Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Nov 1921, p. 6

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Inventor Wail Rewarded. Fur hh Invention of MN»!!! metal. a loft. anti-friction alloy used for hmr- In”; lunar thMn ror-phwl a rmvnrd of 320.000 frum a-nngross. Thnso gun-eon! were thv MisslN Dorothy ”Mpg. Domthy Bonlwvllfl Jeane!” Walk. Nvloota Mkkelly.‘ Ruth Homlvrsou. Naomi Replinger.j Margarot Wolf. Ruth Miskony. aml‘ Lomm Luthin, of Hinsdale and Helen Wheeler. of Chicagn. Geom Range, William Misknlly, Edgar Garrison; Arthur Olson. and Wm. Luthin, Har-v 0M Rossman and Han-y Clarke. off Himbdale, Roy ans. of Oak Park and. Walter Cooke and Mr. Moore, of Chi-f can. Ice Barrier Canned Fans. 1 Nhumm Fa": (:mu- inm «wievonmi aneo 6m in [mm vthll m9 lm'lfim «mum of Lulw Evin 'l’lu- Duke. ovprflmn-Il Mun: :n no“ rum-«y “‘Mrh! an-tml it In vumhh» mm- :o vm‘t l Twowty ymmg mph had a gay time last Satunlay Waning at [M Hiskelly homo in Highland avenue. when (My mrprisovl‘Miss Rmh. The rvonivm was «pent playing [any and dancing «Minx at “:30 with a bmmmmm wpust ‘in which chicken. wafers. sht'th'. rate and col?" had the plane of honor. flawed and Played “an" a! "to “on; «I “is: It": Mislofly in Highland Avenue. YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE GAY 11m: LAST SATURDAY l'leu-r one in Humli-‘h IV flan. "KM Marhvu' nus AM in 1hr HI“- In "vi.“ your I‘M "I‘V'VI‘.’ Tn Ivan“ m mnmurnlial (ah up all n! ”w clan time I.) oli-ruuinl «mm un- Cmpuflau! vblail ’ "a mm tall mmu- Hum Hu- wholl- rivi- "my. New Adam Van (‘ulrlwon l'nhun \‘cm "lair Tllhwl nu mnrh n- n mam who-r juw wan hmir. But Irwin M. ()lvlhum ~uu| "MM": a! all And wlwnmvr hr Inlhwl 910‘ much lvix [tn-I" fa". While Adam Van (‘ulrIn-oa "than Vnu WHIP 3am mmrihinl ru-vy Julio “m that M quit! Sixty-om ntmienlu fuilml in one or more uuhjccu In the out u'relu. Com' on Dowm‘rn. Inl'n go! llon- ix Ilw Humu- lLoll fur :lu- punt nix lock»: Donulcl llrv-w. 4 A's ‘ American llintury. Latin lV.. meâ€"h I. and Owhrxtm; Evan (Milan. 3 A's ~l-‘nnch l.. Latin IV., and American History: I’nul Grumhaus. .‘I A'u ~â€" I’hym‘fl. Fvu-nrh L. uml Mmlrrn Iliu- A El Y mvetlnu was held ’l'uvmluyf night. Leroy l‘lIelp» uml Hit-hard! Dues will represent our club a! the! monthly meetings of ropn-Hunlulivm; "from all Hi Y clubs of the rountyg After a discussion, lel by III-v. l‘lwlpx‘ parliamentary mm “as III-.l-l hur-I in; this drill the following \portivvi ofl‘icern were elected: Wisc- Man, Ruxxel Slcums; Rumba, llIIlI. Wnlf uncl; WIlfn-Il l’npe; Rummy, Elmer 0' Noll". E Foollnll Qmmflom No. WM2I: "Dn (he utmknt- of our high sduml Iml to Italy?" Lilo“ mm Tnmlirn. Nu. 4 Irwin H. "Mm-m ruuhl lull "in A new degree has been c-onl'crrod on E. H. O'N. by the ('ivit-s class. This is “Professor Knmvnnthingbut- talkalot.” Don't. fail to attend the athhrtic association bum-fit show next Monday at the (Jurtiss 'l'lu-atmâ€"â€"“Sentimentul Tommy" is the pictuw: no don’t misn it. Do you remember way back when: We were “we, shim-ring, shaking. frightened freshmvn '.’ 1st: “Did you see the new play‘Y"; 2d: “What play ?" L I 15‘: “Why, "The Downfall of :13 Junior’ in nim- stops by C. S." I A social hour will he hvld this af- ternoon in the gym. The Seniors have charge of this social hour so, of course, a good time is insuwnl. All high school \studonts are invited. .Tompuow out team play the J. Sterling Morton High School hon-.9 This is out first game for three \wrks so Everyone come out and back our all: “in mun» man smool SAIIIA MOI 'THFI'L. "mu Hu- wbmlr 5 film. : Tht- roduclium in limestone freight! lrutvs is nuw prurticufly slate \\'i1le.l 3T1": lat-,4 roads to nmkv the nwlucfi {tion are: (Ihicugu KL Nonhwcstel'u; _Chicagn. lhlrlinglon_ Quincy; (Elm! 'vugo, l’om'ia St. Louis; Rm‘k Is- I ‘Iuml South-m; Chicago, Ruck Island; : l'urifilt; St. Louis, 'l‘my Kmternfi [“"ubash; (,‘hu'su-r 5: Wrslm’lL. I'Ilgin’ Hulk-t 3: Eastern. 3 Eight more Illinois railroads have joined the I. (I. and the C. E. l. in lannuum-ing u cut in limoxtnne freight. iraws that will saw: {armors from five Ho thirty per cent, according to dis- fiance, of what they have been pay- !ing, according to an announcement to Jim DuPagc (qumy Farm Bureau Hmm the Illinois Agrivuflural Assuâ€" }<-iuti«n. ‘l'lu- I. A. A. almm announce itlmt zumthw- rut in phosphate rates .has horn svrm'ml. “We am making lhis cm," ufl'iciulx: uf I‘lu- ullosplmlr rumpan)‘ dm‘larml, “in «mic-r In cummram- u [watt-r use I»! phmphuh- um! [u mnlu- it worth while for {nun bureau nu-mlu-ra to stirk by their uruunhalimh in amlrr- inx phouphnlv." The mlurmi phmphulu- pricos will mran u wviug of 8L7!» :1 Ion m fur- uwrn unclrr Hu- mmmrt prim-x for ()cmbtr unuounrnl u! lhv first of the war; a saving «f “.75 u tun for Nov- rmben and u paring at $1.50 3 Ion fur lkwmbfl’. Dicke Theatre Charles Chaplin The no“ plmsplmh- prices annuunc-f HI h)’ “10 I. A. A. \\(‘l(_' mull" \lllull‘j’ lany In the National l'lmxplmte For- I tilizer Cmnpuny, “ith “hich, the l. ' A. A. has a «'nnlrm'l. This is the M“! cowl reduction this your to bv manlv by 1hr uunpany unm‘ cumultuliom with l. A. A. and farm bun-nu ufl‘i- riuls, drspiu- tho fact that thu rum-i "any could haw made the farmvrx'. nrgunitalion hold tn the runtrufl. 'I'hq- rc-tludion in “l"(‘rtllllc freight“ rutrs will mean a saving for farmers; of from {no In forty-two cents pI-r ton. , Tm- Mllrw-I aural-I urn- ”mu.- 0! Mil“ o... vu- urr fur-ml In ma: “Hay-M. OTHER RAILROADS ANNOUNCE CUT IN LIMESTONE RATES Du Page (70. Farm Bureau "as Ila-n Advised of Additimnl (‘ul \ in Phosphate l'rice. Next Friday and Saturday “The Idle Class” No. we won't break it. And we won't break our promises or any of the code of conduct t h a t guides 21 moving storage firm that knows its h11:?mess. in DOWNERSVGROVE REPOBIEBJ DOWNERS GMVE. ILLINOIS - ;in LaSallv (‘uuntv about Augmt I. :Sinfl' then right ullwl' (aunties han- bmn mgzmizml, mud 0f them “ilhin :tho. last few \w-oks. 'I‘Iw organizers 5an- Illinois farmers. ; Thorn were 17,991 nwmhm's of (hp 11'. S.'Gruiu (Brown-s, Inc, in the immutrv aa' a wholv by October 15. iNi-bl'aska, Missouri. Oklalumul. North {Dakota and lmliulm are the other 'smtvs in \rllivh organization is bring ":u‘rienl m: but mnn- slain; will lu- fiulivilmi >00". i Nearly six hundrml phantom in the 'muntry hnu- joinml llu- new farmer- ; um um! corporation. Th:- county farm bureaus of the state and tho llliumis Agricultural Association arr- buck 01‘ the moveâ€" ment of (110 organized farmer to haw- a voice in UN' marketing of his crops. McLean County, [Hinuis is the lead- ing county of tho l'nited States, with l.ll7. Organizatiun hogan then- Emu! liiinuis is now the lending slate of the Union in memberships ot‘ the l'. Grain (.iiower's. Inc... the flaw farnn-r-owned grain marketing corpoâ€"v ration, with 4,880 farmers signed by? tho vim-mun of October, according to a report H-coiwd by tho Dul’am- County Farm Bun-nu from the "li- nois Agricultural Association. l9? lliionis vhu'ators haw joined tho‘ farmers’ company. mfimy‘smms ‘ IN MEMBERS OF GRAIN GROWERS 4880 lndividuai and 197 Eleva- tor» of Slate Have Joined l-‘armrr’u Company. fl South min sum: “Obs thin nann- hrnuur il Miro): all ram» and all genus and it top: had no wumn then mmld be no cholen. llur qnm lu militia" for I” hon. l'rln 8‘: per quart. You an arc ll ac- cording to dlmliou ln 3 bunch of nick has or (filth-n- they nay Inu- (Ht-fl or Min dim-aw and i! it don't stop (Im- lrou dylu in hit day» And uw 957- 0! the nick 0m rel-m the nan-lad" lid I!“ )Mr Manley for it. We ulu- no" Spun-d Pall-d ham: and um (Nehem- (h-n anyone we km 0! and how what Klu- (’llolen wlll do. mm for the inlomuflu on IN» m dinowr)‘. J. D. Gillespie 6: Co. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY As a time and money saver and a stimulant for business the long-distance telephone is recommended. The long-distance telephone is your best aid in overcomingthe talk of pessimists. The serv- ice is good. the lines are adequate to handle your business and the entire cost to ynu of ob. taining business the longdistanoe way is the small price of the service. Why waste time talking about depressed husineu conditions? Use your long-distance telephone to loan new customers and encour- age old ones. The country is not going to the “bow-wows." There is business for those who seek it. Be a longâ€"disemce telephone business seeker. The business is in this country. Get your share. Getacquainted with the money and time saving “station to station" service. SERVICE KNOX-CHOLERA “Go Getter” Richard Wobeu-r Thomas delight ,fully onlerluinml a number of boys yum! xirlu at u llnlluwo’en party at Mrs. W. H. (‘lu'smmu entertained the Soun-nir Club at lwr home on lliulllnml :n'onut- at a 0m- o'clock lunclirtm, the. guests \\'v|'01lr-light~ fully entertained by mmc original linu-ricks written by Mrs. W. “K Haiti”. The climax of lhv luncheon ('mm‘ win-u tlw guests surprised their hostess by prom-Ming hm- with :I lu-ziutiful gift as :t remembrance of lwr birthday. 'l'lw m-xt mreting 0f the club will be “CHI :11 (he homo of NIH. Elmer (‘ln-~.~mnn, in Main 5”ch ‘ Nm umber lls'th. _ 1 I". l’u-nllotn. of the “Dimmer slafl’, who sowed many months in France with the Second division. that bunch which won the “‘ar. uccouling to them, returned yesterday morning from a three day stay at Kansas City, Mo., where he was an interested pultici- pant in Ull' doings attendont on the annual oum'ontion of the American Legion. Mr. R. I". Gaehm-r left Thursday morning fur a business trip to Nova- da. (folorada and Wyoming. Miss Mae Leihumlguth spam the week l'llll at the Carton residence at (innova, I". Calumet Lodge No. 716 A. l". A. M. will lay the corner stone of a $00,000 Masonic Temple Saturday aftemoon at Blue Island. ILL‘ The Officers of the Grand Lmlgc of Illi- "\0i5 will have charms of the ceremo- ”50$. PERSONALS let us explain the merits I! this Electric Washer. Come In and The “Walhword‘ of the Nation FIRST Telephone 30 the home of his xnndporents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hangmve, Saturday afternoon, October 29th. The house was prettily decorated in Hallowe'en colors. After playing games, re- frethonts were served. Those pre- sent were Verna Timke, Zmery Tim- ke, Ruth Falvey, Grace Falvey, Kathryn Hall, Lyman Hall. Alfred Han-click, Melbourne Ogmn, Dorothy and ll'aymoml Satlowski and Jessie Martyn. of Chicago. .u Pmibly, Beware of pulmisu-y.’ Wm'n a girl Itnrls Making for yuur m.- Iilm she may lu- lhruu'lm: um «I.» Mfr line. Last OfVcnaive the 0! Arrow". 'l‘ln- Inst um‘nslw- use (it Im- how mum In Imw m-vnrrwl in mm, when two gemlmnvn fought a duel with bows and arrows at Edinbuuh. shoot» lng Ilm-v arrows each wllhbut dul- Iglnz each other. Harry Walker Phone 191- R meGemIineOldBeanity e m o . "1:13"st 'p. a; '7 to a p, a We have in transit and alsu in stock all kinds and sizes of Coal. “Get It While the Getting’s Good” Ionditions are gradually working themselves around to the some as prevailed in the early part of last winter. The mines have not been worked to full capacity during the summer months which makes :1 shortage at the mines. Added tn this is the danger of a serious car shortage. (Brain and other things are starting to move very fast with the gradual resumption of business. leaving loss cars for coal. Coal will not be cheaper, in the full or winter, than it is now. So get your next winter’s supply in your bins NOW and he prepared for anything the winter might bring. Our advice is "Order Your (‘oal While the (Letting's Good." in a slang phrase but it applies to COM. right now. Ofice at Residence . Phone 283 N. Fan-SI Ave. Ind Funuin 5L OFF ICE HOURS: DR. WWfiUfiLEY L 0rd Lumber Gompany Phone Day 20 Resident Member of the Lumberman'a Publicity Bureau Decorating Paper Hanging Estimates on all work cheerfully furnished Our host grades areâ€"- Sunk; bf I'W’lllle-DI Pittston Hard Cod WALKEREDICKE PAINTING NONE BETTER IN ILLINOIS LUMP, EGG and MINE RUN ORDER NOW Phone after 6 P. M. 142 J 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate. Littleford Nurseries Phone 312-1 Landscape Gardening our. Specialty We wish to than]: our‘ neighbors and friends for their sympathy and for the floral ofl‘en‘ngs at the death of our mother, Mrs. Julia Cadviell. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Perkins and Sister. First Class Work 144 No. Forest Ave. Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 322-J G. B. DAUGHERTY Painting Decorating Wag! November 1921 cm OF‘THANKS Hem-y Dicke Phone 123-12 d

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