Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 13 Sep 1901, p. 4

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.‘ Wllhll‘tcl I.) Turn on In I. HAS A HARMLESS AUTOMOBILE One morning, any: the Stu, he we“ out to pay his respects $0 Andre. Gleeaon, an old friend of his, who is constructing the big sewer referred to. He was accompanied by his :93. They soon reachtd the banks of the June: Creek cannl. In the road was very narrow end Add to be impuuble . little farther on, Mr. Werner en- deavored to eflect a backward Mon B. I. Wtrner. of WM .130 nther n peculiar and whst might h". been a most. disastrous visit to I big newer now in course of confirmation in the capital city. He recently pur- chased a-locomobllc tq aid him in in- vestigating diflerent action. 0! MI district. A _ _ A on the part of the horuloss eminge. and in so doing caught hi: sleeveinthe wrong valve. and in an instant the ve- hicle flew llke an engle our the big wall bordering the June: Creek and end plunged the two oocnpm‘h mm the air. bothmaking nomerunltl. Mr. Warner came down )a a.chnnnel just large enough to hold him, which had recently been dug through the mud to carry 01! surface water. The locomo- biie turned a complete aomersault and knocked the dashboard, side bars and top rigging into a thoqaand pieces. The whole incident occupied oniy a few seconds, and when Hr. Warner re- covered from his surprise he found himseif under the iocoxnobiie. which was turned bottom upward, with the engine still in motion and the wheel: revolving at a rapid rate, while his son. who had landed on his feet, was sat: flying the situation with aolieitude. A German scientist recently pointed out. that snails were able todrnw im- mense weigh“, and now '5 French nat- nrnlin claim that there nu few, if my. animals which hnye I. higher up- predation of music than mails. any: the New York Herald. This natunlist is )1. S. Jourdnin, Ind his views on the subject sre expressed 11: length in I paper which he has ad- dressed to the French Biologic“ so- ciety. - Place name Ina-ll. on I pone of glut. he rays, and you will find tho-t. on they move oier it. they will nuke musical sounds similar to than which n perb Ion can produce by wetting his finger end then rubbing it around a. glue tumbler. Complete airs, he points out, have been played on tumblers in this way, and he expresoee the opinionthat quite as good result. can be obtdncd by using snails instead of fingers. It is a curious fact that at least 11.1! n dozen scientists are now cox-etully studying snails. The reason, according to one of them, is because these little animals are extraordinarily sympo- thetic and intelligent. Indeed. so high [y gifted are they supposed to be tlnt n writer did not hesitate to not“): to them I few months ago the honor at being “the precursors at the witch” telegnph system.” President Barrown, o! Oberlin, he- lievee that the “rage" for athleticnwill be overruled for good; that we‘ll form the outdoor habit. and be the healthier for it. “If I had the ear of the leading business .men of America," he says, “I would whisper in it an the when! counsel I know to men over 50 yen-I of age: ‘Golt firetL business site!» word.’ This means longer-lived, more successful, happier and better Amer- ican citizens.” cag'o who possess more than the mud ellotment of fingers on their hands at toe: on their feet. according to Prof. Frederick Starr, of the University 0! Chicago, and these individuallm to be the special subject of inventigation .by the well-known professor of en- thropology. Gen. Gomez say: tho Cuban potti- ot. who arc talking the Modest are the ones who never smelled powder. Visitors to flaunt Vet-n. Lust. year. according to the records a! the Ladies' Mount Vernon nesocin- tion. 85,829 persons Ivisited Washing. tog" home on the bink of the PM.- A 00mm professor declares um I pom- mux in a hospital is better of! “an a rich patient in his own home, and he hopes that this fact. will help 'to_ overcome the prejudice against hos- nvpr- â€"- mom I. (no ”I." Tho dimond it laid in the Inn‘ and it“ carried into a dark room shows distinct phosphorescence. A Baton may describes the United Mk! II 3 Md “flowing with ink “d mimey." It is hoped that the Boston m ha not inadvertently gotten to- qfidnted with a. coterie of counter Thcre are over 50 pet-sob: in Chi- use Discovery at I. French Not- u‘llpt Who Clu-n luck (or the loll-ski. MUSICAL SNAILS. I n- lull: Win- It Bun AWAY. III 0! the Period o! ‘°““_ ‘3' u I“ by the root 0-09 Apr)?»- We notice with interest and nu.- feotion that, it has been deciu led in reign the age limit establilhed l y the civil urvice ruler for the adult Wm 01 up- piicente {or employmenti: the postal department as clerks end 3‘ tte’r enra- riers. Heretofore no npplio : Horm- ployment u a letter earth ~ who had the .3. of 40 year lasheen' received. but this will not ia' the cane hereafter. It wan the opll-é n of the postmaster general.’ an ‘ man in which hie “societal in I : ‘cahlnee concurred. am it wan not A alonnble to restrict- n‘dmission to cw: oervice in the capacity of letter «trier to per- eons/ of 40 years of age (1- leu, and it was eccordingly their!“~ Hut both for clerk! and letter curl-L rs the age limit whould be extended in 45 yearn. nay: the Philadelphie Inqt 3 3r. , 1,.e1__1, . It we. e judicioue and d Emriminefa ing conclusio . There he: 0 ” ate yearn been a marked tendency t; :loee the door of employment nguinu men who had jnat reached or rho ': d barely passed what is considered ‘ fiddle age. There are-many corporatio I who will not take into their emplo :ent any- one‘gho has passed his fog: eth year.‘ end this disposition threalgf: ed to ei- tend until the middle-«ngeéfinan who‘ for any reason found hum“? 'ff obliged to secnre work in some in in field of activity would be unable t' get any- thing to do. The atep w " has just been tgl’xen in the case 0 oat o'fllce clerks and letter carriers indicates the inception of a reaction agnlnat thla movement. We hope that it will ex- tend. A man who is in the forties in still in the prime of life, end in most cases he contlnuea capable o‘ valu‘able aervlce for 'at leastn decadv longer. The pure milk question g e: becoming of such importance that g ha been taken up by the courts. Siva] cue: have occurred in Iowa un a law 01 that state nrohibitlnnr the? lditlon of The pure milk question i K of such importance that taken up by the courts. ‘4' have occurred in Iowa in that state prohibiting the? water or any other aubstd, offered for sale. The cg that the law in constitutifr declare further thet if vltlnees mixed in the mi k deleterious, even if they only to preserve its ewe d without intent to defraud who is guilty of offering ‘: tieated milk,1or sale mu penalties of the low. against the ale of impart iuted mixtures an milk on r rigid and cannot be too I forced. . . A woman of New Brit muintaina thst mosqu brains and reasoning pow in “ogtfogeous” to kill harmless insects," agd L‘ is necessary is to xenon She says: “If a mosquit ling you just speak to hm A women of New Bri1:2: a, Conn. mnlntaine thet mosqu‘a -e| hnve brains and reasoning pov: 2 a; wet it in “ontregeous” to kill .10 “little hemleu insects," and t" :5 all that is necessary is to renon ith them. She says: “If e mosqult ie' tronbt ling you just speak to hln1; dndly and say: ‘Look here, my 3. end, you leave me alone. and I'll have you done.‘ Then believe th:. 5‘ he won’t bite you! Even it he dc :2 his sting won't hurt. I hue don: " this fox years, and now enjoy wing the pretty little things eronn . md listen- ing to their musical buzz. ' The people of a lien“ town are laughing at a dumpy 11 ‘e pair 01 married folk- who live *4 .hnt city. The fire bell rang in thjzé middle 01 the night, and the 1111:1323“! pitched out of bed and ran to the" cene with- out stopping to change? his night shirt for anything mo 's clbthfnl But :csrcely had he re whed the crowd, which nlready ha .1 gathered. when his wife came h'eathlessl, after him. carrying hs trousers, which she urged him to ' it onâ€"ehe her-elf being clothed :1 nothing more tangible then her: I be do nuit. “It was all the devil’s a. defendant in Pennsflw with stealing a. coat. “ fore me in the shape of and whispex‘ed- to me: cont.’ I immediately .beca nnt.’ A simpler defense been tony that the def: e follower of the new merely borrowed the enough so get. dinner at Henry Watterson was 1: king about his lecturing experiencaé ; night or two ago, says a Washi 'ton corre- spondent. "The best it 'oduotlon I ever had,” he said, “was? ivan to m In this city by the late 1.11]:th who was the editor of 3m Waking- ton Post. I was going ‘ > speak or |Jimmy and Morals) 'La We: and gen- tlemen,’ said Hutton. "3 aka great pleasure in introducing *0 you the aelebrated editor and on a wr, Hr. Hen- ry Watterlon. He will: * cal: to you atom AGE mm FOR CAB mills. unabated editor and are *u m, )Ir. Hen- ry Wottenon. He 17111 a co]: to you on “Money and Morals. He repre- unh the. money and I 1 r mount the morals! And that was r good joke both my," odd Watter a n. . and nu.- Ied to ram y ‘he civ’il -;i on 0‘ BP- 153 postal 2‘ tt’dr our , Horm- - who had ; 3“, been g}' the can 3a n of tho Man in e to milk : rta hold 11. They the Inb- ; are not are used 316“ mad he detler 9 sophis- hny the ‘ 3mm- ~r even d1- vould hue but. being shion, had :0“. long ‘xotcL, - [ex-1min“. me years :loae the men who (I barely ddk ‘30. who will ant any- eth yeah ed to ex- nan who f obliged a field of In any- ot be too gidly en- Lult," nyl a. charged role‘ he- dark‘form Take thsl : TEE SHERIDAN 30m NEWS-LETTEB. m ”n.“ are not men end ‘ women of inde- \ E “mine. pendent mean. who an upper: themselves in spin of their extremal expenditure. but the poorer clones. There is hardly en eble-bodied laborer who might not become finnncislly independenttig h! would but carefully husband his re- ceipts and guard minst the little leak: of needle“? mu. lays Prof. Willlem Hethewn. in Snooeu. But. un- fortunately. this is the one thing which the worldntmen find: it the horde“ to do. There ere a hundred laborer: who are WillingP to work herd, to every nit dozen who ere willing properly“ husband their e'nrnings. Ineteed o! hoarding I smell percen'tnge of their receipts, no u to provide egeinn sick- neu or went of employment, they'eet end drink up their coming or they no, And thus, in the {ix-it. finnnciel 'e'rnh. when millennd factories “ohm down," and capitalim hock up their cash instead of using it in great enter- prises. they are ruined. Men Who thus live “from hand to mouth." never keep- 011. 0’1!» pardon- a! rut. fist the penons most addicted to ing morérthan in day's innit Ihend of .0:qu want, are um. hm: ofl than ulna. , Three ships st New York are now} need u sen hotell. Epch evening‘1 they put-out to see and Are beck at the wharf nt 6:30 o. In. The charge in $1, with on ndditionnl so can“ for ‘.‘ table d'hote brenkfut. Bunk: line the upper deck, which in protected by n watertight awning. During the dny the hunks (re converted into seats. 0:: the mein deck there in e head- eolne apartment for women end a smoking mom {or men. A tug town the ships to sea end book. 823w room: with bathing facilities ore pro- vided for those who went them."l:hil novel fleet bu been omniud by Hr. John Arbuekle, who will devote the profit- to charity. The Sntnrdny evening boots rennin ot‘ so. until Monday morning. In use s passen- ger is alaordarly he is taken to'thn tug and cdnflned. s. visitor. He has a teapot slung over the back of his chslr by e string. the end of which is tied to the doorknob. When A, visitor enters, the door, swinr lug open. raises the teapot to I. level with the assistant seeretsry’s heed. As the visitor edvsnces, the door. clos- ‘Auistant Secretary of State Ado..- who is very deaf, lugs a unique device for appraising him of the nan-union of lug. lets the tespot swing down till it touches the floor with I. «uh. Th0 visitor nmlly gives h leap of surpriu and fear, 3nd the assistant secret", state, apprised by 'the mnh. loch up with a glud smile, extends hi- htnd.‘ and any: to the unnerved visitor: “What can I do for you?" Ten: to becoming very gay. State Geologirt Bumble has dildo-ed to the people of that state sources 01 mineral weolth that are istounding. He says that in one county alone, that of Cherokee. there one 00,000,000 tone at rich iron ore in eight. and thet in east Texas, as 3 whole, there m 8,000,000,000 tons. And by the aide fifth}: ore lie: all the cod neo- ouu'y to work the ore ifito shape. The geologilt makes the flat state- ment that “no country in the world hu‘cheaper mteriul for mutual iron that out Tau." ' How, Cullfornia women kee'p so young'hn: long been a mystery. but In. Wotthington, of Monteny. “dressing 3 meeting of women. ex- plained flu: she had celebnted ha: uvontcenth birthday twice. TM. m boner tbnn celebrating up to a 3nd than lumping. bui to make room for win .er stock I propose to sell all the )aIance of my Summer Stock . Call early and get you r pick, OUR UPâ€"T03D_ATE an“. vv v... mumTEfiSâ€"Foi'afiamous Cereoom mom and the unex- ' celled liné of M march Can Goods and 86:! Brand Ten 'and Cofl’ees. ‘ OUR STOCKâ€"Is the beat a Id most complete in the city, md we in. ‘ vibe you to insp ct it u to qudity Ind low prionâ€"Six bargain days in mob Week. , A FULL LINEâ€"of Sta; le and Fancy Gmriu and Vegetables. F. M EVANS, GM Big Reduct 92 13 St. Johns Ave. OrCaI'OJ. L. Order H ydrox proaucu 0| I cuumucs, mug :Ist. Highland Park. can I: can . Lake Forest. J; MES ANDERSON. Lake forest. XIXQt-Egreuiv. éboro is a winner. and '79 extend : oar- diul invitation‘: everyone tonsil. lee our elegant stock nudge! 0!! pri; 6; fl . '- Â¥,_j“ BU|L[ ING LOANS LOANS UP-‘l‘Oâ€"I A11! 3010!! 57mm. G ntnl Ave-u. N..' n Den-bor- Sues-t. . SLOMDAHL, ( HICAGO. :icious” or “Bad." , Hydro: Summer Beverage. :oolmg. rcfreshing and healthfuL Order Hydth_prqducu of 'Innedu. :puâ€"rcidouble distilled WATER g‘HOES AT COST "â€"nevel’ KUIST, U51 CIITML N! “f. MENU“ MRI (LUIIIIS.

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