7 Now what I want to know, Mr. , Editor, is, is the above statement - afact‘i Was there sucha petition? ' Arid is it true that the council re- fused to grantthem athearing, but referred them to the. city attorney instead? _ Is it correct that the al- derman fof‘ “the Fourth ward re- fused to consider any improvement except the .one, proposed in an or- dinance passed some years ago? Is it also true that the ,prOperty owners on that avenue, some time last winter,ls_ent to the‘â€council a {similar petition, which was tabled without any consideration? Is it also correct, Mr. Editor, that the property owners on that avenue, without exception, have felt them- selves forced to appeal to the su- preme .court in order, to get a - change made in the proposed pave. ment, taking. out 'a parkway? Will a you also inform theuwriter how ‘ much taxeh in addition to the city attorney’s salary the public have had 'to pay in the “last three or four years' “lawing it". about St. Johns avenue, and Whether this might not all' have been avoided by a more conciliatory method, at 'wthesaggne time giving the...ppblic the beneï¬t of an improved street years ago? The writer is not presuming to know whether these ‘rumors are correct'or to know the merits of the case, but the public at large are beginning to wonder whether there is not something wrong in the matter of St. Johns Edna Sheridan Road New: Letter: My Dear Sir: It is rumored quite extensively that the propert owners on St. Johns avenue. sout of Laurel, at a recent meeth of the city councilâ€"the November meeting. if I mistake ant in to the council a petition signed by all the property owners, end asking the council to give them a hearing in the matter of paving their street, or else a into com- mittee consisting of t e mayor and Aldermen Stubbe, Clmpitt ind Van Biper,‘ to meet with the prop- Uttyownerfl‘and‘ see meme! bom- p'romise “could not be :38de whereby the street might be im. mediately p a v e.d ; ‘ furthermore pledging themselves to pay the money or give bonds that the im- provement should be... promptly paid for. ‘ Communicated. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. avenue and whether the pro rty- owneu are 0: are not justi ed 1n the persistent o itiou they are making to the ogrrdinanoe. Turn“. A game of indoor baseball. will be pliyed at Fort Sheridan Park Sunday afternoon at 2: -30 p. In. East End: n. Triangles of Chi- A plemnt snrpnne party was tendered Edward Huber last Saturday evening. About thirty guests were present and progres- sive euchre enjoyed. the Coming Year ? School I: In Session the Entire Yeo'r. Students soy Enter at boy flue Where will You Attend School REPAIRING A SPECIALTY-“Many yun’ All Vork Gmntud . LAOIES'. OEITLEMEN’S. OHILOREN’S FINE BOOTS ANO SHOES Bought at Brand's Studio at 38% pér cent discount. Eureka Kodak now 01.61. Flexo Kodak. value '05.:00 now 88. 36. Bull’s Eye Kodak. “glue $8.00: now $5.85. Alsoa . ' Gtve us a Ca". Hmuumn Pun. ILLs. The: Best Ohrlstmas Present Thin Indication ofleu to youod people decking a thorounh'. practical educa- tionthe vety beat poaalble advantages. and for lean money m? any other achool In the land. ‘ . â€v ' ~ Before deciding thin Important question. and for catalogue of the North- em Indiana Norms! School und Emine- Colloge, Valpuuuo. Indiana. Then are nineteen depmmenu Ind titty-u; lnntructon. The school In thor- oughly equipped in evety my. Specialists m emaloyed an instructor: In each departymnt. Iothat no mattef what students may .deiil'e to take' they Will be ceruln to and themselves with thonmghly trained lnmu cton. The Tum.- u Slo. on per Tet- Good board and well fumiahed room. .1. 5010 .1. N per week. The accommodation: at these rates are so nusfactory that the lame majority of those who attend avail themselvel ol the advantages thus offered. , For analogue or partlculan, address. Full Line of Photo Materials at Bottom Prices. The Best and one of the Most complctmacka between Evamum Ind Wauke‘nh. is an Eastman Kodak' A. - BLOMDAHL, o. B. BRAIXD, Central Ave. Dealer in - H. B. BROWN.Pnuml:NT.' or 0. P. KleEY. Vx'ct-‘Paumnu'r. BASYB BLOCK. CENTRAL AVE. manuuo PARK. ‘ Mi- Gmoo Rym of Chimgo spout .Snndï¬y with her cousin, Mi- Nellie . Rudolph. Ford Carter had the misfortulw of bmkingahis arm in a football ggmo lat tux-day. W11†0. A. Chapman and (Inn 1 “I! 18“ Thursday for Fluridu ' spend the whiten, ._ Mr. .and M11 B. F. Gnmp Ill returned from atwo weeks’ visit 1 Tenneueé. Mrs, S. P. Brand and Mm. W. Tillman a ntBunday with Rm; and Mrs. boron in'Naperville. Ill_