l2 Numb Pppa in visiting friend! in Winnoth, having upont the win- ter in Brooklyn, N. Y. t The use wonhipon no over the falling of giant' along the line of the a railway. ' Friends of In. 8. Butt, formal] of this place. but nov recidilig' at South Haven; Mich, will boyejoiood to hear of her improvemant in her prqsent Moons. - - The following letters remain on called for in the pmtoï¬coz' Harry Ayers, Hrs. Catheria, Wm. Kong- land, Mrs. A. E. Logic, II. Haida, Mrs. Swirtz. They will be held un- 'til June let. when they will be sent to the deed letter 0608. ' ‘ ‘ Maeter Freddie Whitney him one tirell recovered from his feoept ill- nese, in which he was threatened with congestion of the‘brain. ‘A hard {all to the pavement from his bicycle was thought to have been the cause. Children aboutfl hie warning and be more careful." . Mr. CrAtnold is Having several im- ’ ' provebents made on and sunound- ’01] (North, ibg‘his property in Bria: Lane His . own lawn is beip-g raised to'a' higher . grade, and the street is: to_be gag'cad- ‘ . ' . ' l' amiz'ed at his own expense; This‘ ‘ ‘will greatly add‘to" the? valug and ' I beauty of the proï¬erty it; Baldwin . P91 Place; , ‘ ’ ‘ _. 4 ' . The Epiéoopal 'choir of Winnetka went to Chicago Sunday _to attend the celebration at St. James church of the 358th anniversaryof the trans- ‘lation of_ the prayer boox into En- glish."A choir of 10-0 voices sang. Dr. Stone preached on “The Prayer tandanoe: A surprise party was given to Mr. and Mmï¬iggle a Week ago. The enterprise was planned by MiagC.’ W. 0019 and Mrs. M. Crandell. There were thirty-eight persons present; â€Musi‘é and (Bards, 'follpwed by refreshments, Were the order of the evening. Four prizes Were awardedâ€"Mrs. Brown taking ï¬rst prize, abon- bon. spoon, and Mr" C. -W. Tontevin thekconaolation, a cigar holder. A very enjoyable time is â€reported, all formality being laid aside. ‘ 5 A_large audience was in at- on we monminl giant landmarks the new electric ovement In no: | Notice olthe flyeflc shill. ‘ Excunion Chicagoto Bulelo vie the Nickel Plete Roed.onoeeeeion of the ennnnl meeting of eboveotderL June' 14th and .lï¬th. Tickete on eele J nne 11th, 12th end 13th, at one ‘ t-clue limited (are for the round ip. Time will be. ‘Iuileble lava ing Buflelo to and inelnding J uly I; his feoent ill- l2nd, 1899,‘providing they are de-f sthreatened with posited with joint agent in Bufleio .Ae-. ~ A L“; :.u on or before June 17th, 1899. Pete. ogie, M. Beide, will be held un- '.hey will be sent TEE SHERIDAN mm!) 3 1t 'A party of young lady students {tom this vfllago enjoyed I party It the home of Miss Charlotte Cunning- hnm on Saturday ovéning. . Mica Gottmdo Thoma’ a Sunday school class donor's audit to: the bed 6! form made on the north aid. of the Congregational church. Vol untoers for watering thia garden are ma I. Richardson, Supra-i and-Furniture “min “A Specluhy. ' I 0r Care .1. L. Houghuéllng, Winnetkn. Electric Light Wiring . Whitney; Prouty am, PéabOdy. “oughleling 8: Co. Livery, Boarding and Sales Stables. Let me ï¬gure on Wiring your House or Store. First class Work." Prompt. sérvice. Reasonable rates. AaBUlLDlNG LOANS saws-LETTER- Shofc Vacant and Improved Real ' Estate. 3: No. 164 Dearborn Street, LOANS... CHICAGO. end"! fly. if desired. have the privilege of «sum all at Van trip bum Obvohud Ind Bhflnlo. The Ricky! Pinto new but time Int- ohiu mini dnily 3mm Chm to Buflalo, New York ind Boston. F0! duping-cu reservation uddnu General Agent._ 111 Adam: Street, Chicago. ‘ . ' ’7 A regular Ming 6! duo village council of the vfllugo o! Winnoth was held my 23, 1899. al) memben being present. m minutee of the previous meet- ing were read and approved. A letter from H. A. deWindt. re- questing permluion to lay, at his own expense, twooelnent approaches to the sidewalk where Lincoln eve- nue joins Belmont avenue, was’ read and on motion of Trustee Winehip Hones and Carnation Furnished to; . ‘Pmlu. Weddings, Bum. Er; waned:- Couucll Freudian. WINNBTKA. .LLINOIS. \olinnctka.