, . lwl'h‘i lut'3uiI-V, l‘(’\'tlllwr Jul". ‘1 Pauklss France? Greenwood: of oakllvery urgent Inquest is made to the r , was a week end guest at the. members to be present. Lancaster home. ,r . Mrs. James P. Mitchell and family « aï¬mgnolitfldmlfflflï¬gk: ï¬ozaglwere called to Chicago this week by urlington an Su’mlay {the death of her father. Edwin H. ’ - ‘ iEllett. of 3156 Ellis avenue. The sob ï¬r. and Mrs. Motsett, of Sani‘togagvices will be on Thursday and inter- avenue, entertained their daughter ment made at Galesburg, Ill. and fanuly from Chicago. on Sunday " Frank Hall, of Linscott avenue, is The Junior Infant Welfare Com-‘a guest this week of the Dowuers mittee will hold its next meetin at:Grove boys attending Ripon College, the home of Mrs. Harry Bryce, ilk-5 Wisconsin. He will stay over for the wood avenue, on Thursday, Novem-y his football game of the year played her 17th. . when: Saturday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. MacMoon and famâ€" il , are nicely settled In their beau- ti ul new home at LaGrange. In this advertisement we have aimed to show you the nature of the economies that are now possible. You will ï¬nd many values of similar character all over the store. Prices will not be-any lower this season. if change they will be higher. No need to wait to The morning service at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church begins at 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lundorf, at Na- perville, spent Sunday. as guests of the Ten Eyck family m East Grove. Ir. Ind Mrs. Sibley Mann am driving a new Dodge sedan. Hrs. Chas. Blodiet: has returned from her trip to New York State. PERSONALS H. H. Ullrich is erecting a general score on Cass avenue, Westmnt. ~ Ladies Silk Petticoats, in Jer. 39y, Taffeta, or Measaline, worth up to $7.00, choice This Sale $4.95 Ladies Voile and Organdy Waists, this includes waists Worth up to $5.00. To Close Out M $2.49 mats. values to 81.25. 11th Sale 69c Ladies Black Sateen Petti- House Dresses, of ï¬ne quali- ty Gingham in Plakh and Plain colors, values up to $4.00. Thins-IQ ".95 36 Inch Soft Finish Bleached Muslin 19c quality - - 14c 36 Inch Fine Unbleached Muslin Reg. 19c quality - 14c 9-4 Bleached sheeting Excellent 65c quality - - - 45c 36 In. Cotton Challies for Comforters 21c quality -' 17c Good size. Cotton Batts, regular 35c quality - - - 27c House Dresses. mostly dark Pen-ales. values to 83.00. Right in the heart of the season; just when stocks' are at their best we are offering va- lues in merchandise that enables you to buy more for every dollar. Here is an illustration of some few of the many values we are offering. altho they all cannot be listed in a limi- ted space. o Beginning Saturday, November 12th. NOVEMBER SALE This Sale $1.95 No'iaihr ll. 1921 . McAllister Co. Mrs. James P. Mitchell and family were called to Chicago this week by the death of her father. Edwin H. Ellen. of 3156 Ellis avenue. The sob vices will be on Thursday and inter- ment made at Galesburg, Ill. The next regular meeting of the Woman‘s Auxiliary to the American Legion will be held in the Legion rooms, Tuesday, November 15th. A very urgent request is made to the members to be present. ' Mrs. Ralph D. Forester, who is a salient at the Passavant hospital. hlcazo. is doing splendidly and la expected home again soon. Mn and Mrs. Thos. Halloran, of Indianapolis. Ind.. visited last Sunday with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Miss Elsie Pischel spent several days this weak visiting with her friend, Mrs. Al. Zettinger at Aurora. In. Kenneth Supp Ind children lave returned {ram I six weeks visit with relatives. Mrs. F. C. Lancaster and sister, Minis Vernon. visited at Hammond, Ind.. this week; 'MSaleï¬c Fine quality Tub Silks, for Shirts or Waists, this is a real bargain At 81.39 Silk Pongee! of a very ï¬ne gualityflo m. mde regular 2-5th A u childrens dream or worth $1.00 per yard. This Sale 60c W90] Challios, suitable for All wool Plaid Skit-tings. 56 in. wide, regular, $5.00 glue. All wool French Serge: 40 in. wide, a nice soft quality that sold formerly at $2.50. This Sale 31.89 mm GROVE m0 been appointed editor of the Cslhpus. the weekly publication of the Okin- 30min City College, where he is a stu- ent ‘ , A meeting of great importance will be held in the Library Hull ne'xt 'l‘ues- ‘ilay evening, November 1523:. at 8:00 o’clock. The public is invited. The speakers will explain the plans and purposes of the DuPage County Home Owners Foundation. Wold has been mceiveil that Al- wyn Fleming, a raduato of the Downers Grove Hi School and edi- tor of the ï¬rst issue of The Cauld- _ron, the onnqal 9f ththschgol. has; The Congregational Ladies Aid So-fvvonilg dancing and playing games, cicty will meet Thursday. November the evening ending by dainty ro- l’hh, in the chm-ch parlors for an all freshments being served. Miss Half- day meeting. Everyone is urged to, man has gone to New York for a few come early, bring something for lunch. weeks visit with friends and relatives and stay late as there is plenty ofIin her old home town. » work for all. i Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Thulln, of Fair- mount avenue entertuined the That- chervflannan Eridal party at 3 din- ner on Wednesday evening. follow- ing the rehearsal at S. Andrew's Church. Covers were laid for six- teen guests. Ills: Con loam mind ‘8 dinner last Sunday. um Mildred Holman. Miss Mae Hahn ch. Kr. and Mn. Howard Plafl'. 1'. Roy; Gr Michael Miller and Erdman‘ Len er, of Clue-go. waists, Good old fashioned comforters lingd with good guqlity cotton, ed materials of lasting} anli- ty, these are worth up to lined with good quality cotton, arrd meter} With fancy ï¬gur- 27 inch Outing Flannels, in eithgr white or colors, values worth 11 toxic. in Sale 17: 32 inch Shining Madras, fast color woven stripes, this is a real Largain‘ 36 inch Percales of good fast color_ and atggactive patterns, worth up to 23¢. these have sold a5 high as 310; Special during this sale Indian Blankqts, pizg 661580. This Sale $2.49 'flh Sale 17: Miss Mildred Hoffman was surpris- ed last Saturday evening when a few of her friends stepped in unexpect- edly. The young folks spent the evening dancing and playing games, the _e\'oning_ _ending by dainty. rt: [Word has been received from G. With-mammalian».- 0. Butler. fomorly on rintendant of pacts for a land Vinta- aha-d. road the Downers Grove $01., thu the this. but Sunday In. M. 3. Vin!- Palatine Township High School div lace. of Foimwunt Road. W trict. which he now superintends, tarmac out of the window on nob voted last Saturday on the roposi- i something strange on one of the tlon of a new site and the but din of apple trees in their young orchid. a new. modern township high so I Further investigation showed that building, the proposition wrrying. tho true yap a_ mm of bloom, some-J ESTIMATES FURNISHED 0N REPAIR WORK CHICAGO AVENUE Between Eh: I Washington Sn. PHONE 101-! At 49: JULIUS JOHNSON Carpenter Jobbing GEORGE Hulda.) ' mDIS’RAELI 30m Mcdvbmfd by 5'51er Nmm anfrx} bglbn ka’blmr ROBERT BRUCE SCENlC and VANITY COMEDY Kathrine MacDonald “Her Social Value†BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOII A grant newt in I airlift; The Di’cke Theatre Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Slants. Miss Elsin- l‘ischel'and Mr. Robert Hassel, of Lamont, were present last Sunday lace. of Faimwunt Road. W tgflflnnoe out of the window on nah i something strange on one of the apple trees in their young orchnd. Further Investigation showed that the tree was a must: of bloom, some- "3:8 which does not happen very o n. “ALL FOR A WOMAN,†A Big Specinl Lon Chaney h “ACE OF HEARTS†CW Til-Inigo In “WOMAN’S PLACE†Saturday, November 12th Thursday, November 10th COMING! Charles Chaplin lets on page seven" occasion. The party visited with rm- ward Prigniu. a Naporvillc boy sad 1 paiient there. Mr. Prism“: in km to a number 0! the young fellow: of the village and he says that he's al- ways ready to receive visitors. ~ “Gullah-dead“. ane you read the Classified ad- EdnaPmialzce aim-h CHARLES CHAPIJN You'll 9am him donut. .ml In- is m it "an A comedy at u clam. «bolt-nonu- qualily. [MC In» that sparkling qual- lly uf "IL rim-«r Muir “one Wild Bebe Daniels friday, Nov. 11 Special Matinee at 8 mm Day THE 600" LITTLE â€A†GIRL l.\ "I! SDI“ I'L’fl' l'l! TO'IE Class†\. "h