16 The service of the Nickel Plate Road to New York city and Boston in a demonstrated eucccea The de- mands of the traveling public are met, by providing three peel-lee. fact ex- pae'ea tfaine in’eech direction daily. Tbe‘ee train-ate computed of modern. ï¬rst clue day coaches, elegant vesti- buled sleeping care between Chicago, New York and Boston, and unexcell- ed dining «in. Solid through trains. between Chicago and New _York have uniformd cblored porters in charge of day coachcp, whose services are placed at the disposal of passengers If you M to travel comfortably, economicallyandmfely, see that your ticket' Is routed via the Nickel Plate Are oflered via the Nickel Plate Road. With solid through trains to New York, and through sleeping can to Bosto‘li, travelers vie this deserved- ly pOpular low rate line are offered all conveniences of an exacting traveling public. _ Then. too. the quality of the eetvice ie unaur' peeeed. Modern day coaches and luxurious sleeping can contribute to the comfort of passengers. while un- excelled dining can. cater to “the teete- of the moat exacting. *2 . ‘1“ , _ ‘\’ ‘ VI.) , . a THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. Katmai! Practical Plumber m Sewer Builder. .. aim-cranium". CfllCAï¬O ..... TELEPfl 0N1? COMPANY CA TC" BIS]!!! CLEANBD, ETC. IAIYI ILOCK. The beat mnwction you can get for ts pox day is a telephone m your resi. dance. It protects you . in my A good protection 111 case of ï¬re. , ’of siclnesé. rA-- {notation in case I Q .‘I ._ “MI \ Highland Park, Ill.