Daniel Cobb. . . . ,.. . John Flanay....., Samuel F. Knbx. I ( mm! A. Holmes. . Peter F. Dooley. ,_ Thomas it. Dooley John M. Kline ..... John Nelson, - . a. PRESBYTERIANâ€"va. A. A. Pinn- stiehl, Faster. Services: Sunday, 10: 45 a. m.; Sunday-Sebaoi, 12 m, B. W. Patton, Snperintandent; Endenor,7 p. m. Week-day maniacs, Wednesdny 3 p_. 111. Ladies Missionary Union†7:45 p. 111.. church prayer meeting. All m - cordially invited. FIRST UNITED EVANQELI-CAL-J- Rev. A. name, Pm; .Sundny services: 9:30 a, m., 8613365le; 10:45 a. m.. Preaching;,6;45 p. m.‘, Christina Endeavor; 7:80. p’. 111.. Preaching; prayer meeting Wednes- and Friday evenings. The two ner- ' vices, Sunday morning naschiné and ‘Wednedly «awning prayer méï¬ng meondncted in Gel-gum. Sta-angers capaciany weloome. IBE‘KEZER EVANGELICAL - Rev. G. (I. Schmid, Pastor, Sundayâ€"school at 10 a. m.. 0. B. Brand, Snpegintend- CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Samuel 11(an ..... ' mmAW David A. Holmes ........ '. ., .Tm'osnrelf Peter F. Dooley. ,. . . .' ........ Conwa- Thom-s 3.0m1ey...., ........ ' Mush-a John M. Kiine ..... ' . . . â€Night Police John Nelson. . . .-; ....... Night Police Lewis B. Hibbord. â€Police Mogistrtte Thus. Morton. .Foremon Street Work Edw. M. Lain; ..... Supt. Water Works Alex Scott, . . .‘Aps‘t 5pm.: Water Works Thomas Mutton ...... Chief Fire Moran} John Sheohen.... . . .A‘ss t. Fire Marshal Bond of Healthâ€"Daniel Cobb, Henry S. Ruskin, M. 1)., Helen M. Lynch, 1!. D. CropleyG. Phillips. Baud of Local Improvementsâ€"Donia} Cobb, William Grout, Lewis 0 Van Groom-dads. , , Begun! meetinéa of the City Count}. Firsc Tuesday even'iug 01 eachmqnth at 9 o‘clock. _, Second Wardâ€"Lewis O. Vnn Pipâ€, A. G. Chmpiu. - Thu-31 Wardâ€"George w Roberta, WiiÂ¥ Bum G Stubba. ,. EPISCOPAFâ€"Rev. P. C. Wolcott. Recâ€" tor. Sunday services: 7: 30 a; m" loly Communion; 10 n m. anndny- ~5chq61, W 0. Hipwell, Su‘perintand- out; 5 pr IL, Evening prayer; mid- week mice: Friday. 7.:30p m- LUTHERANâ€"Rev. Buninann. Pastor. \ Cundsy (services: Sunday School, 9 s. m; Preaching. 10 a. m.; Preaching, 10 a. m., and 7: 30p. :11. Services are conducted in the German language. “may“. m Wsrdvâ€"H- 'Il. Mchchy. 3. ST. MARY’S CATHOLICâ€" Father E. J. ladden, Pastor. 8:30 a. 111., Holy Communion; 103. In†High lass; 2 p. m., Sundsy- -school; 3p. m., Ves- pers- Special services during Lent. BAPTISTâ€"Prof. J. Whyte. Pastor. Sundiy services: Preaching,1 10:45 a. m.;8unday school, 12 13., Prof. W. A Wilson, Superintendent; Christian Endosvor, 6: ‘5 9.111; Preaching. 7: 15 "p. m. Pnyer’moeting Wendeuhy, swimI-sn M. E.â€"-Rev. N. P. mime- wolker. Pastor.’ Sunday services: 8nndny-aehoo1,3:30 p. “‘2; Epworth Our friends. the North Shore Gas company, say that James H. Duï¬y’s express ofï¬ce was never heard of until they came and occupied parï¬ of it. Now, gentlemen, we ‘ say this as, company Would simply be a m or a {aim vision ofla far away raaliiy were it not for the flog nurmdiufl influence of James ’B; {amending influence qt James 1:1. Dufly. ‘ . - The aged father oi Mr. Schroeder, of,Winnetka, died Thursday D‘ecéma her 6th. The funeral was Sunday, eat; 11 n- m., Preaching. in the Ger- man languuge; 6:95 p. n, Christin: Endcsver; 7:30 p'.. Preachingxin ‘ehe English kangu‘hge. Weck-day .incet- ings: Senior my" mating, Wod- nesduy,~ 7:30 p. in; English prayer meeting, Friday, 7:30 p. 1:). All are Riper. welcome. m, 6:45 'p. In. A. anaom, President; Preaching, 7:45 p. m Everyone welcomed. ' Wardâ€"William Grant, Fred CITY OFFICE“: CHURCHES. usu:um*mntun Miss Ada 'Bubb has go Galesberg as head‘nuran in r pita! in that college town. Miss Rubinson, of Lake i iew, spent Saturday and Sunday ' Jere as the 'guegt angiss Borne. ~ There was a masquerade t (if! at the Pavilion Thnxsday nigh; It was well attended and all x d a pleasant time. The ladies of the M E. on Web held their sociable Thursday ave ing with Mn. B. O. Fritsch wet the store. A successful meeti, :gis reported. Dr. Tuflerioue of the . surgeons nithe army, has 1 his family‘ fg‘o'm Chicago t- Poet. ' . ' Col; Hooten, the Poet ; wander; has so far moveredf his meat illnéaa» as to be :_I again. 7 ' E Mrs. Major C. A. Palmevhu gone East on a visiting trip,8 8:7 2nd: mg the holidays with friengi‘ s in that far off land of preauous 3. . geniuses: , . i ., ,Miss Josephind} Savageg om- populais‘ acting pdlastmistreseif. who hgzd been in a Chicago 1102; xital several weeks for the‘treatmiieljt of one of her knees; is recover-flu"; so rapidly that she bcpes to be Name soda She will {waive a midis] welcome from 1141' Amahy fxi§~nds and patrons of the: oflioe. ' I I Some 'of Kr. . Streenéy’s 113- 3gb. bore set a ï¬re 'avthile ago 'v licb spread to his prophtty, d‘oing; aon. siderabla damage? A snitggrew rout of it and the jury came 31 awn, to see the damage: for them: ves. We trust Mr. SWeeney renewed adequate damages}, he was gtgnti; tied to each. = ' - E 5 “Mat†Nugen and James éMa- h'an saw an. honest countryï¬tnaï¬ get a $20 bill changed t few? nights since,'and. then wafzr-hed him, keeping close to him; 03“ on“ a dark, Tsneaome street, and; ‘hen they held him up and tooix the 819 left and skipped the 3:11pm). Pretty bold and' reckless prcg‘céaed- ing that. If caught the_y wflg be grade to walk the plank iniyood style sqthey won’t care to lf‘ gent the performance next week. Schtylsr'are going an all right now and there are no new cas sof diphtheria, though a case of car- let fever is reported from H gh- hmd Park._ g» - _ _ i 2 :uuuu u: nu an: Last Friday, Charles Pete r , of 00. F, was commg out 01 the train from Chicago and saw I r Ike- man Primrose lay his ovux’oat down on a seah As Peter left ’the train he took the ow‘noat with 'him. Complaint was 'r xde, a search made, the missing foundand identiï¬ed and Mri vate Petérs, of 00. F, safe} pines behind the‘ grates i: Post. Military prison. “The of the transgresso'r is hard. A fellow was arrested in ‘ ‘au- hogan Tuesday night with: too much jag on and a surplp s of gqld watches in his pocket He protésted his innocence, ch) 1; :ing that he was a preacher from t nose parish President Hogan and [ar- shal Gordon were sent £01, but they failed £0,er any iglea ments 6f the sacred ginning xgmut him and he abideth in do rgmce vile. . Highland preachers 5Qt‘on’t Highwoodn , IE sï¬EBIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. )out to Lde, :oat way get their gold watches -in that The biggest joke of the can. tuty was the one played on the Chicago dailies ï¬botll' the big the in the back shoe of Mr. Presser’s store. Them one a little ï¬re there discovered by J. H..Foster, who-was stopping with Mr. and Miss Home. He gave the alarm, the hose cart came and the citi- zens of -all conditions, political and religious faiths, ook hold to put out the ï¬m. Ha there been a strong grind that big corner would have gone. As it was, $100 or less will pay for the loss. The Chicago; Duper! had it that thevhusiness poxtion of Highwood was “riped out," sud estimated losses somewhstas follows: Fitsch Brae. ., '36,,m02 they did not lose a cent; Laegete'r Bram, $7, 000 he moved out months ago; éam Breakvell, 38000, the ï¬re did not touch him; Mr. Winters. $4,000; he sold out fer 816 and went to England severe! weeks ago. The chap who did that job of report- ing ought to be sent “down the line" for 12 months. Schneider ' Cooke have a ï¬neline of jewolry, silver novelties and' silver plated ware, for their Christmas trade It will ‘he to your adv-n tones them before purchasing e! where , 1 In‘epite of a_ very rainy night the dance of the Lotus Pleasure Club at Heely’e Hell, Lake Forest was large- ly attended. About ninety 'oouploe were in the grand march. A large number from here attended. Through courtesy o! Sriperintendent [ten the last car did not leave Lake Forest until 1:30 a. m; and ran through to the Park. When you on Schumwher‘l choco- late brews, yoxi an. the vary but} , The gas company, who recently purchased some property on the Sheridan road 6 from the Baker ee- tateyare erectihg a‘ new omb- build- ing just north'of-Library halt. The plans have been made by Architect Charles’R. Ayars, e! Evanston. 'The foundation “20Ԡfeet and the front of the Building wilt-have. very. imposing appearance with itu‘ Grecian pfflows ' and ’large plate glass windows, which will be an added attraction to our city. E. A. Warner has the contract [or the m. penter work. . That wé are nearing the holidays is plainly visible by the appearance of the store wihdowa. SITUATION WANTED . Coqking for ‘dinner, lunch and evening parties, or ‘by the day. Emmi Leflu-ï¬ighland Par_k. 21-8ni FOR SALEâ€"A nine amongst wag- gonotte and double harness, at R. ' R. Men’s Home. A k2‘0â€"22 TO LET. . c East Side â€"Barn and Carriage House, large enough IO? 3 Horses and tho cuttings. Apply to M31188â€. N‘m Moe. WANTEDâ€"A Indicate sized open stove alter the “.er of ankllu nu plue stove or the Fire Fly. In- quire“ this oiled, ' WANTEDâ€"Saw heating 8'0" '0' shop. Adams- flange: Nun-Lu- rn «ï¬es. Insertions In thiewolumn _ 30 wordlor luv, one insertion . . .25 u u . u 34 f0“! ‘ n , . . .15 ï¬lm; than â€M; any per line. All pd! imhb column mun! be paid In ad- nnoe w u} guys“: has no result: it". count WWI-ch Ithhs oflice. want Column. The Sheridan Road Don’t miss this chance , r News-Letter ...... New Press, A PAIR OF SKATES . .$1.50 per Year. ._ will be given for every subset-W1, paying one $1.50 in advance. This 8 an offer that Md betaken adv3ntageof by everyboy endgltl. These are things Wmmadwâ€" “News-Letter now poses s THE NEATEST New Type, towniayoumflapdtdshfllaaind. â€myâ€, or a GOOD SLED Good Work. mm “punt-1 lat, 1901 holiday- hebuh thoholï¬lg she in It“ ii of dtbeB'u A ffw" friends 1 “no!†«nabs Vaéghli to High whet; tl “nonu- a Anya: â€his. Mr, . Gnu-p. Hi.