Will lat-rut Public school Children. Emm- or u: NI'I: The writer wishes to oler two ‘prizes to the two heat answers to the above questions by any students in the public schools of Highland Park. The ï¬rst prize shall causist of any $2.50 book which the winner may select. 'The second prize shall con- sist of any 81.25 hook which the winner may select. The prizes shall he awarded by a committee of three nominated by the president of the M“ Education: All answers must he put in writing and sent to the News olï¬oe not later than Feb. 28th. in a sealed emelope. Each indent will hand in his or her true name on a card enclosed in the same envelope, but not sign the name to the answers. The envelopes will be numbered . consecutively and each card numbered to correspond but the committee will not be allowed to see the cards. '8. If for ï¬vo terms wére they both with the Same president? . 9. Did any 'one over fail of elec- tion by the electOral college? _If so, who and When? 1‘." How iu‘the vice president of the Unitoé 8km elected 1’ 2. How was he formerly eleéted r 3. If-he tamed the presid'entis he 1'0:in prenident or only acting presi- dent? 4, In .aither case does anybody succeed him as vice president? 5. How many vice presidential terms have we bgd incur «institu- tional history? 6. How many diflerent persons have ï¬lled the 0300? V '7'. How many haveï¬lled it for two terms and who? 10. Did any 9f the vice‘preeideuts We: succeedjo the preeidenqy? If so. how may: end who? . , â€11. flow may and 'what vice presi- denï¬â€˜haï¬e succeeded to the presi- deney due to the death of the presi dent? 12. Did my one ever resign We vice presidency to boqome senatbr ? 18. Did any one ever «sign his seat as a sonnet to bqooma vice presi- de‘nt? ' TBI VICE PRESIDENT. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. 14. Ban any vioo-pruidonta died in oï¬oo? If so who? 15.Whut vice president: as still living, i! lay? '16. can vioéprilident be im- peached? If so, how, and who would preside at the trial? v 17.. “It a vice president resign to whom would he tender his resigna- flout The ï¬fth evening meeting of- the Highland Park Woman’s Club was held in the Baptist church on Tuea- day. January 23rd. The auditorium was ï¬lled by an audience who listen- ed to Mn. Van Riper’e paper on Norway with unabated interest from beginning to clone. The eaeayiat in- troduced her subject by giying some charming glimpsed of Norway’ 3 lakes and mountains and then, from the realms of poetry, came downtospeak of cities, towns and social and domesâ€" tic life, educational conditions and the intellectual poise of the far away northland country. Durinnga.‘ Van Riper’a paper Miea Norah Olsen sang “The Mountain Girl’s Sunday.†Miss†Olesen has an unusually beautiful ‘voice that ‘has the added charm of perfect cultivation. . She wore the peasant costume of Norway and made a most attractive picture. She also sang “ Over‘the Lojt'y Mountains †and “A V Norwegian ‘ Mountain Song.†She was accompanied by Mrs. Myer of Chicago The Highland M Woman‘s Club. Miss Sear! of Chicago recited with much “pression. “ The Skeleton In Atmor’ by Longfellow. The plat- form was tastefully decorated with the flags of Norway and those of our mlm country; also beautiful plants and fame. ‘ Thenext study class will be held at the club’s rooms on Tué‘sd‘ay, Feb. 6th, at half past two in tï¬e afternodu. The topic will be J amas'Ruasell Loâ€" well; the; leader, Mrs. Hattie Davis Lain“. ‘ The next regular evening meeting in the course’will be on Washing ton’s birthday. February 22nd. The woman’s club is deairous to have as guests all member-e of the Sons of the American Revolution, or Sons of the Revolution, that may be resii dent: of Highland Park; also all the Quad Army men of this city. Any m of than societies will confer n hm upon the club by leaving Shel! name with Mrs. W. Dooley,the club's secretary. ln thia‘wuy alone will the club be able to send a per Ion-l invitation to each to: the even- ' ing of the 22nd - it. and Mrs. P. A. Montgomery wont to Chicago the midale of last week to remain two or three weeks. Mrs. S. Levin left for Pennsylva- nia on Tuesday. She was called home by the and news of her father’s The young men’s bible class have ie'sued Rev. Pfanetiehl’e sermon on Self Culture in neat pamphlet form, and coping canbe procured of Mr. M. E. Hodson or any other member of the class. The pamphlet makes a valuable and instructive giftto young peopleâ€"particularly those who are away at college. The Sheridan News- Letter Printing 00., have done the work. It is a commendable job. ‘ the U.S.Armyé’lavy,l716-l899 Aflutory FromtbeEnottheREVO- LU'I‘ION lbwn to the Close'ofthe SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. «About {medium t) 111 ted. [analogue bound, 1n m,w .. k -â€"7â€" 7â€"7.-- __-Vv tor only $0.00. One of the most interesting book; ever pubiilhed. 11. describes graphictuy the operational the Amy (1 Navy from 1776 downy) the clone of the 8pm American War. It gives interest! chepeerl on the Army, how they ere fed, c , paid and genenliy cared for. The amnion-American WM" every military and “VS! 0 1103 described 11 %eu3' AD- um: 3 mm. In!“ Admin! Sunn- m'l official of the ection oï¬ â€˜Sentiego etc. 17: m thin book ourselves. an add $0 the can of minim and workmanship am one emaillproflt, which embiea us to Omar it n. th mmhh y magma. ’it contain- 43 1 full- of xt. 133(218 inches; m um edge. prinwd on (IRE! if}?! ï¬Tï¬EWtEï¬â€"K 3333:51th 'dn extn envy, velvet mush book Jasper, made gumprnqmq pnbllqgthmqng youa‘djngno- brown: W and, color nu Wfli'ï¬ï¬ï¬f out W In â€china “0.00.0: bye:- - «mama n mmorfuo th eoxderuefldenceofgggd thmu WM mv «not Order once 0 am In an opg'ortunlty It. a will not up“; be afotded by my publishing â€girlie Werner Company Is lhomnghly rollnblu ]â€"- (or. V