'05 the precious little treats with vwhich the proï¬ts of the canteen supplied the camps. 'Phe syndi- cat? that makes most of the beer polemr'fly assured the readers of all American papers that nukes the boys in blue were permitted to blow in their pay at the canteen there would be no more cinnamon and sugar for their cakes; whereas if the brewers were permitted to keep the canteen, so unselï¬sh and generous they were, out of every round silver dollar the soldier put put into their tills they would spend a nickel for him in ch late b .-1 bone. And it went ag n. at them. And now comes forward Uncle Sam and appropriates $700, ' "Sympathy? ’ 4~After all the tears of all' the brewers for all the woes" of ,our poor, distressed solaierg, it has suddenly been discovered that Uncle Sam had a few stray dimes left with which to buy sugar and ginger- snaps for the boys m blue. Up to the passage of the Army Canteen Bill we Were told that tq cutoff the army grog was to exit Drinking in France . Drinking 111 France' 15 increas- ing to such an alarming extent that not only statesmen but other prominent men are beginning to feel the need of an active crusade against the evil. ‘The minister of education has ordered the princi- ples of temperance to be taught in the public schools, and temperuuoe unions are working ainong the people. A noted. physician of Paris, Dr. Jaquet, not long ago delivered a lecturewhich attracted wide attention on account of his severe rebuke to mothers who con- tinue their drinking while nurs- ing their children, thus causing a "wholeshle poisoning of . infants on the breast.†To this he charges much of the drunkenne‘as’among the French people. mmmmvmxu The United States is now a :p‘urty to the international treaty for proleoting the natives of. Africa from the drink trafï¬c. Senatgr Lodge has also introduced a measure whose object in to extend similar promotion to fill nnoiviliaed people. Iii: ‘i » to include in the litter £511 pm: hibition of the sale of ï¬rearms as well as m. Civilization in: lagged sadly in conknmma'ting this movement, our own nation being one of the last to unite in the treaty respecting Africa. It is to be hoped that the new pro- position will gain tile consant _oi the nations at once and; that these international agreements will be rigidly enforced. 000 for the purchase dull the extras and delicatessen the soldier needs. That is' at the rate of about $7 per man per year an the new footing of the army. And the soldier does not have t6 drink himaeif drunk every night in order to have sugar in he oï¬ee next moming,either. \i “1 Huck Did It. ' Somebody was heard the other day criticising the extravagance of our new High schoo} building when a by- -stander remarked,§that withoa‘t it most of our boys Gould not get any education to spook of. To the carofol attention of those who sincerely hold that opinion we would commend tho following: ‘ Henry Clay, the “milLboy of “Upion Gospel News. -â€"Unibï¬ Gospel News. Be ablé to give the genaml [g in- cipies of religion. Have a goqd knowledge oi he Bible. '. 3? Have somé acquainmme a ith the ‘tbree great kingdbmg of nature; Tell‘ the largest nlmewr; of bushels of wheat in the lurgvsti in,‘ and the value at current films; Ten somefhihg about t,» o_,£ heaith, and what to do of emergency. Know how to behave in p' and society. Béékdn the interest 61' dis‘n‘ on it for days, mouths mu! 3(. n. Draw an ordinary hank chm Take it to the proper plmw bank to get the cash. Make neat and correct (-11 : in day book and ledger. Tell the number of yard§ .. carpet réquired for the parlor: Measure the pile of lumbex? the shed. Have some knowledge of he fundamental principles of ; lil- osophy and astronom) Have sufï¬ciedt commmr a: use to get. along m the World. ' r ‘ »Natioual Educatx . EDITOR NEWS LETTER:â€"-â€"Om of the hopeful signs that‘I See in 1111' present political ntmospherv' i: the almost strange political co! bi- nations that have been fun; ed, and, unless I greatly misiutm wt. the drift of aflairs, tWi: be more scratching of tickets, )th tawn and city, than has ever 1 1eri befOre in Deerï¬eid or Highf‘ and Park This may make work’ for judges and the clerks on elec ion day, but it is a hopeful condi ion for the tax-paying publi c bm use it means. educapon in politics. ' the flashes," was one of the 8 van children of: widow too pm. -to send him to any bat a" com non country school; where he ma drilled only in the; “three I} 3.†But he used. every spine mo: ant :to study without a teacher. an in ‘atter your: he was a king an mg solf made man. The boy ; rho had learned to speak ’in a t rn, {it}: only a cow and a horse for an audience. became one of the greateqt of American ’oYators 11d statesmen. --â€"The American 7 3y. Know how to- use these wor -.s > Speak and write good Englih 'Write a good social letter. Add a column of ï¬gures rapi 1y Make out an ordinary accon It. Receipt it when p-1id. Write an advégrtisvnwnf fr; :1 local paper“ . Wtité an ordinary pmxuisf n‘y notEQU , I ‘ > . / Goodman-z School Baum :. ' Every boy and girl that. is a» 3d- ncated should be able toâ€"â€" ‘ ' Writes good legible baud. L Spell all the words in. ordi ary There ,isvnlhlost certain tg this spring more studying (*3. ï¬tness of indivitinals thnn is: tomary. I know this from my feelings, ‘ and I kriow it been heat the same thing from neighbors. The ticket of h ship supervisor is an illustru Both candidates are thorou honest, upright men; both of 2 are my petitions} friends; b0 them are naturally capahlo '. 'therefore, in Selecting I must' :my choice entirely indepemh :sny petaonsl considerations, ’thisisss- it shonid he A who cannot waive Iiis per friendships; eyed his kinï¬jps We ' We" (bit: 190 >t ‘ an 173‘ £03 . T [E‘ SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. nan mal and like t of and (‘In I of the IWD WH- on lily Ilic mt Misfits. The Mareugo- Rl-pnlflicuu is authority for the following anzl says a boy .was eipelled from school for reading this essay on pants: . “Pants are made. for [in-u. and 'not men pants. Pants arc- like 'nxnlasseseâ€"tlisy are thinner in ’hot weather and thicker in cold. The min in the moon changsnbis pants during ï¬e eelipa Don't. you go to the pantry for pants. You might be mistaken. Men are often mistaken in pants. Such mistakes make breaches of promise. There has been much discussion as to whether pants is singular or plurals" It seems to me when [non wear pants it is plural when they don t its singular. Men go on a tear in pants, and it is all rirrht, but when the pants go on n to at it is all wrong.‘ “Yes,†gajd the man who was sitting out in front of a log house, “thé're- is Some malaria around here. †“Do you suï¬er much from it ?" “I don’t suifer as muc' 1 as Mt McDaxmld has fliieil phat WM two yéanl. I have néver én£91 If, tingle th{pgfn thief: be has" nstbéim hath aï¬sbleamwisa It Harmful-ea ' "mil-he- eouid (l6 witch batten: ond’termï¬han ll]? ï¬rs?1 He'has not been ii man in the past Who has been comin- unlly sriliciï¬ng some ofï¬ce. Thorp- fore very many will be. more ptrongly inclined to him than to the other candidate And, if it be true that he will prove thesafer inan "m (by oifloi‘,.espi‘cially at this time when um peoPIql are vowr bunlened,with. taxes. lben be is the man tlmt should be llm‘tul. The same principh 8 should apply to every other cmididatv in. the ï¬eld, both on tlze_township tic -kut and ~on the city, ticket. In this last twu years-the taxpayers of this city and the citizens gmwrnlly lmvv'felt that the administration has been an abortion, and it hus been a very expensive oué. On all sides then- is a gaueml'demmul for change mid everything indi- cates that a change Will come. â€"â€"Tux-Pnyer. . I nseter. When I’m havin’ a chill, I think about how good an’ warm I'll be whim the fever comes, an’ when I have the fever I think about how cool the Chill will be, an’ that way I manage to git right smart o’ comfort’ -â€"Kala- mazoo Gazette. . V vote independently of'an pasonal cogsideratiOns 'for the candidate who'will best perform the functions of the «flier, ismi(nt~lenst t6 that éxteut)a goud citizen. A good story was told at an electidn meeting." An Irishman- obtained permissioh from his em: ployer attend} wedding. He turned up ext day with his arm in, a _in g, and a black eye. “Hello! ‘hat‘lisv the matter?†said his employér'. ‘Wel-l you see,†said the wed- ding guest, “we Were very merry yesterday; and I saw a fellow strutting about with a swallow- tailed coat and a white waist coat. ‘And who] might ybu be?’ said I, ‘I’lfl the best man,’ said he; and, begotra, be via, too!†This is said to be one of the diversions occasionaiiy indulged in at Kansas City: Solemn- fmwd 'Han (with newpaper)â€"-Well,- I see there was-1f singular accident at. one of .the slaughter houses out at the stock yards yesterday. A that she and tlie doctor were two carrignpigeom, flitting our the glbbe and lighting here and (hero. The game interpretâ€, without moving a muscl'e', declared to the natives attending upon his word- tbnt the We Americans were an old cock and an old bun flying about the worldâ€"Congregation- «list. The following incident, report- ed over twenty years ago to the South Middlesex Conference by its president, Hon. John C. Park, has probably new: found its way into print. While waiting for the train at one of the Newtons, a delegate requested an Irishman to explain why the vane on a neighboring Uniuuinn church {hinted due north and that on the Orthodox church painted in the exactly opposite and proper di- rection. His veniict m prompt 'and brief,‘ '“.Artnh it’s .for {int 6f ghee.†Theflistenen were unable to decide whether it' in a Pat: “If wan d! as gill there late, and the other isn't there. how will he know if the other m ha been there and gone or if he didn’t com ’yew" Mike: “We‘ll .me ï¬x that. If 0i get 'there (errant, I’ll make a chalk-mark on the sidewalk; and, if you get there furrust, you'll rub it put.†‘ Two brothers by the name of Piggy have petitioned the St. Louis 6mm fur :1 change of their . name 'to Pt‘flk. They ï¬nd it imlmssible to gs-t mnijried, as no lady will consent to become a Pigg, and liave all thé neighbor- nskiug her: “How is Mr. Pigg and the little Piggs?" 'And more' than this they are annoyed by bad boys singing under theit window “Big pig, little pig, root bog or die. " ‘ One day an interpreter was translating a remark of Mn. Francis E. Clark, to the eflect cusp of mispronuuciution or at sarcasma “ Thor:- is something refreshing in the absolute astoixiahinent that visitors to_ a printing oï¬oe amine. times display at the commonest things. ‘ man who was leaning on! of“ upper story window let go and dropped sixty foetnnd wasn‘t hurt a particle. Eager Lineup- How did that happen? Solemn- fucmiManâ€"They were pigs feet.â€" Register. “What is that black-looking thing standing up in that corner 1’†is sometimes asked. by an unsoph- isticated observer; and the neared typo; answers: “That in the printing-oflioe towel; We alwtyi stand it up in the comet." It W the Coward. The lawyer who levidently con- siders life one huge, continuous joke entered the 61am osee at the city hall yesterday with an expression of extromv radium overspremliug his countenance. The clerks and others having buâ€" iuuse in the 0569 at the time ceased their several immune. Experience had taught them that the aforesaid hwyer 'ould my Boinething at an entertaining cm; “Guber 'round. boys," he said. “I have a dandy for you thi‘ md‘ning. It’s the lye-tacit“)! the year 1901." , The speaker panned." The other: Six 1|“de d hot And pl} louophy on public ownership. dim Won. mankind hour-k. [no WI! maï¬a. the merit syuem o! (:va net-vice. ‘the am bunch And the MW: 0! ovens-- ing politic-I corruption; ash is the important book entitled “The C ity for me Poop ." by holes-or Fri-k WC. Antppcndlx (km the (ext of the leading um ad 0908:!“- tionll provisional “not Waco, municipsl ownership and hone-filo together with improved bran no- gated for futmm three sections 'of this little conun- drum. Here it is: “If the pod» master should visit the coo and while there be eaten by thé wild animals what o'clock wank]. it be?" A thirdpuue Then by general consent the answer was requested The 11in 3.ny announced: Before the gathering had re- covered the hip! had flitted from the room and m bended for the court of appeal. to try the postmaster â€zoo wild animals con- undrun on the higher ttibnnal. “Wrong, e: mented the [I what, time; I would it be.†Professor Platoni' wide: I. i tho Arena and other «milla- has already glyen him I wide rep-anti". as a clear thinker and vigorous writer. and his book shown me use depth and bread“: 0’ WI] undying“: of presentation which chm-“ed." his former work. Weure sure am mformers and all who we law in progressive idccs Irill ï¬nd it q no“ useful book. The “Milky lode-J 1520 Chestnut «not. W. I: published by One. 1‘. hyior. who wleouthgnuBMth-nd tumultu- mo â€rut-lo- ol tho boon flhpflnbedm notpmflt. md this book. 000 m art-nod ï¬nalist-mama. it sold for my «human-ego“..- duh. All kinds of Lamp. nod Fixtures in stock. Boll wort 1nd Print.- Tel ephoues a Sinai-It] There wan another pause. Finally the clerk in charge of the docket» ventnmd the answer: No question before our No My in of more via! low M “In problem of monopoly. sad and put.- union of the (“Mun-gnu o! patios monopoly ind the W of â€but ownership am has can. to out no“, pm more dun-I ai- force an um containd [- the opening m o! “The City for the M16." " HIGHLAND PARK, . C. ROGAN, WNWAW... TluCIty Mthl’u'k. entirely was." 00"“ hvyer. “I didn't ask ~quhington Stu. Whit VII 90'3‘ what o'clock ILL. SW! Cl†BAI LU '1‘“ I EPIM EBENI PIE inst Fourth rim “1 Third V CITY Mrvim Thound l( 10: Sun I‘l All I Nun [I )Il'di und- Supt ehl 1‘1