Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 15 Nov 1901, p. 8

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‘ Baler Report- 'l‘lut High Tempo:- _ at!” Ill-Ing- Epidemic of Broken ‘ lain-prints. i “This weather is hot enough to stop ' n clock,” growled'lhe fat man, as he ii: range with the electric fan, any: the Philadelphia Record. “It is, and it , does.“ replied the jewelry-store sales-7! men, who we; his visa-vi: at lunch. ';_ “It (tops watches. too.” , g “I haven‘t- worn my wntch for a week. 1 lo you can't prove it by me." said the 5‘ tat mu. “When I discard my vest I discard my wntch. It’s lying in my bu- :esu dmwor, and it hasn’t been going i for 3 week.” . 1 ' “I don’t mean that,”'edd the 59112117 | ‘ nore clerk. “I honestly mean that ex- ‘ cesiively hot weather, such I. this .stop: watches that ere kept wound up and are supposed to be in good run- ning order. During the last three day: at least 50 people have brought their watches into our store because they have Hopped. In nearlyevery instance it was found that the mainspflng was , broken. The head of our watch de- partment told me this morning. that it was alwnyl I0 when the temperature got up around the hundred mark and stayed there forseveral days. Only In said In had never known IO many in- stance: of it as at the presenttime.’ luck 'l‘nr In Aver-e to Buhtuto. The days of the old forecastle, hung “my in the dark hold under the .10:- ward mast, are gone forever, no mntn ter what flag the vessel“ my carry. . .nd, 2.... A certain young woman who recent- 1 1y mad. 9. financial hit by producing n ‘ popular novel was asked what sh. in- :ended to do with the money paid by her publisher. "1 don‘t know jun \ mm I shall do with all of it," yval hu- reply, “but the day I received my first check I won; domtown sud bong!“ UUL "nu-v «w, -_- The forechstle on new steel ship- ll in I s deekhouse, well forward. 0n Amer- I {can ship: it is ventilaied like thej skipper’e cabin in the stern o!‘I the ship, has a skylight and appmtd: for heating. The men used to on with their pistes on their knees; now they have a. mess table with racks tb hold the dishes in place in rough weather. Tanksron top _01 the house supply running v‘viter, end the reason modern forecastl'el do noi. have bathtubs in that the sailors would rather take their bath- .on deck by throwing o‘old rum ever one mother. We wish ti) announce to the way of Quality and Price. You can readily understand w mm srops" WATCHES. “"5 dozen ihirt fulfil." 11b. best Baking Powder, at. 3 lb. Can Pears, at. . . 7 1 lb; Can, (39m, at ......... 3 lb; Can Peaches, at, ...... a 1 lb. Tea, at.'. Q‘. .7 . . . ...... 1 lb ‘Péckage Starch, at ., . . 4 Sardines, per can, at ...... ‘ 4 lbs. best Gingt r Snaps, at 51hr; Pruum, “3.” Washboards, each . .. u . t . Quart Jar Mustard, at. . . '. 8 lbs. select Santos Coffee, at Peas, per cam. .. .' ..... 4 lbs; Soda Crux, best. . . . -Good Flour. 'per 'lz‘bl. at. . . 19 lbs. Sugar ........ =.. . .. Western Wash Machines. ..3.93 ..1.00 .-.3. 5o - 25° 129' -1.00 To run uewspupqr all p a féllow has to d is t6 be able to write. poems, di._ was the tarifi and money questions, umpire a baseball game, report a \ adding,’ saw wood. beat a lawyer. r scribe a fire so thin the; readers 1w ll glued their wraps, make: a dollar < a ghe’work of‘ten; shine at a soiree, dress horticultural hocie tiesfinea ureecalico, abuse the liquor ; habit, tea. whisky: subscribe to char- ‘ ity, go w hunt meals! attack free all var. de end bimetalism, anéer lat. a dollar I a 1.116 a soigee, drei ties,‘mea treec‘ habit. tea. «his ity, 90 w ‘buut ver, tie and snobbery! im overlookfmnd light pu npkix the atfl} :ted; :fight to 1: fiuis rresol'uti 5‘ 'de tipérmc ,d 09? speak at‘ pray! I in with uvel’yt fiaaazwei 109 25c Says an exchange: "Noah was'one} ottheE earliest advertisers. He adver- tised thn t‘ he would sail on a certain dam. Tmbse .who did not believe in ndverti BR failed #40 get tickets and were let . in the wet dudng the forty day-55mg without umbrellas or bath- ning snité; A5 int)“. of them could not swim th§§y took‘ to trees and beclme 12c 10c monkfz‘yi}. in Lee Chair DOW si red. fur cash cit-y. l and Chi a-nd wad; and save ypm: Readgthe NEWS-Luna. Ln GOldStein, Manumcturer of Picture Prunes and dealer l’ictuie Frames. Mouldings, Perfomud Lemming Glasses. (Haas. Mans, Mention to the fact thlt I am Rh; 5 Ms. etc. I wishvto call yénr a w r129; y to frame plcmres of guy size 3nd quality‘of mouldings dc- egl. 7 '1 hgwe purchased a large block of the lateat‘styles o! moulding. - cash md mu able to frame'picturea cheaper than any place in the y. .I so regild frames. recover und repair Umbrellas. broken Glass It will pay you to call and investigue my sun-k d Chi aWarc. etc. .. ‘ 4 nm and save vmu: milroadlue elsewhere sud half of your money. At $285 Central Ave., Highland Park, III. C(itn'ed Shaker Flannel, per yard. . 5c C ‘ l’ldren s Lined Cloaka. fur ' rimmed, at .................. 90¢ “I'd L White Blankets, at .......... 49c 1;. doz. Butt-(ms, white or black, for 10c C LVered Dress ‘Stays. per set ...... 5c 1:3 publlc'a; Iatge, that we carry a 5:0 afar inducements are not Credits, but every accomm vgfwe cannot be undersold. A few Sample Prices: ck of goods In (‘ :mn Bats, per roll. ._. ......... 5c Xfihite Curtain Scrim. per yard.- .5c Ladies” Walking Skirts. $6. 00 value :at....._... ................. 40° I dipf’ Woolen Skirts iron). .1 25 up 13 gilt aflfl‘dgrk Calicoa, per yard, ”-4 5o AiirolyG-iughams, per yani ...... 5c Ringo! Shirt Wuistp frum ........ 75c up W riting Paper and C} gham Aprona.. “Elias Aprons ..... I invent. advertisemefitsd l‘écajxdal, praise -babies,1le- 3 npkin raisers, miniéter to :ted, ”heal the disgruntled, .fiuiab, publish a doctor’s us‘ denouncing a la‘wyer, set 11 opinigna, sweep the ofioe, ”waver meetings (1 stand ”(erybody anti-CV hing. ' K00 yuuv- u. ... -v, V, a l u How to Save Money THE SHERIDAN ROAD NEWS-LETTER. and ....... 759 UP Euvelppefi 5c WA NT ED-Tonclfl home. Morning ‘7. ___________._..â€"f, WANTEDâ€"Seumntnss. by me duy. P. 0. Box 47. Highland Put-k. P-â€"25_. 5 v”..â€" Ow net can hnv'fl pro‘ and um Foam Dâ€"A st‘i-nx FOR skiâ€"A ued Crazy- heating stove; alcht no and in good con- dition. KIWI-[1E IR oflioe. HORSES VA lfiTERED’I h modntions tor 12 head of me wintgr; warm brick good wnmngnd pasture 1“. Ofiice open {gym 7 t. m. to 7:30 p. In Office not: open on Sunday. - _ Msil trains arrive and depart as (ollowp Sou'ru' Bouxn 6:54 a. m. received and dispgtched 9:33 3. m. reached mo unspucnm 11:21 I. m. “ “ At 3:35 p. m. ms 1: m. ‘f "7:17 p h. “ (Ii-patched. Sunday mail isdiSpagched at 5:511). m. All mails close 30 minutes before the deporture of twins. m n‘_A_L__ n u 6:54 a. 9:07 a. 12:56 P- 3:17 p. ’53) p. Mme ll lehhnd Park Postomce. Want Column. 12% . a f. N“ 3011!!) . received and dispatched Ladioo’ Hose, from .............. Ludies‘ Wrappers ............... Ladies’ Satan Petticoats ......... Ladi" Flann’elette Night (30mm. Extra quality Muslin. per yard. . - - ceived. :her w give lawns It. g Contain; a full line of buumul day goods. Cups. and Saucers, per set ......... 18-inch Flatten. . . . . .._ .......... Man’s 'Hoso. per pair. from... Full line of beautiful Ties. Men's Uuderwaar; pet suit. . . . Boys‘ I“ wool Pants, at. . . . Men'l‘ Suits from ............ Men’s Pants from .......... Full Line of Collars. W y en ling ,dZimmer P-‘M .... v- r, .7 B‘ or afternoon. BOX . Pâ€"25. W. Fletcher. PJ‘. â€"-l have accum- ‘ d of horses for'i wick burn and Ire l“. M. Evms.‘ Fruits and Vegetablgst )er suit ...... 50c up 9, at. . . .- ...... 50c .......... 5,00 up ............ 60c up We will gladly furnish mé'a as: of wiring so that you may know the expense before commencing the work. I-I‘AVEVYOUR $1 OVES REPAIRED and PUT UP BY "CI . The Hardware Dealer. Rm memo: to ALL MOERS.‘ Electricity . Highland ngjlfmlilficttnric Light Co. Noerenberg Sc Hintz THE CHOICEST AND FRESHEST AT C. A. KUIST holi MCDONALD’S BLOCK. Ground Feed, Baled suav- lrigs, Baled flay or all kinds, Baled Straw. Oats. Gluten Meal,‘ Linseed Meal. C. C. Meal, Cracked Corn, Corn, Bran. Mlddllngs and Wheat, at lowest prices. ____â€" Solid Out. high back. highly pgl ished Rockers. valqe $5 ....... 2.50 Excellent thseli. Al ticlc, at. . 1.75 Cotton Tape Intranet! ......... 2.25 Nu. l Wool Mattresses .......... 3.50 Iron Bedu. brass trimmings ...... 3,00 Men's Solid Grain Shoes ......... 1_25 Children’s Shoe! from ......... 25c up Full line of Furniture. TELEPHONE 501. West Canal Ave Is the only safe and satisfactoty light. 'We can furnish you" the l at such rcas'onble raw: that it ' cost you qo_mpre‘than the other luminant. ’ Baled Shav- of ‘ light from, any

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