‘3 - m. ‘1, Quite s number of the former eeé date have signiï¬ed their button to attend the commencement, exercises. The alumni essoeietion will he eepee~ ially well represented. Mr. Prett has succeeded in attaining some ex- treordinsry good pictures of the corps and the various orgsnizations in' the school. The pictures are displayed in the emumsndsnt's omen. Lieut. H. a. Psttieon and irite, of «Fort Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Col.,l. H. Davidson and wife and Miss Coleman. of Chicago, Mr. C. 0. Davidson and Mrs. C. C. Davidson Jr.. of Carringtou, N. Dak , and Mr. and Mrs. James Shields and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of this city were visitors at the Acedemy during the past week. Col. J. H. Davidson delivered an address to the Academy Y. M. C. A. last Sunday evening. - The Colonel’- lecture has come to be almost an an- nual aï¬air in that. he 'gets around regularly about this time ofthe year. His lecture was well received and it goes without saying, interesting. The boys are always pie“ to see and gladto hear“Col. 'J. H. †and they hope that lie will keep up his cheer- ing visits to N. M. A. for many years to come. The clsas‘that will graduate next Tuesday, is surely a representative N. M. A. class. The oldest member, in time of service, hits been "with the Academy fOr‘BiX years, entering in his“ middle prep’ †year and the others are not far behind, ssthe Class will average ï¬ve years attendance at this school. The elassis remarkable in another way for it is the only class in the history of the 90th whose members have all reached the rank of captain. in fact it is the only clues whose members have all been oom- missioned ofï¬cers. The clses of ’93 has always been considered an espec- iall) good class and the boys of that year are making mines for them- selves. but it ’99 does up well in the world as she has done in the school, ’93 must look to her laurels coxnnuunr rm Ar? ran noun- ~ ' wanna nun-u! mm. The closing week of the ï¬bflh- THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSâ€"LETTER. western Military Academy boon In“ Wednesday and will close with Wed- nesday. June 14. The Inst three den of thin '00} were given up to ï¬nal tannin-ï¬at- in all departments and Wm. Sunday morning, n 10:45, Rev. A: A. Pinnetiehlwm deliver nub. Prel- byterinn ohutéh. the commencement sermon end lddte-tothe senior clue. On Monday the ï¬eld day exercieee will be held-on the campus. All the winners 0‘ athletic events, on thll' occuion, will be presented with bronze medals and this. together with some clean feeling, is expected toresnlt in some gqxl records. A great deal of interest is shown in the possible result at the the mile road ace and the swimming nee. The sports will begin pr'omptlyht 2 p.m. On Tuesday, June 13th, at l p. m. the literary exercises will he held in the drill hall. . On this occasion Captains Chidester, Lorna: and Wis- sing, the orator: for the senior class, will deliver'orations and at the close of the exercises, Col. Davidson; the superintendent, will present the di- plomas to the members of the class. Immediately following the literary 'exerdses the military exercises, in- cluding battalion, . company, shbre. bar bell and whicycle drill, guard mount, battalion parade,will be giv- en on the drill grounds, closing With competitive drilL- At this time the drill, scholarship, department, perk man-hip and other prize winners will bejannouneed and handsome. gold ‘medale‘ presented to them. ‘ The seniors will also receive from the hands of the commandant their corn- missions frorn Gov. Tanner making them‘ lieutenants in the I. N. o. The public is cordially invited to all of the above exercises‘ ï¬nd, we hope that many 0! our people can avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing the boys on Tuesday after- noon ht leaet, but any and all the exercises will be interesting. At 5:39 p. on, on‘ Tuesday the alumni miation will hold their annual humus: in the mesa hall and at 8:30 p. m., thoaanualaenior 'hop’ mu bum in the drill hall. The formér of these events is open only to the alumni association and choir goat- and we mm to an that. holding and: of inflation. AtB p. 111.. to. will [be hand on the lawn to guests Irbm I diam cnd Tuesday night the corps o! co- (kt-will go into camp on the lawn loath of the mall hall thereby vmt~ tug their rooms, which will he turned over, to their pun-ont- nnd friend- tor occupancy. Qn Wodnaduy morning the boy- will pack their trunk! and turn over to the qurbmutor all gamma». link or mdemy property which they my have had in their poo-el- siun and than Bathing will be 10“ of “no school your of ’98 9 but the hand- shakes nod good byei and than â€"â€" bone and the nation. r The boys have worked hard during the past year and have earned a good mt this "tumorâ€, so -that theylmuy be able to enter upon their work next full with renewed energy. It is a matter of note that a very large per- centage of the student!- have engag- ed their rooms for next year and present indications the Academy will see the largest percentage of old 'boys'baclt- next year and also the largest sttendanoe in the history of the institution. ‘ ‘ omce : Fletcher Block. Tom 78. Succmw Dr.0 ltFemnid. Tokpll'om No. .0. Ofï¬ce and flu. Huxhlmd Hotel. Bonn: ‘ ‘ ll 5. m. to I! 111. W Part. III. 8m 5 pan. , nouns ("yawn .DR. H. H. BOULTER. LLOYD M. BEIGEN, MD. John Av... opp. Divot. pi. FBAIKUI 0‘. WESGDTT. RIC. I'HGHWOOD- Dr. Frank M. 111231139 DRE. C. M Promuml n pannsr. Denial. Highland Park. "Mama. . 93mg! now