Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 15 Nov 1901, p. 6

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How many people will have an ab- acus mm the teeth at some time. the and mention a, muse of which could lit he determined. Usually theyfle a“. w a putrescent or {dad pulp £1118! an enttrely covered by flame, '3 their position or site cannot be ‘as~ «ruined. and hence are exceefiinxly diam}: to extract. The third molar h Bmed at just right angles to its m position, and is entirely under R!" ellect of the tissue. _. ._â€"... .u. v. uvvu we". 1’“ny there is no more painful complication o! the teeth than an en- pawed third molar, (Improperlycalled m tooth). It is usuallycaused by In developing in the wrong direction. m1, at,“ angle against the second A..,Â¥ t) the use of the X-rays. In one of that cases on one side above. but one “mid had been formed by nature instead 0! two. and it developing.r back mm the first permanent malar, he mid is fulIy errupted. :Radiog‘r be m taken three months apart. a d it ‘13 hand khat nature was not cor ect~ lag the positibn of the lodged 1 th. The girl had a serious depression of e W lip. Partly because of this. it was necessary to correct the trouble, ‘ which Manatew was simple, whm the J has yere known: The temporary mo- la- vas extracted. and a very small reg- ulation appliance \‘vas placed on the unlu- and cuapm to push them apart to ”he room for the enpacted blcuspld to (sundown. The second view or the ma demonstrated the improvement in I dun. and without a. particle of pain um patient. This tooth has been reg- ages though .it bps never been seen. - may serious irregularity" and ‘ty 'can be prevented by recog- nizing eariy enough that a tooth is de- fining in the Wrong direction, when Vt ma bicuspid devehping towards the "for themouth. Sometimes they de- velop in the wrong direction'trom some use and get lodged against another m, and it this could b'e_known the aster could be easily cmjrected' by reg‘ influx the other teeth, and thereby pre- vailing serious deformity or the teeth In! min of the whole face. Very uflthately We have never betnre had i. means of recognizing these cases prior L ‘xA ,,, A (k is a comparatively frequent occur- lllee, however. for the permmeneja; ha! incisors never to be formed. “b they are aiso often hidden Just Win the surface. They shouid' ap-v “r at. about 8 years of age. but he wflr are yet missing at 15, and a but Question in how to arrange tho no max. are present to the best ad- - e. This could quickly be decided I”! could be known whether or not the tuning teth maid ever be expectedn which tact the X-rays demonstratedi ”teeny. For example. a. boy of 151 Va hmught hy his dentist to find the _ Mon at his permanent intern! incis: ‘1. the central inéisors had been ' clme together. 3 long time before i nuke space for them and fastened with n retaining appliance, and then all Mes concerned waited for the an- m o! the missing latex-ale The his have never formed and hence Ih muse of treatment was wrong, D5131! the natural one to pursue, "any cases present themselves whore tummy molar is retained long arm Itetlme for it to be shed, and lt- cannot ”mined whether the cguse is that fiehicuspids which is to take its place hmr (armed or is developing in the ill-is fikedlon, or is simply delayed. A boy ngml 15 has retained firmly a (“notary molar which would general~ I; be shed about 9 years at age. The mm! «bicusplfi has formed. or titer is farming. for its root is not mutate. yet. lgut is developing, it is > pmducing‘absomtion of one root Immoral? molar the oth'er hold-1 hgl mfimlyiln place. It duo frequently occurs that they co never formed at all. In all such (as the Roentgen me wlll locate “an if present. In exquisite detail shim: their exact poeltlon 3nd usually the «use or the delay: Take a prae~ that use, for example, a lady, over 36 ms or age, has never erupted her mutant cnsplds. (improperly rolled aye-teeth or canines). These should have appeared at about 12lyeam of use. “at features were seriously marred by Iii large spaces left where they should! Ive been The gum and bone had needed to such an extent that it seemv oi Quite certain they had never formed. fie x-ray pictures show the teeth to be ”t beneath the surface and am he bought to place without any pnln in a wry short time wlth slmple regulating Wee. This regulating could not been done to better advantage 15 years filler had this lnformatlon been lawn. l hare had a good many uses II» this, where one or both of the per- mm. cuspldn were missing and al- mt invariably. have found hem em~ W in the bone and frequently lodgâ€" ol against some other teeth usually the Hun! incisors. It is exc'eedlngly rare 1 (lit the permanent cuspids are not I med. though frequently they do not a '5'!!! until years after the proper tlme. 1 ‘ Sue of the many applications are u no“: it is a matter of frequent. oc- meme for one or more teeth to be de- m _in their eruption or perhaps they gun It: concealed Just below the sur- The excelléjnt'service they can render ‘- dmonstrated by me in detail and minim at the meat meeting of the a Society of the United State- h Nay York. I show now how their whatnot: can be roughly worked out. B pe’dental procession as 'n proctor id unsure is m'of their forthcoming *- lum light to their develop mm: In surgery. rides-or Price Benn: the Road to the Knuth an Organ to 30 P1:- ticularly ‘Osred for. rum AHMCATION A DEVEL- mm OF PRESENT CENTURY. X BA YSIN DENTISTRY “Guiana letter: The use of X-raye Hum 590 example :, I should mention Vane other which r “are-seats a frequent- lly~occuriug com) Iinatiou. A patie’nt ‘had saluted for about three months with a severe nelt'faigia and nib efforts ,to find the Seat 0'; irritation cdusingrit failed. "Thb teeth :‘rl! gave normal texts. Rgdtogmphs wereimken or all the teeth on this 'side’and a blind abscess was inundat the apete of a bicuspid‘ todth which named to we perfectly healthy. Thu pulp or nerve n this teeth had died and caused the abjzruss at the end of the The few exampl mention’gd are sea the‘ wide range t have: 500 example pne owe: WhiCh 3‘ it is next tb imizh‘: root canals perfect-1;." 33me to 1m some fistula. we‘ have mde‘nndthein radio because they are manning. in regulating teeth to show: so small or crookedigi’On the other hand, . the poultion of the teeth not mixed every tooth withméii a live pulp must ' “d 1U“ ‘0 330' the IMP. 0! the NO" have its roots fillet? properly. or it is liable, soonerer or it ento cause an ab- scess at the end otége roots. It is eel< dom that patientg géymember ‘coreretiy which teethrhave ht” their roots filled. hence when a case resents with neu~ raligia or swelling c, ,sjhe cheek the den- tist sometimes hue-Q60 drill into teeth ,that are not at tautsbetore he can and i the trouble. The migiiograph is the ideal * method of ascertaining the cause. for it will show with 37833301311193! the con‘ dition of the root' finale and rectal!- lugs, as well as the sect location of the abscess, thereby ea in: much time and expert labor in expl ing. which is often {both 'palntul and ”imam. mine ‘,the taking of the r. .iograph is entirely without sensation t (1 only a matter of a few minutes to ‘ whole condition. ' There is n natur‘ of the-face Just above the teeth. just bi» low the eye. known as ‘he antrum. Frequently this in :he seat of serious inflammation.» The «use sometimes arises'froni ,the'pus of an nbsceesed tooth, draining into it. or (mm a die« eased root peridrating it. all oi! which cbnditions are shown in the re iograph. The few examples of prmft a! cases mentioned are scarcely a suggestion of the wide range «it npplication. forl l ‘which is n. pl .parelt film. at. of the teeth that m to be moved and how they ere actually being moved. Showing teeth in tumors or the taco and jaws. of which i lave oerernl. Show- ing whether or not we will ever get our third molars. Showing whether the an amei in perfectly formed or not on teeth not yet err’upted. Showing in behia the teeth of the mud set. forming even before the temporary or baby teeth are yet errupted. I could enumer- ate scores pi other costs. but space will not permit. . . - It has taken a great deal of inveltlxr tion to reduce this work to an exact procedure. but it has been en tu- per- iected thet en exeellent lithograph or the teeth or any of their complications can he produced in from ten to 30 lec- ve a chart of the tonal with a. much uucoeee as a Ikilled [photompherwould have done with his cavity in. the bone subjects in his tudio. The picture is tnken on a neutiva at special heavy trunn- itheevml mating: o: sensitive emulsion. Preferably brown. This in wrapped in a light and interâ€" proot envelope, preferably unvuionnixâ€" ed rubber, and-cut into pieces about the size of a silver lull dollar. but oblong. ‘ One of these of the desired size Ind shape is placed in the mouth min“ the teeth to he ndiomhed with the tube Each day aces new developments in wining telegraph] ad open- up m poldbiltfln or tanco to which mange. can 1» am has bun largely exhaled and electrician confidently p dut‘nncq' will get bacon:- practical], limit]... no upon my shm the 1mm at am mauga thnt h". bun Incas-(guy mum in an; country. covery. - a: radiogmph. whim shared the tram his to come from $119 abused root or the'lateml Indoorfiwhfch htd :1 your pmviously been timid. but was not uns- pected. Upon treatgnent in accordance with the intermflq; of the ndiograph the case had afspqugv and complete te- i One of these abstaes show: the exâ€" act extent of the abzrprpuon of the bon'e around‘ £119 teeth, tbout In Inch and a halt long and halt an inch 1n diameter. The shines: had it: flatuhbsck beside the second hicuspld and mm thought the seat at th‘e no able m in tint vi- cinity and win tm ‘edaccordlndy. The trouble persisting in spite of W treatment the mtigm wu cent to me for [‘ (improperly called! nerve). in some ‘tooth or en lmpefle§2 mot-filling. The radiograph will eh: w the one: men~ non, size and shape at the abscess. and also its cause, wk: 11 is often (flaunt from the apparent suit of the trouble. . There is I gnu} kick in hand agumt {fugfinmnznt of the In Ofnco, which is ufid to he too much under pottimt mic. The '11. 0! “HF tlo Bop.” is add !0 hnve compound her husband to insist on lunch db LADY ROBERTS. \3‘. H0 IS silo Enema ENEMY 0F BULLER; ,jéo drill into teeth .5betore he can and iograph is the ideal mg the came. for it WORDS FLASHED FROM MIU'OCEAN. The picture is taken on a n tive “‘1 had ”"9" beenordeined. 753$ ,whlch is a we” of special hmv,°f,‘m_ in December, 1878. when Dun Stealer ‘pafent gm, mu. uvm] caution of invited Prof. It“ lueiier to min on sensitive emulsion. ".me], brown. the relindu of the World. it In one This is wrapped in a light and «um- 01 the most interesting sermon ever proof envelope. pretenbly unvoiceniz- hall and '11“! printed Mud ed rubber, and-cut into pieces about the brought "I We!” hundred Midi. size of a silver hill! dollar. but oblong. ' The WWW" sermon PW ‘8 held One of those of the desired size end by the II!!! Ilf- Spurgeon. HI: se in shape ls placed in themouth against the hue ‘been published weekly (or ty teeth to he mdiomhed with the tube yours but. end there are still enough producing the x-rays about ten inches to last several years more. Over 100.~ nWay-trom the potion“ ace. There is 000.000 copies have been sold. uni their .no sensation and it only takes a low profit: exceed those of any other halt- minutes' exposure. 53ml: skill and er douen preachers. ‘ patience are required to produce the} For the most valuable single sermon rays of the proper order to: the pertic- ,ever preached, it us. however. not Hr: ular case we fin properly understand Surgeon. but Canon Fleming. who the pert: to be ndiographed. and the hold: the record. This dhcouru in picture, when it is properly tekell. but first hard from the pulpit of 3.“. this is so otnilrseeience and on. and u ringhem church. on the and ecu-ion or in these the pee-silty will produce the ;.the dieeth of the Duke or Clmnce. it competent expert dental radiographe. [m oft-turd pubiiuhed. end in profits WESTON A. HUGE, D. D. b}. K. D. .hare since amounted to I total 0! £1,- 1! space permitted 1 ehould tell you I; and show picturee o! e greet my oth- n er conditions in which the x-reye give n he just the intonation required. A: M‘ for example. Mon and deeey oi ho! the end or a root around which there heefibeeueneheeneedhawtherm g: helpeeiecut. ‘ alanine-need pert‘ ot‘therootwi extreeungthe teeth. I?! 'Then ehowing wvthe hone fille in ed around thie‘em root. making it . everyhm . Alepcueeehowing dei 'decey under iilliue inside the tooth. DN Showing whether we have lenced into to en eheceee or not, when relieving the the great dietreee of an there-ad tooth. on This done by placing emell pieces of me sterilised leed wird into the eriiiiciel up fistula. we‘ here mule end then redio- mm graphing. In regaining teeth to show 8101 ihe position of the teeth not errupted die: :a‘nd ewe to show the ehepe or the root- om :oi the teeth that ere to be moved end by ‘ Ihow they are ectuelly being mouth. '1‘ Showing teeth in tumors oi the face and iuei jaws. of which I here eeverel. Show. noel ing whether or not we will ever get our ”in third molars. Showing whether the «1â€" one amel ie periectly formed or not on teeth Bill not yet err’upted. Showing in labia He the teeth of the oeeoud set. forming at,“ even before the temporary or baby m teeth are yet errupted. i could enumere ete scores of other cues, but space will 2 not permit. . . ~ root which by its measure on the nerves 3! the time was chm-1n: tn the neu- nlxu, for when this collation was traded and the not filled the trouble was immedhtely cured. ' IV. The world's sermon meant is held by the lute In. Spat-non. In: so a hove ‘been pnbllohed weekly for (1 your: put, end there are still enough to hot even! years more. Over 100.. 000,000 copies have been sold, ma their profits exceed those of any other half- dogen preaches-I. 1 London AM'EtSZ. The pulpit at Westminster abbey in. one. occupied hyapruchervhowunotaclmu andhadneverboenorduled. flu-m t Themumhdd In unwound justice 0! the peace. m the 100nm noted. mums-r:- over, the justice uked who Appeared a the Mean. No on. answered. I looked at am. who w shading In the doorway. He continued amount. but a“; no other sign. When ueotioned. the prhoner aid Bill was In counsel Religion- Dhenru Thht Hold. tho Record for reentry vane. . Bill noted to stead well with his Moor. who in kith or kin pum- wuere non when he thought he could ‘ bomw money it it come to the pin-h. ‘ Bill wu hue. A: the mode to Chey- ' cane lend Sidney Vere both long and a duty. he preterm! to ride on e cute tether then wolk out of coup: From the looks 01' nil-p, Inle- business ‘ picked up one Inui- or the other would hove to be morted to before long. it u. policy ion- Blll to inner lilo un- oer. He want no the aloe: keeper who had mulled the head atoms with a bottle end told NI he would cmhlntluluuflotmeo I charge of his me. When the muted consul-c “out it holdup [one and cleaned no he:- ed. the hwyer told hi. there defeneeJarthee-nlthdheelu, provoked and 6100 mid be dirt ch. ‘ to get him 08. am pal-Mm that the victlin was likely to die. In which event the piece to which the mm mm would no wee ootooted i‘et leyiog up venom. Plullr a heroin mi mode. with the undead-Iodine that a l 8100 lee would be paid it the an m dismissed mile doomed went. tree; 1 “Wmcnmwutohemew y . 1 $335 9 o '5 252 than were lot. at thouâ€"would? but m a cue niece and at short laterals. An nutter: What am Room took I can (or us his lav W may objected. mouth it won the first olthor h“ Ind In no». 3m me he «a It to encour- mtulo. Mmuoxcm.tor whllo hum mtony maybe (‘Il'Vell with impunity or nu chm Ilium-eat, prion couldn't be cut. nm unwed the opinion that It- cuent vu a tool {or employing o lawyer anyway. for ho didn't have n shoot of a show of mm Mn: his use. and to take Mo sold Wax tut like finding IL Than. veto Ilsa trhm mutton. he um Ill-mod. Au tor finding gold. wasn't that whnt brought them all to the «up? No one enacted to work tor it. 'er. by molar-noon! nvp. “Do you m use?" . hYC’.” > ‘ _. K”. What «you m. dem“ mumzuaommmwdl- em.“ ~ .. ”pool-hub h 'VIMéOM Intel-W e Hono- the lawn! in n Mo. /with the "honor nM‘tlIon mriy root- ed: "Hm. you ought to In W out or coat and out of any. _"l‘he [Manner an In kind you to intend him and you for 0. nl .0630" word no a on you and can!!- ed nobody but you when than are pile: or an in this camp what known more luv tin you." um “to! till-the mu tunnel! and Illk luck 1 III .- Pumnx any at his cm! no In n't have to note now time , notche- h not- on at who. my to mun lax. ho cum-ed: , . "You no it on In: toy: Japan. to mc an! uncut no to .30 out. I~MM"¢'HI1 "I!“ ,5“ ‘mmmy u nothing. but 1‘ to W him said). could gm .0 a tuning! if Igor ll- oa. {know It}! '- 903.9 (W1. 1“. by O. I". Call) Am but poor packing In mmumnmanatub' the mu. m m not!” crowd" than pl mm. the nut or 'muu amend out of cumâ€"null! with ll: am: all mm” “Do you t tidal-unconn- if. rah-I601 'Tnmmyuwwfl 'Hc'w NOTABLE WONG. vt ufluu. The dia- mun ‘ {tn-:7 ”diurbtlt m; tine Mickyymg r. u u I Ila {rt-ls, real! the old days flic- the .mmch mmamly means or 7 much ham the two emu. I The first New York stun m Trenton . and Pam Auhoy \vu Institute! by - John Butler in 1766. The coach ldt the . sign «the Death of the Fox. a we“- kuwl unr- in Strawberry alloy. an! i m Icelduled to arrive In 'New York ‘ In three days. In ms I mood line at who. to New York wu mm. and n mother competitor atom the laid it 1766. m "nevi- to." u “The mu m “:0 mm In Btu. of tun-porn“ In; My mug... 1: 1m °' 7 {were supplied by the Mun. 0nd When It Took rim; my. m In. tort and nuapu. next in. out or budvood, (or he was dram of “filth“. i .5 E. E E 3 ion- chub“: In this may A m m‘t“~,lce'flh‘- this The can! nil-mi in chums. enter Imam Bill's mu n: ma move utteeWonnchyfln Justine I an the!- u chance to concur W. lure the [WT of the Juno both! our. BI «find his duh and NH out. "M you out tpls M he «ain't 3!: justice I. w: h‘tt': an I an." bunny roan-k- (‘d m ' . "80’” 1'01“de the but don‘t in. m 'hut luv. “you?" "va no u was on 1”: Ju_ can In mctflVlltui'ICNw me. I~Jdmtdwl1mtu h“ 14mm] In! nothing. but 1‘ w W ham said he could gm .0 I hunt-pl! if infill-”.1kflflmnlé a: uymg I use W (In W‘nld didnt In! “my In the with m mmplmflmâ€"a'aflr: “smM‘fih; m‘uummd dum-r what was be her. In: ad don‘t how a "we hit." . "You 1116', did you?" howled the just- mil can: an tie mu hultflf and Ink luck 1 It: Pumas any at his clan no he I" have to We now time mm onu flu momma. Ian-ok- lax he cum-ed: _ a n . .mu. 4%. mm Ii, 1! GI"! ' Kauai

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