be printed in a neat pamphlet form, and» that a copy be sent to each club member,‘ ( additional copies may. be secured fromthe corresponding stic- 'retary on payment of ï¬fteen céntelv) Through-the interest and don rteey '01 the board of managers , of ‘ “ The Highland Park’s Young Men’s Club†“The Highland 'Park Woman’s Club†bee/been enabled to secure a home. It ie their purpose to take down the. partition, separating the two home, formerly known as the billiard room and the gymnasium, thus making a good sized hall, with comfortable seating capacity for a hundred peo~ ple. It is the club’s intentionto hold at intervals of two weeks (beginning in October) a series of evening meetâ€. inge of a literary and musical char- acter; to ’thwe meetings all ciub women (“through an unwritten law l | A temporary chairman and secre- tsry were chm. the gathering be. some n business man and “The Highland Park Womens’ Club†urns orgsnhsd. The oï¬eers it elected are: President. Laure Dayton Fes. eenden; lst Vice President. Bertha -~ Biker Green; 2nd Vice President, Zelina Look Brown; Corresponding escretary, Minnie Dooley; Renaulln‘g secretary. Hattie Davis Lang; Treas-. urer, Jennie Forrest Sampson. Since the ï¬rst business meeting of the club, the omcers with the com.- mittee appointed by the club for the securing of a club room, have held two sessions and at a called meeting of the eluh’nt the residence of Mrs. Frederick Fischer ( chairman of the committee on rooms) the board of oflicers‘were‘able, through the re- cording sseretery, to present for the clubs’ ï¬nalta‘pprovel and ratiï¬cation, a calendar for 189971.900, which in- clude: the order of business, ,nlub . meetings, study class arrangement, synopsis of the entertainment course and the bylaws. It has been decided by The Highland {Peri Womans’ Club. that the clubs’ calendar, shall 1 ‘. A Ila-ting mlufled at the resi- dance of n... B; A. Feaseudeu ofo deahgapumber the 5th. auxo p. m., for the purposdof considering the fuming of i woman's club. in the city of Highland Park. "’9 "WM Park Woman’s Club. rm: 811mm» u now NEWSâ€"LETTER The program for the ensuing year. will, (through the courtesy of the editor of the Summit Bow ’Nsws- Lmsn) be printed in full after the "calendars have been phhlished and a notice of each â€literary meeting ‘will be published in the ' NzwsoLqun a week before its oecuranee; The ï¬rst paper of the'course will be on Ireland essayist, Miss Kate Stoddard, princi': pan] of the Highland Park grammar school. - All who ’ were fortunate enough to hear‘Miss Stoddaid’sscbo- larly and charming paper on Du Maurier, will appreciate what a treat is in store for The Highland Park Woman’s Club and its friend4. Miss Stoddard visited Irélsnd two or three years ago, so that What she tells will be derived from her personal know- lege and experience. As an attrac. tive setting to this “evaning in [rm . land,†Miss'Oetherine MeNulty , has consented to sing ‘ some Irish folk songs and a Quartette from St Marys’ church choir-hill render several na- tional ballads. ‘ ‘7‘ ‘ liberty to take part in the discussion by In doing adding to the interest of the evening. The dueeol the High- land Perk Women’s Club are one dollar a year; the qualiï¬cation- for membership are character and intel~ ligenoe. The club does not consider or quation such distinctioneu two, color, religion or politics. To the women of Highland Park, The'Wo- man's Club of Highland Park opens its [doors and ell those 1| who care to†cross the threshold have but to lift their eyes to see Salve ( welcome ) 'written upon the lintel for them. It seems needless to suggest the object of each an organization; but for these who my eel: the answer is found in nrticie one, of the club’s lay-laws. “The Highland Park Women’s Club†has for its objects, reform, education, _ home, art, literature and ‘philan- thropy. ' are prim-god to invite their, lunv bandsyor' their big brother; and any 'olub 390w may include a M; by the â€mat of too cosh-to the treas- um or mrmpwding weary. No boa-inoc- will be transacted at literary Wings, and it is the desire of the club flint at the conclusion of each piper the man present will feel at liberty to take part in the discumiun “1% The Ladies? sewing’sociely ’of the Swedish M. E. church will hold an auction Septemlier 30th. Refresh ) menu will be served; also music anda singing. Everybody is welcome. -Mr. and Mrs. Sackaie of Park spent the Sifbbath w Mary Zimmn at." 1‘ club, that Vine avenue should be 0 nod across the railroad. Mr. DEECul'longhndmitted the neces- sity of a arming. at Vine avenue, and told his interviewers to have~ a petition signed by all the golf‘ members, and also said that he Would see that the petition was given to, the‘ enginoering depart- ment of his company: for-an esti- mate of the expensés to put in a subwa ,umier tho tracks. If Mr, McCullough ï¬ndait necessary for thelcitize’us of the Park to sign a general petition he will no notify Park residents; ' This is not the ï¬rst time Mr. MoGuilbngb has about: himself ready to use his in- fluence to aid Highland‘l’atk, (and it is safe to say everyone will up- ( .reciate his Kindness." ' ’ ' To Open Vine Am A number of the mothers of the ExmoorGolfcIubreoentl saw Mr. McCullough of the. lanth- western Railroad ‘00., and ex- plained to him the universal wish of the people of the Pout, us well as of the members of the gulf- ClUb, that Vine avenue nhnnltl Ln It ie’hOped that the “Highland Park Woman’- Club†will, havein Ste mheuhlp all the women of High. lend Park who have the hire to be. long. It moot he distinctly" hem in mind'thet to be e member of the elnhduee not mean that one must write a paper. lead e etudy clone or take part in e M. When one stopeto con-iderthat thevprognm for the entire you bu been arranged and unsigned it will. be none that for a twelve month et leaet. no one not already named will he asked to con- tribute any part to the literary even- ing or morning at'vly oleeeee. The omoere of “The Highland Park Wo- man'e Club†will take individual pleasure in answering any questions concerning the club that may boneh- ed them and it in hoped that this full report may inducemeny women from all parts of our city to apply' for membership. ‘