umwmg A few of our eeleet (ï¬end- know that we have a weakness for Vermont and apeak of the name on very rare occasions. Some years ago in meet- ings of farmers in New England w‘e used to hear the sturdy tillem of the soil on that “stern and rock-bound coast†talk about nieing'gtheir own corn and no free themselves from the grinding oppressivemo‘nnpoly of the westetn farmers who shipped theft corn by the ear load t6 e‘very little depot in'all that eastgérn lend. We sympathised With the prairie farmers, fearing lest Neil! ‘ England go into maize raising and kill 0! the business of their brethern in Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska and Illinois. _Alter coming west some_years ago we ï¬g- ured out the matter with the follow- ing result as to the corn crops that one year, comparing the product of all the six New England states with the yield of a single county in our own state of Illinois. The ï¬g- ures are for bushels raised that year in each state and In that one county as taken from oï¬icial reports Maine. ..w â€......w “-....." 380,662 New Hampshire..-_.._.--.-._;..... 988,808 Vermont ..._._--..-._.._..--n.....-..e.l,7m,688 Massachusetts..._._._..s.-...“..._....l330.101 Connecticut ._ ._._.-_.-.......l ,47 l ,979 Rhode Island .................. 253.810 One Illinois cbnnty .._:.........10,869,4l7 That is to shy, McLean county in this state; that was a bowling wilder- ness for two hundred years after New England engaged in the business of raising corn and baking beans raised in one year near the close of the 19th century 4,743,371 more' bushels of corn than ‘all New England combined Int does not seem possible, but the United States oï¬jcial reports put it down in cold black andrwhite. Take another View of" the cash. that of area, the ï¬gures are in- square miles. . w All New Englnnd ".4... ......... "66.460 McLean County ......................... 1,166 Then compare population by last census: All New England ............... “4,800,745 McLean County .-....._._.._. 63,036 Let me add that Illinois has 102 10 Total 6,126,046 253,810 THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWSâ€"LETTER. counties, but all of them are not no large. n populous or as productive as Holman county. In View of these feet: we hope New England won’t speak 0! Illinois or my pert thereof at» “Egypt†in e tone of derinon. It is neveml years now since we have laid awake ning fearing lent the farmers of the west would be compelled to end their day! in the poor him» through the elimeesfnl rivalry of their eastern brethren Notice is hereby given to all ,per- sons interested, that the city council of the city of Highland Park. in the state of Illinois, having ordered the grading. paving, etc.,_ of Sheridan Road. Broadway avenue, Oak street and Walker avenue, the ordinance for the same being on ï¬le In the ol- lice of the City Clerk have applied to the County Court of‘ Lake County for an assessment of the cost of said improvements according to beneï¬ts. and an assessment thereof having been made and returned to said court the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the «tth day of May A. D., -AAA 1900, or u soon tbomftar as the business of the court will permit. All per-om douhln may ï¬le objec- tions in aid 0mm nfore said day, and may up We: the ‘heqriug and make their low. The ordinanco provides that the assessment In pay-bio Kn 10 annual installments, and the rate of inter est 4 per cent. _ , Tambon M. CLARK, Oflicer appointed by Court. HighlandPark, A Ill., April 20th, 1900. Special Assessment Notice. the Coming Year ? Thls Institution otters to young people desiringa tlioroue'h. practical educil- ‘tion the very best pouible advantages. and for less money than any other school in the land. . ~ ‘ School I: In Session the name Year. student-1y Enter at any ï¬nd There are nineteen departments and titty-six instructors. The school is thor- oughly equipped in every way. Specialim unemployed an instructor: in each department. In that no matter what students may desire to take they will be Certain to ï¬nd themselves with thoroughly trained instructors.- Where will You Attend School Before decidingthis important question. send for catalbgne of the North- ern lgdiana'Nmmll School and Business College. Vniparaioo. Indiana. The Tittie- ls .IO.†per Tern. 15606 bond and welLtuml‘hed room. 01.80 to .1.†per week. The accommodations nt these rates are no satisfactory that the [use majority of those who attend avail themselves of the adv-nun thus olfe'ted. For cutalogue or particulars. addreu. H. B. BROWN. Pal-mm". or 0. P. KINSEY. Vlcn-PnuloIn-r. FOR SALE-"CHEAP-«tm Mild- jng tile, 121815 induct; will sell all or rt of them. Inquire at Nun ' FOR RENT-A new six-room house on Oakland avenue, near Linn-In avenue, Highland Fa‘rk; V hm. room and heating facilitim, |H quite ï¬t premium. FOB BENTâ€"Brick barn Ir 6. block 27, Highland Park idenoe in now occupied I») Mr. Pfanntiohl. qu llil‘t‘ u! Buys, West Comm! Ave. FOR REHTHEIBt side of" double- brick house 'on West Central aw nun. Seven mama. Apply to 'R. G. EVANS. LOSTâ€"Monday, April 9th. small. red whetbook containing money, check and valuable papers. Lib- eral reward for its return. J. W. ‘ Pnixmvmu‘, Highland‘ Park. FOR SALEâ€"‘Chickaring piano. cost $500; in as good condition as when new. Will sol] for 835. Also a large double-door black walnut book easel Will“ sell (or ‘10. STORE FOR RENTmih Highwood ‘MOn Higbwooi‘l avenue near cor- net of Waukegan avenue; also four rooms over same. FOR SALE~~Lamp posts and lamps. 200 oil lamps and pasta suivble for lighting streets, public or pn- vate grounds, etc ’ J.C.Bunx1n,V1|lageClerk Winnetka, Ill. Call ' atv‘his oflioe. ANTED-«~Goo'd cook at Ft. "Sher- idan Oï¬cera’ Mesa. Call for. Joan Llsxav, steward. J nuns Luann. Tao-us ll