loï¬g wanted a home of your own. Now is the time to make {led- to figure on your requirements. Give them a chance. , EMT LITTLE TOWN AROUND CHICAGO .When in need of anything in Builder’s Hardware would be pleased to have you call and see our ock and have us quote you prices. | Measured Heat Ballad SI. S. Forest Ave. mum St. Your building problems may seem big to youâ€"but to In, who every day for many yearé have been learning all that is but about building and mater- luls, they may be simple. NAILS, SASH WEIGHTS and CORD comm Ind waxwoon Door Sets and Trimmings PAINTS, OILS, ETC. PRATT LAMPERT 61 wmmsn HERO FURNACES MECHANICS Toms Our estimating department is so arranged that ' you an get ï¬gures on the cost of nll materials we: quickly. And you can be absolutely sure that every item on the estimate blank means that the but of each material has been ï¬gurgd on (or the price. This is the had rock foundntion on which our busi- nmhugrownâ€"thehatandthebestonlyâ€"of everything. LORD LUMBER CO. We are all convinced now that every family should own its own home. Building is booming in this communityâ€"but no matter whether it in a new home, a new ham or simple little spamâ€"we are lien to help youâ€"and our prices are right. A COMPLETE ROME BUILDING SERVICE Telphone 29 We consider helplnz you a part of our jobâ€" and without extra obligations. Our home building service is at your convenience. We have hundreds of plane for emall as well as large bottles. Eliminate the Dark Corners! When planning your new home make ample provision for electric lighting. A bulb in clothes closets,‘céllar entrances, pantries and other places where accidents are liable to happen are not only a convenience but a necessity. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 145 N. Main St. ' Telepln There is but one real light for the home and that isâ€"electric light. For convenience ,comfort, cleanliness-electricity. Ask us to help you with a few suggestions regarding your wiring. People of- ten forget to include base plugs for the ever con- venient labor savers. MOCHEL BROS.I Esthnntes Cheerfully Furnished Tm 20 Telephone 366-1 | Before making any arrangements for heat - phoue 34-)! and let “Ba!" explain the wonderful comfort and economy of measured on heating. “It’s Just What I’ve Always * Wanted-- An invitation is extended to pemonn interested to examine my installation of the 3mm Boiler and the Berryman Oil Burner, now in opention. will do away forever with your heating troubles. Our new installations of Breeze Boiler in connection with the Berryman Oil Burner furnishes the ideal heating system. Ill Uncut Ave. The up-to-date, clean, automatic measured heat of the Berryman Oil Burner When the heating question for your new home comes up don’t consider for a moment the old-time dirty and generally unsatisfactory method of heat- ing with coal. ' That is what you want to be able to say when your new home is completed. Have it planned to exactly suit your own needs and you will be able to do 80. Let us assist you in making your drawings, incorporating your own ideas, and build your home complete. We will gladly talk the proposition over with you at any time and will also ascist you in ï¬nancing the building. Besides doing the actual carpenter work we supervise the work of the other buildersâ€"â€" electricians, plumbers, painters, etc, etc. In this you are assured of good materials and good work- manship from the cement floor in the basement to the top brick of the chimney. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates also furnished on repairs and mention! George E. Rayner Eel-Ian I“. Snyder 101 Saratoga Avenue 56 Oakwood Avenue RAYNERHNYDERi H. Balczynski Phone '1on lorthat New Home! ' Phone 150-W Tm 86-"