Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 31 Aug 1900, p. 1

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mdmgsin m is 1"“ ha Rm 613 Water, .01“ 3:4». DELIVERED. o , leling ’- 50¢". mum. AVE. urg'muxn Pan): ‘ my 3:: la and PM: 115-3?" June «.43 3 ‘5 Right. Evans Brothers. lemme am HIGHLAND PAlkJu. 'umber. Coal and . Building Mat arm, he” Renov'at'mg. Repqirku.“ .0”, WI. furniture Packed Ind W. and lm‘plovcd R381 LOANS ine Grocerieé PHOLSTERING P. Electric Light (Io/A TeW45 iUfi SWRE. “like and Yuri m Camber Dist. 3 '51.. NEAR gem“. Ave, mud-u an. M]. Most. Served. A. ROBERTSON. away and- Shade wart. ”In’iiobc 33- 7 Brimqnt, g Dunabtc7\â€" E Ecomomlcal. T. E. PIERSON. TRY IT AND S!!! 9.. TM" u a line when to m“ 00! 15-00600": mud do n_ ‘rcli DIALII 10 C“. pr liilimii .l‘l? ‘Iifilfl‘lfifit ‘ V . animuust: “a: Immune“: Bazar patterns at Mrs“ Bobl’s. * rs. Sheridan, an interior decora- tive artist, with an 0339; in the Mar- shall ‘ Field office building, dined with Miss Holden, Sunday. ' » Miss Eleanor Brown returned Sat- urday from her summer outing, and Monday She and Connie Gray were on the streets together as usual. Miss Bottum, of th9 'fifth grade. is expected back in her old quarters at Raviuook today. Saturday, Sep. tember’l, A. D. 1900. ’ Parts and needles for all sewing machines at Schneider Cooke’s. 1’ Richard S. Hawkins chaperoned a party of ladies to Diamond Lake, Tuesday, as he knew the way over there and the ways of the natives when he reached there: William King is the “OE and on”. or the “morning and night” assist- ant in the postolfice now. He is a whole team in himself, with the fifth-niheel strapped on behindâ€"and the dog under the wagon. ‘ ExZ-city Attorney K. R.;Smoot, re- turned Tuqsday mowing from his two or three weeks qaeqtiqn in the ':vvoâ€"odmridmmediately. to help “16 city council up there out of its perplex- The electric railway excursion tickets to the Northwestern Elevated Railway at Wilson avenue, are: sold by Cnmming’s, lthe druggist. " f On Sunday evening. MreuEliza- both Krecker, of Philadelphia. Pa., will give an address on the subjeét of “Missions in the United Evangelical Churc’h.". Mrs. Krecker spent nine years as missionary in Japan; and since her return to this country has for a number of years-held the posi- tion of president of the Woman’s Board of Missions, of that church. We were surprised to learn 5: day or two since that the heavy electrical storm “of Sunday. August 18th, in- flicted damage on the E. PIS-Pruss- ing house on Sheridan Road north, home of the Uhapman family. No one was seriously injured, though a bolt of lightning cavorting through - I 1- .‘,,_|_ AL‘ ities LAKE FOREST. Rev. Pfanstiehl and his Young Men’s Bible class returned from their outing ax Ephraim, Wis.. an. thused with the pleasures of the trip. rThe boys would rathe'r'uet .be asked as to seasick-heed But ask them about boat races, bathing, the nerv‘es of anyone. ggfllfliflllflimilg . - . r .I““i"illiliiҤilfi VOL Highland Park. HIGHWOOD. iiafie' to‘ disturb tile dapper stewart on the boat wfifipro- vided delightful entertaiqS Ems. Ephraim is sud) a delightful: rés't that Mr. Pfunstiehl and _! v'nily remained there anotheg weefi i; the‘ “boys” time wits qnt. Mn, ‘ son to’ok‘cbarge (if the excursil : on the home trip. In every p( ible way the outing was a great El 71 cees, apd Mt. Pfanstiehl says heéfover had a more satisfactory and “ 'ppy vacation. ' , , H Don’t forget ‘ the city eh meets next Tuesday evening enlarged uecorated chamber. be on hand and hold down those new, eleg ant leather stared chairs provided fur th pec tenors. Perhaps there will little recess. and the aldermev \vill pass the cigars to the crow.d “lec- tiou comes new Antil. ’ % An austere page: calls an; “ mmmi Eyes_tested free by an ex; tician at Schneidér Cooke’s Mr. McN-ichols, father of ale Sweetland’s new; drug clerk, , :an old war veteran, . and likoua 3111 G. A. R. man,’ came to Chicag< this Week and so out ‘ here, to see his son is in a' gaod, moral comm nity. He looked the place over andzsthen ret‘urned to his bOme inA Lacon j Shall county, satisfied. Thats’ cores out: more for the, Park. 3 ;' million dollar estate left by t 3 late Jonas G. Clarke. of Wor ,IAister, Mass” the Clarke University ‘gets 52, 800 000, while of the late ollia 1’. Huntington’ a twenty to lift mil- lion dollar estate, public instit ions renews the mere pittance of {bout one hundred and fifty thousa _.i__dol- million- dollar estate left by tlm‘ Jonas G Ciarke, of Worn Mass” the Clarke University $2,800 000, while of the late! Mrs. Edward E'Gray and i, ‘r have returned from their. Sigmer outing over in Michigan. y thinks the never did'bave : ' lime. Between fishing-on thexwau tiful inland lake and hieaki'lg to saddle or bareback all the-c4195 of the region. his vacation was we of unending delight. They are l ’used at the Ashtons. at the Maplw» l. till their own home is vacated.i . H VThere is danger in the a'Y' E. Norman of our well ll? aovvn golfers; has been spending _days with his family friends a Harbor, Ma, whom they lnu‘e ' uvew, game, the fad of all the ‘ )wu. "Roqu'e." Now, if Mr. Scott lg uuld come back infected with ‘ Rtfilsufi,“ what‘ 'would happen? We b :itéite to paixlt the picture of the; r qults. Keep ad eye totthu windway; é"for f‘Rd‘luB-n . ‘ v g R New Bar 5 "We ‘regret- that in our in)!" obituary notice of the late Mrs; Clark last Week, we made ’h " mother of- Mrs. Judge W. S. . As a matter of fact, she w: stepmdther of the Judge hi and of, course no blood relutir any of his family. Hence, be' to them were __all thev‘fmore worthy and commendable, a~ many ple are just selfish e' to thin of themselves and the kindred. ' . a 2“ We have received a very uei 'cir' cular (tom the Moraine hotel finan- ageme t to the efi'ect that they cordiplily invite Highland PM!“ res identsJ summer or permane tbair informal hops given a ithe hotel évery Tuesday and Sat. rday evenin during the season We don’t use [lbw they could d« any more to make pin n that alluii be cordialin waioom who can at lend. Let thé yinvitation he deceptéd the samerspiut in which it Was ext: dedn Watches and clock: called f0 ' and delivered by Schneider Cookii 1- ars. FORT SHERIDANQ HIGHLAgym PARK. the ESQ”; an to gifts Jute e too '2‘th 'n rfect the FRIDAY, AUGUST .31, 1900. can in. «up... lblitlflg haunt": mu “nun": ‘ Miss Sue Tatum is visiting in Hudson, Mich. Mr. and Miss Branilon. of Georgia, are visiting Mrs. Albert Norbe'rg. Mrs. Webatgr‘ of Elkliurt, lnzl., is visiting her niece, Mrs. Thurston. ' The new census gives Winnetlm a populationof something over 1.900 peoplm ' The home 70! Mr. C. C. Wylie is gindden by thd arrival of a baby ' aughmr, News conned .from Marion, Mass.. of the bit“: of 3 30h to Mr. aners. :3. A. de Windt... - Mrs. M: F. Rj'gglo is enjoying a visit from‘har mother and sister, both from Toledo, Ohio. The elwric rgu wnv menus to w a Wlw J, Watcheé and clock} called for and deliv‘erod. All work warranted by Schneider Cooke , 1' Mus‘ér W illis Clarke, 0! Chicago. has been Spending a few weeks with his uncle, Mr. CS S.Thorne The chum: rflmayfiickets to the W x.r - v..-,. sold by 'Seymbur Behmml. Mr. Moberly and. {amily vacate Mr. Hillegasé’ house this weak. after a charming summer in Wi‘nuetku. Miss Capron is having a' few weeks' outing in Diamond Laka, Mich; with her aunt. Mrs. Goodchild hasfreturued from her éumvner in Colorado. but is not permanently located in Winuetka yet. ' Miss Mary Wiliis, who has‘ been spending some time with her sister, .\1r§. C. S. Thume.- has left Wiuw uetka. . Rev. Marc Darling. of Git-name. will occupy the pulpit of‘the Cou gregutiouul church on Sunday moru~ ixig in exehange with Mr. Dawd. Miss FlOrd-Belden is-iu town ready for the coming school yuan". We be “an: Miss Bclduu is to be traufurred to the Am street. schJJl. Mr. F.‘C. Cook. formerly one of our, best and most helpful citizens, Was in town one morning this week. Mr. Cook grows younger evury day. and-cxphressed‘himsell highly pleased with the increasing beauty ul' W‘m uetlm. . ' Mr. Singer, oousuil._ from Costa Rica. leaves Winnetku this week afteru mbst delightful sumuiei in Mrs. Bu'bcok’s. beautiful summer home near Willow street and Siluri- dau road. - Miss Alum Hoyst. formerly a resi- dent of thp villawe “ill teach this year in Dcsp iaines, Ill. Miss Hoyt was very successfui' m Palatine last year and- recuiws her due promotion. Miss McCuIIuel lanes on SItIIr day for III-Ir third year at I! 0 Library school of the Illinois University as one at the assistant instructors there. He‘r work'lxas been Very acceptable. and al'soaa source of great- pleasure do herself. ' The Treble Clef club are already lo king forward to taking up tlugir w rk again Lori the first Tuesday of October. _Mrs.Cole returned from California' prepared to conduct the class as last year, and work is to he- gin inxeur'nest nn'tbe “Bethlehem” éantulu of Carl Reiuecke. Schneider Cooke will make yogi broken spectacles, look like new [at a reasonable charge. ¢ Winnctka. RAVINIA. Two Winneflm young‘l‘adiea are competitors in Ih‘e open golf tourna- pent o! the EIQOOI“ club. Miss Grace Leslie and Miss Alice Davis are among thaw who thus enter from the Skbkie Club, Wlww in Miss Edith Purkger. ' The C. N. W. R. Ruffian m uo- Miss Hattie Steers. of Evanston. other excur’siun to Lake Gums". had “'8. Breakwell's‘tlne first of Very good as {at as it goesâ€"but In week. why is ic always Lake Geneva? Two The elqctric "m..." “chem to u“. years 0'90"”) fi'”- ”muffin“ '9" 'lorthmsswrn Elevuiiad railwav am given to Madison. Bamboo and other i: old in Shannon's More. â€" ‘ gr "nts. Wt: uota in? . . , p01 y gt! ’- 'I'Im Rad Man 0f Hiahwood. Wi” Mrs. J. BuSunborn narrowly es. caped .“ terrible injury earlv this week. Iii-getting into her carriage carriage she slipped and fell across the'shafts, and got entangled by but clothes over step and dual: board. The falljerketl the lines and nur- prised “Robin." (Col. Snnborn’s famous war horse) that he run down Walnut and up Elm stieet'belore he was checked by Mrs. Sanborn who .reuineu suficient presencel of mind to talk quietly to him. Mr; West with the assistance of another man. extricated Mrs. Sunborn. who was still pllickly holding the lines. She Wamtnken into Dr. Fletcher's house and contamination was found badly bruised. but not- seriously injured beyond n {rectum of both of the bones ‘offitho leg jnut above the ankle. 'Sénborn is (‘loiliz'véelL Snub-arm 35753}; .0... 0.9-. .i...‘ I’l1l1302 3n: yuan-tau}: :00 as». Mr. Edward Ligare was it: the village but Week. Miss Low returned hat weak 'frbm Dvuver, Colo. ' ' Mn- Jolm H; Winslow 'rm'cgnuhwd at ten Wedueudny uhuruoou. >Mr Alec Falls 'nml fumilv Iefl Saturday of last Week for Cmmga. Mm. Eleanore Hurfunl rem ued to her home at Slreulor, Ill. '1th» day. - > t . Mike Sara Hammg) ul "stung home last fievk [rum her summer cation. . Mrs, John__C. Perryjenteétniuul a number of , be; friends Thursday evening. '1 Misses Oliw Swain and Laura Miller spent a portion of last week at thdnwck. HI. Miss Harrison, of Chicago. man the guest of Mrs. Audrvw McLeish Inst Week. . Mrs. Soul: and Miss Ehrmuu Irh‘ Thursday of last magi for Evans- v'ille. Ind. ' ’ h Mrsu Jonathan Plummet and Miss F loteucu Plummet Ameuruod from Chanuuqun. rue-«lay. { Mr. FAwurd Brewster. of Wy- boaux. Montana. was visiting his parents the past Week. ,. Mr. Le\wia H. Cox, who has been since the first of August, is gradual- ly gaining in strength. Mrs. George Ligate summed a number of young.' pie in bond: ‘of her guestg, Salur ay evening Int. The. infant child of Mr. John J. Jest, died Saturday Int. inlet. men: Monday, at fie Gleason coul- a'y- Manx. ; Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Kletzin'g returned from’Swrm Lake. Iowa. the latter part of the week. . ' ‘ Tlm electric "31an «ii-amid! tickets to the North's-Mn Eicnwd railway an sold In. the Glenn-ob phat ‘0 Inacy. . ‘ . GLENCOE. Glencoc. Mad As we puny! the Lancaster milk depot. we dappéd in lo ump‘Ie his Incml wpplioo. Wu found his big cane standing in deep tanks of ice water. and he 0 ‘ nod I can. dipped out n glm‘gn it ”and like that mother mad w give ’us '01; the old Jamil. We don't wonder he has a [big trade at the fort nnd elsewhere. ilt mu 'pcn. sweet, whole Iniik. Rev. S. B. Morris, having accept- ed a position as professor of mathe- m'ntics iu the Tacoma University at Tacoma.- Wash. left for his new duties Wodnudly of this week. His. wife will a nd the win“? with friends in he Blul’. Thus our enterprising burg anemia in influ- 80019 iron the lakes w the Puific.’ The elqctric wilt-y iicketé to the lorchvusswrn Elevated railway um old an Shannon‘s More. ' "r V The Bed Men of Highwood. will .old their annual picnic here the 9th of September. _ 3 ' / Wednesday. the Catholic 0rd" of "omtem of Highland Path hid heir picnic here Wednesday, Miss Kate. I 'ormer clérk 'in the Institute" store. but now of Sim-nu. Nit; visited them a few days this week.‘ . _ Theyleetric mild” tiekda inclnd m: We round-trip, forum u) ihe iorthwectern- dented p: Wilson mono. an. on ads at thc Highwood m. ‘ ,9 his curd. ‘ The villnge council will as}! c- the Intention of sewagu for the ,imtim killage at a special meeting this Fri- hy evening. Ball for the faulty wtion of our city council :1 your or mo ago. they would have joined us in enlarging and maintaining sewer icream and all There are so many people whu mud topon that inst excursion w leo Geneva and did not. um the Non-1.5m“; (alts are going to tun loath! to newmmuzhw M. It vi“ be next Wednesday. We!» her 5th, at the mural time and rates. Some Iolh new barn [rum an m six days no late. and they ue'vrr catch up and newer wil'. lfyouhue notlnenonthe gmundl oi the electric milwud park up It High-00d. you have no igku of the improvements muck them this season. The handstund. all un der cover. it moved around on u... north side. hundreds of chin and tables are tattered about the groundl, I0 picnieeu. can sit about in little group eating their lunch- eon. dc" the pdvilion is in lime shape. the lunch counters inpmvod. nnd everything has the air and up- peanmce of .aolidity and perma- nence. and the nu aspect of new- ua‘n of last season hu diuppeumd. The store of Munsweuoohn mud .’re¢nuseemato be fining a good gusiueu. There are in ficplwv. in all, three general stain Ind live laden In groceries. , , ' an: W w _’ , )f hip leather book which I'- 3i!lette a former ream.“ (0 war. Sam was oiiiug than up [or me by himse". though they cock up Mao. :- poncaagnanaoannn- ; nag-«ammonia I‘lifiit {IUD-QGGOGCCD,‘ 13ml: Cam. expm, workmanship ' Our Job I’dnum 499mm” had-means“: . 'Ihmlufih)’ our worth. an In enrhur «pm-dou- Our mnfllw 1’” ‘ stead you next WUU '9 W N Im- ernl. Highwood. 5M0 MUCMYI" \VINNETKA. NO 14 LAKESID!‘

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