During the put!" (bye 3 number of bicycles“ have Mpelred very mysteriously. Thuredey eftembon It. A. E. Wiekhem’e wheel weeni- en from the reerolone o! the atom. ‘l‘hunday evening Ald. Vea Ripe: dleoovered that he Wee Inlnoe hie iton steed which b Ind 16“ ouhlde of Relen a Beker’e and. up in the lumber yerd did!“ He in company with Mr. Arthur Buyehed gone in the oï¬oefor minutee end when they returned were very much surprised to ï¬nd the wheel gone. They were informed by Mr. A. G. KoPherIon that he had noon 3 rather euepieioue looking choreoter trying to ride I. bicycle north near Hr. Sehwlrs’e midenoe end that it might pouihiy he Kr Von Riper'e wheel. Err Ben-ye rushed over to , the Northweetern railroad saying he would try and heed him 9!. He mounted I hand car which had been need during the dey by seine section men end started north toward High wood and u it is down guide moot of the way he madevery good time. man: may!" Arriving in Highwood he side-track» ‘ ' ' ed the our and etirted for the main roadfwhere he lay ‘in ambush for the coming thioï¬awhereooamdehie appearance. Mr. Basye jumped out on him very unexpectedly and dealt I A him several biotin which knoehed ' him ofl the bicyelu He then inform ed his victimith’nt it might be well ' for him totake a few lessons before attempting winds-away ' with an; other wheel. Mr. Baaye‘brought the wheel. down to thePark and: gave it . to Mr. Van Riper, who it is needless to say, was my much panget it back. - _ People have been too carelm with their bicycles; almostevery night one can see them standing Won porches and Under treen- It in a wonder that there are not more scaled aooGWorkdmcmum. $19 to Boston and Return. Vja Nickel Plate Road, August lilth and 12th. Good returning for are rivalat initial starting point act later than August 3lnt._ Write General Agedt, 111 Adams 0%, Chicago, for particulars and Ikeplng our accom- modations. TEE SHERIDAN BOLD NEWS-LETTER. summmui C nun: thumucmu: Mrs. E. J. Wukh of St Louis is visiting a B. Shannon’s. Mr. Kelly and wife of New York are guests at Capt. Bough- m1. Mu. DeHarte Ind daughter, who have been viuting Mrs. 001. Coolidge for none time, have re- The Park monke . familiarly known as “H‘ 11 Mike,’.’ will be nfled ofl aednesday evening. when the Highland Park ï¬remen picnic will he held. _- -‘__, run} éâ€; a ï¬ner, 'c m St SITUATION WANTED -. A. girl. Beat of réferences. Paul city age;nt Mr. nurse Will Cook, yEï¬ 8.33011. 8. agent of Apply to 205 East Central ave. ., Buflalo, and Mr. Bert Brandt: G. Higth Park. N. mlroad agent, visitad with Mr Whitslnr over Sunday. > Mr. Daniel J Brady has Eur- chased the residence oyf Mr. 8 onâ€" Icy, West of the track, which he will occupy at once. Mr. Shou- ley will move our on the 0., M St. Paul line,‘_ where he i_s em- ployed. K ‘ The; viilage' of Eightymd atlast is to have a ï¬re department,»$50 for, purpose of“ uipment having beenjppmptis j by the council at, its) megting “last Monday eve. ning. TWO companies have been organized, and uniforms have been Ordered and are now ready forjde- A dome is now being erected at the Park entrance 'which will re- gemblgthat of the administration "bnfldihg‘ of World’s Fair fame. The fenca is‘ being treated to a fresh coat of péint of , q‘ delicgte color, and when‘ completed the Park front. willfptesent the , most attractive artistic eflect on the North Shore. Fort Sheridan can now boast of a steam laundry ry, one having bean opened by J. L. Smith 111 t e 01d Highwood. Fort Sheridan. Pioneer Store. Mr. W is a hustler, and inces- goén 1N! him. . noon for Fort Myer, Va. - “ Dr. Woodmfl, Into of Ft. Shad- idnn and now stationed 1t San Francisco, has been ordered to Mnnilln. Major Geo. O. Webster baboon. ordered to San Francisco, where he will be retired on account of age limit. _ L troop, now under order! for mun. will leave on or about the 10th of August. They will take B troop horeea with them. All the horses will be shipped' in about a week. a [All items under the than headings. Includ In Simmons wanted. Help Wmud. but. Found. Eu... 3 Cam guru-m Special wane- mdeknow’nonnppucaflon u thin 099.“)! more than one lonem'oq.) ’ FOR SALEâ€"By H. C. Sampson, Central avenue, furnace with pipes registers etc. A large heating stove bath tub. Buggy or road wagon. WANTED~ Furnished houses, narth lake Shore to rent, summer months. Eav’e up licence, Owner!!- please repiy .in tail. E., N. Weart Co. IIIDearbom at. WANTEDâ€"Girl for general hamp- work. Addre’es P 0 box 240, Highland Park. office Phone I 30. 1910 Maple Avenue. A. 8. ALEXANBER. I. D. 0.. V. S. Len: nutmeg .. Teiephone m. U N D I ITII I." 1578 anle avenue 2 3‘ FOR SALE. T0 RENT. PM in Chicago Vegerlnary Cgliege. 'ixjï¬smm m g « UNDERTAKEI. nvnnston mummy tie-Pitt'- EVdflflOll NW“. C 'I men will lam. very wwmyxsmnw :Tele Iione 2m. 1016 Bath Street. summon. Ill. EVANSTON EVANSTON‘