The onbminmt mitt“ of the Highland Park Club announci- that it has "and {or a «do: a! nix lee-tuna by Pro!» W D. “lin- v “(K of the UIIIVOVI“, 0! Ohm“ . puseut mum wit! mm 2.4“). and t loom" I“! he ' rtuightlyon Toad†«en'- ‘Emmgh October, Wombat. ~ mr and a ppm of ‘ January. , wral subject of the Motel ...-~smdies in Fiction.†under maul!) of: Oct. 24. (1) 8'0le in \zI AM}! Life. NOV. 7, (2) no 010- Im-lnt of Plot in ï¬brin. NOV; 21,(3) Character Drawing ill-Stories. Doe. 5, (4) Narration, Description. Dia- logue and Author’ a Comment. Dec. Ii), (5) The Romance end the Novel. Jan. 2, (6) The Functionsof Fiction. A syllbus of the course, containing an outline of each lecture, for the convenience of those desiringto read in.sdvance, can he had at any time from the steward of the ' club house on payment of ten cents. These lec- tures are open to all club members free, andto those who are not mem- bers of the club, two dollars for each person for the entire six lectures. The ofï¬cers of the Relief and Aid Society of Highland Park rejoice with al' the citizens bf the city that so much work has been furnished for every one during the entire summer and (all. We have studied the mat- ter carefully «end with no ‘other mn- tive‘than the good of all concerned, we no noexcuee for any man - not to ehppoyt his family. Therefore as a society we do not consider it necesâ€" sary to ask for fundathis fall to carry on the‘work The oï¬oe‘rs or any member of the Society will be- -glnd to 11de with or help in any way pouihle any peregnu needing advice to make the best use of what they have or help them to better their condition At the rehearsal of St Mary’ a choir last Tuesday evening, it was decided to hold the sacred concert' In aid of the Organ fund, on Sunday owning, Nov. 5th. in St Mary’ 3 church, at the hour at eight o’clock. An admission of 50 cents for lady and gentleman will be charged. Mrs. S. R. Bingham visited in the Purl: last week. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSâ€"LETTER. Mr. andMu. Charles Everett are occupying their new hon: on Can tn! “cone. That. will be a'dnnoo at thoBiglb had 1’»; Club house Saturday oven lug. Iii.- Ednn Morgan 0! Chicago will spend the month of Dabber with friend! in the Park. Kr- and Mrs. Schultz have closed their Shoridan‘road bean and gone to Chicago for the winter. Mr. and Mn. P. A. Montgomery have cloned “Crows Nest" and gone to their old home “Belmont,†Sheri- datum“. .The sale of the Corey house on Port. Clinton ave, is reported to Mr. Cnmpbell of Chicago and the Camp- bell honae to Mr. Rubens. Mrs. Daniel P. Sheahen is spend- ing a few weeks _with friend}; and relatives iq Oaxï¬eld, Wis. Mrs. Geo. Healer aooohpanied her. ‘ The Misses Chapman entertained Miss Kate Nelson Cheney and her bridal party at a luncheon on Tues- day.†Miss Millard entertained on Wednesday. If any one can invent a noise and smoke consume: for our electric light plant be will confqr a lasting bless- ing on a long sufl‘ering public. Mr. Schultz" 8 driver is quite a worthy nineteenth century Paul Re- vere, judging from his many , daily tripe up'and down Sheridï¬n road mounted on a flying steed. ' The marriage of Miss Kate Nelson Cheney and Mr. Harrison Ludington' Van Scha'ick was quietly celebrated on Thursday noon at‘ the residence of Mr and Mrs; C. C. Cheney. Mr. and Mrs. Van Schaick will reside m Asheville, N. C On’Mvonday morning between three and tour. o’clock, burglars entered theWileox house and secured eigh- mandolin“ and a valuable gold Watch. They then placed a ladder against the Coleman house and en- tered the second story wjndow. Here they also got quite a sum of money and escaped without waking anyone They then tried to gain an entrance in Mr. E. H Brown’ 3 house, but Were frightened away and no trace of them has been found. m. and Mrs. J. H. Stipe of Ru- viniu. Ire rejoicing over the Idvont of: baby git! to their home but weak. ‘ ~ m- Jouio Stevens of Chiagohu been visiting for the past week with line Myth Sweotland. The Hockey skating pond has been deepened and the club will soon or- ganize (or the coming season. Mr. Egan’ s work as manager of the el b greatly helped the organization year, and that Mr Egan will notb'e here this winter is a source of regret to all the club members. It' to a source of great regret to their many friends that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fischer, old resident: of the Park, have sold their beautiful home and will reside in Chicago. Mr. and Mr-l. Fiecher have always been earnest workers for the welfare of the Park, and their lose will bedeep- ly felt. _ John M. Clark, president of the Chicago Telephone 00., A. S. Hib- bard, general manager, J. E. Zeubli'n, general superintendent, and G. Willis Cummings, Highland Park manager, all took'lnneh at Green’s laet Tues~ day. They spent some time looking over the new exchange and were well pleased with the present system. ' The funeral services for Miss Glace Goodridge, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. William Go‘odridge, former residents of the Park. took place at theirho'me in Evaneton on Monday at oneo ’elcck Sorrow 1a deeply felt at the sad takâ€" ing away of one who has endeared herselggo a large circle of friends in Highland Park. The News Lanna hopes to have a sketch of Miss Good ridge’ 8 life 1n its next issue. The NorthShore Chapter D. A. R... held the annual business meet- ing of the chapter at the home of Mrs. Fischer, on last Monday after- noon. The reports of the oflicers indicated ï¬resperity and the annual election resulted as follows: Regent, Miss A. B. La Bar; Vice-regent, Mrs R. W. Patton; secretary, Mrs. G. B. Cummings; treasurer, Mrs. W. 0. Hipwell; registrar, Mrs. S. M. Mil- lard. Board of directors: Mrs. Egan, Miss Barlow; Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Kirk. Membership eommittee: Mrs B. W. Schumaeher. Mrs Thorn, Mrs. Vail, Mrs. Green and Mrs. Carver.