m w. R. swing ï¬nd family have gone to town to spend the winter: Mrs. George Frufloalledu a Lake Forest friéndu Wed!) y. Charles Dean moved his family to Kenmha this week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E 1 again occupying thei home. . H. R. Moduliou‘gh has returned from a two weeks’ visit in New York. Wm. Weller, unistnnt station ngeut, in enjoying a vacation trip to Wisconsin. John Gordon has leased the Thorpe store and will conduct a ï¬rst class Store therein. _ Dr. Waltexf Curry, an alumuis of L. F. U., was the guest of Wm. Anderson’ over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anbréy Warren' of Oak Park spent the week at the home of Mrs. Wm. Warren. Mrs. David Waugh and Miss Marian Waugh of Denver are via- iting Mrs. Charles Pratt Marian'Waugh of Denver are us- iting Mrs. Charles Pratt. Lake Forest University was ereditably represented in the Chic- ago Day parade. ‘ Miss Nellie Collins of bhicago was the guest of Miss Ryan. dur- ing the week. ' Mrs. Cyrus H. McCoi'm’sck at. teï¬ded the breakfast given in honor of the President and Mrs. McKin- ley at the’ Chicago Woman’s Ath-‘ letic club Tuesdey morning. The North Western footâ€"ball team came to Lake Forest Wednee- ‘ day to playla practice game with Miss Fanny Matthews spent the the “ends.†The principal feature week in Chicago in attendance at 0f the game was the expulsion the festival gaieï¬eg. . ‘ - from the grounds of some of the V _ .' yieitors who persisted in smoking _ The pew K P lodge orgamwï¬l cigarettes contrary to rules. The new K. P. lodge organized here held initiatory exercises at Blackler’s Hall Thursday evening. A petition is .being circulated asking the city council to grant a franchise to the Waukégan Gas Co. Miss Grace Taylor attended the semi- annual reunion of the Lake county Christian Endeavor Union at Gnmee last Saturday. 4 The Misses Jaéksan and Star brooke, whdwere ~the guests of Mrs. Wm' Andfews during the summer, have returned to their home in England. The building known. for many. years past as ï¬ealy’a Hall, has been converted into a church by our, Methodist brethren and 'will henceforth be known as. Gospel Hall. ' . ' . 12 8. Wells are air Lake Fart-sf -mwwv _. mam. um»; ‘ *Dr. J. 3. Walker and many, he: town home Toad-y. a r a who occupied the Wells piles dur- delightfui summer in Lake Forest. in; the summer, have gone to tho ' - city for the winter. to the city last week, and Dr. Otto Mutter, who committed French and family are mica more suicide in H' hwood Tuesdaymns at home at the “Maples.†a former moi nt of Lake Forest - ‘- . H- ‘4“: 3.. and was well known here. Henry ‘Laneuter was tgied L in the circuit court Tuesday and ï¬ned 8100 and committed m if“ (or g?- sisting a Gordon. The Pools cloud their summer house this week and returned to town. The Buckingham: also have opened their town house {or the winter. ' The annual election of ofï¬cers takes place at the Onwantsi‘a club Tuesdayevening. Mr. John Hanna is the {Morita candidate tor presi- dent. Mrs. Fred Weiss met with a painful accident last Saturday,nnd in 00 i. , nenw isluid up with "a disloea , shoulder blade beside many Slighter injhries. ‘ At the meeting of the ~Wia¢0ï¬g sin Presbytérian‘ Synod held this week at Ashland, ‘it was proposed to unite the several Presbyterian educational‘institutions . of that state to the Lake Forest Univer- sity. - The‘ plan however, was re- jected, as Lake Forest University is “ too aristocratic to ‘be a Pres- byterian college.†. The foot-ball game between the ’Vars'tty team and a picked team of alumni which was played on the campus last Saturday, brought many old timers to town. The game was hotly contested by both aides and ï¬nished with a score of 0~â€"-0; So ever body was happy and feasted a toasted each other at a banquet given to the visiting alumni at the Art Institute in the evening. The ï¬re departmGht was called out Tueedc afternoon by an alarm sent from yron L. Smith’aplace; The ï¬re thich broke out .in the laundry mqnickly extinguished by employel about the place and I8 fa: he the valiant ï¬re muggy n K was concerned it might have a “the alarm.†The Reds and Blues eyed I practice game last Satu y as n pmiiminary to the aeriea of match- ed games to he played next week with the polo teamof the SLLuuie Country Club. The team selected to represent Montana is compos. pd of. F. J. Mackay. Walter Far- well, M. J. Kirkman and Walter Keith. Dr, Fï¬atcher has left for a two __ weeks’ trip in the east, to visit re-‘ 7 latiï¬es. Winnetka has long needed some kind of public light and any, kind will seem good. . hifllï¬uliï¬uï¬iï¬ï¬ it. .‘I.’ Don’t fail to attend the lectures. ‘Mr. Totten is able to be out of doors. . ' Work upon the electric light plant is progressing rapidly, On Thursday afternoon, Oct.19th, the Woman’ 5 Society will meet with Mrs. Hyde. The Wom’au’ a Foreign Missionary society met this week Thursday from 3 to 5 o clock with Mrs. Dowd. flbfliï¬iifll Iv Iii Oiliï¬ill. Winnetka. ' 3. Mr. Carlton Prouty and Robert B McConnell are at’ Camp Lake. Wis†on a two weeka’ hunt. Prepara your- self for roast (Yuck. It hardly seems pomlble that any Wilmette member of the Township High school board woyld so disre- gard the wish of the people an to try in any way. to delay a high school. Yet there is.