The sumo; event- of Iaat Sunday owning. an atill wo has“ in the mind-land henna ol the people of ï¬lm North Shore “Om Lalo Fore“ tn Evauamu to réquin any elaborate denililig of the alumna!†undo-r which half a score 0! um um un- periled by theit m mmxbm Battling with Cold, with ice; with watar 11nd viith darkness L. O. Vam Ri-pev, M. H; Baker and Fro) Perry; 1111111 answered like inen that i era- the call of the luftiest. duty that can. 111“ to m1111-the rescue of his fellow c1 mature confronting-danger. These ‘1l1rne Went out; ivitlyevery chanceln the wyrld against them. Their boat I came lack fr‘eighted with ten rescued ‘ liv m\ No hope of gain, no fervor of flattle; m) burden ,of relatiOnship «51111611110131. their heroic efforts. It was just an extreme case of plain duty performed 1n a manner thrill ing. but yet devold‘of- even tl1e sem- blance of spectacular sensationalism. only to he saved afte'r‘ hours of agony, 001d and‘ Ifsugpense by Unregbravé men of Highland Park, who 'em- barked in a frï¬il makeshift craft for a nip of uncommon hazard.- Their duty having been nobly per- formed, it is now our duty to see that theii- .efl‘orts be given apprbpriute recognition. " F0 much lass valliant deeds men hav ' received thrbues. ln‘nds, hqnom and emolt'lmenta. This ' 00 THE†HONOR. L. 0. VA)! RIPEB'. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSvLETTER. Nzws-Lmï¬ holine- Iith may of oui best citizens that It. Vm Ripor, Mr. Baker and Ir. Pdrryman Ihould ye tendered a testimonhl in plate, suitally inacriLud and presented in a public manner. This in the very least that those of us who risked E. .H. Errichsen, high? operator at the Highland Park station of the ‘ Northwestern took his life ,in his _. hands on sandav night ahd saved ’frdm a murmur on"... a. least ‘flve residents hf this city. Hie deed of bravery takes more t1me in the dis: A cription than 111 the action itself. A local train" from Chicago pulled ,in just ahead of the fast south-bound passenger which shoots.through the city at a sixty mile speed Several #0! the passengers; four of them ladies. got 05 on the east side of the train rather than wait a mogmenton the platform.- Errichsen saw ~the ‘ fast train coming but the passengers did not A moment later and the party would have been under the wheels of the flier but for the Quick thought and quicker etions of the operator. ‘ He dash/e} across the. V south bound track, not ten feet ahead of the approaching train and forci‘ h‘ly pushed the screaming women and their excited escorts back asa‘inst the steps of the coach from which they aere alighting. He saved their liVea in the nick of time and armies him- self under the passenger coach of the local to escapethe‘ frightful suc-_ ï¬sh of the passing avalaach.’ The real heroes did not all so to the war ' There are 11 few of the right kind . left 111 Highland Park to save from 1 their logical fate those who by their om: carleeauess (erupt providence on lake and shore. neither lite nor even 0°me tor the inning of othemcunpduihly dojnd maintain our aelt respect no that «had this paper mm that lob-crip- tione and oofloiWToi'Wi‘ï¬ij into eï¬ect of this duty we owe to ourselves, it is with the full expeotf tion that the people of Highland Park will at once respond to the all now made upon them. Subscriptions should be left with Mr. Geo. B. Cummings or Raflen Baker. I A BRAVE DEED. he?†Thigh W. Ry., .have put on a a“ night man to operate the crossing d“: gates. This cï¬ange wnll contribuié A greatly to the safety of life and limb Buturiok patterns for gale at Milo Enkine’ u ' Fresh milch cows for ash or rent at Allen’s Dairy Farm. All kind. othand paintiod pioturpa hr sale bv W. E. Brand. Mr. J. T. Buflen, of Chimp-pent Bunday with his children, LII-c.3150! and Rob Baflen. '~Mr:4’~.râ€"H.r Spare“, a «Highland Pith resident, who has been spand- ing the winter in Chicago. was .in town yesterday. - Mr. J, J. Collar, who spoilt his outlier years in Highland Park, has rctumed after a two years absence in the lumber districts of Michigan and Wisconsin. There is'a stgon'g probability that the proposed addition to' the Exmoor club house will be built this spring. A party of elub people and architects were looking over we ground early in thewee‘k V _ Mr. J. L. Duï¬y has been called to Janea‘vill'e, Wis., by the.operating department of the Nbrtbwestern. Ed Dugga n and Jas. Nolan have also been ordered to report for duty. Business is{ picking up along the ï¬ne. ' v 11 items under the abm e headings. Includ Situations ‘.wanted Help Wanted. Lost. a an“ em r at ca made known on appl catioln neat t spflice, for more than one insertion.) SITUATION WANTED m Young man wants situation as gardener and houa‘eman in private family Address‘Gardener, 475 State St., Chicago. ‘Gi‘ve particulars. WANTEDâ€"4Good road horse in ex- change for painting, pawn-haggâ€" ing‘hcalcimining, sign of carriage painting. irst class work guar-‘ antoed. Addt' 'box 33 Highwood. T0 RENT-*Medem house, 8 rooms aimd large reception hall. Furnish- ed or unfurnished for 3 years to » responsible tenant. Bath, hot '_and (1 water, fernaoe' laundry y, elecir rc lightm Address G Bohl, Linden aw, between Central arid Park avenues. I'IIOflLAND PARK NOTES. FOR SALE, T0 RENT. ETC. mama Park Jldvts.