A * 'Wwwvmmxm allCas-ih nAdva WSbC riiopt sto JSHRRIDAN ROAD NEWS- LETTER NOERENBERG HINTZ .0 OBEHIES AND PROVI8IONS¢ nu ‘ :30 '13:?er. Cent Carry the most cop pléte Stock of . Staple and Fancy WEST CENTRAL ‘AVE. Fies‘n- Mock couneous Ireatmem "TELEPHON E 65.1 '\o be found in Highland Park. Durigig‘ March. THE SHERIDAN .BOAD .NEWS-LETTER. 0†2 In. Blue. Aemm. e! Brudoeh. Pd. furnishes 3 wine “or: e! the re- cent hurlyohnfly in etoehe. About. Ive years ego ehe W I! ehuee 0! Northern Pane. peying 810 e there Shortly nltetwud the bottom fell out oi’the merkee end the stock becune pmï¬eelly worthless. Her brother- in-lutwwned none of the stun, but sold it for 85 cents n share end urged In. Auwerter to do as ume. She deelined to do no. but put them in «heap fumes end hung them up on ‘ the well. u n reminder of whet then seemed to be her to“, in melting Inch ’ an involOï¬-nt fluvia- fh- whirl ‘n WI.“ sum... um.» u“. swan we» ;m.: 2:; 8100 u 3‘ lap. slag sent her dure- tq New York. when they were gobbled up u an immune ï¬gure. Now it do- nlopt that In. Auwetter {tiled to .99, u: ailment leviod some you. ago. and than seem to be null pros- poch oi ha getting “the W '\One 61 the most notable lilSrsry symptoms is the tremendous increeee of interest in spiritual snd theological mblems, ssid s prominent librsrisn recently to e writer in the New York Sun. It is sstonfthing to see how msuy men end women sre tending eagerly everything, dealing with ques- tions of life and immortality. ' We lane at great msny elderly readers who are absorbed in such- litersture. l ‘snppose modern thought hss upset their early beliefs, and they ere strug- 31,198 to resdjnet their theories end-l {doctrines in the little time thst is lett ‘ to them; ‘Psyehology, end ell toms of oc'cultism hsve e grip upon the pub lie intereet . now, end sociologicsl works ï¬nd.» times the number of resdere they had even ten years ego. [t interests me to see how many young, A .. _ V ML... wag-1 ‘13.,“ ,, ‘ nomics, 3 lug. proportion of them be- ing from the working classes. ' There in In opportuntty in Cuba for the investment of capital, it persons in- vesting will be content with moderate returns, says Senator 0. H.- Platt, in Success- I do not think our'new poe- ses‘sioné‘h'old out any inducement to: in American who. proposes to support himself end to better his condition by- hie labor. The climate of the trop- e: is not favorable to the northern workingman. and the capitalist who expeéta to double his intéestment in a y'ea'r or two, according to the present eraze for obtaining immediate wealth. is very likely to be disappointed. Busi- ness methods, business sagacity, and contentment with reasonable returns‘ are likely to make ventures of capital fairly remunerative. There is no. end. of odd names in North Carolina. One of the. bett‘ known/men in Raleigh na med his chil- dren otter the states of the union. ï¬nd they are among the most prom- inent people in that section today, among them being Rev. Wisconsin Rayner and Vermont Connecticut Raynter. Newbur-n in the home of Sharp Blunt. The home of Sink Quick is in Richmond county. me. Dred Peacock, of Greensboro: is one of the foremost educators in the state. while the home of Duly Dawn in Raleigh. masher NWmLEï¬ï¬. ‘ NORTH Sfl0RE REAL ESTATE _ RENTING AEENK service, and no charges unleaq we rent your property. -We will ad- of your property in every issué of vertise g list and full description ï¬ummegedl in Highlgnd ,Parkï¬nd' dresses of every family who" have vicinity in the last ï¬ve years, 'and cular' and descriptipfr’ï¬f your willrarrange‘to send themncir; property. . u's exclusivély we make- no charge tor any advertiéing we may- do NORTH- SHORE ‘ :â€" 4 REAL ESTATE RENTING AGENCY‘ . 271 CENTRAL AVE. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS THE . NEWS=LETTER Werwill give you thé best of We have the names and ad- Remember, when you list with Propefty With List Your