. . . :3:::::::: ‘23:... c:§31¢{l:t.::::am "CU:QOCI.C10.:.UO.QQO:§ 9......ï¬ï¬ï¬zï¬ï¬l .ï¬lzï¬i. An order was made to pay Henry Bebrens $8.50" in tull settlement of claim for balance of wank done on Village building. Bills invfevor of F. Gelbur, blecksmithing, 01.85 and G. A. Holste,-suppliee, $2.40, were also ordered paid. Reports of street commissioner, moneye received and paid to treasurer, clerk’s report of receipts in January, and the treasur- er’e report of balances January 31,. were severally read and ï¬led. Finer): ce and judiciary asked further time to report on the police magistrate’e wmmuuication regarding his fees In . the bicycle cases. Mr. Calhoun, In anewerto inquiry; said no further Iconterencee had yet been beldmwitb , the Northwestern oï¬cials touching ' the matter of subways, owing .to the . ubeence of President Day, but it was agreed lieshould ask for an early 'appointment with them to go over . the matter.‘ I. ' VM’rs E. H. Shervi’qbdis contem~ plating a trip to Arizona in the' «19111 future. Mr Géorge Blythe of. Racine, Wits».V has hggn visiting his sisterâ€" in- law. Mrs. Daggétt â€" Mr Joe Plummer is out again after his attach of grippé Thé Choral Union expect to gi‘ve a concert next week » Mr. John L. Day y, Jr. ., ,is able to resume his work after hm long illness ' f k Mrs Shaw, Miss Mildred Shaw and Mr. Clark are suffering with the gxippe. , - » . L The Library Club met with tHé resident, Mrs. John Parry, last ‘hursdny afternooï¬ and decided to purchase for thé club “Joan of Arc†and “Following the Equa- tor." by- -Mnrk Twain; also the “Life and _Times of Susan B. Anthony." Adjourned meeting Feb. l4,'Coun- Adjourned to regular uieeti‘néX OLENCOE COUNCIL. PARAGRAPHS. meme Deparlmznt. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS~LETTER. Mrs. Joseph Plummet is out again after being â€up invalid all Lenten servioya will be IiéId every Friday evening during, the Lenten season at 8 o’éldck."in the church. Mrs. Laugmy ve a subscrip- tion bull Friday, .81); 17th. The children of dancing class held a genmm from half after seven nntil 9 .80. The postponed annual meeting of the Episcopal Guild was held Monday afternoon with MR. For- sythe. . The ofï¬cers elected Were: President, Mrs. Johxi Parry; vice president. Mrs. W. B. Scott; sec- retai'y and treasurer, Mrs. H. B. Totten. .-_ I ' That the dance at. the; Village Hall Friday eVeuing, Feb. -10th; was a decided. success was eyi- deneed by the fact that 'with few exeeptions no one left the hall un- til after 2 puclock Among the guests ffom out of town were Mrs. George Clement, Miss Wilhelmina 'Forgan, Mr. Bertram Orde, Mr. Calhoun and Mr. HoWard Nutt. The next issue of the NEWS-- LETTER wfli contain a forcible article which has been written by- Mr. Markham B. Qrde, déalin‘g‘ with!) th ï¬lencoe sewerage clues- tic‘mf m a point of view radically at variance with the article appear- ingvin the issue 'of the elevtenth 'w‘qgnproving Glencoe.â€//' The. NEWS-LETfrE'R is happy to be hble to. give the facts as‘ seen by all parties‘ to' this impoxgant contro- 'versy,. but trqsts that nothing up; preaching personality will creep into the discussion. _ I . ALONZIO L. RICHARDSON. Coal and Wood. 4' Twin Lakes Ice. Barber Shop. Okneoc. Pmnquvmh (mane! Gasoline 361d by bane} of gallon. Groceries and Provisions Pubic? Tele ne. Prom! Men-c t! and Ilvéry Servlcg. a. Chicago Phone M 8965. Gumcox. .I. HARRY. Prop. Park Ave" ()ne BIOCH~Wei otthe m, R. I1.'CHATMAN, V. Oils, Gasoline. Lamp Burners A. 8. ALEXANDER, M. D, 6., V. 8-. Unexcelled Accbmt'nodations for Sick" Hams fand Dogs. ‘ ‘ "Bvanston‘ Vctcrlnysry Hotp'ltth ; Long Distance Tele hone 216. 1016 avis Streen Evanstbn; m. Telephone 251. UNDERTAKERS 1773 Maple xvenue. E Offlcc'Phope I 30 . GLENCOE DRUG STORE. UNDERTAKER, 1910 Maple Avenue. -. . 1 Fresh Fruits, Vegetables â€"..,. A. Groceries and Hardware. PHOVE 1\Q 3 - . - GI ENCOE Professor 1n Chicago Veterinary College. PARK BROS. 8: BEGGS, HENRY SCHROEDER. .. GLENCOE HOTEL, J. L. HEBBLETHWAITE' ChantdWWh-o 'l'clophom No. 3, ounce: G. A. HOLSTE, Telephone No. 12. Glencoe; A RM rum: SCHAEFER BROS.» Flour and Feed. anuston mm. . Vctgrlnury Surggon and Dentist... PLUHIIR$ ï¬lm 5‘. . Winnflkn- (BLENCOE. Dealer In Mat! 0rd_ers.hgve Dealer in Y’i’oiï¬n'Attgiitlon EVANSTON‘. EVANSTON. HICAOO.