Ni. Bouio Day II visiting friends in Oak Park. - 1m. Scott um cumin thq wum club and week. Misses Olive and Ethel Hankey spent Saturday and Sunday in Chi- ago with their uncle, Mr. James Hankey. ' The Euchre club, formerly the Cinch club, .met on Thursday with Mr. and‘Mrs. Copeleud. Mn. Grant of. Evan-ton called on {M In town last week. The Opportunity club met at Miss Murdow’s Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Virginia 0 Murdock of China will address the young ladies’ mis- monary society which mee'ts with Mrs. O. R. Barnett, Saturday at3: 30 o’clock ‘ School opened Monday morningin the old school building with Mrs. Lnughray m the village hall“ Owing to the removal of a partition in the old building, it was found expedient for the Och and 7th grades to hold its session from 8:30 to 12:30 and the 8th grade and ‘ let year High school have the room in the after.- The Dozen club is ento‘rtaiuul to light by‘ MI’. Goo. l". Orde. Mr. C. H; Bryce leaves for Colo. rado Springs the ï¬rst of April. ' Mr. “'ard Can and £3111in and Mrs. Edward-Cook are the guests of Mr". and Mrs; Gilbert Case. The ï¬re company was called out Saturday morning to the reaidence of Mrs Beebe. We are hamw to say their assistance was not needed, as it moved to be only the chimney. But four ï¬res in one ' monthmqkée u‘s easily frightened: v At a publicmeeting “Friday even- ing a‘apecinl vow of thanks was offer- ed Messrs Will Richgrda and Stan- ley Hall for prompt and efï¬cient work duï¬ng the school house ï¬re. .‘Q:§OU:.OQ:IV 0 CI .:::.IG.Q: :Iiiztlgi ‘tmmqucmacuumc .I. C.WIW'"’.Nh.i HI. I". G. Howells is ill with quin- Gleam [Mam-m. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. It. 0. R. Barnett ha gone to New York and Philadelphia In! a few days. The Baud of Education has up- poinhd Ralph Scum unqua- hour-- was company’s L‘WnCauol. u appraisers and a speedy adjustment is looked for. There is a movement on foot to ask the Board of Education to equip the school boo-owith a “and pipe and ï¬re hose. Last Sunday morning lira. W. H. Johnson was called to Toledo by telegram announcing the severe ill- ness of her mother, Mrs. Hubbard. After she left, a mud telegram an- nounced Mrs. Hubbard's death. Mr. Johnson left forToledo Monday. On'the 17th a~ public caucus open to all voters was held and with aub- atantial unanimity nominated [the following ticket: Pfésident. Mai‘k- ham B. Orde; Councilmen: James K. Calhoun, Thomas C. King, Sylvan Newhall John B Meaney George Park. Marshal, August Brandt; street commissioner, Geo. Diettrich; con ’ ptable, John Maloney; collector, A. G. Ligare. ‘ The ticket as a whole 18 a good one, represents no faction and is worthy of election._" Messrs Orde and Calhoun are valuable members of the present eouhcil: George Park, the plumber is a sturdy Scotch- Amer- ican; Sylvan Newliall is well and “.3â€: m) I-uv:m: Irv" vmuub "“116“ has lived In Glenooe during the past twenty- ï¬ve years; John B. Meaney our present police constable. has been a Glencoe boy all his life and receiv- ed second highest vote "in themncus? August Brandt, hotter known by the name" of hie stepfathet, Elias -‘ Rat? zinger, is married; has always-lived in Glen'eoe and invery p0 polar with the young German voters. George Diettrich is a member of the preeent council; Ligare and Maloney will probably meet no opposition. A Venn. 5. 13. - Mastei Obadiah Doolittle will i, ‘ sing ye as it should be sung a good f old song called Gipsey (Mr Shaw) d ‘1 14. All ye men and women will 6ҠW3 1..-; 4m!“ 5%}W1h r_. 1.1 .2....;~‘ a}? t by ou‘: national anthem to which ye singers willstep out in an orderly . manner. 0|:er Ye Old. Folk Concert held n ye meeting home Tuesday evening was much enjoyed by ye aids and young of ye tonne: Ye tolling program will speak for itself. 1. Good mums ind mistresses yo man and woman will now sing in I Godly manner yo morningbymn. 2. Master Hmkiah Silverthom will mm} yo good .016 bong Rocked in ye Cradle of thodoep. (Mr. Ralph ‘-.._ Mi!let.) 4. Good mummy will now hush her little coon: tooleOp (MisaKath. erine Thompson.) 5. AU yé mob and women will sing ye soothing ditty,Sweet and low â€LBW!!!“ Tully-09. \ 6: Master Abnhim Langleggity will render )0 ï¬rst bottle" story in yo good old nylo. (Mr. Charm Alli- son.) ‘ 8. ' Goodmistreu Clementine will now sing sweetly the affecting awry of Dame and Johnny Sands. ( Mrs. Ciementi. ) . 8. All yo man singers will sing Juanita. ' 7.. ‘Ye Elnora: singers will, barmo. niselor you Ah could I with fancy strgy. 7 9. All ye men ind women will sing joyfully ye sprighty chorus, o'h who will o’oér Mounts so free. , 10. Four ‘ . names will tickle your ribsâ€"~I‘ pray ea pardon me the slip-your pars with a part song called Ledgems. (Mesdamea Parry, Orde. Clementi, Miss Séiber.) ll. Master Golig htly of ancient fame will give for but delight his famous old sahg when George the third was king. (Mr H. Tottena.) 12 Y’echomsfolk will once again sweetly harmonize a lullaby, 0 bush thee my liaby Mrs: Gilmore of Denver, 00]., is a guest at. Mrs. C. H. Howard’s. MLGeorge F. 0rde Eeft for St Louis Tueadayniï¬ht. . Â¥ ' Mr. J K. Ualbonn'and Mr. J. J. Flanders were sufleret‘n from heagy colds contracted “the schdol house ï¬re. Mr. A. J. Whipplé of ’Chicagd has rentedMlj. Gruaa’ cottage for 'the