Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 27 Dec 1901, p. 2

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Naval Flag Covers Philippines. Washington, Dec. 23.â€"-Secretary of the Navy Long has approved an opinion by the Judge advocate general that the Minimum; islands are United States ter- ritory so far as the statute of limiter tlons applies to naval offenses. Des Moines, Dec. 23.â€"Governox' Shaw, whom a telegram states has been se- lected as successor to Secretary of the Trélsury Gage, stated when ¢al}ed' upon this afternoon that it was the first intiâ€" mation of he matter he had received, and that he had'no information to give out on the subject whatever. Sioux Falls; S. D..De‘c. 23.â€"-â€"By a writ of habeas corpus. Thomas E. Hagen, .aentenced from North Dakota for so- liciting bribes while deputy collectm- of customs today secured his release from the Sioux F311: penitentiary. Washington, Dec- 23.â€"â€"-Secretary of the Navy Long said tonight that he had not received the reply of Machy to the request for his resignation. Pending its receipt, he said he did not wish to enter into discussion of the matter for publication. In his informal discus- sion of the matter today. Secretary Long med it plain that the president’s inten- tions in regard to Maclay would he car- ried out regardless of the latterzs declaré atlon that he is protected by the civil service rules. It is expected that it he does not resign he will be removed sum- Washington. bee. 23.â€"â€"-The treasury department today drew a warrant in favor of Admiral Schley for $3,334, his share of them-{29 money due him ior the destru‘ctlon of the Spanish fleet at Santiago on July 3, 1898. max-11y. Dreyer’a Partner 0. Bankrupt. ~ Chicago, Dec. 23.â€"Robert Berger, tamer partner of Edward S. Dryer, the banker, who. after several trials, was convicted of the embezzlement of funds 01 the West Park board of Chicago, tiled a petition in bankruptcy today, schedul- ing 32,0935“ liabilities. There are no 7 A; -‘__--;-a ...In. Washington, Dec. 23.-â€"-A tender of the secretaryship of the treasury to succeed Lyman .1. Gage has been made to Gov- ernor Leslie M. Shaw of Iowa, but it is understood that up to a. late hour to- night no response had heed received. â€".°..- ._- .v_rvri. , ,, - At thvehite house no information is obtainable' pending definite authorita- tion of the fact that a successor to Sec- retary Gage has been obtained. Schley Receives ms Share of Prile Honey for Destruction of Cer- vera’s Fleet. Illa 'u,vvv,v - - assets. All the debts are connected with the future of the banking house of E. S. Dryer Courin 1896. PORTFOLIO SEEKS THE MAN. Hake Work for Undertaker. Logansport, Ind, Dec. 23.â€"â€"Jim Bell and Solomon Johnson. colored, fought a duel with revolvers late last night in a saloon at Kenyon quarries, near here. Bell is dead and Johnson badly NOTES FROM THE CAPITAL. Governor ‘7‘ Iowa Tendered thfl‘ Secretaryxhi'p of the Tresaurer 1 by President. - A wounded. :1 Julia. noun-u...” --_._ I w tuna and Colorado. Th company did more than $2,000,000 worth of business, but heavy losses in Colondo and South Dakota, with a shortage of crops, are stated as the cause of the failure. ’ Ludlngton, Mich, Dec. 28.â€"-The wrecked car ferry Muskegon, is slowiy si‘nking into the land, and the prospect of saving the steamer and cargo grows less every hom- Government Inspector of Huils Honor of, Grand Haven made a survéy today, and says she is broken in two. and will go to pieces and be a total loss Knows Nothing of Reported Tender When Reporter Calls tor ‘ Confirmation. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 23.â€"â€"A reeexver has been appointed for the‘ Farmen' Mutual Hail Insurance company, in- ‘corporated Jan. 21, 1901, to 1118!er crops against damage from hall on the mutual assessment plsn. While the .A 1:: ...... t Illubuul mvwmvv' ,w.._v , company was incorporated in Missouri and had its omces here it operated only in Iowa. Nebraskn. South Dakota. Man; ‘ “" â€" l. Civil Service Rules Will not Sure Navy Yard Laborer from Dismissal. SURPRISE FOR THE GOVERNOR MACLAY WILL BE BOUNCED. Wrecked Muskegon Slowly Sinking Into the Sand and Kay Prove a Total Loss. ’ LITTLE HOPE FOR CAR FERRY HIGHLAND PARK Sheridantfload lows-Latter. Deceiver Appointed for flu Esm- ,erl’_1“t“‘1 mil Insurance * . n,,,‘A_ m5â€" LOSSES WERE T00 HEAVY. SHERIDAN ROAD Publishing 00. Writ Opens Prison Doors. ILLINOIS While tfleflng from ,nn attack of in- sanity S iday night Dexter Knight. 2. ranchmm <ilvlng near Brynn, Idaho. killed hi 5â€"year-old boy and severely injured 15 ; two other children. Knight killed hié son by hitting him with the baby's ci- pie. At the’é id Bailey, London, the grand jury ret led a true bill against Them dore Jag; on and Laura Jackson (An- ua Odell Dlss do Bar). The recorder in char-gt "3 the grand jury commented \upon . ths’ "horrible and blasphemonl )chnractet; yt the evidence.” The in“ niche] council has voted to bestow t 5% freedom of the city of Dub- iin on J ~,n Redmond, the Nationalist leader i he house 0! commons, who l-as reti ed to Ireland from a visit to the L :ted States on behalf of the lm'ited sh league. 'F'he t. nsport Sheridan will depart n‘cm Sn. Francisco on Jan. 1, the Kilpatrhi on Jan. 1, the Thomas on Feb 1. (av rying'the Twenty-ninth in- :antry,‘ 1l i the Grant will sail at about the sam; time on a. special trip with insular "~ pioyes nnd school teachers. The lg 'er house of the Norwegian parliam : has pnsed a law fixing punish. it for the glorification of crimes ainst socini'order. The ma- tended mt men ~who incite _ to crime Ire .conSpirators \ v‘e punishment. rere his injuries were pro- not Serious. His assailant nuance- escaped_ « 'rest. The n; secrntion .0! the Rev. C. H. , aishop of the new diocese of the PM «5". pinos' took place In St. Steph- :opai church at Boston with lmposlu mlcsiutical ceremonth The -s crowded to the doors. - Two , fighters»! Mn. June: K. E'- 4 years of m. were burned in a are the: destroyed the house 01 pied by Mrs. Ewing and her six chi] n in Canon City 00!. Anoth- er child as so badly burned she will die J. B. 533 eat. a- court receiver. is in posses“: g; of SamuclKellner's depart- ment an 333 at Monroe. W13. Lubilmes are eam; nod at between “0000 and $50 000‘ "rm: assets :25. 000. Action was take} on the petition 0! Chicago creditort . Compa d with the kin-responding week in 2(ther years the six leading Western 13;.arkets received more cattle for tne 2k ending Dec. 14 than ever arrived _ 3gore. The total was ISGHWO Chicagoi one receLived 71 600, or 7.300 more ale": 3 year ago. _ The ci'irespondent in St. Peteqhurg or the (f; fogne Gazette telegraph: that a numbé-L of experts representing hi; America; {firms have arrived It Vlad!- vnstocktgroute for Siberia. where they will bullflfactofles and exploit flag urt- cultural’fitnd mineral wealth of the ccuntryg ‘ Eloff. f r. Kruger's granabn. hu sailed f 3 Holland for Moreno Mn- ques. w 5:. Intent to examlno‘the mm- tary alt ~:‘tlmx in South Afflu, and it it shoulé “be found advisable. to me for peace 0 :3the broad llne of autonomy ’7 British nag, umllu to the: for alm‘ covered fully In in a an and the The n the fine .WlscanS? Mrs. .{ficKinley'u condition rennin! much the same :3 it ha been since the 1' viral. She (Be: not requflre medical ghentjon. although Du. Phil- lips nm‘ Portman see her. once or twice a i‘eek, :- It was mused tut they mild when Dr. Rtuy returned to Washington. Brackett Reed, former the house of-rcpreaentaxlm. n informed that hen one ‘ . to 89,000,000 worth of prop- ' :- 9 heart of Portland. 1!. The ai raga weight of the hogs ro- celved tii Chicago last week wu 201 pounds.. ! gunst 207 pound: for the week 1: " 1011:, 246 pounds for the cor- :- week In 1900,3111! 245 respond pound: Mrs. :31:er w. Osborne. we or no 'late con_"l general to Eamon. arrived in Sal nclaeo In the Iteamer Bon- oma w! ’I the body of her husband, which 1- .1 Mm Em toflnter- in Sal ' oma M which 1 mam. Mrs. 'late con Whn from 11 John 1 He was pita]. nuance escaped Wimii Tana: his been minted mayor oé glance City {or another year- ly mung; He hu shady served two Y“ ‘2‘ The 12'.ch Rubber' Shoe cominny. units! :7' 0,000,000 was lncorporuud at ’I‘rentom )1. J.. The compmy unuthor- Izedvto 1: mnuhctm and prepare for market y :bber and fill its by-producu. Arbu'c {a Bros. ill a. Nntlonal Sugar pains company have reduced the prim; {of refined sugar 10 points} The 11 final act consul. An u ' dontlfled tom 65 old nols Ce ml suburban train Thirty- nrst at t, Chicago. Hatter: GENEi‘AL NEWS BY mas. n was sub} :_aken to the gene his Inj not serious 'rcst. ' :opa) church nposln mclcslastical -s crowded tc Two angbtembl’ _M fim’ typhoid {overâ€"in fact Jig,” :. varâ€"bu been dis- Mmenwd with success- w York. The patient is put ally constructed refrigerator inven- troten out. "WW y. =i ttempting mimic! a man E hop on Clark page; Chicngo {respondent in St. Peternburg fogne Gazette telegraph: that 1 of experts representing Ablg firms have arrived nt Vladl. grants for Siberia. where they :3factorles and ,explolt flag ml- “lnd mineral wealth of the ,‘A’r. Kruger's grandbn, ha in Holland for Lounnzo Hu- 3! Interest Covering VII-10m 3 of the World und rat in Conclle Form. Iy department announce. the 9mm of the bottleihip W1» 7 department 111$ announced acceptance of the buttlelhlp Andrew Carnegie has notified the New York Press cluh tth he intended presenting it with I llbnry to the nine of 85.000. The selection and put-chm of the books ere to he left to an elpecialiy appointed committee of the club. which. when the 35.000 limit has been reached, is to refer the hill to Mr. Cemexie. _ According to the Odessa Novosti, the Trans-Siberian nllway. when It VII begun an year: :30. m eulnmd to cost ‘ 350.000.000 roubles ($180,250,000); but the difference. estimated ind Mull. up 00 n yeur ago, was our 430..000000 roubles. The total coat. It. I: believed, will be over 1,.000000000 roubles ($513. - 000 ..000) The indvutrinl crinll throughout Rulâ€" sia is becoming intensified; in the Kiel! district, the we. of bankruptcy are very numerous; entire won-kl with nil their fittings. are being oflered for sale in all directions. Sum actor-ion md chemical works are on sale to the high- »est bidder. John '1‘. Hayden. lately a bookkeep- er in New York for Swift I; 00.. the Chlcago packers. pleaded gnllty to grand luceny In the court of general neulone end was sentenced to eute's prison for not Ion than one year not more than. five years. Hayden was employed by Swll‘t Co nt their ofllce in New York. Last Auzult he stole 84, 900. The police of firiin sre seeking for a young American culling himself Hur- ry, Marshall, who has disappeared from Berlin. Marshall obtained several thou- sand marks in cash and pewelry from American residents there. He repre- sented himself as s Cincinnatinn, and as s. former employe of Senator For- aker. it is believed Herein" is en in- ternational swindler. A: a result of much local agitation as to the‘proper charge on the part of the Detroit Gas company for fuel and Illu- minating m. the common councii has amended the existing ordinance so as to require the gas company to deliver be kind: of gas at 70 cents per 1.000 feet. At present the price or lilumniatiu m £331,111“! ofrueigufleentlparipoo eet. John A. Tillmn. a farmer living neu Racine, Wit, appeared st Knox, lnd.. to lay claim to an estate of $50,000 left by hi! mother. Tillman mntefloully disappeared In 1870 and up to the time of hit 0 “appearance he had been mourned Q dead. It develop. that Tillman kept up a coryegpogdenee wig: a' relative iho'm pledged not w d!- vulgo hil whereabouts. Mn. 1mm died beueyhg glut her son m boa toully dealt in). The rpmnining {our submarines hullding at Burrow for the British n- vy will be hunched before the end of the year, andthey will be completely finished and ready for their mu- he- iore they are placed in the Waist. The tests made with the Ant boat have been satietzctory. A tobacco exporter who he last re- turned from a. trip to England an the members or the Impede! Tobacco compnny have pledged themselves to spend half their printe fortunes. it necessary, to defeat the Amer-icon company's designs on the British tnde. He thinks the genenl cutting that will follow menus low pfloee for leaf next your, to m u exporters m concerned. The late hunk of Gothenburg, Neb.. 'ciooed Thom!” by order. of the Ne- bmh banking board. find an enm- lner paced temporally in curse. The bank In capitalised st $20,000. an! at the time of It- lut report had depot!“ 0! $32,000. Q. V. Cll'llon is It. pres!- dent and Mary E. Culson miller. William C. Whitney end hie train- ers, John Huggins and J, W. Rogers. heme selected Nasturtium to run in the English Derby next you. Nutminm will be shipped to Enxluld on the Minnehehn. on Dec. 28. The colt was purchued from A. L. Ante for $50.- 000 by ur. Whitney last summer. Ernest Snpoll. former nmrd on the main Ln (income or the Tnnultlnntlc Line, was untenced to ten months' lmprlgonment in‘ New York Thursdny for attempting to bribe an Immigration ofllcer to pun col-tun Immigrants on citizens. Federnl Judge Thomas imposed the sentence. One of the boldeu hunlnria ever pawn-nod In Ont Pnrk occurred Thundny noon within hnlf I block of the police station. The Jewelry store of W. H. Dnochlor, 131 Lake West. was broken into and nimble Jenny n'nd money. the tots! mounting to About 800, were taken. The London school bond Ml opened the first of a Iqflel of whack lot alp- pleI. The children at taken from their homes to Ichool m in unbultnce and snot-wad taken home by “bungee. The lchool curriculum lnclnda 3 lab- muxthl midday menl. The London World an the propos- ed visit of King Edit!!! ud Queen Alexandra to Ireland. which was to hue taken place in the spring or ut- ter his ninja-til coroutlon, ha been :bmdoned on sceount of the disturbed am of am country. Georxe W. F. Perry. one of the last of the Confederate bflndler generals. died nt his home In Bowing Green. Ky. after u long lllneu. Ho wu in m:- 670: you. and for my you: kid been connected with Ogden college. Fences Dull wu attacked In Nor folk, Vn.. by n unknown wonun. who threw n pan of concentrated In in her Inca. destroying both her eyes 9nd hor- ribly burning her. Jealousy In mpposv ed to have prompted the “unit. MI. I. no!!!” Deconlng or. of the (rates: vino-producing dim-k; in Europe. The Men of her vlm Mi in Jim wu valued at fl.500.00( About eight million collu- m ape: on tugs-rut Chen-b irrigating final I - Ind“: but the crops of last you (rm.- the irrigated lnds we mued n um: that mount. Proust Against Solo. Copenhagen. Dec. 24.â€"A petitio- mlnst the sole of the Danish Wed India. ulna-s the matter is ouhmittod to n plebiscite. ha been ell-muted and will be sent to the ‘rlgedu tonight. The petition been very few signature- of the members at the former ”filamen- tary committee ”no reported In km of the telllng. Bankers and bulloc- men one taint the lost and m tuna mlnlt the Isle. During the con- lnrholldayn they will drew up comm proponlolnthepremlou,toheouh~ mitted to the fluids; Immanuel) when that body must. -oeton, Dec. 23.-â€"'rhe special com- mittee inquiring into the hunch! coo- dluou of the American Legion of Honor has made its report The aummariaed financial status of the organ taking into coueideration all mums, is shown to be a balance of $838,587.50 on hand. The membership. ml. is ahown to have auilered a further de- crease. On Nov 1 the committee touna' it to be 7,110. “The committee mm that it in an" that the order is in grat- ifying financial condition. although it recognizes the fact that the number! of the organiaation are not an atmu as they should he. The report in ac- cepted by the oflcera of the order an a complete vindication of Supreme Secre- tary Warneek and his management. Washington . Dec. 23 â€"-Necounuons bean-en the United States nnd Den- mark. looking to the ceesion of the Den- leh West Indies. m Gagging. No eubâ€" mmm progress has been nude since [not week. The latest suggestion tron) the Denhh side In that the people of the lelnnde shell determine by n plehteelte whether or not they ehnll be ended. The outcome of such I; test cannot be fore- told. for 1 strong («effing of nttnchnwnt tor the mother country on the one hnnd might be offset by the greet trade ed. vnntegee expected to follow the tension of the lelnndl. ' Double Tandy In Lmn. Lemon. 0k. T.. Dec. 21.~â€"John Rob- erts shot and HM George m John Hmbotton. brothers. and preheat} bully wounded another Mahat- tomueneeltoteqmnelowerthe divide: o! e dun-my or My. All we (”pennant-escaped. uutdaddon'uhndeddo'lhyhdn Bnnm of the district court today wherein he (ital-red that I tildes-lo 0nd )obing hm handling duvet! 3nd doing 3 rem! bulinm is lilble to the summon: oi’ mulci men. After the ment was nude he ilk-d a petition noun; a tanpopry in- junction to prevent the tale of the propâ€" erty. This we canted. and he then asked thet it be nude per-Intent. Here the county filed n demurrer asking the: the tempornry injunction be not aide. The county claimed that the Ir- ulna did A retail bunine- nnd came under the provieions of thehw. ”this decision urrlel m It the au- meat of similar taxe- Intact svv- en] other cigar houses In Humane. during the you m “31,108,637. or 81!.- 000.000 more than for the an. roads 911”“. Ann: arrvn. .v- __ you showed l min: of “1,051,033. _'l‘he gnlunlnnn report In cont-d to the returns at opendu mill. The dividends paid by both Wu and leaned commu- annually include, about 880,000,000 paid on the put of the The cue h mum Hm Gm- nel at 11 VI. Immune County at IL 'Gremmol I- u wholesale duh ban. and contended bu becnuu d m- an tn did not full upon Mm. Hz turtha' chimed the nae-amen m n ma» session at the later can con-lend " . In 1900. Negotiations for Canton of tho Dan- ish West India to Unttod sum Dragging. Watt 0.. Dec. 233â€"1119 prom- any report of the latent” comm commission on, the moo-um! o! momlmamuuwmm the your code] 1-0 80. m1. aha-I re- turn of the railway cannula open» In: 192.1” mllee o! the line. The pa- eenxer earning of the ruin” were $426,909,210 and the Mt m The tom! no: m were 81.578.164.205. or 8.211 par mile. unmet 81.487.044.814 in 1900. Not my 111m The ope-nun; expenses mounted to $1,028,156.31. or $5.328 per mile. uk- ng the net amino $555,007.)”. or 833.- 577,le in excess of the gem! you 1800. - J _ AI-..) AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. Depart of Ipocld 06mm. W cred Vindiuuon of lupin-n Secretary Wmock. N0 PROGRESS IN THE DEAL. :udge 3mm lulu mt W Dedu- Oallu mm; 1:11. A.- MUST PAY THE MULCT TAX. «i In: My roam-n limo- Gmur M m: flu M‘ mg hum-mum W REPORT OF COMMISSION SHOWS PROSPERITY 0N OPERI‘TING RAILROADS manna. 23â€"11.; proud- London, Dec. 2Lâ€""8cm-omafl mu received here (no. Con-unho- ole.” the Rome comma: or the NW ethics. "m M m WhMudmuKI-sm-evfll N M almost hm.- AM In: In]: Ina-Ind... Pimburg Dec. uâ€"Jou W. Iona, an aged soldier Sunday that und mu his son-1min. noun.- lawman! at me latter’s hbme III Balk-um. Mn..- Wawhlnnev. It in aid. Ind «unnamed ‘0 her atherOanYIu-lndof ‘wr husband. After the km!" Mm "w hlmnlt In). nvlnz that Maw-Mn- M-v had driven MI first We to made. ‘~ut he mum not repent late ofleme. n 5e had “fled him. Jearles nu In his element. and boasted thmmrnotnmonm who could do Mm up, tut his equal had notyetboenbomnndthnthe would an Manure In knockln; out any human helng wlth the twenty” stand mum hlm. Concluding. he did he would any in: one 81.000 who would Induce Bob Flu-unmou- to in nuclei to “It htu‘. “There has been considerable bk! to ma. "about my being mud to noetbmmlmttonyrtghtnov can I '11! uke on minimums any fine be mu my me. and. further- mete. will give any nun 81.000 who ndm Mummeetme. “hold us though Starkey would be my next opponent. He Is the only one anon E Anchor Anode. 000nm landou. Dec.21.â€"Ilu men: Grace. unchal- of 11ch 1’. Once tom lyotNe'York. mull-flute” Wm. u 8!. Wham Chm: nun, today, James Game:- was allot 01100.30 first In" entering his mouth and the second went tin-nun his heart. WI“ attrmpted to grnb Hoyt-e. but he ”my ad hack and shot him. the ball mud-g ht: Ion brunt thou: n Inch ova m alpple. nnd knocking Mn down. Noon then M Denver, 001.. Dec. 21.-â€"1Vro thou- sand people wet-e turned at," an. Coliseum In" last evening when Young Corbett ind Jellies “mud in the ring In an exhibition bout rop- resenting the uncut. and hauled; weight chunk“. .’ Says He Never Had an Equalâ€"0M $1.0“) to Get Fight With Fitz. to fight he. um I willinko ill. on when I at to_Ncw York." Flu! fightstlctw ‘ I Hot Bpflm. Arm, Du; n-Ma loom. a hotel-keeper of this city. on mum-y undoc- m and and James A. can" ml morally mu- ed his brother wm. after they m to tnkv a drink with him. AM £39 Ihounx Moore Max-nod to lab I” and. securing 1 Winchester. m Ml town and are bun-elf up to the MI. Constantinople. Doc. Itsâ€"Tho u- fhormu at Mt. am have W- lkd unnamed We... emu" not they mull mace their "tortilla uon within 15 Ma, am they win. he expel!“ 1!! rung, {Sim-a wreck. m can m talc-coped and noon burned. A Inact- un: min n- uangfww W“ . “lug, _“_ ThebodklofDeIu-h-n‘ Guam were burned beyond muons. m hterlnthednyverebrouxhtbfllo morguelnareonnny. My“ [mt agony. “fie Incident my Wm"- Ing to the absence of 3 mm v-rv-u â€" â€"_,_ wSwallow fll; the am m of lacuna! at Judith '1“ undo u made In the mm! “D ha wrltun filth unharme- de- Einmumwmnm ruby Gina Allin: Ola-cu mummy-tow a T0 EXPEL THE AIERICAIS. FATAL RAILROAD VIBECK. JEFFRIE8 GROWS BOASTFUL. oltheneu- m (I11

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