Câ€.â€I"UOâ€OIIWVC“ mmuuuca “0...“..0'IO: Lumwmupuu nu mum:uum¢u: Petition of Reuben Shah: -and othen (or a ddewelk on Vernon be. tween Jackson end Madison Street nadnlley. ‘ Oleecoe m Adjourned meeting April 7th. Pipers presented and referred as follows: . Letter from L. H. Loyd regardlng crossing over C. k N. W. Ry. at Haw- thorne avenue. '8. and A. Letter from O. R. Barnett, Soc'y. Board of Education. advising Board will make contest in court for old school house. Fin. and J udc'y, ‘ Letter from F. J. Gage. asking damages for. encroachment on“ his lot at Hubbard at. by 'workme‘n of C. h M. E. By. S. and A. Petition 0! J. B. Meany and others praying Council ’to order an election to submit the question of surrender iug village charter and organizing under general law. Bill of M. T. Culver, 820,105“! services in injunction suit. regarding old school house, presented and al lowed Bi“ presented by commissioners who prepared assessment for contem- plated improvemtmt on Park avenue some two or three years ago, $200. was taken up on motion of Park and referred to F. and’J.‘ ‘ Bond of George'Dietrich. St. (30m- missioner, $300,C. E. Warner and C. M. Dennis aunties, presented and referred to F. and J. Village Hall â€"~- Lundquiï¬t, Hm; 'ford. Park. President announced standing committees: " Finance [and Judiéiary â€"â€"- Orde, King, Hurford.. ’ l Streets and Alley- King, Lund quiet, Orde. Taxes and Aase’ssmentkflurford, Park, King. ’ Fire and Water â€"â€"- Park, Orde, Lundquiq. _ Ordinance designating Board of Local Improvements, «â€" Park, King, and President, â€"â€" was passed. Lewis H. Cox reappointed Treas met, with bond of 815,000. 10 (ileum Department . . THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTE“. John Joni nemployed to light Will)!†It 35 cent} per lamp ‘p‘kwoth.’ Manon adoptâ€! requiring SM Commissioner to act under “pavilion of Committee S. and A. and {Men to incur any expense without? approval of chairman 0' that committee or of President. thk unison-ind, in Consultation with sweet oomminiouer. to purchase ear-load 0! “not lumber. Adjourned to 12th. Miss Annie Harry has .boon ill with In grippe. Miss Minnie Home is out again after a siege offla grippe. Him-I Throckmorton of Michigan City is the guest of Mrs. Charles Shawl I , ' Ill-(Henry White, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is comm! escing Little Isabel Judd entertained a number of her little friends Tuesday alternoou. Mthase of Port Austin, Mich, was the gueSt of__'Mra. M W. Darling the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson of Leon, N. Y., ‘ are the. guests of Mrs. B. Newhall. home Monday from a “"99 weeks loyally supportéil by our citizams. visit in New YorkCity and Toledo.- -The"Women’s Guild held its, an- nuél meeting in the church parlors Tmngdï¬y afternoon at 3 o’clock. Tw'énty-eigixt ladies were present. The ofï¬cers elected for the coming year were ‘as follows: President, Mrs. U. B. Kletzing; vice- president,- Mrs. Arthur Day; second vice-president; Mrs. John H. Winslow; secretar), Mrs. R. D. Coy; treasurer. Mrs. Becker. During the guild year which, begins the ï¬rst Tuesday in October and ends the second Tuesday in April 154 garments Were completed. The treasurer 8 report shows moneys receivedduring the year, $236.36: moneys expended: 8229.00, leaving Mrs. W. H. Johnson returned tub-knead 87.“) md coma ofld can“. . Ilia line Lyon upont the Sub- buh with Mia- Mmdow. ' Mr. Pierce of Toronto we. I guest at Mr. C. H. Whitolur’e the pent week. Abbie Lanyou, I dome-ï¬e pt Mr. John Panning’m'hal been 'vory ill with pneumonia She is improving. Rev. E. W. Darling’n subject for Sunday evening. April 15th, is “000"." In address to the young people. Beatrice, tlie little dau‘ghtér of Thomas-King,is ill with typhoid lent. At last reports: she was do- ing well. - All kinds 0! watches, clocks, jew- elry and np‘octaclea’ repaired I'. Schnei- der Cook's, telephone exchange store, Wiunatka. All work warranted. On Wednesday, April 1111:. Annie W.. daughter of Mr. Ferdinand Hols-to. was married to Mr. Edward D. LandWehrlnf Sbermervilla. They will reside in Shermerville. Tho'election for school ofï¬cers is drawing'uear, and 'as far as can be ascertained then? is only one ticket. To create an interest in this election and ,drilw out the votes there should be'ahother ticket in the ï¬eld. The Glencoe Volunteer Fine De‘ parlzuient _ announce their. second grand ball for May 3d. The Chica- go Orchestra will be in attendance. The boys who are members of our volunteer lire department should be MD! A. M TIPTON' Registered Pharmacist.‘ V Pure Chemicals, " Patents. Conlcctioncq, . Cigars and School Supplia Puhiic Ray Tele hune. Prompt Messenger and “very Servxce. J. HARRY. Prop. Park Ave" One Block West of the depot. - (:IJSNCOE ' Tsnamoxn 213. Chicago Phone M 8965. Human-2. PARK BROS. 8: BEGGS. GLENCOE DRUG STORE. GLENCOE HOTEL, Telephone Ho. 5, Glancoc. PLUM-fl. HH‘AOO