Alva-thin. madam-“Wile. ‘atouhudllco. ~ -mm Fame tollowathoname! M’. No sooner is it announ cu Farm. cad that Highland Park had “ bonevolently assimilated †her .neighbov to‘the south than Ravinia, dOrmant [or so many yearp, verges in‘t'o prominence. ' Neil-utter Bulldlng. m Ccmnl Avenue. . _ Huhhndl’l'k. Eaten-d at the Poa- 00cc at lllghlmd Park a iecond- .clu- mullet. By the deep Dean avenue ravine, inher’e cat-tirde' Hit in and out among the 'pnssy.wil10ws_,\ a std-nature has been built that; perhaps might .be called a latter day catacomb. (Ravin in~ wags Originally a Baptist town. ) Beneath the miniature cataract in the ravine, it is said, the eat-ï¬sh love to play in the shade of the catnip that fringes the watersi-edge. Not to put too the 'a [faint on things, 'what is locallyzlmovm as ‘the cat {arm’ has‘been located in this ideally appropriate spot. Miss Si-, monton hee’eome there to live with nineteen tabby tigers, three of whom took prizes at the late out show. The les-ann in not very well inform- ed on the subject Of cage and. cannot. undertake togive accurate data "at tme but perhaps can do so later. Miss Simonton keeps the cats merely (Or love of the thing. She never issued a catalogue and in fact never sold a cat; though dome of the ‘ninewen are valued as high a. $2000. Cat Farm. The place is will worth a visit and Miss Simonton was Very courteous A Comic: 0! Noah Show lmlllumce. -T¢l¢phouNo.92.WPuk, “BEA I4 TERMS “.50 PER YEAR. SATURDAY JUNE 3. OFFIC’: “0 ll. Winneth. in answering nearly our, question in the category. Some people, under thodmmnoes, night object to bniug combined-about their at. It gill bo'a aurprile to moat peo- ple that cats ahould be worth aa much as 82000. The poaaihilitka of apoaulation along thin new line ro at coca apparant. Now that the > uatrial atocka are proving unaatia- 5m, in“. capital may be directed in thia new channel. His Satanic Majesty stepped for- ward to welcome the men who had been selling Skokie lots as lake shore property. “I have concluded.†he ssid, “to give you a lot fronting on the lake of ï¬re. We haven’t got to water yet, but the street is macula-' mined with good intentions.“ I would like to ask, †said the reel es: tats men, his business instinct mak- ing him forget his misery for the moment, "if the riparian rights doe- trine is recognised in this section.†THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. “I we}: young at the time," said the man of military enoestry, “hut at the ï¬rst call for volunteers I went Out as a drummer.†“"‘Ah, said his admiring listener, "and so you help ed cheer the flagging troops on to victory.†“We“, not exactly; the fact is I wae‘ traveling for 3 ohms house. â€â€™ “So you’ve been here'all the even- ing without catching any ï¬sh,†the stranger remarked to the young man on the breakwater. “Didn’t you even get a bite.†“Oh, yes, I got a num- ber of bites,†replied the dejecmd ï¬sherman; “the ‘moequitos are out. in force. ' A_ North Shore Everyman express- es himself as heartily, in, favor of a stable government .for .the Philip- pines. “Harry’s Pond †the famous. Glen- ooe watering place, celebrated in story and in songâ€"the private re- sort of theT. (Jean. M. T. Barrell’ and Bracken Br ’ families, with all their brood of re ' ee repre- senting the waste and «brie of ore ation, deepite the elforte in 'time put to have it closed-«4:» never in class trains daily from :Chioagowo Bulfelo, New York and Boston. For sleeping car reservation address General Agent, 111 Adams Street, Chicago '7 L.--†Mr; Peter Hen-en of Ooonomovma, ' Win, wee revisiting. friends in Glen - ooe the fore part of the Week.‘ n we flourishing unto “Ill! ot tho oponing ol-thio ooqoulolp‘noo, 1899. It bu ovary nppoonnoool hing do otined to outlivo tho oontury and take I plooo in tho lanol- of tho next. It in a delightful neighbor and oontinnoo to ho'onoonrogod by thooo living ‘noor, who oontrihnto from timo totimo to it- ottnotionoâ€" 3 thing of boouty and 3 joy ,foro'vor. The fooblgot of {oel’tin not-ale to despise. Even a [non ha been known to lay for people. Andyot the baton-gt Bunker Hill didn't know much about golf. ‘ ' The second chapter of the Gleneo'e street war was as short as the famous chapter on anakee' in Ireland. The edict from the village hall ended the insurrection. The revolting lemon quietly {withdrew and peace was al-' lowed to spread her White wings the full lenghth of the Green Bay Road. One of the insurgents, however, 1. of the opinion that the village ought to bringhack hie fence poets. While he submita gracefully to the superior force he claims that private property cannot be thus taken .for public use except by due process of law. Nobles oithe‘flysflé Shrine Excursion Chicageto Boï¬al'o via the Nickel Plate Road. on occasion of the annual meeting of sboveorder. June 14th ~ and 15th. Tickets on sale June 11th, 12th and: 13th, at one ï¬rst-class limited fare for- the round trip. Tickets will be available leav- ing Buffalo to and including July '2nd, 1899, providing they are" de- posited with joint agent in -Buflalo on or before June 17th, 1899. Pass- enger‘s may, if desired. have the privilege of either rail or water trip , between Cleveland and Bufl'alo. The Nickel Plate Road has three lint- clxss trains daily from V'Chien'go'†to Buflalo, New York and Boston. For sleeping car reservation address General Agent, 111 Adams Street, Chicago '7