Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 29 Nov 1901, p. 8

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HAVE YOUR ST oVEs REPAIREIS“ {ti , The Hardv’ mm ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS - HORSES _WINTEREDâ€"l have accum- Jmodntions for 12 head , of horses for » the winter; warm brick barn and good water and Pfismife F. M. Evaps. w" . Insertions In this column: 30 words or less. one insertion. .21 M M l‘ ‘5 {out n . .1! More than 30 words 5 qentse. . V . All ads in this column must be paid in ad vance where advertiser has no regular ac‘ count with this ofice ~ SITUATION WANTEDvâ€"As seams- tress, or will do housework. Address Mrs. Eliza. Upderhill. care Newg-Ifet- FOR SALEéâ€"Two fur rum-s and single harness. PV 0. Box 468, Highland FOB SALEâ€"A large Red Cross heating stove; almost, new and in good con- dieion. Nswsolmnsn office. Park. ; ,Vplete (imported goods) ..... $ Gaps and Saucers, per set. .. . .. . 184th Platters. . . . ..' - . - . . - Fancy Table Lamps. . 50c to 5 Children’s Xmas Sets. . .100 to We wish to announce to t‘ the way of Quality andvf’rice. You can readily understand w A beautiful 10(Lpiece_ Vâ€"“‘-- v... i 3 and 4 piece Tete Tete Set-s Jardiniers, $1. 00 value, at ........ Decorated Fancy Glasses, per doz. Covered Chambers ..... . ........ ,Men’s, «Ladies'. and Children's Shoes and Rubbers. all kinds, at prices which defy competition. - Ladies‘ Wrappers, Irom.. ...... 5 Standard Calicos, per yard. .' ..... Standard Ginghams, per .3”..-.ard 12 dozen Buttons for. Curtain Scrim, value 8c, per yard A beautifui line of Wool Shirt from ...... ’. . .. '. ...... Ladies’ Flaunelette Gowns A full line of Hosiery fmm Crockery Department. Want C0‘Iumn. A lérge Redffg-oss heating C. A. KUI DRY (10005. MCDONALD’S BLOCf SHOES. THE PLACE Dinner Set, com; 1"26-3 the Tale ‘ Call at: the h secure your 09; 133m. McKinle; than 1,000 copii (I furnis 1': _ 1. comm n ition direct from y. u‘FJihhldLnCC to the ph Sicmn. its cost It 15 won . alone to ow that the doctor IS :./zlzzedialebl accessibli: ' ‘- In case accident 3in it is 1 will calkgaf oucefl’ " Residence Raye; 5c. for day and II- Chicagu Tel} High‘ l IG 4 nd Feed, Baléd Shavings, Baled by 'Baled Straw. Oats, Com, Gluten ' inseed,Coar9e Corn Meal, Cracked Bran, Mviddlings. Wheat and Oyster Carrel Salt and Rock Salt. A full 1' all animals at lowest market 'nai PUT UP BY .k highly polished, Rockers, value 5' be ..................... 32.50 :c'! lent Mattresses, Al tick, .$17 ‘ top Mattressys, A1 tick. .§2.25 Wool Mattresses ........ 3.50 otton Mattresses ....... 5,40 Beds, brass trimmings in. ................ $3 00 up ' 001 Ingrain and Tapestry Carpets, yard ................... '. . .65c yCopper- -Bottom Boiler” ..$1 00 EFIORD. Mgr 3'0 BUY THE BEST {10005 FOR THE LEAST MONEY. " S. flOLlDAY‘fiOODS 9‘ kinds. The moat complvtu lihv for :1 Her exhibited in this section of nd Ptrk, Ill k. the seuulne. orlglul CKY MOUNTAIN TEA ‘de only by Madison Medl- e 00.. Madison. Wis. I! pl you well. Our trade rk cut on cub pack-go. . :5 cents. Never mid L[ml . Accept no subd- ,9. Askyourdmum. W's-LETTER ofiice and of the ”Life‘ of “'i1- )hunc Cbmpany- Positively no more will be given away. E Foou-zm 1 ever éxhibi'ted County. F7 .ubiic at large, that we carry a stock or goods In ea ' inducements are not Credits, but every‘accommodation extended otherwise p 5 cannot be undersold. A few Sample Prices: !__â€"/' cit department second to none, In ossibie. FOR The N orthfluestem Store XMAS ~ Dealer. FURNITURE. FEED. ICIIIH \IIIIJI} \la ‘1! ‘l‘\‘v--v<â€". , or as man thetea er as the business (it (in: court, will permit. Said assessment is pay-hie In seven (7) installments with intern: at the me uf I per ccntum' r annum on all inmllmgnu except the first. in and after cunflrmanon. Algernon: damn Jilly file olilectionu in said mm before an my. and may appear on the hearing and mat their defense. . . H M. PRIOR. (Oflicer’appéinied by Count)" Court of LI e. County Illinois. to make said mmew Dngbdjt Highlmd Pan. lllinuiu. Nuvem No time of year no pleasant an autumn in the hardwmd forest 'country about French Lick Springs. Ind., on the Manon Route. "Hotel open all the year round. Steam heat and open fires. Beat mineral water on earth. Two trains daily. City ticket oflioe, 232 Clark street, Chicago. â€"1. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. «4mm: is hereby, given to all venom lntereswd that the City Council 01 the City of Highland Park. County of Lake and State of Illinois. having oak-red that Special Asses!- mem fur curbing. grading. drulnln . paving! and otherwise hmpmvxlz ‘flm. pa‘m u the alley a“ . _. u..- n INDIAN sunnER'Xf FRENCH VLICK. and utnrnusc "lulu-nu. nun-run V.._..W., in blpck Meaty-three (3) tmm the rut hm- of St, Johns avenue. east two hundred «an» feet to a point nppositte the ant line at lots um- (I) and twcm '~six (215) in block twenty three (28) In the City 0 Highland Park, County at Lake and Skate. of llinois. the ordinance int the samc being on tile in “16.0ch of the City Clerk of said city. and having a wind to the CuuntyCuurtof Like Cuunty urlnuacou- ment of the chats of said impmvemcnt acconh mg to benchtu. and an ' ment thereof hm'mg been mlde an Mum to sad Court. Jéwels. candy, flowers. nun-thal- ll theflorder of womnn‘s preferences. Jewels for a magnet of mighty power to the nvenge Woman. Even (hot: greatest of all jewels. health, is often mined in the strunuoux efiorta to make or save the monev to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a. coveted gem. then let her fortify her- self against the insidious consequences of coughs, colds. bronchial aflectionl by the regular use of Dr. Boschee‘s German Svrup. --lt will promptly arrest consumptlon in fig early Stages and heal tlle-‘nficctvd lungs and bronchial tubes and driw the dread disease from’ the-svstem. It is not a cure-all. but. it is a certain cure ‘for coughs. colds and 5.11 bmnchiul troubles. You can get; Dr. G. (1‘. Green's reliable remediu I} G. B. Cummings”. (let Green's Speck! Almanac. , - . C g-ll-25 Rock-era. value Avthousand things by it are done (u- better than most things do one. We' refer to Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Co. 35c. (yea. B Cumminja. ‘ . C34 Bring your Job Printing *0 the ans- LETTER office. ‘ Women and Jewels. . A complete linelot Monarch Shirts and Collarsâ€"a beautiful selection. . ‘ The finest Ties. ~ Men’s Caps lrounj ........... . . 25c u'p Btilf Hats, can't be reproduced under 8‘2. at. ........................ $1.50 Hose, all kinds, per pair .......... 5c up Boys’ Pants. per pair... .150 in 31,00 Boys' Suits of all kinds. ' Underwear. per suit. from. . . . . 50c up Men’s Suits from. . .“ ....... $5.00 up Xmas Suspenders of all kinds. ‘ All-Wool Pants, can't be bought anywhere Headquarters for Masquerade outfiu. A full line of Infants' '0",le Booties, Jackets, Bonnets, Cloaks, Mit- tens, Hose, Shirts, Etc. View our splendid line 0! Dress Goods. French Wash Flannels in I“ 00le and Fluids, ,Sergea and ,Flannvlottes. Silk Head Shawls, value $5, at..$2‘50 B. A. Embroidery Silks, per akein. .4c 10-4 Blankets at .............. .. . .49c Cotton Batten, per roll .............. 5c Ladies’ Walking Skim.$6.00 value GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. for less than $3.50, at. . DRY 00005. .'._._..f."....'. ....... 4,00 Poultry and Long Grove Creamery Butter. On IMPROVED HIGHLAND PARK REAL ESTATE in Sums of V$l,000 and Upwardf. . All the Latest Vine Avenue. Phone 403. FINE LAUNDRY WORK West Central Ave. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER ‘ CENT. DOMESTIC FINISH Our Specialty SHIRT WAISTS AND FANCY SKIRTS as they should be done We are also prepared to handle you’r Famlly Washing carefully and at very reasonable prices GIESER BROS. MEAT MARKET. EDGXii‘ ML'SNOW a; co. RELIABLE STEAM LAUNDRY 2735.75 Magnesia Spring Water Delivered Fla-h Every Day. Webringourproducedirectfmm the farm and can deliver to you always fresh. We aim to handle only the best and freshest. 101 WASHINGTON 51:, CHICAGO. MRS. BOCK’S, Groceries, Vegetables and Furits on the Market Weather. Gloves and Mittens. pei’pl'u', COrduroy Plats; 3- I!) can Tomatoes ................ IV“ 3 pnkages Pearliue ..... . . ......... 0° 60 bars American Family Soap.$2, 5 Select Currants. per lb ............ 10c Select Mince Meat, per pnehge ..... .83 Beat Flour. per bbl ........... 03.08 Quart jun beetMustlrd..'. . .. .. . . . .100 an ‘E. Sugar, 19 lbs. . . .- ...... 31,00 Corn (select), per can. . ., .......... . 70 3-“). Can Pears, at ..... , ........ 10c Dr. Price's Baking Powder. per lb.‘0¢ Tea, r lb ......... ‘ ............ 3- !b an Fetches .................. 1 Peas, r can. L .......... - .......... c 8 lbs {£5198 (select). . . ., ...... $1.00 Washboards from .............. 12c up Western Wash Machines. . . . ...$3,5O 4 lbs. best Ginger Snaps .......... 25c 4 flmSthrax.....: ........... 25c 3 lbs best Smoking Tobacco ..... $1.00 6- 1‘!) box Starch .................. 35c 12 bars Soap .................... 25c and Finest GROCERIES. ........ ......... ........ ........ ..... ' cup value ..... $1.00 ,ogaoaa _u22m32 Highland Park. 09 I?

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