north Shore mm mum {in mauled fm Ind dgli fed ' , ‘9 and K until. we at \V. innctka H. P. Electric Light Co. The Most 3 m:mzmaamm 3 Mother's, BC; " E'Dclivcry Free. fl \\ew1lteiv_crhmr9!ls ' is ammaazzazaaaazzzls £33223 232312232252 1§a2::§aawnmmmw C. A. KUIST. 5km! SIOWS an! Ranges Detroit Gasoline Sims ï¬re the Best, Cal! and use «me In upemhm T. A. Somerville. BAKERY and RESI‘AURANT ICE CREAH SERVED. :o-~.| tend r Hrz-xkhM a uwhe e in “fan and Park. exam! Li-ivéorders at (his ofï¬ce (It with DRAWING COAL PROHPI‘LY ATTEVouD T0 BLACK EARTH. GRAVEL and Sand [or Sch. MOVING 0F FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ï¬eneral Teaming. OF ALL KNDS. g IT'S SOMETHING NEW W? have these Stovuh Vnnous Sty!" Ind Sizes. a BI.“ 51.. wunna'rKA In Standard Makes; Phil-deli pbin, Steam: and Dawn. S. P. Leesch, . 0m harm-«mad» Hakim: is as good as the best ma- (erla‘s « nonbined with yamsâ€! experience cm. Ina-(c them. . urca’l at on! [u “It Fast U my IT Ann sun TELEPHONE 303 “I: H TS THE W†n19 A Full Asuurtment of Brilliant, ~ Durable. ’Ecomomical. Telephone 45. CEV’HAL AVE. N‘O SMOKE I NO ODOR! LIKE N ELsux Blm's Pmpdctnrs. ‘ SIMPLE! ECONOMICAL] Hardware. . "GK! Will not the Tnsfj’bune now take one step farthef ané join hands in prohibiting the die: potable institu- tion called saloon. . But the Tribune is frankly out 9 Laken again as follows: “If the vi issue of Phoenix is incorporated it w i be the same as establishing a ,{uissnce on the borders of Harvey.’ Justso saloons established' In Glen; 3e would prove a nuisance to High! 3nd Perk. pStill further. “Since t s residents of Harvey prefer to b: we a prohibition district in their villz‘ go, they should “e cannot resi-I' . the temptation to reproduce the: éiove article from the Chicago 'I‘iibuui’.‘I 2 of August 30th. It is especially in greeting coming from a paper that, c we mistake not, always been a lea Iger in advocating the iicen'sing of the _;qnor trafï¬c In several remarks. it ‘ "bows a very en. couraging tendency to a change 30! heart; for instance.f ‘The whole pro~ ject is disreputabl , and it is not strange that the res dents of Harvey made a determined ï¬ght against it ’ Did the Tribune ever know any- thing connected wi h the whole ee- loon business that ‘ aenot disreputa blex And yet it was only a few years ago. if we rel}: ember correctly, that the Tribune fuvae among the papere which insistéd that “prohibi tion must- be prohilg ted by the Re- publican party.†. Since the resident 8 ol Harvey pre- fer to hive a prob iitiJJ district in ' their village, they should- be pro-1 tected' in that des~ -e. The courtei have thus far preve ted the licensing 1 of saloons ot’ï¬their orders, and- the! Phoenix project to defeat the laws! dwervestofall. C juderthe proposed} scheme the ealocrjin in question,% Would have no p ilice control and: would be able to Quake themselves: an unmitigated no ance to the resi dents of Harvey w; bout the latter: having any redresylg» The whole al lair isa violation m; the intent if notl of the letter of the am. ‘ i on the border 0‘ Htiftvev. The mom- ment is similar to ad ramp! to establish saloons on the bouli aurda' in Chicago. Any attempt to png :serve a street or a locality frue frm‘ :1 contaminating influences racemes a muse a special desire on the pg“ t,_1 the saloon men to invade such piacfs. This' Is a new aI§§fl modern form of the; ‘rotten bowigiï¬zh " and it is no more desirable tliju the other kind. At the special elec- LIon held yester day to decide when; I' or not. the dis- trict should be Inc; porated asa vill- age, there were geuy arrests for illegal voting. '1 II'e promocere of the scheme are chi Aged with having ized the plmi ;} with uon- resi gauhflfor the purpr In of using their votes The whole I "eject is disrepu cable and it. is nc 'ugeatm that the residents of Benjy made II deter- mined ï¬ght. against: 525:. If the village of Phoenix Is incur Iterated, it. will be. the seine as eeta "1 hing II nuisance The Village 4 Phoenix. Four salooukeé ere in the neigh- borhood of Harm» lhsve undertaken to evade the prohi éiIion law of that Chicago suburb [35y incorporating a new village on iI: eastern border Thesq oars mile 0 iterritory in this projected Village I! :Phoenix Is prac. ticelly open prai e and is said to contain only 210 i habitants. The. sole object of the .9terprise is to se cure village lgeusi j for the saloons which the i cor; Irutors wish to maintain on I order of Harvey. There is no postal E08. railway 'sta Iiou, schoolhouse r church in the p used village. the plaée has no elmcï¬ except so Ie so- PcI‘Ill ‘blmd pig-If Its project Ire admit that the village will not beinble to maintain police or ï¬re de tmeuts with the small amount of teges collected from the â€ideals gt: . ., Eaten-1'1 at the POII-( u second-clam nutter Sheridan Road A. E. Doha“, - } New-Jam: Building Highlav Advertising rnmm nu It ngahnd Pam 0!" cc l‘uhlhhed every Fri: [and Park. 111.. and v Tdcphou No. FRIDAY! SI TERMS SI.5,o*-','§'BR YEAR. OPP} M1 Cami! Avenue tPltk . ice It‘ll ithhnd Park {gore Iggel‘flfcme‘ ?ublishin§ Co. 'y mmln‘ It hub "main. "1-. by the. usineés Manager Highland?“ known on appllcuuou l _ Waukegan and Highland Park. :Look at some of the ï¬gures for the «two schools: The average percentage oi attend- ance up there is higher than here' But the striking contrast in in the oostper pupil and the wages paid. Our higheet'nlary is just double what it is there and no better in- struction; The avarice Inge here is much highs; thun thére. But the climax is ranked in the cost per pupil, aim doublo hm whit it in there. In the very mum of thing: it would be some big her here. I thin nearly double.‘ I: too much good thin: menu)!» rm. d .â€" Toinl ant-911mm! ......... '. Mule- .................. .. 30 Females ............... _, . 4| Average daily attendance.. . 55 Number of teachers ....... 8 Total cost of school ........ 83.8“) Cost per pupil ............ 8 53 52 Highest teacher’ a wagon . . . 180 00 Lowast “ . 70 00 Average “ “ 110 00 Now after all allowance for extra cost for our smallar schools there aropome nuggesliw comm?!- ,, Total enrollment ........ 1- . . Malena ............. ... Females ................. Average daily _attendauoe.. . Number of teachers ........ Total cost of the school. . .. Cost per pupil ............ Highest teacher’s wages. . . . Lowest teacher’s wages . . . . A ve rage ................. T. U.‘_iu afar opponition to the liquor trutlicmnd yet mid not fat a moment claim theJ’ight to dictate to that organization, powurful for good, what its members†may think or what individually or collectively they may do or advise to' be done. If we did so we would oertainl think ourselves impertiueut as re. gards the W. C. T. U.. and it strikes m that if anybody is‘ impertiuent in the matter it lithe Inter Ocean in am wining to dictate. ' Th’e union's: mu; membem'ot the W. CpT. U. may not have been wise. in may not have been the pm of good policy, (it [be-ibly not atom of propriety. Personally, We be: tainly should not have Idvoouted such action, but we are very emphn~ ically in sympathy with ‘the W. C. Has the. Inter Ocean ever done or said anything in behalf 0! prohibi tion that it should 'now assume the right to dictate to the membors of the W. C. T. U.. what they may think qr any or do politigally or morally? The luterooaau of Auguat Slat haa assumed the authority to hharacter- izo the about action of certain inani- bera of the W. C. T. U. in Indiana as “importinauoe." We fail utterly to can where the impertlnenee men in. The general idea of importi- nenee. if me know our mother tongue in that of iuaolence, impudenoo. or egauciuess. It may . also haVe the milder meaning of "relevancy, iutru. siuu, or rudeneu. Does the'luter Ocean claim that members of the W. C T.. U. bani nuright to expreos an opinion or adriae personal action without consulting the editor of the Ink-r Ocean. _ The political Views of the W. C. I‘. U.. il'we understand them. are radically in favor of the- prohibition of thaIliquor traflic. not of nmity in favor of prohibition an a separate political party action; but surely it their position means ‘ anything it meanathe prohibition of liquor traflic. MW Cflfldtl. “Certain members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in In- diana are engaged in promoting an endless chain of letters linking the prayers of women for the defeat of William »MoKinley. at the polls. This is apiece, of impeninence that should be promptly condemned by the national nnd state organizations." â€"â€"-Inter Ocean. ' ' Wipe. out every law legalizing the Vtmflic and the enemy of the saloon can ï¬ght it. in open ï¬eld. ' The min. of use matter into saloon? Is everywhere. undar all cir unmou- a amines, and la. ban again and again by the higher courts 30 duel-rod, but a [icon-o law cones in and Iogalius it, and ovary day in the week every saloon in the land violate; “the intent. if not the later of the law †be protected in theirdooiro." Why dose not this apply to every village. town and hamlet that desires to have prohibition? Why should it not be protected just as much in Harvey? Two “I‘ll Schools. â€line [I ......... f the school ..... ,3] ............. ............... WAD! EGAN S 6,0(1) $24 39 159 212 Reliable Ste: mv Laundry, Best Domes ic or Gloss Finish Obtainablu Ice Cream az'd Ices. Olden le I'llkdf id Denna-d Call up Phon ; 40.3, or Drop us :1 Postal PURE, CC Pure at th: spring: in; ' {rad-m: an n icpu â€:1chth pupa Fancy tha; my Butter. L: l'rcsh Eggs Daily. JAMES MARTIN. I "flew. DAILY DELIVER!!! TELEPHONE l 3'. (I‘M-IV“ “VII m '01"““. UCDDII‘C. C\I° AID “‘ l. "was Fine Ice Creams, F (flit Ices, SPECIAL NEXT \ we dupe by 1-5: mm STAPLE I We have "paved I am IA TCLIPNONI 100.: ’- Coal, Fl )ur and Feed. Salt, Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe, Etc: W. J. de. I‘ \oraine l-Lotel ivary and 303 mg Stable. Anon; the may I .l'hc spring is sit No. I35 _3t. .lt L. LE‘ VIS, ‘ NOER Beyc nd Competition. GEOR! E B. CUMMINGS, Agent. WE HNT YOUR BUSINESS Send us our Shirt Waist: and Duck Skirts WAI. FER 8L FRANZEN, All Mall F. B. Green 6: (30., â€" â€"â€"Houz amyâ€" R gular Meals Served. Fo mom and ï¬rst Clu- Vehicles. , 51‘ all kinds at Reasonable Rams. ;D MINERAL WATER. Such ls Silurian. (hkeptmbybeingullad human-nub.†lun‘any Iii-ad Inyvhuciu lb}. Path. 1-. gallnu for 81.35 by 1N5 AVENUE. HIGHLAN) PARK. ILLS. ENBERG 8L HINTZ. EEK.â€" -. A. SPENGLER. d Telephone Odin Pmmptly Minded m uni «tiered In the Auction public. the sum" '3 it: lï¬ a.» v:ry'high ground. and in II 34.] place an m It Frills and Vega-tablet Dally. mutual»: "he: and hm [amino gun you mum: 'Im-clu-gmoerymtotRMï¬-Imdymw mahocb. We willkecplfhflmlokd ND FANCY GRO-CERIES. In†Oust. _mom.Ano max. I flaw cl ND HOME-MADE CAKE; TELEPO‘ONE 33. If we. want the for Fine Wotk OF I. MEWS woe 5706K AT A GREAT CENTRAL AVE... HIGHLAND PARK Poultry in Season. un- tron. V. I.c. A. "3.. Bum. Kuhn MM Undo. Ave-soap Highluu rm. 51'. PETER BROS, Prop... Vloc AV... W Pitt. GLENCOE ILL- TELEPHO'E N0. 57. Tdu'hln no- D. H. Franzen 33. 0.. icid Ch:j BEN ’J N (‘fln Juti Inq Cit! 80V 16' "P! Li "19