CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK ,, cm OFFICER.- lohofl 0. Ivan- ............... .Iuror John Finney . . . . . . ..... . ......... Clerk Kenneth B. Swot. ........... Amway John 0, Daily ............... Treasurer L. B.’ Hibhud ........... Police Judge onb J. Brand. . ............. Collector Fred Gmnshdo ............... Auditor Edvard luplls. . . .Supt. Wuwr Works Andrew Bock .......... . . .Firo Muthd OW QI- â€nun .......... £41“ Gnrnshde. . . '8 ...... ward nplls. . .. apt. Andrew Bock ............. Fred Bndol .............“: .............. Join Roi-on ........ ‘ ..... Bard of Hellth First Wadâ€"Edvard A. Wan-en. Moses Boom Wadâ€"Goo. w. Turner. Fr‘nk sunrise council-nu. Humee-M.‘Moue.. F. D. Everett, J. B. Shields. Street sud Alley-l“. D. Everett. G. L Band. Edward A. Warren, J.- B. Woodmfl'. Fire sud Waterâ€"11!. Woodruif, G. L. Bmd G. W. Turner. Judie! â€"â€"J H. Shields, F. D. Everett. E. A. smn. Audhdn â€"â€".E A. Warren, J. 8. Wood- rnl. .W. Horton. Sewers ..W Turner, T. W. Mor- ton. . . Moses. Police-46.1.. Brand. M. Moses, J. H. Shields. -» ' Printingâ€"T. W Moreon, E. A. Warren, G. W. Turner. Seep!!! W3? . A Warren. D. Even-um. up! _Wu:dâ€"â€"Junes H. Shields. Joseph B. Wasâ€"d“!!! Fourth Wud-iâ€"George L. Brand. Thou. Barton. . _ B _ ’CHUBCHES Pnaqu'rnmA'N +33“. A. A. Finn'- "r’neetiï¬'. . , All are cordi 11y invited; ’ FIRST UNI ED EVANGELICAL~ Rev. J G. Iï¬nkbeiner, Pastor. ~ 9:30 a. m. â€"- Sunday-School, Aug. Noerenberg Superintendent. ~1014511. In. -â€" Sunday morning ser- evening prayer meetiiigs. Every alternate Sunday morning sh- Vice and every Wednesday evening prayer meeting are conducted in German. , . - Strangers are especially welcome. EBENEZER EVANGELICAL -â€" Rev. ‘ G. G. ychmid, Paswr. ‘ ‘103. m. -â€" Sundgy-a‘chool, J. J. Brand Us»! .5. 1:31:65} meeting. 7:30p. m. g----Friduy, English prayer! meeting. ’ Sunday morning senices and Wed- nesday evening pnyer meeting conducted in German. “ . All are welcome. EPISCOPAL-‘Rev. P; C. Wolcott, Rec pecul Assess I ' E. . ‘A, Warren, M. Moses and J; . Woodruff. “tweaâ€" Wéumï¬y morning sevicea 12 mâ€"Snndzyy School, C. F. Schauf- fler, Sn rintendent. . 7 p. m. -â€", hriatian Endeavor. Week-day services: 3 p. m._ -- Wednesday, Ladies‘ Mission- 7:45 . m. â€"Christinnr Endeavor . m. â€"- sunday evening services. . _m. - Wednesdgx and Friday ~ Superintendeht. 11 a. m. -'â€" Sunday morning services 5:15 p. m. -Christian Endeavor. 7 30 .p. m. â€"â€" Sunday evening services. Weekday meeting: 7: 30 p. m. â€"â€"Wedne ,Senior payer Snnd‘ay neyvieea: 7: 1'05. 111. â€" Holy Euchurist (every Sundny) _ 9.“ a. m.-â€"Sundnyoschool, W. 0. Hip well, 8!: rintendent. L3; 11:. ,,:-,,!ti!81,;lai!!!Â¥p, tad oer- reek-day services: vasmmâ€"Bobm ............... Police .wkobt. G Inns, A1,. {gadny ‘ evening prayer if firetétt. (‘reom .Chy M ' ' ....... Poke “Inland†launch. 801: la. n Muddy miles: 7. :0 p... -â€" ven- song Other day- according to notloo. LU'fll KIMR- Rev. Mama. Pastor. u 3. III -â€" Sammy-Nicol. 10.. In -â€" an ad: morning services. 7: :0 p. u. -â€" â€inlay upping services. Service-i sre «:0:an 1.13m ST. NARY‘S CATHOLIOâ€" Esther J. -C Haitian. Pastor. 5:30 I. In. â€" Pint Mm 10.00 I. uâ€"sooond-Mm . 2 p. In. â€"- Sunny-whom. I p. In. â€" Vipers. . BAPTISTâ€"30L Edwin Seldom Pater. 19:“ u, 9._ ., . W morning hex-vices. - -AI 'rV h Iv----.. ' ‘ W Rudolph. Resident; W'illi'sm M. ’King. Collector. . SuperintenlunL. on: p. In. â€" Christian Enduvor. 7:18 p. n. â€" ï¬nndny evenlngaerv can. 7:30 p. In. - Wednesday evening 3- er Inee . ‘ Evleryone we e, etnngere eepecinh v SWEDISH ll. E.-â€"â€"Bev. N. P. Gle- Innker. Paton ' . 3:05 p. III. -- Sunday-School. 1:00 p. m. -â€" Epworth League- 5215 p. In. -â€"Sundny ewening'eervleee. Everydne welcomed. , HIGHLAND PARK CHRISTIAN SCI- ENCE SOCIETY . , Sunday morning service. 1035. Wednesdny evening service. 8:00. , Bergen Block. All are welcome. MEEHODIST EPISCOPA L:‘H’.E(an. , In__A,,, A. O. Fay Lodge 76. A. F. and A. M., meetflrst and second Mondays Wm. J. Obee, W. M.; D. A. Holmes, secretary Camp 1176 Modern Woodmen-01 America meet ï¬rst. and foutth Friday in each month. 4". M. Dooley. V. (1., J C. Duffy. Clerk. , . Highland Pa'rk Council No. 1066, R. A., meet second and fourth Mondays. C. H. Baker, regent; F. ,3. Green, sec- retary. , ' St Mary Court meet ï¬rst and third Wednesdays each month. Mrs E. McDonough CC 3., Mrs. Minnie Dooley, secretary. , ‘ St John Court. meet second and fourth Wednesday each month R. J. O’Brien, C R.; James Bolen. secretary. Carpenters Union. meet. fourth Thursday each month‘ R. J. O‘Brien. President; I. Severson, Secrétarv. This is not a gentle word-but when you think how liable you 'are not to purchase for 75c the'v only reliable rem~ edy universally known and 'a remedy that has had the largest» sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without los- ing its rent popularity all these years; you wil be thankiul we called your nt-‘ tention, to Boschee'n German Syrup. There are no man ‘ordin‘ary cough rem- edies made by ruggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds ‘ perhaps. but for se'vere Coughs. Bron- ‘ chitin. Group. and‘ specinli Connump- } lion, where there 'i diflicu t ex‘pector» ation‘ nnd coughing during the nights and mornings. there is nothing like German Svrup. Sold by nil dragging in the civilized World. . , _cg-2§ superintendent. 7 p. mâ€"Epworth League. p. m.â€"Evening service. 7:30 p._ 111., Wednesday â€" Mid-week I ler. Pastor. 10:30 a. [ILâ€"Morningse‘rvice. 11:45 a. _m.â€"S_unday school, E. 8.03“, meéting _ All are wercome to these services. SECRET SOCIETIES. LOdEequ: Mystic Wptkm x WK. wmm'fl: THE SHERIDAN} ROAD NEWS-LETTER. CAUTION ! humus. Count-(Iona log-rill. tho ‘AIII'II 71-50: C“ o! [orthor- low York. ‘ Now an the won 01 "log driving†in n. m height throughout the Adl- rondock region, it my be an interest- ln‘ fact to know. any: the Plow-burg News. that the annual hex-vest of tim- ber in the greet fore-u of northern New York would ï¬ll I. rlver 170 mile: long from end to end end bank to bank. Thirty. million teet, log mum. her of sll kinds is about half s billion l feet; These forests were for the most part stripped of their best pine 40 3 yesrs ego. when the lumbermen cut‘ nothing else. In those dsys the smsll demend for spruce was supplied by llsine.- Hemlock was left standing be. «use it. would‘nutï¬ost unless peeled. sud ss sll the tsnneries were situated near the border of the wilderness. it was too (st to haul the bark. The Adi- rondsck hemlock is inferior. in size and quslity. to thst found in Pennsyl-~ vania. and owing to theuntsvorahle height rates of that. region. hemlock could not be handled with proï¬t. Hem- lock is now being used in the pulp mills, and this has resulted in a larger cut.- ting and an increased price. Far-er Showgl intl’ovsniewdneu by “'.y Be Sold Elmaâ€"Whe- «Elove- In a Dolen.' Clerk Newton. of the Parker house, is telling agood story at. his ow'q ex- pense, says the Boston BecorQ.,_ When a small boy on the farm hi: folks often sent. him to the neighbors to buy a dozen eggs when their hens failed to lay enough. ways-held each egg befbfeï¬rlï¬hfea- candle and examined it carefully. ,In’ his innocence of Yankee shrewdnesis, Newton 'supposed that this was prompted 'more by honesty and inten- tion to detect whether the eggs were bad or not. One day, however,‘when he~counted his eggs, according to custom, there were only 11 in the basket. With a determination not to be cheated the lad trudged proudly back to the house and quickly made known his discovery. “0h." said the bldafarmer. “that's all right, my boy; [one of rthem has a double yolk.†No Substitute (or Slee"._ A London paper says that the health“ of people in fashionable society is be- ing dangerously threatened by a new drug which is popularly regarded as a substitute for sleep. Very discreetly it declines to natne this dangerous sub: stance. When tea was ï¬rst introduced into Europe it was commended for the same virtues, and it was believed that. it. would no, longer be ‘neceuary to waste sewn or eight hours in sleep. But there is no reason to suppose that chemists will ever be able to devise any substitute for sleep which will not in‘ the long run bring nervous break- doWns. ' ‘ - ADIROUDACK LUIBBRIN G. Avenue den Chlnpl Ely-eel. . Paris’ avenue de: Champs Elysées, which, beyond the Porte Maillot, in called the Avenue de la Grande Atmee, is to be extended beyond the Mnrnnmen: de y: Defense at Courbevole, into the heart of the forest of St. Germain. It will then be 13 mile. long end 130 WWW « â€"â€"- mm kn . rum 'ten' miles or YANKEE-LIKE. ma. «man's Dana. Mr. David Rutter, [the ,well known wholesale coal dealer, died at his honie in this city last week. ‘The family came out here a yea: ago, hoping a residence in this 139:2“nt suburb would_ be beneï¬cial to his health. He [missed the season very pleasantly and with apparent ptoï¬t. Last autumn he went to Aaheville, N. 0., for to the Park a few weeks ago it was apparent: to all that the end was near._ The fatsl disease was slow oonsqmpï¬ion, of slow and imperceptible pr‘ogi‘ess at the ï¬rst, bot relentless in its grip. Mr. Rotte'f'was horn in Phila- delphia in 184“. The family came west soon after end. he secured". his education in the. ‘scboola of Chicago. 1111870116 became a clerk for Hinsdale 00., wholesale grocers on South Wate: street, and the next year connected himself with the Lehigh Valley Ceal Cb. During that year he married Miee Mary Mc- 1Mortr‘ie, of Newton, N. J. "In. 1872, the year'ifter the great ï¬re, he ‘went' into busï¬iesa'for himself, forming "the ï¬rm of David Butter 00., with ofï¬ces at 98 Dearbom street.‘ AS the yeeys passed he in Chicago; It was incoypornfed' g1 little over'a year égQ-and will continue withouhinterruptiqn. He leavjes a widow and. three sonsâ€"Lynn: R;,a£young attorney of ï¬ne «ability and promise, who Has been associated with his father in the business several years; William M., who islwith Tracx Co.,‘bankers, on La Salle street; anti Rhea 3., who is studying law. The fuheral Was Monday after- noon at his late residence on Laurel street, conducted by Rector P. C Wolcott, of Trinity church, and the interment in Graceland ' Coming here as he did, practi- cally an invalid, he could mingle but little with our people, but 80* far as he was known he was universally lilged and highly esteemed as a pleasant and high- minded ‘man. He leaves a repu- tation rfor honor and' probityaa a business man secbnd to none, and in all his relations with his fellow linen he gas exemplary‘ in every respect. _ » .n “Jutn‘ Wknu Ln â€â€˜HFM Who’a Nun-him: are you read- l‘ VO‘ tri‘ his hi; evl Ol' an “I!