Given Testimonial sword. '1 Boston. Dec. 17.-â€"Rear Admiral Frank Wildes, who commanded the cruiser Boston at the battle of Manila bay. was given a handsome sword. to. day by" friends in the rooms of the chamber of qommrce here. Washington. D'ec. 17.~A new immi- gration bill. the 'joint production of Senator Penrose and Commissioner- General Powderiymas introduced in the senate today by Senator Frye. The DH! provides for the educationai'test. and, in addition to the present system 0! the domestic inspection of immigrants, au- thorizes the appointment of inspectors at the principal foreign ports from which the immigrants sail. with in- structions to exercise especial scrutiny of the police records of immigrants with the view of excluding anarchists. It also provides forâ€"the deportation ct“ aiiens who prove to be anarchists. 1‘ Indian Attireâ€"Stark. Plan (Conn), Quarles. McCumber. Bard, Quay, Clapp, Gamble, McLaurln (S. 0.), Morgan. Jones (Ark). Rawllns, Harris. Dubols, Clark (MonL). , . Agriculture and Foreatry~Procton himbrough, Warren. Foster (Wash). Dolllver, Quarlea, Quay, Bate, Money. Heltl’gld, Slmmona. » Imprbveniént of Vtherkississipï¬i Elva; and Its Tributariesâ€"Nelson, Dolliver, Millard. McLaufln (S. C.), McEnery, M‘cLaurin (Miss). . University of the United Statesâ€"Do- boe, Frye. Foraker. Wetmore, Burnâ€" hum, Kittredge. Wellington. Jones (A_rk.), Clay, Camack. Blackburn. Immigration Bill Providing for Big- 18' Inspection Intro'duced in * the Senate. - Education and Labor -' McCom‘as, Penrose. Dolliver, Clapp. Burham, Dgpiel. Harris, Cat-mack. Gibson. AIMED AT THE ANARCHISTS. Civil Service’ .3115 7 Retrench men tâ€"â€"Pcrâ€" kins Lodge Elklns, Flatt (N Y). MH- lard, Harris, Bate, Dubois, McLaurin (Miss..) . National ’Ba'nksâ€"K'earnsh Burrom, Peyogq. McEnery. Gibson. Railroads-Clark (Wyo. ). Nï¬lson. Lodge Hawley, Wetmore Scott Bard, Bacon, Pettus, Money. Carmack. Select Committees. Woman Suttrageâ€"Wetmore Bard, Mitchel), Bacon Berry. ‘ Meat Produéts -- McCumber‘. Mcâ€" qunge}. Clam}, Daniel, Vest. Pensionsâ€"Galilnger; Debbie; McCum- her, Scott. Foster, Burton, Simon, Turn- er. Taliaferro, Patterson, Carmack, Gibson. Mines and Miningâ€"Scott, Stewart. Hanna. Clark (Wyon) Kearns Tillman Heltfvld Clark (Mont...) Dubois Buildings and Groundsâ€"Fairbanks, Warren. Simon Scott Quarles McCum- ber, Wellington. Vest Rawlins, Turn- ex: â€Culberson Simmons. i’ubllc Lnnda~Hanabrough, Nelson. Clark (Wyn), Bard, Kearna, Gambia, Burton. Dietrlech, Berry, McEnery. Hgitfgld. McLauriu (MissJ, Gibson. ‘ Fonker. (W~ sh. ) . Relations with Cubaâ€"Plan (Comm), Aldmh. Cullom, McMillan. Spooner. Deboe, Burnham, Teller, Money. Tell:- (em, ssmmons. , ‘ ', Postomco and Post roadsâ€"Mason. Penrose, Elkina, Doniver. Lodge. De- boe, Beveridge, 'Dillingham, Mitchell. Clay. Culberson, Talia‘terro, Dubois. Simmons. . , Philippinesâ€"Lodge. Allison, Hale. Proctor, Sewell Warren, Burrows, Quarels Scott, Bate- Cockrcll, Pettus, Harris Naval ARMwâ€"Hale. Perkins. McMil- lan, Flatt (N. Y.), Hanna, Pent-ow, Galllnger, Tillman, Martin, McEnery. Blackburn. Inter Oceanic Canals-flawley. Flatt (N. Y.). Hanna, Pritchard. Mitchell, Mifliard Kit-hedge, Morgan, Harris, Tutner. Foster (La). ‘ Judiciaryâ€"~Hoar. Flatt (001121.), Clark (Wyo.), Fairbanks, Simon, Nel- son, McComas. Depew, Bacon, Pettus. Turner. Culberson. Blackburn. Interstate Commerceâ€"Emma. Cul- lom. Aldrich. Kean. Dolltver, Foraker. Clapp. Millard. .‘l‘lllman. McLaurin (Min), Car-mack, Foster (1.3.). Patter- son. , ‘ Commerceâ€"Frye, McMillan, Elkina, Nelson. amuser. Penme. Hanna. Ma- son, Depew, Jones (Nevw) Perkins. Vest Berry, Turner, Martin. Clay, Mal- 101'! Foreign Relations. Foreign . Relationsâ€"Cullen. Frye, Lodge, Clark (Wyo). Foraker. Spooner, Fairbanks, Kean. Morgan, Bacon. Mon- rey, Rawlins, Bailey. Paciï¬c Finanpeâ€"Aldflch, Allison. Platt (Conn), Burrows, Platt (New York), Hansbrough. Spooner, Jones (Neva), Vest, Jongs (Ark), Daniel, Teller, Money. Appropriationsâ€"Allls'on, Hale, Cul~ )om, 'Perkins, Sewell. Warren, Wet- morel, Quay, Cockrel! Teller, Berry, Tillman, Daniel. Washington, Dec..17.â€"-â€"The caucuses or both parties today agreed upon .the membership of the senate committees: Bepubliun and Democratic Cdncuses Heat and Name Those for the Senate. HIGHLAND PARK PERSONNEL 0F COMMIITEES. Sheridan Road News-Letter; gen, SHERIDAN ROAD Ppblishing Co. Islands and Porto Ricoâ€" D‘epew, Wetmore, Foster Mitchell. Kearns.‘ Burton. Mallory. Blackburn. Clark Insular “tin. The Philippines. ILLINOIS York dispatch: General Carlos a 4. has received a cablegram from «.- Ventura giving an account of I Q: ht at Rio San Juan. Bum Vista. on. _l_3. 'gday. says the Colon, mbh, pendent of the Herald. ‘ a re: onists sent an expedition of 1.500 " overland tor Tumaco. This ex~ penlion was surprised at the river by ' heigovernment troops. Many casual- -« dire reported by both sides. ' inaugurated at Pensacola, Fm, ‘ys ago. has spread until about wen. are out. There: seems no - ’ ; t at this time at a settlement. 9 fishing smacks have been dis- ed and towed across the bay and 5 Aut.‘ 1.: a cave. -. who was convicted by court- ~l of complicity in alleged comm :ry frauds in the Philippines and iced to dismissal and imprison- for' three years.» . ’1‘ -( report that Cora, countess o! Stra. le‘d, is betrothed to Paul Cam- ‘eihe French ambassador at the “of“ St..James. is ofï¬cially con- ï¬rm <. T111315 the third matrimonial ven 111% or the pretty New Orleans girl who n her teens. was thexwife of Sam- uel Zylgater of New York. has near] book ence Chris Lions ‘iiier M. Lane, of the class of '8-1. ‘x e a gift to the Harvard corpor- partmt to invite eminent European schoi to lecture at the university on ‘ connected with Greek and Lat- t’ure. ' .n Deering. aged sauna his He wife. argaret, 53 years old, were found end in bed at their home in Astor L. 1.. Friday. The room was ied with gas from an open burn It is supposed the couple com- nitte uicide'. T. nster Brown of Philadelphia 1; sented to Haverford College 3 , .000 clay tablets, or Babylonian many or which were in exist- ence 00 years before the coming of hris All of the tablets bear inscrip- ‘ Lions ‘ the Assyrian language. i Da 1 Shanks, a wellâ€"known busi.i H1380! Los Angeies. who has] a I mess just .,turned from Mexico. says he met- . ere Henry J. Fleischman. the- Lbsci ding cashier of the Farmers! ind x‘erchants‘ bank of Los Angoies. .vho vfas short $150,000 when he left. The C )holic nnchibichopa of the United i. flutes have decided upon thin persona; lot the Catholic Indian bib ,muzd ;rdinalGibbonn.p t;'the ‘Rev. . H. Ketchnm. d! r; the Very m . E. R. Dyer, D. D.. mum-er. and Ch{ lea S. Lush, secretary. John: errall plended guilty to per- Jury‘at -'dianapolia, Ind., and received a sentef of from m to 14 year: ,at the Misgi} _ n City prison. Vcrrnll de- clared 55 had forged in nearly every kil- country. The police think he is s ving t6 escape punishment for 1 crixï¬e. Von Scheele, special repre- ot King Oscar of SWeden and has conferred upon the Rev. ‘ Holmeé. pastor or the Swedo xeran church in Burlington, Ia.,‘ they’d nation at the Royal Academy of Sï¬nfel} for proï¬ciency in the arts and lez‘gers. ' Ken 4; u euplng. one of the victims of » ' .ths.) wreck of June 24. 1900.13. ed a verdict at the hands at 1: Jury 312.000 against the North- waste: ‘ aux-cad company. Fm Smith. former cashier of the 38:9,}le bank at Portsmouth 0.. pleade â€ï¬‚ity to embezzlement of 820. - 000 0! ' 'f; bank's fund. and was sen- tenced >118 months in the penitenti- M 3* 1: kid. Thoma Watson sued‘ the st!’ csr company tor 36,000 for" lnjur! g ecelved In a collision’ and John hr sum! the Chlwlndiau Block I ll company for $10,000 for in- juries n phed in the mines. ‘ risburg and Chicago Coal purchased 840 acres of land the Big Muddy vein and J. an bought an adjoining 140 arshal Walter Vanna} of . 1nd. 'I‘.. was arrested, with the murder of Thomas well known Chickasaw In- W..G. tten. agent for 1 Chicago â€elephq ompany, died In 1 hotel st Jique. from a. dose of mox‘phine akexut e bar. l aged 77 years, committed fawning at Eaton, 0. luau, murderer, was hung- rown Pm, in the presence unrest Covering Various ‘ the World and Ply: Cohciu Form. NEWS BY WIRE. Word has been received by the New York police from Police Sergeant Mn- Caiferty_ of his arrival in Liverpool with William Hoepner. whom he ar- rested in Buenos Ayres. The detective] and his prisoner will sail from Liver- pool in a few days: Hoemer is ac- cused of embezzling between 830,000 and $40,000 from the A. W. labor com- pany. He was a bookkeeper tor the Members of all divisions of the Society 0! Friends gathered at Philadelphia Fri. day for the American Friends' peace conference. as a protest against war. Nearly 1.000 Quakers ‘were present at the opening seas on. including orthodox. Hickslte. and ilburite Friends from (cunt branches since the divis an o: the ï¬rst combined meeting of the dif- every section of the country From New York: Two world's records were madé In aquatic sports at the Knickerbocker Athletic club. W. C. Miller of New: York lowered the swimming record {or 25 yards to 12 2-5 seconds. The former record was 14 4-5 seconds. held by W. C. Johnson of the Manhattan Athletic club. David Erato ton of New York, in plunging {or dis- tance, set a new mark at 68 feet. The submarine -torpedo boat Fulton. which sank at her dock at New Suf- folk, L. 1., 'on Monday. has .bern raised. . The only damage done the boat was by the water that poured in- to her through the open forward hatch. Her bottom was not damaged. After her machinery has been overhauled and cleaned the vessel will be no good u ever The Canal Dover and Philadelphia street car campanies and New Phila- delphia and [Trichsville street railway company 1:an lwen consolidated and have passed into the hands of the Pomoroy Mandelbaum syndicaw of Cleveland. These lines form an im- portant. link in the proposed Cleve- land Wheeling trollvy road. ' Eight prominent cattlemen have been "rested last week by order of the Oklahoma live stock unitary comv mlttee on 'the charge of attempting to drive diseased cattle across the terri- torial and federal quarantine Illnes- Other arrests will follow.“ The board refuses to divulge the names of tho transgressors. a priest is dead, the result of Mood poisoning. Father J. W. O'Kelly. the New York Catholic prleat who Injured his hand while ï¬shing at Rockaway beach. a month ago. and who refused until (no laté to allow one of 1m thumbs to be amputated for the reason that he {car- ed it would lntertére with Ms work nc Mme. Lillim Nordic; declares that she in wary of traveling and Mlln‘ln‘ and that she is going to seek recreation in the roulette table. The primn don- nl ung Monday at St. Louis and tie. clared that‘ahe would soon go to Hot Springs, when she would divert her- ul! pining roulette and taking the baths. 0n pecan -lll health Cancun Rlclnrd P. . U. 8.‘N.. ï¬rst gov- ernor of who know on sick leue It the no honpttnl In Chel- m. nut Bodion. h“ uked to [be re- tired. Huflnc served more “an 40 yenrs. he can be retired with the rank and my of retr “mini. John Homerlgoul I dentist of Mat- noon. "L. courted bl: comm. Miss Em- m Honeflmn. 0! Ohio. for 20 yours. Then turn; that they were not tem- pertmoutly ï¬tted (or each other and flu! the 88,000 he had and would not be (ancient w are for Im- properly. he comma suicide. , At San Mucisoo. Cal. Adolph 0p- penheimer. who was one of the prin- cipal witnesses min-t Theodore Dur- nlnt. hanged {or the murder 01' Blanche Lamont. m myueriouely shot and killed early Friday morning in his Ihooting mien. Robbery In: the motive. i The Modern MItCh company at De- troit has entered suit for $30,000 anni- ageo mint the Diamond Match com- pany And the Wisconsin latch com- pany. alleging that the former com- pany employed the litter concern to drive out the Detroit people by ruinous competition. A trolley car In: dynunited on Cn- pouue avenue In Scranton. Penn" last Wednesday night at 7:30. The few per- sons aboard were seventy shaken up but no one was. Injured. This nukes the third time that the crew nboard this car In. encountered 3n exploobn. Balleton. N, Y.. dispatch: lnepectev Graham ï¬nds the ellog'ed embezzlement of Teller F‘ltchun o! the Flu: Netlonel bank to be 8114.000. l Mr. Kruger. formerly president of thr Souw African arrived a' Utrecht and has taken possession of My new residence. in. Kruger. who ep- peared to be In excellent health. re- ceived 1 great ovetlon from crowd. of people. Advices ut London from Valpurlpe and Bnenol Ayn- lndicato that peace '1] be pron-nod. HUSO Johnson of Chm-go has bought a seat In the New York stod- exchange tor 871,000. Johnson II : son-ln-law of Samuel Amman. flu Chicago millionaire. He went to CM cago from Iowa. He now nukes his home at New York. I Another young Austrian violinist. named Kocian, has made hi. ï¬rst ap- pearance in Londo’n' under the experi- enced managemexit of Mr. Vert and has been received with the home due to the art of Paderewski or Wetholmi. Charles 11. Schnb. president of the United States Steel corponflom will leave for Europe shortly mar Christ- mas. He wlll be absent nearly two months and will spend the time In England and on the continent. The "mp weight at the hon n- ecked at Chicago last was! at 201 pounds against 214 pound: for the week previous, 231 pounds for the corres- ponding week In 1900, nqd 150 pounds in 1899. 1 3111 Will Build Ital Can. ‘ Plttaburg, Pm, Dec. lG.-â€"â€"lt is m- bounced that J. J. Hill in bucking the sundard Steel Car company. and that It in his ultimate inn-nun!) to so hug the steel car bulldlnt blame-s on . large scale. The syndlmto will Inn “0.000.000 at in command. ! sm. uke City. Utah. Doc. xc.â€"wn- ‘lnrd 8. Haynes. the Chlmgo tn llu mun who was shot by Roy, K“; n. . 19-year-old boy while they were can. verging In the foyer of the Knutsfm-u hotel three weeks ago. died My. The body will pmhahly he thinned to In. home at Bushnell. Ill. high: I. In jail. ‘ Glut-ago. Dec. Iiiâ€"Relatives obit“. McKinley have little hope of her living long, according to the statement of Lieutenant James McKinley of the UM. ted States army. nephew of the- hte president. He says she does not can In health‘and tht the fully expect. no improvement Willard myuu, Chicago hauling Inn Shot by Suit Lake Youth, Pau- Amy. WOUND ENDS IN DEATH. London. Dec. Iiiâ€"The an of snow in Scotland is the heaviest in so yum. Several cheep keeper: and shepherds are missing and the destruction of sheep in the snow grim, which range from 10 to 20 feet deep, is unprecedent- ed. The storm appeal! to be pretty. general all over Europa There he†been violent snowstorm: at Rome. and several bridges over the Tibet river have been SWept any. Numbers ot‘ wrecks are reported from the leaner†nnean. 1 Behave: of In. chtnhy In." Little Hope of Her Evin; Long. PINING HER LIFE AWAY. Heaviest Snowfall in Halt a Century 00.qu luck Sultan; in Scotland. WINTER TOUCHES UP EUROPE There bu been In enthnsluuc ro- spouse to the Inflation: sent out by the World's F‘ll‘ committee on cere- monies. nun; Hunted Sum govern- ment and state ofllclnh. oommerdsl bodies, mlllw-y omnluuolu. mm» In! societies. palm“! clubs. hbor or-‘ unusual“, em. to Mclm'ln (hm fmde and ground braking ï¬reman-1 es. St Louis, Dec. is.-â€"'i‘he weather permitting. nii ' preVioun pende- 11 every nnture within the tuna-Kindn- eippi country will be ecliped by the one in prepnrntion here for F‘ridny. Dn- celnber so. By nrocinmntion of the gavel-non of nil the eaten end ten-i- torien within the honking: Purcha- thnt any will he fled "mu- nnn Purchase ' y,†gunme- uin; the forum] More! unWent-‘ em Americnn empire {mun ï¬nance to the United Staten. which occurred nt New Oriennn, on December ‘20. 1808. In St. Louis the any will hnvc epecini d;- niilennce. for it will mnrk the nctnnl beginning of the physics) construction of an inwruntionel exnonition in bonn- tlful Forest Pnrk. Ground to #0 lichen for flu It. Imus Exposition on ' Fruity. “Washington. Dec. litâ€"I be: to ex- preu throuch the medium of the u eocinted Press my gratitude Ind lieut- lelt than {or the kind words end ev- idence in my venue which I have re- ceived from all parts of the Uniï¬ed States. The amplitude d the cum pondeuce render: it impossible for In to personally «knowledge the me. end I therefore take this menu or ex- :lxieuing my upprecletiou to one and ’TWILL BE NOTABLE EVENT. The? “mu-u In: tddreuod the fol- lowlng least to the Aim PM“ mg; by uh to be pnbumod: - While Mr. Teuuo would not a: such ncdon Would be Men. he mud out the fact they could upped (tom the secreury'u ncuon to the madam. Schley has been relieved from mtun duty in connection with the court or inquiry. “We will except to the ï¬nding: of the court." uld Ilr. Tune. "and nuke n demnd that the mum-It! oph- ion be dlupproved by the “char! u contra: to the evidence Ind â€ï¬lm! fut: In the one which the court bu noqunuderodvnor acted upon." Later Beer-em Lon: replied thnt the request will be created. and his IC- tlou on the ï¬nding: nnd dluoluuon of the court wlll be withheld until the ob- Jectlons no recelved nnd mullet-ed. The preuntntlon at the objectlou vlllrhe mule Thur-d" or Nay. T Washington Dec. 16. ~At u com ence between Admin! Sable: and his I Meal-5.333112:- and Teena, odey, it wu decided to ask Secretary Long to withhold' hie spot-oval or the ï¬ndings of the court or inquiry until such time u the “mini, through his counsel. can iile u objection them. The request wu delivered to 140.“- und. while he did not never the mo municntion, it is understood the re- quest will be muted. " Admin] Decide. to Tm baptism «automatin- gun-100m SCHLEY WILL MAKE A FIGHT. “Very truly yours. “WINFIELD BOM‘T scum." Brunch. Dec. 16.â€"The Indepeud- ence Beige an that Dr. Sylvanâ€, ‘born In America. but netureuled II a chm. ha 112va e Cm ph which enables I. person II- Inc a telephone to eee his Interim and the letter-'3 surroundings. A French mini-tel; amending to the W per. ha witnessed conclusive ten of the Invention. and King Leopold In. emu-Jed e speck! audience for Dr. Sylvestm‘for the purpoee of inspect. In; it. It [I uld thnt the Inmmelt can he wanted {or nee en en wail-t1 telegraph wine. ~ NAMES MORE POSTMASTERS Waahxnston. Dee. 16.â€"-Aa a melt of negotiations that have been in Brun. the Danish mini-85hr. the hat ob- stacles of announce to muting of the treaty cation whereby the Uni- ted Statea become pecan-ea of tho. Deal-h West India ulanda Iave but removed._ltialald thattholbtnuot ‘dmerence have been adjultod In a not to ensure acceptance of the by the United States senate. an it- even possible that the convention nay‘ belatdhctorcthatbodrbcforethe holiday recon. he declalon of the preme court In the Insular caaea easier the preparation of tho treaty satisfactory unea. It u said. 3 a. I' 3% manna m THE’TELEFHONE. London. Dec. 16.â€"-The correspondent; of the Telegraph It 800: an that George Wuhbun. prawn: o! m college at Conununople. In: my tunedthnuhumonehmmh 3mm. and also that I. d the bud howl; Ill- 0 and» m autumn. It In M tilt ll- Stone a la Irvin. I . MOWlotohnhu-otl 'mhdbolddeoh CLEAR PATH FOR TREATY. \ Vie-nu. Dec. torâ€"no women of On- ieowand mummmn In the Polish mama. A mean made! by over 1,000 women puaod I resolu- tion wand: mlhltotothe'om of America :34 Europe daaiblu the trna'ment to which the Polish child". an majected co in M n In tho n-qclved to boycott the Pun-In about. German schools, Germ mm and German newspapers. especially fashion and comic periodicals. MISS STONE AGAIN LOCATED. rmidcnt of All-dun Collect Bulgari- Oonldnt Tint In. is in Balm rum on I’ll Appointment. June-town. N. Y., Doc. l7.â€"â€"Henry c. Payne has been Yuma; his um, In. W. 8. enact-In, In um city for new. era] dun. In an Inmkw tonight he stated that the peanut: was wandered guhzmlahlr Wuhlutonhhn 'oet. c n a: to make pu “c m- us his plan- tor the (cure. Rey Join In Agitation to m musicals-aw. WOMEN NOW TAKE A HAND. Ullnukw. Wild-Dec. l7.-â€"Henry C, P3730, who sum-d- Charla: Emory Smith as patmcster-mml. has been I. citizen of wlnukoe for many years Ind ha been mutant In balm“! cir- cles in Wisconsin for over 25 years For now-ml years be In: been Republh on. national committal-u: from Wis. cousin. and during th'e Int two man! cumming he '1: flco-chdrmn of tho ntloml committee. He m m of Milwaukee under Grant. Hna nu Arthur. 1nd was one of the when or the Northern Paciï¬c when that my wu In the calm. we: lag? momnectedvtthvmhrgel~ tenu- Includlu an Jinnah-e .1; Northern mum“ companyâ€"now put of the Chicago. Ill-nuke 8:. Put Internâ€"the Winona: Telephone com. pany ud street railway properties. low. Postmaster - 0mm! Long human: in Winonaâ€: I’d!!!- cd nnd luna- Adults. BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE. Henderson, Charo. " “23.3““ ‘0,“ C. L '5“. ’ .un: J. W‘ wag... h. Sioux mm“; A. Ike: F. C. Hm byWhich for n-