C ' E. Lalimu and wile to Edwin M. (‘l .-‘I|or 1L“. w. d. August 6. 1898.11)!“ “'_“.Omt .‘4‘ w: l‘kc-Fm.lv. -A“- II n- l‘. "cult. you. w“ uâ€".. - v v John P.8rh-mlder and wife. Victor H PI- ï¬t! and James J. U'Connut to Thomas M. . doc. “111*. w. d. April 12. April 15. .1. [m R. 23. at 1nd $5. block 10. Deerfleld Purl: Land Improvement Auwclaflnn Subdï¬vhiun. bejng a nubdjvmon I'n‘ southeast ‘ . 29-48-12. .. I) II {III-.mn A.m “'II- . 'IIWI' wv-- vv- â€"V«vâ€"--â€"vvwr. V , , Suue [union to (it-(wre- R. Willlams. doc. 144’. l‘. d. April 15. And I7. 01. [401).12. Il'l‘. 15. lo ".19. 19 l'id 20. block l5. Deer ï¬eld Put [yam] Improve-malt Asunciatiun Subdivisigvp In â€mug-II 3'. 204.331? _ . vu-mu - wu‘vv- Jullul Hrmen Ind wife to Nlels llanunn‘. due. 14.0“. ï¬nd. April 15. April 1". 01m. Lot l8 Pearson. Smokey 81 Ht an'u Sulxlivmiun u! mmh 45f In! I plat C. l hwmxl. . Renhl uhn (n Wm. uhn amt Jacob Srhwln el. doc, H.050. w. d. April l8. April 19. “A Commencing 48 rods 16 Its. uuth from northwest comer mecclon 31.43.12: thence em‘flflleet H Int: thence wuth 48 todn 18 ill; thence went 1‘) mda: thence mum l’Odl' thence west so rod: H lku.: thence nonhd'l rod- 16 Ih. 00 point of beginningâ€"70 acres mzrcmlm- , Edwin! New: and wife to Olivia Bell. doc. 74153. w. d. April [2. April 19. .600. All than pan 0! In! 82.2. Lake Fun-st described I: begin- ning at point unsoutherl line said lot 210 far! west of mutheut romeqt rent: thence north- .erly pan with emetly line of said 10! I90 let-i: thence wearrly pan with mmherlfv hm- said lot (‘5 feet more 0! lens to we»! 1 no said Int; thence much a‘nng west llne said lot to south- westcmnet t erenf: thence 'emerly along sumherly line it! lot (which is nurtherly line of Vine avenue) 106 feet mare or less to point of beginning wll iamJ Hawkea to Muy‘N. Hawm dm. 14.."52 w d. Matchi 18%. April In 13:39. '2. I “divided" a awn-ant following: Southeast frl. ‘ muthwést 3 section 81- 48-11: also snutheast frl. 3-4 sectiyn 31-43-18; .1 . -‘-,,__ n,,,Â¥, _, "-(‘h‘arles l’iï¬llï¬péwaï¬d wife Ni Marv ermen. doc. 14.05%. q. d. April u. A m 19.61. 50 1m [vet southwest corner lot 6. lock 44. High and Falk- aun- Edward Johnsen and wife to John Baker. doc "‘06“. w. d. April 90. April 2|. 81“!!!) Luis H! and 29 Clark and Latimer Subdivision of int: 5) andï¬â€ f’Lalge Fmest; James Bnlhm tn M arinn E. Sc'hultz. doc. 74.- 090. w. d April 17. A m1 2]. 82.300. 1 Lots 12. 1’! amt“. block 4. on Cllntnu nddltlnn to Highland Park: also all that part of lug m. b‘m-rk 4. aforesaid lymg‘gast of west 8 r0. 3 of same . mun» . Clara Bertram and husband. Caspar. to Bes- s'e Kerrigan. dnc. 74.4.81. w. d. April 20. A il 21. 82.500. Lots I". 20. 2|. 26. 21. 38. 29 am 30. block 9. Rart‘ett's Subdivisum of lots 34. 3.3, 38 and 3-» Wesggrq Addition to Lakg: Fnrqgg. Ma'culm M. Jamiesun and wife to Wm F. bummer, (1 xi‘. 74.082. w. d. Marc-112:1. April 2'3. 8750. bndivided lg acre nf-fullnwinnr: south- east fr]. 14' southwest l‘ neetion 3l43- 13: also Suutheast frl. 14 section 31-43-13. RICE ‘cnmmn'ros'. The oompletion of the Chicago Milwaukee Electric Road is goingto aï¬ect all North Shoreproperty Very favornbly" In fact inquiry is al- ready good and outlying property. particularly tractsisolated from the railway stations: is- enjoying consid- erable stimulus in (anticipation of the opening of the road. This is 'shown in the case of aninu, for example, where property values have been. practically at u etundstill until re! cently u uumher of transfers have â€been made, largely on the strength ~91 the opening of the elegtric road. This‘Will he the greatest improve- ment the North Shore has ever had ._ not. evergxï¬q‘vting the Sheridan Road. C, , c. J. HAMMETON 00., 9‘5 CLARKJT. “ Several sales at Ravina are still‘ pending. There. income money ‘still North Shore Ronny. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSâ€"LETTER. Iâ€! Inch! Vim m: v Fifly fool lots $150 to 8350 each. monthly payments. about :50 ft trounce, one blk from Sheridnn Wham. m. concrete walk. Mun pus-em, 9.20 in; will divide lo suit. Also a few 141:: Show 10!; u special price: tad terms to pgrtics who will build. ‘ 9104,53! age-m 13: fl. Sheridan Rd trot-age; mt cosh oflet. WINNETKA and GLENCOE LOTS E. PERCY MA YNA RD, us 'Denrbon sc.. Cllcqo seeking investment in the town. It is expected the town will soon have water flea result of annexation to Highland Par‘k. There will on doubtedly be some high class resi- dences built in aninia so soon as some needed improvements. such as water. etc., are once put in. With the completion of Sheridan Road'be- tween Highland Park and Gleneoe and other advantages gained through annexation this district null enjoy a great impetus. r. r. ruwxms 84 LASALLE. -vâ€"â€" v-“ Thoroughbred Layers. V The outlook for. real estate is very ROSE COMB BRO'N Lmaom favorable. but as yet no strong active demand for speculation purposes, but a steady. regular demand for ac-- tual use at fall prices. The era cf trading, which is a regular condition after ponies, is passing and legiti- mate business on a cash‘ basis and for ‘cash is approaching and will soon be here. The promised completion of the Sheridan Road between Glen- coe am Highland Park will give im- petus to that section. The eOnsOIi- dation of the outlying territory be. tween Highland Parkland the county line will cause that territory to de- velop very rapidly. Noe is the time to whet as for batch lbforfldw 80mâ€..00 Address.~ " â€Mix - mom, Ills. It Is expecde to haVe the course in ï¬ne shape by the third week in May. , The Skokie Club has become af- filiated 'with the United States 30" Association and will be represented in many .of the leading tournaments. The club has some good players and it is thought' championship timbei may be developed this year. The - membership limit, was reached semi time ago; in fact, there are a numbei _on the waiting list. The course ha: hnnn Innathmmd- a number. (if new A very enceessfulseason is promis- ed for the Skokie Club this year. During the winter considerable has been spent in making improvements at the club house. The porch has been added to and the kitchen and' locker accoIIIIXhItiqu-I have been ma- ~terially improved. Mr. Frederick Greely.tlIesIIrveyor has been diréct- ing the work of putting in tiledrglins throughout the course. May let a heavy ‘stéan roller will he sent out lrom the city.,..1‘his will he kept go- ing over the grounds for several week. until they are made level and smooth . Fifteen men have been at Work on the groundelor three weeke. SKOKIE COUNTRY CLUB. Member Chicago Real Elm: Baud C J NAIILIYOI IO? ‘00. Illt‘l. I'll-LITOI Honey to [on on North Shore vocmt pmpetgy Telephone Main-808. 95 Clark Sb. Rooms 294-226. CHICAGO. North Shore Real Estate. J. L. Floyd. ‘ 413 Flat Natleank Bldg; 164 Datborn . ’ cmcuao. ‘ Poultry - - - , The Skokie Club has become af- filiated 'with the United Statee 30" Association and will be represented in many .of the lending tonrnamente. The club has some good players and it is thought' championship timber may be developed this year. The membership limit, Wes reached some timeagofin fact, there are a number on the waiting list. The course has been lengthened, a number of new bunkers have been put in, and every- ‘thing 'vill he in perfect cOndition by. the middle of May. A team from the \Skokie Club' will enter in the ' airiatnre championship to be played at Lake Forest Among those prom- inently mentioned' in this connection are: GeorgeH. Leslie, W. L. Fisher:K AA}. Be/rfllet, Charles Webster, and G. w. In'gersol. C. J. HAMBLE'I‘ON 00.. Real Estate - \ ' meme. The annual meeting of the Men 3 Club, for the election of o$eere, etc. ., will be held in the church parlors Tuesday evening, May 2, at 8 o ’clock. The roll of charter memhere will be made at that time. All men an in- vited. m “Invest-ens. I R“. 605‘