Illinois News Index

Sheridan Road News-Letter (1889), 28 Feb 1902, p. 1

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l by the old ‘Mo’e do Uni" does of the Rodi, Hr. m ry much improved. enry Mowen, 60W old maiden: of thfi it}, who li'. oar Alf-red SL? WI. ho o! trouble ‘1“- Son. ‘1‘ he foolishly ilfld’fll Ink. a monkey and“ “thud, he took bod.“ Wu would react m y by said Hang Iowan mud with a 'roadin Iron WW ty 0: the Lake." which ubiknx‘der' The" as nape!“ invl’ p [It DIM. tar from MW snout. II w press tells fl hi- life in , where he} i m ,9 it. is a greatphfl (or won \ “PI“‘ and. . h is there {or today 0! ‘0‘ hm. Healao 7| In. Sand nub inurestqd' the ulna-y Liture in second “‘01., on. in by! d.” but“. that mko we who? in g“ comm thhl 0'? M may sap buck... cup-t4 .. wen u m mold! '0' 9“” MI" in” brick. I. I. George E. Lyon. M Wm- Lns a «Detail? Nun- ‘pofico this went Ir. Lyon ‘pd in to um a. beau-W ‘ 5;. name to” ‘ batman kin conventiqi Bo apt!“ Lamination {or M mature. :3 of Fort Sheri frequent callers I p, tineI I "- ihoold be mold ‘ Rugby hockey alum! “W “I, phyod our Dmmiich‘!" .dgy waning Ind M! m, and they use Mud n: um Toedfl' ‘ m ”(Land WM! ‘0 1- n Scoot In- Bo ”uni-yer, g» bofi an M “by “d bay bay bg, "Rnhflor the and In; 900'] dinner P'"! k and had menu's]! we” 3 inth.“ Wan! Column. l‘uyfl in hone-Cl: out. the am all m r... wheel- a. mama to "0‘" ban. 1"! I’m‘d and fine um ‘ judge "I“ ‘bl‘ V“ We gm Tm“. enough for u- -=_ . . i()imuit court __begins in Wanke- I One swallow don’t make anm mannnd one or two fine day s in February don’t make spriné. Be- me of the idea of March, as Can: aid when he crowed the Rubicon Ind not out for Gaul. Superintendent Warren had an excellent Washington memorial serv- ice in his Sandy, s'chool at the‘nap. fiotchurch. He put lots of Work into it and the school stood loyally tothowork. The ’west side woman who went to Judge Hibbard for a divorce from hot husband because he brought in the kindlin’} and 0031 for the hired girl was told that was beyond his jurisdiction. A talk on “The Arts and Crafts of Civic Life," will be given by Mr. Dwigkt Perkins at tlle regular meet- ing 0! 'the Highland Park Woman’s Clqb, March 4, in Library ball. Work on the Moraine extension is going on rapidly. 4 The foundations no in and the framework goes right up. Alderman E. A. Warren has tho contract and is pushing it. ‘ Local Union No. 461, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join. “a, of Highland Park, has set the scale of wagon at 40 cents per him To take 65601. April 1, 1902. Some noted Chicago “whips” will form a coaching 'club to ply bemoan the Auditorium hotel and the Hotel Moraine this summer. The schedule will begin about June 15. ing to fool away any money up there, be on hand on time. Mrs. Struck, dressmaker, Wishes to announce to her friends and pé~ Hons that she will sow at. private residences. 221 Park avenue. 9 Mrs. Pierson was out Monday «in: berkodak, taking snap shots of handsome buildings and persons. We dodged behind Fred Schu- macher’ a drug store Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reasman left lalt Friday for a visit‘ to friends in St. Charles ant; Aurora, returning home Tuesday evening. The; contractor has commenced operations on the fine brick flat building to bo- built for Thomas Howe, in Highwood Advance sale of wash fabrics for Ihirt waists, the proper styles for Ipring and summer wear, at the Ladies’ Bazaar. fl, No charge for advertising you! property unless we succeed in selling or renting. North Shore Renting Agency. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yoe are hav- ing a very delight“)! winter out in California. ‘ Mrs. S. Stipe, of Ravinia, wasa caller at the NEWS-LETTER office last. Friday. Thomas Howe, of Oakland boule‘ val-d, has putt! new telephone in his residence. The number will be Stylish Millinery at the Ladies’ Bazaar. at"; LAKE FOREST, : Increase Business {ausumufiuuuui gsmmmuuuug g Smash! merchants V01; X1. news-[men The best medium for late than enterptiaea is the Never let up on Advent» Ina. In these days one must advertise tokecp bus- iness as well as to HIGHWOOD. Fireinsurance planet WW E. Brand Miss Emma Evangzl l‘w 'aughter of Mayor Evans. was in; '1 {16330, Mon day, for the purposé - :haying an operation performotli ‘lr throat and nose. Her many; § lid! will be glad” to know nho' l8 glsi 5 ‘ 3 along as well u could bespxpeii . although she has been quite ill} A geek. » fine paper on WasSE‘i} on at the bible_ school memoriai é flees in the Bapfiht church Sulzu ‘, « It was brief, éomprehensiv'q finned, well written and well may“ he congrat- ulate was Ogilvie 0116 if j fine piece of work. Er? Mr. B. F. Gump' this week for Biloxi, month’s stay at th arid make a general mer resorts oi Flori ‘ returning to the Par weather. The Catholic Ortiz" of Foresters ‘will give a mid-L t. masquerade ball on March 17.‘ Several prizes will be awarded, an! an enjoyable time is promised. 1:}; e order alwaya' has a large attemillnce at their functions and constityllently a good i I time. To the Park I: ; sewivee: Did your kitchen or 0th 5 maid marry a soldier last week be re the boys :1) blue left for Trim .nd the Philip- pines? Several of «inert: did. and are now'impatiently 'vraiting to hear from over the water. The Winchesterg. Shei-idan Road, 2: thoroughly overhallé has been rented, wag Merryweather, 'sr., ti 8. M. 000’: house d avenue last season. 1 r Bed: 3 call. It wilmbé change: for you, and you wig get reliable The next ‘time yofil, think of going into the city to buy {y‘gur dress goods City Attorney ma Mrs. K. R. Smoqt returned Jiturday evening from a fifteen day} trip to Pensa- cola, Fla., and Mic ile, Ala. Mr. Smbot is very mini! improved and now goesto his ofiic;s every day. J. H. Dufiy, the' yppuiar express man, has a new outv’fli which he will bring out as soon mi xhe weather is a bit settled. He egg: ioiks like to have their trunkflefic , go in clean wagons, and that is {where James is right. Q, Mr. Lindstrqm “1: .cutting the wood of! his new ‘g‘K-acre"faym, out west, and piling it . his big wobd- yard up on Elm ace. It. is cut green this winter and will make first class fuel for n «t season. r By Hating your hHme with us this spring, we can protfa ly find you a good tenant or a blfigg'er. We don’t charge you a cent f3“ advertising in the Chicago papers}; run! -the' N sws. LETTER, unless we [yam or sell. Miss Nellie Qgil FORT SEN fiffKIDAN, hi IIGHLAND PARK, Ehouse up on 5'3va being so . and repaired 13 told, to Mr. 5 one who had , n on St: Johns H» g-ead a very .yd wife left ifss.. After a Elmous Beach ,New Orleans 'rigf tbg sum- d the 5*‘b the ! Colonel Davidson, of the military academy, is pushing the work of making an Italian villa out of that two-story mansard roofed house he bought, opposite the drill hall. When completed he will move in and itnagine himself living in some villa on the banks of the River Po. You see that big ravine just heck of the bout-no used to have a atrongj Italien flavor. ‘ \ WANTEDâ€"{30m rugs (or walling presses. Will pay inflame per pound. Apply gt leLl'n‘u 0mg. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902 The horses, cattle, sheep and other loose property out on the Dr. Ingalla farm were sold Monday at 11 a, m., by Warren H. Willmott, auctioneer, to Fred Richards. James Sheahen and Alex Robertson, and a “wee bit” of a Jersey “furrow heifer" to Charles A. Kuist, whieh he put under his buggy seat , and brought home. The balance was left on the farm. . The first annual ball to be given by the employee of the Chicago Milwaukee Electric railway, at Fort Sheridan Perk pavillion, has been postponed from March 8 to Eaeter Monday evening, March 31, 1902. It promises to be an event of rare entertainment, and in eagerly awaited by all who enjoy dancing. If you want. to save a trip to Wtuke. gun sud extra chgrges on special as- sessments, City Colicctor “find can fix you pp on short notice. Mrs. Mary R. Hammond, opposite city building, has become tired of living without neighbors and will put up two cottages on her big lot just south of her own residence. Then when she gets a fine house in just east of her own. she will be living with. near néiglihora .as snug as a bug in a rug. The city council will meet next Tuesday evening“ March 4, at 8 o’clock, and 8 04inch comes just em,» " swan». was 31.0 and the mayor will not be compelled to ask a substitute to occupy the at torney’ a chair .Quite a number of the residents on Hazel avenue want it meeadam ized this season. but the Wildvmods people do not “tor the scheme, we are told. We hope thin will not block an improvement the other res- identeon that street want, even at a small coet. Soups fine it will come, of course. ‘ Someone wanted to know why We printed a cut of F. M. Evans' store laat'Week. Became he is a regular advertiser and don‘t drop out when business slackens‘ ‘a little; and he gave us a diéh of liot oatmeal soup last week‘whep he had that special cook booming his Milton cemls. Supervisor June- McDonald took the returns of Tnflday’u big election up to the; county clerk in Waukeguu. Wednesday morning. He looked gill tired out when. he got home. Enough to tire anyone out to carry the returns of 21 Ivotes up there on an electric car.. ' * RAVINIA, We will be thankful for any item of local news or nutter of public in- terest. Telephone No. 92 or 773. W. D. . Meeeinger is replacing some of the dead trees put out leet spring with new ones. They have large lumpe of frozen earth on the roots, so the smell rootlets are not disturbed. Now, it well Intel-ed as the {wet comes out, and the trees well headed In before the eep um, and then their trunks well covered with weree hey or etrew reyee kept wet ell lemme! to pteveot the mp ontlonend ioee of the Vite] up through the heck. they will come out ell tighten! Ileke e good meet it. The United States war depart- ment wants an artillery range. It must!» within fil’ty miles of Fort Sheridan and must be an unob- structed range not lees than [our miles long, width not stated, but room for bunch, stables and other neeesury buildings; It is also said a rifle range, 2,000 feet long at least, will be added. It you have such a piece of land or know‘ol one suitable for the purpose, let somebody know. Lake county wants it and ought to have it. J. J. Band, City Collector, will be delighted wen-(lit you with my uneas- ment due on your property. 081w in "rind Bms.’ bulldlng.‘ The Highwood rummage sale was agroet meow. From 300 to 875 being the result, end the good ladies have bought I. piano for their church. , Next week, Thursday even- ing. the Methodist singers. of Wen- kegan. come down and giye 'u con- cert in . the church for the ladies, and pay all their own expenses. Mrs. Gillette was down here selling tickets at 25 cents each. She had two left when she met no, but not so many when she went on her way. The Brand Bron, painters Kd decorators, received thin week of-the finest assortment: of apocial designs in whll paper over sent out by the wall paper house of Alfred Peat: Co The low prices on the assortment guarantee to the Hecate. Branda large quantity of onion. hence tho partial!" nine of the line to than. A young business man in this town told us this week that he hid absolutely quit the use of been whisky, etc. His business is pro- gressing, his eyes and skin look clear and fresh, he was never in better health, and he thinks he has made a wise move. That man will heon‘ top, hy-and-hy, and some of you fros-snd-essy beer. and whisky fel- lows will be- in the gutter. asking him to help you out. I If you wish to get on our special circular, which will be mailed to than who have rented, residence. in other suburban town in the last Mo years. Gall up telephbne 92 or 773. No charge unless we are suc- eeuful. North Shore Bontir‘xg Agency in Nauru-Linn oflice. GLENCOE, mmmond K B "9 .9151. 59.9911. town. During February and March the drugstore. of Highland Pflhlm-n willboclooodat 9 p- m 0W0- Sctutd-y evening- “IOY WI“ 5" “9‘ open until 10 o'clock. Gio. B. Gamma. Du; Sinful“), 10.14 Fun W. Saunas. We learn thet the canal Aldridge vs. Buchanan. which wu begun be- fore Justice Baker, changed to Hib- linrd and by him penned on to Mr. Watson. who gave Aldridge judg ment for $15 and costs, In! I'll taken to the circuit court by the plaintifl. The case camed I (In! of interest in legal and ”mi-legal eit- cles. We shall watch them with unabated interest. It will go down into history as one of the cam cases of the weetem Intel. "the attorney for the defendant: will “he no oflenee we will put I “Iel' In hie our. ” Cut your remark: in two”.- du'ee the long drawn out and reiter- ‘ated questions in cross-examination by fifty per cent It lent; nuke you: point once Ind leave, don't III-Int at it . until everybody, judge, jury. and epeeteton, are all tired oi; then don’t meanin little; W- ant trifle. into mount-ill of b- _V port-nee. it ml to ‘diqnd “I coun3y0umwlnu-nchbywht youdon'tubywhetyoedouy. great credit (or posting “has lotof reference boob on thsdslvss. But how and where did they get tbs money, nearly 82(1)? When thy got possession of the buildinaldp ow, they found those old billiard room fixtures. sad instesd 0! dating them swaj to rot and fell to pisses. Messrs. Hipwell and Phillips In! up to Highwood'snd sold than to s man who was going to start I bil- liard parlor, snd bought sll thus books with the money. Hence they did not cost the tsxpsysrs scent. while Messrs. Hipwell snd Phillips put in their time and work fuss. Take our advice frienda. [Pym haven law wit 09 hand. “I. if you can. Your attomoy, if b in a young than and a “new W.” he will advise you to light it. Ha wants his leo- and a chance to lbw ofl’ his talents, while you dad meekly by and pay the billa. W5. you are beaten he will say, “Wall. 1 am very sorry, I don’t use how it happen ." Then he will pron-t you a bill for bin foe, and leave you topay alltbeothorooda. How very kind he is, and the h b. knows, the more ha will an. Mb; fight it out. Tab our flag . r mm. The board of local impmundu hold a meeting Tueodny owning!!! act on the qua-Lion of mm Elm plloe from the ”and“ to the bottom of the “POM” C h Emil Rudolph'l. The den}. 0‘ the “Pocket" can coon got a. a. Sheridan Road and up tom: with“ going mm the mud up to the hub. Wonder if some folks down that my are still alnid Aldmn' Em ll opposed to improvemonu. He hll pushed this matter dong. Hg, 1,03 ' incumuucmm WINNETKA. N0. 14. LAKESIDE

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