The members of $ho' Highland Park ï¬re department bomb: with to thank Mr. and Mn. Edward Lning for their kind hospitality and thoughtfuluem in throwing n their home and sol-vi hot 00 ea add lunch to the tire addict during the ï¬re at the Holmes outagea Mré. Laiiig may rest assured that her not of kindness will not soon be forgotten by the thoroughly wet. and nearly frozen ï¬remen. Himmxn Pm F43: Du. per Joseph Fromm. It... 30...! 5...! IIQCIO‘. 5 i i Highwood, MU. Gil... IQIIO O Iiiï¬ï¬iï¬ilï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ Mrs. Duï¬s, on Bloom street; is very ill. Little Ester Hicks has been ill with pneumonia. Miss Mabel Gray was a' visitor in Highwoog/hst Wednesday. With the spring comes politics, and the two parties now being formed will be watt bed with great interest. ’ . . 7 Miss Margaret Laudt is visiting with Miss Bell. Miss Laudt will go to Europe in Api'il to be gone for a year or more. On Friday evening, March 2, Mrs. Nelson Mowers, assisted by Mrs. B. O. Fritsch will entertain the Sewing Circle and _ their friends . ' The rinterior of the M. E. Church has all been cleaned. and the marks made by the eggs thrown at the temperance lecturer by some of the saloon" friends have been obliterated. ' . ~ On Sunday eveniugM r. rJames Sheridan was gathered to. "his, fathers" after "a severe illness uf two-weeks. Mr. Sheridan was one of Highwood’s “early settlers, and 10m 9b three. sons and two daugh- télms ’ The reaper death has been busy in H1ghvmod this last week. J9 ï¬rst claimed Mrs. H. ..S hail’s 1111.,1thqr fdmiliarly kxiown .as "giandmaï¬ " who died Wednesday Mrs. B. O. Fritséh enter- .ninbd tlw the {Sewing Circle last . r. THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. Thur-dag Iflenmon. After the baninad m disposed of a pro; gram-nu rendered. one»: the features was the singing of “Old John Brown†by the Sewing Cir- clt Miss Adams sang. Several of the ladies read pelections. and with a little music the afternoon passed very pleasantly. After coffee and calm the ,meeting ad- journal. The Sheldon family were given quite a scare on ï¬nding one of. their moms up stairs on ï¬re. The Highwood ï¬re department re; sponded very ‘quickly, but Mr. Sheldon bad quenched the tire before the department could he of any assistance. ‘ ‘ V alent'me’ a Day was celebrated by the Misuse Bell 1n the form of a large party, in which some 40 young people participated. A valentine box. games and dancing were indulged in. Adainty sup- per to complete the p’rogmm, and the wee small hoursâ€, had come before any one thought seriously of going home. The Misses Bell are charming hostesses, as we all know. Mrs. Frank Fritsch entertained the Baking Circle on Washing- ton’s birthday. After the busi- ness meeting Mrs. Holahird read alstory of a Southern darky, and it was very much onjoyéd. The usual lunch followed and was as usual done justice to. There will be no afternoon meeting next Week. Lehmder McCormick 01111 of the brothers of the late Cyrus H. M1 Cormick. 1111111 Tuesflay in Ohi- cam) of pneumonia. Hé was 81 years old †The McCormicks put the grain 61111d hay growers of America and the World indeed, under 11111rla3ting obligatiuus by {hair invention of 11111 reaper 111111 mower.Th11y were the pioneers, 111111 “1011011 11th11rs follotved they blazed the way; He was. 11 Vil- ginian by birth, and came toï¬Chi- Czago in 1348. " Presideptflflbgan of Highwuod has rsent “gnome co'piégs of far-off Manila papers‘of the holiday time. One, the “Freedom,†is a}12 page affair about the ’size'o‘f the ‘f‘Evening Journal.†prihted on light-weight paper in pica type. It is fun o£,.news about the war. Among its editorial nuggets of window is the fullm\ mg: *"Thu-rv in no question that a girl ucwr hushâ€- many dolls, and that a woman nawr has ion many dollars. The letter he! may also apply to man†’flin (allow ads of Wimdmg m. but biggest and most numerous of all are American whiskey and bin! ads. wanbly WI ha! Mil. loom to the square mile “Bu Iny town uudet the old flag ' yuan IIâ€. Imuu uiquiI iilliiiatilniimi u. Ouu¢i The Oriental Club Will givqa lit- Grainy and musical entertainment nt Forester’a Hall- 0n the evening of Feb. ‘28. J mph Shvppurs bu rented Frank Parcgell's green house and in getting ready to open business; in the spring. The Whit Ribbon Club. an or- ganization ofyoung girls, will give a fancy dress party at Blackler's'Hall on the ewnipg of February 27th. The Bradleys moved to tuwn this week. It is not likely thatkhej'wfll return'td Forest. until the new home now‘in contem platiou is 'cmripletaed. 01d friends and neighbors of Mfs. Joseph O‘Neil ai‘e glad to learn that she intends returning .to liar old home in Lake Foyest. after several years amence, James Ga'x‘mon, Sn, accompaiiied his sou. M. E. H. Gannon, who has been his guest for the‘ past two weeks, to‘his home†at. Philipsburg, Montana. They/left Thursday Mr. Gannon,will wemï¬iu vwesflt until- spring! .» ., ~ 5 J The younger members of the Gath- all: Women FOmsters entertainad tlleir friemis at a Martha Washing- tonJea, party on Thursday evening. The young ladies were all ‘lncolon- ial costumés. and the whole scene‘ was {neat quaint and pictureéque. It was with the most'v‘profoundprem gietth‘at the news of the days“) of Mr Leander McCormick was“ re- ceived in Lake 1' Great- on Tuesday morning. For inany years past. Mr. McCormick has been closely identi ï¬ed v‘vitb‘ Lake Fotest life and in- tereata; and he will ‘be generally miséed whpu Spring brings the city {maple back to their summer bombs. Lake Forest.