00 I. m. than and Sermon. 0:00 a. m. Bible Study. 10:00 a. m. Ill-h Mun And Sor- “Beware lost any man spoil you through philosophy and min deceit, litter the tradition of men. after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. For in Him dwt-llelh all the fullness of the Gorhend bodily.“ Col.‘ 2. 8 and 9. Sunday School 10.00 a. m. Church Service: 11:00 I. All are welcome. The Weekly Pmyer and Praise Ser- vice on Wednesday evening at eight o’clock. The Men’s Bible Class will meet at the usual hour, 9:45 a. m., and will have as visitors the Men’s Bible Classes from Woodluwn and Lorimer Memorial Churches. Chicago. 7:30 p. m. Union Service at M. E. Church. The Rev. Arnold H. Kehrl. Minister Twine Mad: 0' AIbeflus, 'hvmc for Mmllnu parts of ummrn- 9:45 a ,m_ Bible School. tus exposed to lire or acid Is now “.0" ,L mA ”0min, Worshin. being mud» of asbestos. The' public is‘ cordially invited to attend the services and to visit and no the reading room. London Mr. Fn‘vl Voglvr‘ Readihg Rodin open Monday and Friday from 3 to 6 p. m. Sunday, August 14, 1921. Sunday School at 9:45 a. 11!. Sunday Service at ll:00 a. :11. Subject: “CHRIST JESUS." Wednesday evening Testimonial Meeting, 8:00 p. m. In. 1. Mind Nana. m. Friday, August, 26, 1921 Gllbcfl H. He'll-d. Pun 9:45 a .m. Bible School. “:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor. 81‘. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CRUBCII FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH NOTICES Libra: Hall on Saturday the 17th day of Sép tern- ber, 1921. at the Villuge Hapll in Downels Grove, County of Dul’age, State of Illinois, an Election will bt held (ox the purpose of voting on the question, “hether certain territories shall be annexed to the Village of Downers Grove, County of Dul‘uge, State of Illinois. The external boun- daries of said territories being des- cribed as follows; toâ€"wit: Commencing at the southeast cor- nor of _Section 8, TOILIlShip “38‘ NOTICE _IS yang-mt away, That 8:00 p. m. Conference and social at the church. Address by Mr. George K. Gibson. of Evanston. Refresh- ments will be served by the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary. Every member and friend urged to be present. August 27th, 1921. Annual Church Picnic at the Carter Farm. Huy- rack leaves chum-h at 10:30 a. In. Cars from the depot at l, 2 and 3 p. m. August 28, 192:. 14th Sunday after Trinity. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 8:00 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. August 3lst, 1921. Wednesday. way. to the cut line of the was! half of the urea! half 0! aid 80:- iion 0: them northerly lion,“ said cut. line to the north lino Section 9: than continuing north to the north "no 0! Otis Awnue in East Grave Syndicate Subdivi- uion: thence wulniy Along the north line 0! aid 0“: Avenue io the cent" line 0! thin-ion- Avon- ‘ at: them northerly along the «n- Icr line of l-‘niwicw Avenue. to the can!" line of Summit Avonuo uml liwnm continuin wcnhriy along the center line 0 0mm Avenue lo the 0!th line of "lock ID in Rich- mond I Whitnfl": Addition; "tom \fiv‘fli‘f‘y aim: ”in mm. lino at mm: 10 and Mod 0 of Richmond and Whitney's Adviilian lo the min linr n! "mm-nu Avonuv; lhvm nonliu-riy dong (in con!" lim- of Highland Awuun Io "in main line of Grant Avenue in E. N. Prim-r l1 (Tn'n. Addition; "warl- n'fltorly along lion mi" line «1 mid Grunt Awmw 0“!va In (hr «on line 0! [M l of "w Down" F‘Mnio. bring arms and lo the. mt lint «zip fly ovum! hr! Gown Roppzp nfl‘ amnwrhi nkmz the In! lino- In the cont" of said ("Man Awnm; In (in nnirr lino cf Fain-inc Awnmz; "mm mihfly aim: the NM" line of Fair-view .Mmm- In H» ‘ nine-n ni‘ hetinninc (TV-m Carri 8. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH PHONE 847 Automobile Painting, Trimming and Auto Body Repairing Our Specialties KASTORY MANUFACTURING COMPANY Quincy} ugnwziginwnyj {1'35} sf: We wish to announce that on June lst. we secured the agency for the “Badger De Luxe All Season Taps” North, Ran 11 East 0! the 3rd Princi l eridian. in the County of Du age and State of Illinois; and running thence caster! ' on the South line of Section 9. ownshi and Range aforgsaid, to the Nort and South center line of Section 9; them northerly along Mid North and South center line of Section 9. to the North line of the Chicano Burlington 1 Quincy‘ Railroatl Conflrany right of way: thence Wente y alou said North line of the Chlcngo. rilngton The Rn. Hugh )1. MquIofler Priest-In-Chuue These tops are made to fit most any make of car. We will have some “BADGER DE LUXE TOPS” in our DISPLAY ROOM within the next thirty days. WE TAKE ORDERS NOW FOR FALL DELIVERY ELECTION NOTICE DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS fill)“. ILLINOIB NOTICE! ’ That part ul' 3mm 7. 'l'mn‘uuMp I”! f Non». um... n r»: a! un- lhlnl l l‘rinniml Mnklkm lying m4 or IM mun limit- of Hm Villa of imam-n firmw- dentrflml m- folmu: hrxihninl M ”w Nor"! ”M of MM Berth-n 7 nl Ilse Northnst romnal - "w.- tm-uvnt "mils of Ffl‘l' Villngv-L : Nwm- m-J Mum: IM- Natlh "no «N Iwhirl Nnim» 7 M Hu- ron!" limv all In Aumw‘ !~' dumu 1m "to plgt "f ' nmmnr nmrm. “'li "omn‘ ”-Nrs. an n-mnlnl in Um Rmnlrvkl ‘10!!!” of lhl‘m "mmly. Illinois: imam Romh aim; "in rum-r limv nf '«ahl In Awnm- «\tmkwl h- (M mm». liver «7 0w (mm-to. Buriinghm M Quim'v Railrwul Riv!" of Way-g" ,wm mm "um... mm mm at warl :lo Hm limit-fly hmmdmr lim of Far- » ISHALL A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND. KNOWN AS BRANAGAR BROTHERS WOODED HOMEu SITES. the EXTERNAL BOUND ARIES Oi" WHICH ARE DES- CRIBE” BELOW. BE ANNEX- El) TO TH E VILLAGE O l" DOWNERS GROVE. COUNTY OF DU PAGE. AND STATE OF IL'.INOIS. The following is a fac-similie of the Official Ballot that will be used at the Election to he held in the Village of Downers Grove, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, on Saturday, September 17th, 1921. 4124 09mm I tory lies North and East of the present Village limits). Also the territory which is bounded and described as follows, tu-wit: That part. of Section 7, Township 38 North, llan e ll East of the 3rd Principal ll eridian lying west of the present limits of the Vil- lage of Downers Grove described as follows: beginning on the North line of said Section 7 at the North- west corner of the presenfilimits of said Village; thence west along the North line of said Section 7‘ to the center line of Leo Avenue as‘ shown on the plat of Branagar Brothers Wooded Homosites, as re- corded in the Reconler's Oii‘ice of Dul’uge County, Illinois; thence South along the center line of said Lee Avenue extended to the South Line of Chicago,___Bnrling_to_n_ Quincy Railroad Right of Way; .lhence East along said Right of Way to the Easterly boundary line of Forest Pleserve Pro erty; thence Southerly along said orest Preserve to the Northwest corner of Lot 7 Block 2, Maple vae Ad- dition to Downers Grove, thence Easterly along the North line of Lot 7 to the West line of Lot 6; Block 2 Maple Grove Additionp thence South along the west line of Lot 6 Block 2 to the Southerly boundary of said Maple Grove Ad~ Ilition; thence Easterly alon said Southerly boundary to the outhv wwt corner of Lot 81 of the As- sessor's Subdivision of Sections 7 8: thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 8] to the present Western boundary of the Village of Downers Glove; thence Sample Official Ballot (farm. tho-m Hutu! ulnn Ibo For!” "M of In! 6 I! od 1 {hula (in-w- Achliliom‘ "I'm Saudi aim... m wm m» a} m a mm 2 m (M Snullwfly lumnvlmy of MM Inpin (Maw Addition; Chm Ennwrly » lung um Smnlhorly hmmolnry to "I“ Mahmud mmvr of Ln! RI 0! IM‘ Anion-rat's: Sabin-Nan of Rumm- 7 l l' Unna- Fhslorly along "w flat»: ”or“ lim uf racial In! III In (M [mu m" mum" haumhry at w WM [an a! Dan-Mrs firm-o; than" Nuflh‘ film-g plaid WMtI-m Mun-law In "vi [flaw of lwlivmint. 1 oel l'tvsu-n'c- l'rnprn)‘; Ihrm Sou- Un-riy nlouu MM Point l'mmw to "w Nov-"1mm! rumor of Lot 7 Mark 2, ”halt-jinn! 4.“qu In [human- The undersigned, having been ap- pointed Administmtor of the Estate of F'I meis Aldrich Rogers, late of the County of Dul‘age and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will an ppear before the Coun- ty Court of Dul‘ag e County, at the Count House in Wheaten, at ythe Octâ€" ober Term, on the first Monday in October next, at which time all perv ‘sons having claims against said Es- tate are notified and requested to at- tend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under- signed. 0., 1921. James Chilvers. Administrator. Bunge, Harbour Schmidt. Atgys: _ Estate of Francis Aldrich Rogers. Deceased. LA GRANGE, ILL. North along said Western boun- dary to the place of beginning. (This territory is known as Bran- agar) Brother's Wooded Home- <ih‘s. Election will be opened at 7 o’clock (Standard Central Time) in the morning, and “iii continue opan un- til .5 o’clock (Standard Central Time) in the afternoon of the name day. 1‘ (iivefi limiter my hand at l)m\"ners (Imvo, Illinois, the 23rd day of Aug~ ust, A. D. 192.}. b51391] this first day of August, A. ADMIN [S'I'RA'I‘OR'S NOTICE VILLAGE CLERK. Chas. M. Hitch, Villagd Clerk. 8-26v2 8219-3 and. and W Ila-1c m not to do with form I. (boughtâ€"C. W. Curtis. PIANO TUNING Ind REPAIRING. .1‘. Hooker, 435 No. Remington Ive., LnGnnge phone LaGnn l“.119. ee name in Classified list ‘irectory. H v mifi- . . mm ten , plum loo-1.2. plowed . Rehm Gardens C John, son of Martha D and Gol- mo. Pure bred Toggenberg. Midi- son Road, Lombard. "L, opposite Tile Factory. E. H. Runner residence. Gogg Owneré Awgptiqnâ€"Qt stquSir sweater, Monday mnm'ing. Pie”; return to I’ll. F. Lacey. 116 N. Main street. 8-26-1 passenger automobile for smaller car. Apply Lincoln Garage, Him- daln, Ill. 8-264 LOST â€"â€"-Broy‘n gleevelms,_ knit_grmy EXCHANGEâ€"Will trade Auburn 5 WANTED ~â€" Hard coal stnvv in good condition. Phone 225. 8-1241 WANTEDwMan or wnman ta rloan howling alloys. daily, apply Saturday afternoon, Dicke Bowling Alleys _ ho , . " ' WANTED» A an: how. whom fmu,é..n51.°'.:im$?mt$«ya 37.} "M "-fi-kmqvmyg, privy mm. par new. mn- WANTED 4 pin hayâ€"- at m» Ivecko';"”*l_'“"fl'" “m” ""’ "M ‘° ”'1' Bow”!!! Alm‘s. mm "-le in I" '0! a ' 0 er' work. Saturday aflrmm. 2 origwmron sampao um inim‘n Wett- [as slaw." and hatrfl-{n'l’ yaw-rally ll<"r|l'. Downer- Gmw Game-m WANTED 2494. hawks-«ping mmm imirln- («mu-r- ation. (lull 337-1. “-26-! WANTED Camp ["1ng In try! WANTED TO RENT-Hausa F0" RENT anidwvl mom. to m-erman nmploynl in rily, ”hum- 301”, M Karat"!!! mr. 3-254 FOR RENTwflnm-n um. Omani. up My "('90er oflifl‘. ”-20-: P0" REVT 0m Inner hm»! hm! mum by "halo pm“). mu ally-r mom“. (‘nfl "rpm!" «Mn». “-26-! 810; m Imo bul mul springs. 87; «M inm Dml and - Hum-t. 35; “0" llm‘mpon, 320; mu- c fining mom lqu and «u rlmim, "0 Incl oflwr hum-n- DmM xmuh. (3. "4 H'lflon. H2 "ilk inn-l nnmm. it'll-l FOR HALF. Mariam flvo mm bflrh hunnluw. on mm"! «Mo. 3 Math fmm .--tnlinn. on Mr." «Irv-fl. hut walo'r Mal um! Arr nlm. prirr OW,‘ about $2400 ru-h. Fur 'urflwr infnt‘} mulinn rail phamv 11.3811. R-‘M-l‘ ml: mnm'frifrlnm» fmni-lml I in good comlition. Mull for thirty Mo forty 0m to twu pound cllkkwn, Me an! up and flu. hunch-4| down. Al‘ no down runwayn twelve (wt lunx. "mm feel widr. m-Il mmlr. nubamw ”II Colony bmodcr; I‘d. 0"; xi" In- cuhulnr; ninxlr hon-v muww. tool-u u! I" Hmlu; lwolw anr six younu. r‘l 0M; brooding pm. of "In-(- [ca-w, prin- winmrx ('Mngo l'oultrv thw.‘ Call or plum J. u. Sham-r. [Mama-rs Grow- 3M. “-26-! up: 8M.» 0M hard (4;! Master. say cows, rush. One three yum old. one nix your: old. Good m- ducers. xplt-mlid family town. :6! highvwst "1mm in the country. Cu" or phone J. R. Shafler. Chicago Ave. and (iocwcy, Downers 6ch 384. For:'sa_l.r:-(_;ogm.y [mum-2., again. dcsk and othér Imuwholtl goods l’hom- Hinsdale 464- \ 2. 8-264 FOR SALE-JIM: pun brml (nu-ru- kons, $1.00 e365." 4 'IEBiiil‘RutEEéL, $5.00 each. ’l‘ouscy Farm, phone Hinxclalc, 464-Y-2. 8-264 iv‘Qll~_SAl.fIâ€"K_itchcr‘l mpg?! 'onice engine just VBvfififldie£flflifinfifig condition. six tires, good top, cur~ tains, hood. tools and 60 gallon gas tank. $175.00. R. H. Rico, Hinsdnlo, lll'. 3-264 FQR SQLfiâ€"White Vlmghrorn chic FOR SALEâ€".l‘arlor rocker, walnut. framo, ubholstcréd in old velour. price 59.00. Phone linsdule 605. Mrs. B. E. Clarke, Cluvondon Hills. 8-26-1 you SALEâ€"Automobile, Hudson '35; 1 FOR SALE~W0 have in your vicini- ty a slightly used piano, which we will sell (0 party cumpletinr the monthly payments. Cable huno Factories, 301 So. Wabash 11W" Chi~ cugo. 8-26-12 Dow'ncrs 'GHwé ‘15tvi:l{-2w. FOR SALEâ€":33 acre farm of the Mary Ann Davey estate, located on Chicago-Jolie! Ruud. Will be sold at once. Inquire Chas. Oldficid, llins- :lalv, “L, It. I". D. No. 1.. phony FOR 8-“ ['1 â€"â€" One medium sized, - [0" top desk 28x36 inches. Phone, 242- W. 233 1“. Maple me. 8-12-3 FOR SALEV~30 Cardinal Pigeons and lede Island Red Pullots, cheap. C J“. Schmidt, Linscolt 61'. Chicago. 849â€"3 base burner in goo-(l conditibn: Goo. Vix, 121 Carpenter S!" P] 90-\V. 8- FQR SALE -,â€" Large Rom REE. Classified Adlets! Mikééilamlous Exchange Hum 309-.“ Wanted Small rm ranxr, "ham Râ€"‘Zfi-l Lost For Rent For Qale 8â€"! 9â€"6 '3-264 £264 126‘! WMFOR SALEâ€"rm lots joining West- ‘254! ML“: have 30 year do! he”. ‘ "are on the no" nwrlooking the VI!- gander, a most desirahlo lmtion, pf.- ‘y‘peny joining has dnqu-d in value II ' a year. all this needs is an owner. ”Li‘why not smulate and live fine too, mod $100!). down. tubes the chance. price ”‘3 only 3100. a lot. tum: tn suit. 8-264 $15. “hone 42-3 FOR SALEâ€"Very attractive 5 no! 1’6 story home, has all om hit wood floors, mam hat. luv rd mm: the front nil windowed h clminudneartosutionndfi very gain} lac-tin; 50:14! 5.16 some fruit and good shade. Pile. for, so caiy 0cm: can he find. E. lot is mt): but, clog in,_ and {I I rooms, all light and well arranged to acmmmlate 1 large family. plenty of closet mom, corner light kitchel with I: pantry, good cell". d!- tern. we . barn and game, everya thing in fine condition, and immediah possession can be had, lot 120x181. 3 blockn to station. Price 35,”. Terms easy. Te" me what will n8 you, owner moving, wants to sell. house with all living rooms a bath donuhir, and 2:31;“. m up. all modern conveniences, yew, impmements all i_n a_nd_ r93 SALEâ€"ngsg rebuilt FOR SALEr- W0" built ham». of 7 . . .w‘a, "w" run. “l“"I luv?!" III €mnmvnmmw in and unfit! for M5“- horhmvl built my and Amman Q- mHthl. all pond homer": Medial I. and uric-o right, 820. a foot. '1!!!“ all sop: ntr. FQR SALE-"Tm: 5 guru- lots. FOR SAL" fhnim ”In”! In 3. f'. Ion: (In-y im'n utm{ naval. .ll n-nw hum- nf 6 mm”. has MN vrmvl all at". own-thin. mm 9. "n! you HmM net far. i: an! (M with pnrrh windward and «m for summon I" ".0 hat“! in PM dam! and Mandi", a htiMa-r! m and with VIM lot mar in. PM 3m. ha" nah. 1.9;}; m um FOR SALE A tight [nod “‘0" MR l-mom hmnw. hu- mum! and frulum la imprmr nn. lib» J contrai- nn. owning an uhmh‘ mvrM v". hauliful Hmlw'nwi In! "km, "a. "I"! mm M". than" Mr lillv to“, girl pom! frail uml gunk». h on pv- nl nun-I. can". (mm. mm (m. ”In tin». and in km! of "3:“ ”Him. I!" w mifl- i. for IlVflxI_ P‘OR SMJZ Vqrvr Ifiph rhe- hm. two wrl! l-«lll haw: mum, and um,- uf w'rn. “{‘II '00 IMIP’). r-‘mnv. MI- "I" ”M (mo, and 6 non "w- «mun». rtm mate a «van hm!» fur om truth". I nun hon-o- if Huh rim-s. or may pay all llMNom. "w; any POI! SALE Or 'mlr for land.“ L..._.. A..- L.” I n. n _ '0“ Ski.” erl hum. mrly now 4 roam Monk-w. Dun full but- mnl. and 0mm! nuk- av" all. mod- rm an M ram and m. In: good gnmgr and vary “no mull" been. fruit anal dunk, anal I hm lot. I!“ 132. 3" Nut no". and In unruly bum plmn'. h handy In ndu Ind Tlghhorv. Price “:00. ”M cub, POI! SALE~Cw om- and one-half xtory a room mango boon. on I rnmr. only 2 Moth (mm and... mr good neighbor», and very che- own-n has left town. Price 8290‘. half (uh. or your «Nor. mkkm on Ihple "1... ha lot 130le, corner. in modern with m heat. hnnlwood noon. electric“ and lame poncben. owner needs a am! home mu! wlll (rule or to" cheap, pmperty in clear. prlcf Home with few acres. Mum grounds, orchlnl, big RM tron. I very slightly close in location. mod- ern well built buildings. blue m pasture, rich blnclt llalul for em md _n_ right price. $18,000, um no- l-‘OR _s_ALrâ€"mg_m well bum 7 bungalowx in town, has 5 lug. rooms and every modern convenience, thf‘ street is paved. and the price is reduced from $7000 to $6500. or mm an offer, owner is moving to Chicago, and needx around $3000 cash. [’99 SA LEâ€"Gentlemnn's Count?! foot lot, 165 deép, with a large nearly new building, a lot of [00‘ lumber, enough for a small house. owner would make a building loul to build. is handy to station, town, and auto road. Price $1000. easy tonal. FQR SALE-One of the best close In with large rooms, is the long'm’ to the street. so has 4 with at“ frontage, good plumbing, 2 porchel. and a lot 90xl32, old shade “:0“? fruit, flowers, chicken house yards, shed for car, and is near to station. Price only $3500. Owner needs $2000 cash. as he is going in” business. FQR SQLEâ€"j‘ vgry choice; vacant M é'hado trees; demon: walksia‘iidfli choice high location. Price only $5000 and terms to suit. F015 _S£\LEâ€"â€"An old. stxie punts!” FOR SAL Iâ€"A 7 room we“ built house with all modern convenien has. furnacc- heat, is nicely am has good floors, and would be a v0 gum} home. has 100 fogt lot. pl 22 So. Main St. PM. .‘ Residence 27 S. Fairview Ave-n East Grove PhOne IOb' l the hon: all iii-30M it; in and near to cation «I! h I, I very neat little no? 1t only 85,600. Tom an DOWN nus GROVE REM. ESTATE m w: ' by v. FREDENHAGEN - u «w uvm. I'â€" only «km with ch.“

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