REAL ESTATE NR SALE gowill be taken in trade priced at 82800 clear. WANTED -- Few acres with small house, Belmont will do If terms of 8800 down. then month! menu on he had. price about WANTED~ Several small lacuna. 8 if Mile, for 8_ (uniï¬es named. v .- 'vâ€"UIâ€"lwy v -_._____ am; «too for' .ix,,uyn'iu"’ain; "Kitizyacantâ€"Qflil‘ 36 if the price is right. west of town preferred. WANTED .. 40 acre farm with hard road towtoyn, there} flatg in gm: WANTED â€"â€" Modern house of 8 rooms. with acre lot. suitable for floï¬st’s home. must be in town, and have walk to station. about $6500. WANTED â€"â€" 10 or 20 gig: on fltage WAN’TE‘D â€" 4 or 5 acres at edge of town with poultrv buildings some thing that can be bought with $1000 down and then a good monthly pay- i. [unison sï¬hli'éfdée’én liotrworih $8500. or thereabout. suitable for a home and business. WANTED - 4 or 5 room house with several lots. some fruit if possible, tram! 84500. East Grove will suit if terms can be had. WANTED -â€" 7 room modern house with large deeu lot. not over half mile hum nation. some shade and fruit .or timber lot. worth about $8., 0M 9'- â€.000. $3000 cash, $100 every: month. WANTED â€"â€" A small hmmg of 3 qt WANTED FOR CHICAGO CUS- TOMERS. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: FOR SALEâ€"Cosy time home 0! 8 rooms. has a full acre, electricity â€tar and gas. is near town, and $1000 down Will handh it. _ Exist}; re?! Kid; (3 the viliï¬gs, In lingK well. and Is on a hard road. In no: , tool, and complete woriin mm. I Village ham-a can be tr VACANT. 5 um of section line I'd" I“ mmdun. and a iood road to tho nation soil is blac and is 11! “liable. price $1600. um any. VACANT corner. on Fnlnu'ew Ave." vat hunt, “x126, in built up loca- tion. price 81000. terms our. FOR SALEâ€"20 genArarm yithngood and R I: am, 73x2“ Int. flow to touch. is u very an. lot for I luv yud. god pain. as ch mi in am good, price 8100C Downer- Grovo ls growing. I. u an" bu More Ind your chance I: “(it but now, I'm you his or Ian I" Come and m for yours." and be convinced. VACANT LOT on out Maple uvcnu‘ run-l north to Roger: «not. that um, hu dd. incl. m or. elect“??? (or power. in “1!th for any or mud-caning busi- ness.†unkind with-null payment down it used ad improved. VAC_AP{T. 8. 8. com: o! Pronpeg. We have my sou-fled cunwmn not living in their new places to n- 10: to Ind to give you an idea how any do; all save rent and will not! own ms: ham“ dear. Buy now while prices are low, and Hon flu many improvements no- flu in double the price. which 1: Inn to Inppon. and do it now, or buy something lady bum. it We have it. on any but too. which we will try and u- How to start. Come to this once ad select you: lots. tell us what you please the. oiherwiu it may be diluent, and the prices higher. Fredenhagen's Agency owns sev- en! hundred lots, all are clear with a, good abstract showing H good title, which goes with the land, that you an look over, and salt yourself as to loation, price and terms, and if you are in time below the zoning or-l dinance ls passed. you may build 81‘ To those renting this may he of interest. We have East Grove lots. 2 or 3 in a place with good street trees, up to 3Q years old. convenient to the station, with 50 trains, with woter, gas and electricity going in, within the new village. and school1 district. where there are neighbors.‘ and stores. good roads and telephone service; Chicago and village stores deliver; most desirable lots at $10 per foot and others as low as $150 per lot, on terms of $26 to $50 down, than $10 per month, or other terms to suit, where you can build a gab age or house, and save the rent you now pay, applying.this to buying in- stead of renting. EAST GROVE LOTS FOR SALE V. FREDBNHAGEN 58 80. Main St. Phone 85 Residence 27 S. Faitview Avenue East vae Phone 101-) “nun. Z! mg 29, 1922 nowum GROVE Museum Weaving“: SEND IN YOUR OLD CARPET! AND CLEAN BAGS m: mu. mm mm om m- m nmlmwn was ROOM AND BOARDâ€"A very pleas. ant room and excellent board in a pn‘vate family can be secured if you Ph'one 51â€"M. 9â€"22-2 AUTO STORAGE â€"â€" Good gauge for can, cement floor, elec- apnea tric lights, etc. Rent 34 per month. Quit-in Schmitt vae St. 8-2441 POUNDâ€"Two sheep. A‘Fply Warren . Littleford, phone 151 -l. 9~29~1 experineéer in printing once wint- ed immediately. Apply Reporter. Kelby-Springï¬eld, with rim. Re’ ward. Inquire at the Reporter oflice. LOSTâ€"Jl'ire, 32x3$é slightly used house in desirable location in D. G. Suhmil detailed descripioin with best proposition. Chas. L. Makemson 108 S. LaSzllo St. Chicago. 9â€"22~3 BOY WANTED -_â€">_Boy 11th some WANTED~Rooms for light house- hoping. phone 408- W 9-29-1 WANTED-A man to 23k:- hold of a rapidly growing bum)": in Down- er: Grow. A live win- can mt! I good salary. Apply at the Reporter 0mm. phone 188â€"1. 9-29-31 WANTED TO BUY -â€" 6 or 84-0on fliferftvd i5 family: but wagesi suburb of Chicago. M-t. L. H. Freer, Hinsdale. Ill. 9-29-2 WAf‘c'TEDMExyel-icngpi {wand fluid. FOR RENT -â€" Furnished room. ri- ute family. Phone 430‘W. 8â€" 8H mod near the Bummeld Count ' Club. The other on Buntrï¬om and Canï¬old Rod. 220 acm in w. Prefer cuh tenant Simnson Fun-m. Blmhurst. Ill. 9-22-2 «mam fut am or two nuclemen. Phone 233-31. 9-294 I19. I' FOR RENTâ€"Largo furriyhtd room, FOR RENT â€"â€" Tw-u farmt One lo- to Dome" Grove. 3 minutes walk (tom Pm Grow depot. Into a mvonment an low as 8150. C time 8.1 Hudson. ["1le and Franklin streets. Phone Dorm-n Or 3104. tf I‘Oï¬â€"rï¬Ã©M:T;_; ’ rm : 431;}: _ $3}; num’m referred. Nicely M Ma ed; new one ' 18 Belmont St. HIGHLAND NIAI WOOL! M SIS-I I00. m Ill-I nnd tan. two months old. renou- nble. 815 and up". Also hen 1 ï¬ne collie and shnphe M13011 Witch dog. od nearly (on! monghs Hp. Hagg- Hlnv FOR SALE â€"- Lou In new addition beans: lomatoea by the basket for slicing or the bushel for cunning; cabbage: melons and apples for tool-1m: and eating. Orders of 31.00 or more thiivered. Outlook Farm -\ Phone lG‘I-W-zl. 9-29-11 F0R_81_ALE _â€"- Airdalg pquju. bind: age running 200 h. deep with gas. water. electricltihnnd sewer in and paid for, $376. 3 terms. 10 min. walk from depot. (All: after 5 p. m. G. Earl, 119 Randall St. 922-2 I-‘QR SALE 7â€" Li_ma lbeania an?“ and one~hnlf acre lot, with or Wit-il- 9ut furniture. Hem-y Monme Persh- ing a\'..e Belmont. Ill. 9.224! ner in Grand $12.. 2 blocks from East Grove station; water, gas, elec- tricity in street. Price only $800. See Oscar Reinhold. in Grand a\'e.. south of tracks. 9-29-3 FOR SALE -â€" Lot§ of 50 ft. front- Ionrly {out months old. Hrs. liar ' Epggry. Cluendon Hills. Phong 47 A FOR_SAL_E 1-- New house and one homo; hot water hear; good loca- tion, sleePIng porch. Mrs. McClure. 78 So. “ashingzon a'. 9-2943 FQR SALEâ€"7 room, A“ modern for laying, $1 each Mrs. A Map tins, phone 213~M-l. 9-29-1 FOR. SALEâ€"kantiful one acre cor- FOR SALE-3 room bungalow, lot 60x130. Gas, water and electrici- ty, large shade and fruit trees, cheap. Call 213-Wâ€"1. 9-29-1 FQR sALEâ€"TKS'rbhrEd ‘Ancom‘héxs nut combinatiérlrnflbook cage, hag-5 drawers and cupboard. Can be seen at the real estate ofl'ice of J. W. Tucker. 9-29-2 mattress and springs encma'é'ujl K bargain at $10; also base burner, $5. Phone 408-W. 9-29â€"1 F6Rs'ziilbjléA‘ _ ï¬ï¬ï¬ 172531151; wal; 60 ampere hour. 6 months guar. antee, price $6.60? Other sizes at special prices. Lempke Battery Ser- vice Station, Forest dz Belmont av‘ phone 369-19-29- piggaï¬qau sgz‘é muggihagt F0}; SALEâ€"Radio A_ Buttgyy, 40 to CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE â€"« Ford touring, model fogleEQ. $125.. Phone 813-8. 9-8-8 M’is'cell'aneous RUGS For Rent POUND Wanted LOST For “ale 8-184! II. Glut 99! omen mom: can... “08’... Akin-m Commissioners. Acting as the Board of Local Improvements. J. S. LOZIER, Engineer. ""K'I'I' ï¬l'io be ï¬led with the w- lage Clerk by 8 o'dock p. m. October 2d. 1922. Dated Downers Grove. September 22d. 1922. Walter C. Barber, Mayor. William Bender Harry W. Bryca Chat-tea Htllet Irving_G. Hgaftt. Iflinois Qï¬licfl $51M} shah contractgr at__par_. 7 he Council‘ of the Village of Downers Grove. acting as the Board of Local Improvements. reserves the right to reject any or all pmposnls or bid; should it deem best for the Public .W'. . A. . #. L L (r1 I Pay'mentrfo'r all work win he maria by special assessment bonds bearing intomst at the rate 9! 8%_per gnnqgn, The bidder to whom the work is’ awarded shall lw required tn fur-z nlsh a bond. as required by law, and: any bidder, when required by said Council, shall furnish them with satâ€", isfactory evidence that he has the, necessary facilities, experience, abil-g ity and ï¬nancial resource! to fulï¬ll the conditions of his contract within the_ time spgciflqq. . u. 1, WA)- Wh\ mm... â€mum; w '""""".' ".... _. . - - . _‘ . - mane»: lulu yublc In ten in: ’ 107). “graft 0' "c“duo" b lsï¬lmmk,fu§h gar-lug intern! a1 " _ t tale 0 six r contain per .04 I 2° “gong: mmgd‘hfle "“9â€. mm. Ind an â€29mm tint-"gore rum ..,...,. m or mm m;;' .uzt"mrw:..'“m,.:: "m“ Hm be land on the 9th day October. Fromm“ Must be made out on blank form: fundalled by said Village' 2 2; 1922, it :xnhggrgif‘é: gloat Council and in cnmpliance with Hugh“ . " "flute. f‘ rt fl" rmlt. lnstrucï¬om and :peciï¬rntions. Saidl "2'3"“: { “gm" ma? Me ob- hlanks can be '18.. on appliraï¬on to: a ti 5". 0'23.“ ‘meï¬ bah)"- «id (be Village Clerk of Downers Grm'e.y"‘° °"‘ m i ' ‘ h h' H Each bid must he armm "lied va'.“ "'1 m" .awm" n" t e ea ng cash or cutiï¬ed check nya le to tKv “14).???" 3;“? dpfe'}::;,'e lllinoii orflm‘ of Walter C. Ba r. Mayor of, ï¬epteï¬ber 22‘qu ' ’ " said Village, in his official capacihxj' HERBF‘IRT.’ A: CROTEF‘ELD. and be certiï¬ed by a wzmnsiblc- bank: Selected to make the Assessment. for an amount not lee: than 10’? j 9.22-2 of the aggregate of the nndorwl pro- V M 9033'- ‘â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"»â€"-â€"â€"-- .A.. . .. , n I The â€Um-b! qunuflfles of nutcr- ial Irv u folio“:- Suodnl Anna-QM No. 01 mo lineal few of 10 inch storm In!" dnin 335mm to» o! 10 Inch storm and water drain ll storm and nurfm water inlus‘ 9 inkti 1d} natal to grade um lineal fen of curb and gutter 4900 cubic ‘ynr-ls o! excavacion for and coma-wan“ a concrete pave- ment with we MM curb and gather mm mater d n and In- Ius In I. Avomu. F‘- cy Hue, Summit treat. Benton Avenue and Rundall SUV“ in the Milky: of Dowmu Grove. Duran: County, Ill- innip. in mn‘mm with the ordi- nmees.’|:nu and npedflutiom pro-a main; or mark in mama: and now an Me with the flag! Clerk of mg vmm._ ‘ Scum! but. m?! be received It the Villngn Council min: In the 0! Local Improvements for the VII- Iun of Down-w vao. 1)qu Count) . Illinoin until 5 o'clock . m. on the 2d dny of October. I . for furnh-Mng ail mnen'nl and Inbot G. B. TOEE. M. D. E 8 Wills. Lisle. Spring When, hit. E 8 Wills. Rye, m. W Mas-19y ,Uskn 2d. Rye; in pop- corn. , Bart 03k». Raven-we, Barby, m. 10 an Yellow Corn. 2d. Spring Wheat â€" Henry Schultz. Lisle. 24!. Winter Wheat â€" Herman Schultz, Lille. 2d. Henry Schultz. Lisle â€"â€" Winter Wheat. Sumn- Beetsâ€"Henry Vix. Collection of Vegetables â€"- College Farm. ' ies. Peachesâ€"15L J F Fitzgerald. Concord Grape =â€"â€"lst. David Meyer. PumpkinnBenedictine' Sisters. Muskmelonâ€"B anedictine Sisters. Tomatoes~J I-Y Rohrbaugh, Carrotsfll E Rohrbaugh. Peck PicKJe Cucumbersâ€"J E Rohr- buugh. Red Onions. White Onions, Sun Flower, Re-l pepperâ€"J E Rohrbaugh. Swiss Chunkâ€"Frank A Hinterlang. Green Peppers~-â€"Napervine Nurser- Ron W A Rogers. Lisle, lst on Green- ings, Jonathan, Baldwins, Winkler and Domlnie apples; lst on Brighton and Niagara grapes, Honorable Men- tion on AKBWBH and Delaware grapes, 159. on Bartlet: pear‘z, Keller pears, Winter Sqasll, Cabbage. Beets. Early Potatoes, Tumips and best collection of vegetables. Willow Twig Apples. Let, Henry Hatch. - Mrs M Long. [St on Spitzenberg apples. The following are the remainder of the prize winners at the Lisle-DuPage County Fair and Stock Show. Owing to lack of space We could not pub- lishe all last week, Vemnblea. Fruit and Grain 1 Mrs Bernard Babb, Naperville, lat on Red Horn and Wealthy apples; late potatoes and White oats PRIZE WINNERS AT THE LISLE FAIR Bert Otku. l "M Yellow Corn, 24. Variety Unnamed - lst. Harriet NOTICE TU CONTRACTORS anon: mm Downs enovn. more Keitak'en by thé the Village of Phone 312-1 Landau†Gardening our 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs. and Vines best for this climate. Uttleford Numeric- SPECIAL mam-m N0. u. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in all persons imam-ted. am the Council o! â€be village of Downers ' Grove, Illinois. having order-ed the ' conï¬rm-Hon of trunnion: to the con- fluodod system of "in min: now riexiutinmn Downers Grew, (her iwiih nounar‘ In Di not: Into vuvu. nice it" and npocisi "rantings. I" located in Int Chic-Ago ,Avenue. Fuirviow Avenw, lndianlp“ '0“: Avenue. Gian SIM. Finnnr!‘ 'EAvonw. Ninth Sinai. Cor-tor Sin-oi Ium! Benton Ann-n. the Orriinme lfor the name being on Me in the ,oi‘ficc of tho clerk of aid Village. â€raving ngiiod In the CouMy Court [)qu ounty. iiiinoia. far an au- ‘ augment of (he co=t of slid improve- ment. wording in benrï¬ts. said u- -’ acumen! being grime in {en in- isuilrnonu, ouch .arinl interval at the rate of six per cerium! par un- nmn. And an mammal (hr-More [hrin been made and returned to ‘said our-t, a... mu] Marin lheroon Hm be had on an on. day October. . A. i‘. 1922, at the hour of ten o‘elotk. 2A. 31.. or u soon thereafter as {he busing: of the Court will permit. . w...‘ . llvlnlnt'sw u. “.v www.â€" All paraona desiring. may ï¬le ob- jection; in said (hm-t, baton. said div and mar appear on the hearing and malt" their dpfensn. Specialist Chronic Discs-es 39 S. State St†Cor. Monroe Hours 10:30 a. m. to 4300 p. on. (except Sundays.) Residence: Donors Grove, m. 75 S. Kain St. Tel. 172 M. L. PUFFER, M. I). ‘IL‘NICIPAI. xsomm m SURVEY“ on Ramon An. “In. IIâ€"I [bum GM; as. SPRIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VI"- of Dom-sen Grove. llliuou. constructing omn- xionn to coma-tad system of no" main: now ext-dug in Canned Comâ€"lat, Mrs Fred Hue- nun, N-pervme. Boat Display 0! Canma Fruit, Vegetables, Jelly, etc -â€"â€" lat, Lenka- dnle Farm. thaton Road; 2d, Hrs. Thorium Stanton, Glen Ellyn; (M, St. Joseph’s Orphanngc. Canned Tomuoesvâ€"lst, Mn Harry Abrams, Lisle; 2d, him A W Kohlcy. Yellow Layer Cake-43!. Mrs Ar~ thur Porter. Lisle. Phone Randolph 2568, Chicago Sunshine Calw â€"~ lat. Schultz. Downers Grove; Schultz. White Cakeâ€"Ln, Miss Leona Core], Naperville. 2d, Miss Lox-ind: Hinter- lomz. Naperville; M. St. Joseph's Or- phannge. Devils Foodâ€"lst, Mrs Fred Hage- man; 2d, Misx Margaret Stanton, Glen Ellyn; 3d. Mrs Harry Hatch. Lisle. L. E. SCHUETZ Carpenter - Contractor Cakeâ€"15:, Angel Food, Mrs Fred Hageman, Naperville; 2d, Miss Irene Eichelberger. Naperville; 3d, Miss Caroline Rntt, Lisle; Cookiesâ€"lat, Mrs Harry Barnacle, Lisle; 2d. St. Joseph's Orphanage, Light Cookies; St. Joseph's Orphan- age, Dark Cookies. Doughnutsâ€"lat, Mrs Arthur Por- ter. Lisle; 2d, Mrs A W Abbott, D. 6.; 3d, Mrs David Meyer. D. Grove. Coffee Cake â€" 2d. Mrs Henry Schultz. Rollsâ€"~lst, Mrs A W Kohley, Lisle; 2d, Miss Lucilla Smith. Lisle; 3d, St. Joseph’s Omphanage, Lisle. Rye Bread â€"â€" 2d. St. Joseph's Or~ phanage. Raisin Breadhlst. St. Joseph‘s Or- plumage. Domestic Science Department Breadâ€"lat. Mrs Fred Lendorf, Lisle. 2d, Mrs‘ Harry Barnacle, Lisle; 3:]. Mrs W Mushy. D. Grove. Charles Miller, 2d on 10 cars early White Corn and one ear early White Corn. J F. Hageman, Napï¬ville, lat on Icy. lo ears but†Yellow Com; one ear CA Yellow Corn; 10 ears White Corn; Abr one our White Com. C: Cnnned Peasâ€"tn, In A W Koh- 225 South Main Street Downers Grove, Ill. Telephone 321-R lmmn \llv" "I I'M. Vlll' cm Avenue, ï¬drflow Aw. nut. Indhnapoua Avenue. Glen 81ml, Florence Avo- nuc, Ninth Bunk. Center 8mm and Benton Amman. wrltnrrvrnarirm flow aft-dug in Downers: Grove, In Ban Ch:- JOHN S. LOZIER William Conl, Lisle. White Oata,!ley, Lisle‘. Mrs Henv Canned Blackberries --Mz's Harry Abrams. Pickled Beansâ€"Mrs A W Kohley. Pickled Applesâ€"Mrs Fred Hageâ€" man. Canned Currantsâ€"Mrs HMM rams. , Canned Raspberries â€"â€" Mrs Harry Abrams. Manufacturers Dealers LUMBER COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of All Kinds Potter' M13. 15: Lumber Co. Don’t Start Your Furnace Now-- Siding Moulding Shingles Lumber Doors Windows Screens Millwork Flooring Roofing Plum Jellyâ€"lst. Mrs Han-y Hatch N OW’S THE TIME! Canned Cherriesâ€"~41“ A W Koh- It gives you wholesome radiant heat that is absolutely odor-1m. Clean, convenient, economical. Priced from $15 up. Use Radiantfire Why bother with a furnace in changeable weather when you can have the conveni- ence of instant heat at less cost. Furnace heat for the cool days of Fall and Spring is an unnecessary expense. You can use Radiantï¬re as a heating unit anywhere. There are inexpensive portable and stationary models for homes, stores, and offices. ’ 4“,‘WesdemU ited 4’; am. amzmga; ILLINOISBELLTILEPHONI and give notice of any change: or correction that should be made in The Telephone Company Local Telephone Directory wlonulMMNrpflcu. Learn about our nrvka. Hm builder’s book In colon. Mm print plum, etc. Our nu Hons might save on 1.qu g! 19!an In by" ‘ng. _W3 51:: Don't Forget “OLD BEN†Beat Franklin County Coal. POCAHONTAS All Sizes (mm. yoé an hes-t banding material It loam mica. to build um hon-o: malt. nae «an repair: Ind Mthnn. Building III-term when In low. lube: emu Ian. 80 why dolly? Our factory and lumber ylrd m Mouton for high [rude millwork. lumber and building "applies. BEFORE BUYING Phone One Five their listings In the interest of good service subxribers are requested to all Goes to Press Soon Grape Jellyâ€"«lat, Mrs Stanton; 3d. ' "‘ Mrs A R Cramer. Downers Grove; 8‘. v Mrs Harry Hatch. - Tame Grape Jellyâ€"Mrs Stanton. Peach Preservesâ€"Leona Coral, NI- per-ville. Apple cle; 2d, Apple Jellyâ€"13h!“ Ham W 2d Mrs Tom Stanton; 3:1,va Kohley, Lisle. . _ Barney Bunlaf, Lisle. Pieâ€"Ist. Mrs Harry Elm.- St. Joseph’s Orphanlgl. t, Mrs Ham m†Sand Gravel Cinders Plaster Cement